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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1946)
rmni inni lanrynfin rTrrai-infiiTrr-itiirnnnirrni-iitwiirMaunwitiiiiiWBiii 1 Wednesday, December II, fH QJ S IK By George Big Six basketball teams are joyment from the half time exhi enjoying a very successful cam- bitions presented by Coach Char paign against non-conference foes lie Miller's gymnastic team mem- before entering me piay-ior-Keeps competition when the loop season gets started on January d. After seven games against out side foes, the six conference mem bers can boast of a record or 1 wins and onp defeat. The 54-4 1 wius aiiu uiic uvittn.. " - I loss which Kansas State sustained at Iowa City against Pops Har- rison's powerful Hawkeye squaa is the only blot on the loop es rntrhpon. i- Oklahoma leads the parade ibEri Tpvns with four wins. The bowled over the ivarhprs- Texas Tech. Texas Christian and Southern Method ist without being: pushed. Coach Harry Good's Nebraska team and Missouri are next in line with three consecutive wins, while Kansas has one triumph and Kan sas State owns three victories to get along with the loss. Iowa State has beaten two Iowa toes in its only starts to date. The record in table form would look like this: w I Oklahoma . . . Nebraska ........ 3 0 MlMourl S Iowa State .. Z 0 Kansas 1 ii anauu ill-tat .... 3 I p 24U IH1 U 103 48 iip IftS 1.6 118 64 42 14 pel. 1 0H) IIMKI 1000 I (100 1000 .7!H) the 182 Aotinn this weekend in Kansas City tournament will give Big Six followers a good indica tion of what to expect when the conference games begin to occur early in January. Every loop quintet is slated to play in (the Kaycee meat which also includes Southern Methodist and Arkansas in the field' of entries. i Nebraska-will meet the Razor backs in the- first same on Thurs day afternoon, to be followed by Oklahoma versus Kansas State. The Arkansas club finished second in the Southwestern conference last year and has a real skyscrap er" oirthe"squad; George Kok, the lofty center, towers 6 feet 11 in. and is the top scorer on the Ar kansas team. Fans at the Husker basketball games have been getting real en- New Record Set by NU Grid Crowds The University of Nebraska football team played before 309, 559 spectators during the 1946 season. It sets a new high for Corn husker attendance during the reg ular season. The only year which topped 1946 was 1940-41 when the Nebraska team played Stan ford in the Rose Bowl. The total for the ten games played that season was 318,220. Total attendance at the nine game 1946 schedule follows: At Home. Kansas State 30,212 Indiana 33,748 Missouri 32,363 Iowa State 25,749 Totals 122,072 Minnesota '. (Est.) 51,093 Iowa (Est.) 30,500 Kansas 27,494 Oklahoma 25,842 UCLA 52,558 Totals 187.487 Grand Total 309,559 Classified FOR SALE Sire 38 single breamed 3-nle-e tux. EnBllnh custom tailored. Call 6-3704. FOR" SA LE Monogram typewriter. Good condition. Call S-0483 afirr 3 p. m. TUnKNTnd wife desire ride to Little Rock, Ark. Xma holiday!. Will drive and share expense. Phone 2-2402 alter 6 p. m. DRIVING to Pennsylvania Leaving Lln coln the 21st, returning Jan. 5. One pas senger wanted. Call 2-2486. PL.E A 8E return-the-overcoat to room 16 School of Music. I can't afford a new one. FOR SALE Tux. 38 lontf, waist 33. Rood condition, US. Phone 2-2896, O. M. Put nam. WljMES-ALTERATIONS, QUICK SERV ICE. 6-4502. fTEWTypewflter for Sale Hmlth Corona, portable. Call 2-4433. Jim Kelly. LOST Elgin deluxe'wrlst watcb. Reward. Call Jim. Kelly, 2-4133. 1946 EE CD Miller ueis. The activities by these athletes have let the fans know that the gymnastic sport is a tough task master when it comes to preparing for intprrolleeiate comDetition. and have drummed up some inter- ' est in the sport so that when the season opens on Feb. 1 the Husk- er ieam win proDaoiy noi De per- forming in privacy. NU Gym Team Gets Ready For Ton eh Foes Ovmnastic Coach Charlie Miller has announced. a rough schedule for his squad. The teams have been picked but as yet but only one set date has been definitely decided upon. Those squads the Husker. team will meet are Illi nois, Minnesota, Colorado U. (twice). Colorado State college. and Colorado A. & M. In addition, Miller plans to en ter his team in the Northwestern championships at Minneapolis and in then Rocky Mountain cham pionships at Denver, if the latter is to be held. The first meet will be held here with Colorado uni versity on Feb L Miller has also made tentative arrancements with Wyoming U. and the University of Chicago for possible meets this year, in the past few weeks Miller has been aiding in the formation of a West ern association of gymnastic teams in this area. Various schools in Nebraska. Colorado, and sur rounding territory are expected to enter. ................ At the present time, the squad is hampered Dy tne- aDsence oi Nickie Kallos, who is laid up with a broken toe. Shoivdown Due In Table Tennis The individual table tennis tour nament has reached the cham pionship bracket. The following min have bren matched to play this week and the deadline is 5 p .m. Wednesday: Doering, Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Coneer: Rice. Zeta Beta Tau vs. Portwood, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Arter vs. Dickey, iigma ir-ni ep silon' J Maeee vs. B. Willev: Dick Smith, Beta Theta Pi, and John uady, I'm Delta Tneta, reacnea the second round of the champion ship playoff with the aid of byes. (J3e fredi at five" AFTER A DAY OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! Th shoo wtta fhe maok bos a cushion oi air -calls in-rubba tboi tor your lt horn porsnvsol Jaltf SxtlnisWr ta THE DAILY NEBRASKAN IM Wrestlers Earn Places In Semifinals Seventeen men remain in the running for the 11 university wrestling championships. Fifteen matches were held in the semi final round Monday, December 9, and one more bout must be held between Andy Marinkovich and George Albin to decide who win face Ray Staroska in trie ioo pound finals. .lark Barrett, former all city champ for three years, was forced to withdraw from the tournament due to injuries suffered in an au tomobile accident. The finals will be held December 17, during; the half time of the varsity basket ball game. Keith Manning pinned Francis Mandula in a rough brawl and earned the dubious privilege of facing Mike DiBiase in the heavy weight finals. Ken Brown con tinued his drive for the 121 pound title by upsetting Howard Crom 4-3. Overtime Bout. Bob Poe ran into a package of dynamite when he tangled with Ralnh Waerner. but managed to salvage a 1-0 decision in an over time. Sam Kais turned on tne KtMm and trimmed Hal Haldeman to the tune of 6-0 and looks like a good bet in the 145-pound di vision. ' The 165-pound class continued to steal the show as Marshall Boker and Chick Thome pinned their oDDonents with identical holds to advance into the finals. Boker threw Fred Turner in 1:59 and Thome outlasted crafty Charles Roberts to win in 5:50. Both men have won all their matches by falls and when they clash in the finals anything could happen. The semi final results: 191 PahmA C'laa Ken Brown decisioned Howard Crom 4-3 Dick Lee threw Jim jonnson - 128 Pound Clam. Pat Mack threw Jack Coddlnpham 2:47 Mickey Sparano threw Ted Kamaey o:w 136 Pound 'las. Marlin Watt threw Luther Haskins 3:20 IU fnHM(l fllflLN. Sam Kaals decisioned Hal Haldeman 6-0 Dick Hill threw Jack Brown . IKS Pound flans. Ray Staroska decisioned Bruce Shurt- lefr L George Albin threw Fred Hawkins. .3 :20 iss rouna i iim. Tlnlar tli-nw TTrert Turner . .1 :S9 Chick Thorne threw Charles Robert! 6:60 176 ronna cimi. Jack Selzer threw Don Moore 3:10 Bob Poe decisioned Kaipn wagner f.p..Km.t . 1-0 Bob Sholund threw Jack Selzer .... 6:02 Heavyweignt. Keith Manning threw Francis Mandula 2:43 XMAS CARDS Pmnonalid or Plain All-Aliko or A$orfd Goldearod Stationery Stor Z1S North 14 tol" "THE SARGE" 'Z95 lofaoaa-kia aUtUm Utroia, first floor 3 m I 2:-. m '. aw Courtesy .Lincoln Journal WARNING TO NU FOES Shots like these by Don McArthur may play a valuable part in the Nebraska basketball successes from now on. The 6-5 player gave indication of becoming a real scoring threat with his performance against Drake Monday night. This shot against the Bulldogs failed to connect, but the Scarlet eager was able to grab 14 points during the action. The Bulldog's big center, John Pritchard, hurried McArthur on this effort. J hm, coNo.n0J I SmoH Size -orge Size The EBERDARD FIBER BALL POINT PEW Far all of your Jewelry needs including aKeeWaIce DIAMOND INCAOEMf NT RfHO Known throvghovt America p-Hv a wlar coce Shop Note 0 Auihoriued Keepsak Dealer LOUELL'S 1 ,. MatiaaaHNajKSIlB a u Come rn and try it!!! You'll bay HI Shop Here 1 3tli & 0 T