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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1947)
1 Page 4 Botany Expert Retires, Plans Virus Studies Dr. Albert F. Woods nrnminpnt research authority on plant life, and former Nebraskan, has re tired as educational advisor of the United States Department of Ag riculture Graduate school and plans to join his son, Dr. Mark W. Woods, in an invest ip.-itinn nt juieraDie virus. Dr. Woods received M Pa 1 W 1 1 chelor of Science degree from iCDrasKa in 1890 and his mas ter's in 1892. In 1912 he was a warded an honorary degree as doctor of agriculture from the university. Three brothers, Frank II. Woods Mark W. Woods and George J. Woods, and a sister, Mrs. Helen Woods Haecker, reside in Lin coln. In addition to his research in viruses, Dr. Woods has done out standing work in determining causes of plant diseases. Other honors include being chosen as a delegate to the International In stitute of Agriculture in Rome in 1905 and president in 1925 of the Land Grant College association. He holds honorary degrees from the University of Maryland and St. John's College, Annapolis. ur. and Mrs. Woods now live at Ilyattsville, Maryland. Queens . . . (Continued from Page 1). Mimi Loomis, Joanne Patton and Ruth Byers. Preliminaries. In the preliminary judging, the sixteen were selected frrun group of 45 candidates put up by their respective houses. The beauty expert committee chose the girls on a point system rating mem on carriage and poise, walk hair, proportion, complex- inn rvrc make-up, colors, expression and m.ncis. J ho gnls were scored from one to nine on each of these di visions and the sixteen with the highest total score were named si mi-fiivilists. Eddie Garner's Orchestra I'laying 9 to MIDNIGHT Friday, Jan. 24 44c per person I'nion Hallroom No Union Dance Sat., Jan. 25 FRIDAY IS COLLEGE NIGHT t X i BOB LI fit A DANCING 9-12 (tuples Only By Ellie Swanson. "And what are you doing this weekend?" I doubtfully asked svveral young men about tho campus in hopes of finding a little p.ews. "Studying, of course, "came the replies. "Broke, you know." Probably the only social event of the wekend which U.i 1 1 H r:i u; any crowd at all. is Carmen Cava llaro who is playing at the Pike rnctay night. Among those at tending will be Pat Felger with Harvey Stroud, Sue Cochran and jue Partington, Janie Buchfink and Marv Bowhay and Jean Guenzel with Don Peglar. Measle Epidemic? One of the morp nmii;Init InM dents of the weekend concerns Bee Smith who came down with measles Friday but didn't knnur it until Saturday. The ATO's who danced with her at the Pi Phi hour dance Fridav thou i!ht it was particularly funny they didn't tfent to take their finals anyway. In case you have wondered why Bill Orr hasn't hung his pin on Dottie Manion as yet, there is a very simple explanation. It seems he hung his Pin on a pirl In Chir. aga about 1944 and has never seen her rince. He is now trying to borrow a pin from hi brother when you smolco PHILIP MORRIS! CLEAN, FRESH, PURE America's FINEST Cigarette! First smoke In the morning or last one at night-M fer, TL yours, when you smoke Philip Morris! And There's an important difference fn Philip Morris man ufacture that makes Philip Morris taste better-mo, bettcr-because it lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's Try Philip MoRRis-you, too, will agree thai Pmup IMORRIS IS America's FINFST pRartttel EH.JL 0 mi u THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Kappa Sigs but hasn't met with much success. It seems the Millie Haycraft, Bub Burhans duo which broke up several weeks ago is now back together. They aren't going steady, but everything is patched im An other interesting coudIp is the P.i.h Easter and Marcc Anthonv com bination. They had a blind date Friday and are now well dated up. This may be the solution to Bob's problem. Permanent Now. Jean Mctzger and Chick passed the candy Moiulav nit-ht making their pinning look fairly permanent. Bob Berkshire, who hasn't done much datinu this year, surprised brother ATO's by kissing Jean on the cheek. Bill Denker went h ome si iri - denly to get his car for this ena. it seems he thinks he might De a utile ahead in the compe tition for Tootsie Campen if he has a car for these cold days. One very complicated campus "mess" is well described by this situation. Jerry Whelan who is tentaivtely vuina steady with Ginny Kellison has been seeing quite a bit of Jolie Venhorne, also going steady. To make it more confuted, he has also been .t 5 .""WjfliKiriiWq t fiul i' r 1 1 AIWAY5 BETTER, ..BETTER ALL WAYS dating Jo Ackerman and is now in'iuumg anoui xeggy Louies... nice work if you can handle it, Jerry. I'arly Bird. And then there is Sid Wells who got up at 4:30 Tuesday morning to study for an exam. Everything would have been all right if he hadn't spent two hours mitfin - i - - - - -o on nis bow tie. Anvthine tn h a college Joe. laiMettnm CORN COB. TUrr will nirfHtnt worker In I'arlor 1 of it i niii i a P. m, today. M m:i. u Mi Horirty will hold ll iranl lily - in inr i num itn umr- y. Krb. ft. wild Mr. J. K. M. ThwnpwMi. iirllniM-4lr ur(iiMi Crura IJnruln. tut lUr.l .nr. L All . Mlrnd. The Upplnf fur mrmbrnlilp ml 1 . 1 " ll PI "nr TT- -U Ihl e 3sS5Etf.TS. BtdBifex-ti III (J BOOKS and SUPPLIES E LA III1 JfTHFf 1779 R s7 "if i I " : . !'- It IV d hi ' ' ! 1 .3 l v'f' " c 1 fl ;t-Sn i r WO i'M fl P I: Wednesday, lanuarv 01 li.o- . Tlll'ln Vn 7 V ThHn Nil. honorary nr. ... j 'niirrni,. I h- wImi fin h, ll fwri Hi..,,.., . V... .STI Ut ST ! N II ' rlllni f,,r tiu. .. '"- 'M llrnl h. ji ranrwi will H,, u P. III. Thr u.llL.u.. ' Mr mnn in i. u . - urn A.. . nt Ih, Md, J-t lLl? , , .... , H Rl UMj Friday. Jan. 24 wt4 4 Haturitay. Salurdiiv ju... '"""h,. "T may Im la hr- f' . H nl M Mim l lprr". .mrV 1 1V",, wtM -iMiiaHfy "UASiZ, "'l W Mary 1.,, llrrl, ',rtn' KOHMrr KM B. All a-Urr rnombrr, ar k 'f purpo ,lr,n ? "