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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1946)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Wednesday, December II, 1946 dlcicfjcf&jcL rj . By Eilie Swanson. While the female population of the campus is saving their money for the big night, the men are sitting back preparing lor the worst. And if you haven't got a date yet, don't worry boys; this is only Wednesday, Also there is much prepara . tion for about ten different parties to be given as the last fling be fore vacation. The Thetas plan to celebrate in a big way despite heavy competition from . other houses. Bobbie Stryker will im port Gordie Johnson from Omaha for the occasion, and Coll Quigley will divide her time between her own party and the Sig Alph house party. Her date is Dick Nash. A few others attending the Sig Alph party will be Harry Gallo way with Shirley Lierk, Herb Gish and Marge Cherney and Betty Lysinger and Lew Rein hardt who will divide their time between the Sig Alph and the Pi Thi house, (confusing . . . I know, Off the subect of the numerous parties of the weekend temporar ily, we must not forget to mention a few new steadies and pinnings of late. The Betas were surprised to find out, by accident, that Bob Schulte had pinned Charne Welles last Sunday. Also of interest is the new steady combination of Babs Call and Joe Shultz. Meanwhile, Kog Stewart seems to be very con tentedly occupying Marge Ben son's time. Unusual Candy Passing. One rather unusual candy pas' sing occured Monday night at the Theta house. Nicky Sandberg passed the candy and Theta sis tcrs, inquired to whom she was pinned. "I'm married," she an swered . . ." as of August 3." The Kappas entertained the Sigma Nus for the candy passing of Keith "Mutt" DeLashmutt and Dorothy Jane Duncan, and Ruth Goldberg and Danny Katzman passed candy at the S.D.T. house. Going to the Mortar Board Ball Fri.iay night will be B. L. Mauch and Mark Hargraves, but that isn't all there is to it. Mark in formed B. L. that she would have to remind him at least once a day of ti:e date so she has been busy everyday sending telegrams, sing ing messages and other oddities so he won't forget. Also attending the M. B. Ball, but under normal circumstances will be Barb Cy preanron and Bob Brown, Candy Jones and Jack Donaldson and Joan Fankhauser and Chick Story. Dinner Parties. Along with the various, house parties occurring Saturday, we find almost as many dinners on Sunday, Peggy Cowles will be with Walt 'Loomis at the Beta dinner and Anne Jennings with Di.k Levine. The Kappa Sigs will give their Sweetheart party the same evening and Donna Alfrey will he with Randy Ewing. Bill Tyson will escort Dorothy Becken hauser. Only one date is now available for the ATO Buffet Dinner and that is Cub Clem with Maralic Peterson. ' .Since space is running short. some of the rest of the parties will have to be included later Things are confused enough now. Carnicr . (Continued from Page 1.) pie i'int have telephones, movies, and radios for entertainment, and resorted to story-telling after the day's work as a pleasant pastime. The more incredible the stories were, the better!" Carmer spiked his talk with many interesting and humorous tales, a few were even fabulous ones. He concluded by saying, "These stories are not altogether of the past. We still tell them, and they still entertain listeners all over the country. There is a tre mendous interest in folklore at this time. Returning G.I.'s de voted to the American way seek for stories related to their home land. The American artist can find no better source for inspiration than in the folklore that lives in this country." Perching Rifles Pershing Rifles will meet Wednesday at 5 p .m. in Room 210 N. H. All actives must be present. Any member of Basic R. O. T. C. interested in pledg ing should make application at this meeting. University Enters In tercollegiate Bridge Tourney The University of Nebraska is one of the many colleges all over the United States which has ac cepted the invitation of the Inter college Bridge Tournament Com mittee to enter the competition. According to Foster M. Coffin, director of Willard Straight Hall, Cornell University, and chairman of the committee, entries all over the country have been pouring in So far, 49 entries from as many different colleges have been re ceived. The Tournament Committee have as their, aim, developing bridge as an intercollegiate sport lor both men and women. Varsity Team Each college entered will select "varsitv team" of eiht. Two nairs of nlavers will nlav a rminri of bridge by mail on February 12, is, or 14. The results of these mail plays will be tabulated and the two hiehest nairs from each of the eight zones in the country will be inviiea to nicago lor the finals on April 18 and 19. The exnense of the triDS will be Daid for hv thp Committee. The tourney is open to under graduates only, and any college may send one team to the finals I m Chicago. i Student Racial Group Joins Lincoln's SAC ' Lincoln's Social Action Council has voted to accept the university student committee on racial affairs into its membership. The SAC, composed of a group of Lincoln citizens, was formed during the past summer to pro mote economic and social equality for all races and nationalities. The student group is an outgrowth of the seminar on relieving racial tensions hold during "Religion in Life Work." The chairman is Tat Neely and secretary is Calvin Ravinskroff. Co-ordination By merging with the SAC, the student group hopes to profit from the experiences of the local coun cil and to co-ordinate their ac tivities in the hopes of obtaining greater rejults. The student group will, how ever, maintain its individual identity and will continue to do work on its own. The student committee meets in the Baptist Student Center at 5 p. m. each Monday, while the SAC holds meetings the first Monday of each month at 8 p. m. in the Methodist Student House. Kosmct Klub Kosmet Klub will meet Thursday, 7:00 p. m., at the Thi Gamma Delta house, ac cording to Secretary Jack Buf fi ngt on. Cornlmskcp Pictures Anyone who has not had his picture taken for the .1947 Cornhusker and who is not scheduled with an organized house should schedule himself immediately by coming to the Cornhusker office. This is ob solutely the last chance to make an appointment since no pictures will be taken after Christmas. Convocation Dr. Janet Fowler Nelson - Psychologist & Sociologist 'WHY EDUCATION FOR MARRIAGE and PARENTHOOD" 7:30 Thursday, December 12 Union Ballroom Contract Bridge Tournament Teams Register at Union Office By Sat. Noon., Dec 14 All Teams Will Play Four Rounds 2:00 P. M., SATURDAY, DEC. 14 Union Rooms 315 & 31G Advance Bridge Classes at 4:00 P. M., Thursdays HANDBAGS ' 'ppt habit of combining looks with long life ... at modest price. Choose from this gift selection ... at lerV Seal-grained cowhide . . . fw urnart underarm tip Img trith ronrrtv tide pekett. Black only. 5.95. Mil- " imm' ' 'm Cocktail handbag.., "S f . tipper rinsing. Sxt 4 ' V . -CTL V "3' H mm die ityle in teal. V V V V vC ' grained cowhide . . . with VVSJ n Prfcel and irnnide v -V. . Itlack tJjr. 5.95 I X'nderarm ttyle with ' 1 Ji tide pocket m md fJ tipper elating, ywr CORDE handbags sketched are available in Black, Brown and Navy. ALL PLVS 20 TAX LEATHER GOODS FIRST FLOOR en o Q IL