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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1946)
Wednesday, November SlaqqsuL By Elite Swanson. A s far as I can figure out the only thing most people are going to do over vacation is eat. sleep and study .... at least that's what they say now. There are however, a few celebrations that should prove to be interesting. Starting the festivities off with a bang are a group of Omaha ex-high school buddies. The party will take place at Bud Hoffman's home Wednesday evening. Sandy Crawford will be with Amy Jo Bergh, John Kruse with Nancy Watkins, Normie Williams with Joanie Vingers and Si Markeson with Bobbie Busch. The same group will get together Saturday night at Bill Condon s for a duck dinner. Bill Condon will court Tish Gardiner, Al Thompson and Sal Stuht, and Joanie Vingers will change to Bill Bock. Before we get carried away with Thankgiving plans, there are a few new bits of news as yet un told. Paula Jones is, as of Saturday night, pinned to Bud Wehman Another pinning is that'Of Shirley Campbell and Harlow Standage. Passing the candy Monday night were Mary Belle O Halloran and Rex Boyd who have been pinned for some time and have now an nounced their engagement. Gamma Phis to Celebrate. The Gamma Phis will have a big celebration also in Omaha Satur day night. The place is Peony Park and a few of the couples are Pat Toof and Jack Clow, and Mary Kuppinger with Bill Folger. There are a few more steadies to be added to the now long list. Jody Wolcott and Fred Schroeder have made some strange steady agreement which only they under stand. Meredith Bowhay and Al Casey, it is rumored, have also called . it steady. Also, in spite of talk to the contrary, Dick Kuhl and Jo Srb are not pinne3, but they are going steady. He will, by the way, visit her in Omaha over the holidays. . Fahrlander Contests Decision. . One amusing story of late is that John Fahrlander is contest ing the decision of the judges for last place in the turkey race. John, it seems, crossed the finish line at 8:20 on the evening of the race and was disappointed that every one had gone home. One of the more interesting trips of the vacation will be taken by Ralph Sears and Bill Frantz who will be off Wednesday to ski in Estes Park. Also looking forward to a good time is Norm Leger who is leaving for Chicago to visit famous brother Russ, who .now has his own radio program. Of interest to the local boys may be the fact that Dono Lee Brugh .receives numerous calls every evening from York and she is now completely dated up for the holidays. Baarb Radcliff will spend her time in Columbus with Steve James who is flying down today. Is It True. Just to prove that some people expect to find something to do in Council Bluffs, Bee Smith will have as her guests, Barb Cypre mon, Bob Reidy and Howie Esser. That just about covers most of the holiday plans. As for the rest of you, I hope you all have a happy vacation eating, sleeping and studying. Kilroy Nichts But Sosh Tests Yah! Ich Bewildered By Glenn Rackley Where is Kilroy when he isn't here?" I felt certrin I would learn the anwer to that one this morning as my "forward progress" (apolo gies to Lyle Brcmser), was sud denly checked at the R street en trance to Sosh. Jackson's Stone Wall? Like a solid wall they stood there, that eager group of students who unrelentingly pressed toward the west corner of the hall, and who held back the incoming stu dents as effectively as the Notre Dame line held Army. "Is Kilroy here?" ,1 asked the big guy who was trying to climb up on my shoulders. "Naw," he replied apprehen sively, "the poll scl test papers are back." 27, 1946 Palestine Problem Debated By Four Panel At an All University Forum held last night in the Union, the controversial issue of Jewish im migration into Palestine and the formation of a Jewish national state was discussed by Maurine Evnen, teachers college senior, Abou Sabe, an Egyptian Arab and graduate student in the college of agricultural engineering, F. H. Henzlik, Dean of teachers college, Paul Bogan, instructor of radio in the speech department. Ted Sorenson acted as moderator. Miss Evnen brought up the problem of the displaced persons scattered throughout Europe, and pointed out that these people who are physically, mentally, and spiritually ill can not be sent back to their original homes because of their desire to live in a land of their own customs and culture. Arabian Viewpoint. Abou Sabe expressed the point of view of the Arabian people who do not wish to be forced against their will to relinquish the land to immigrants. He stated that Pal estine was the homeland for Christian and Moslem religions as well as for the Jewish religion. He contended that Palestine should share its part of the burden of providing the displaced Jews with homes, but other nations too must open their doors to the immi grants. "Let's help together, in stead of giving all to Palestine," he said. Dean Henzlik declared that the THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Speakers Jews not only have a moral right to make Palestine their homeland, but also a legal right in view of the commitments made by the League of Nations in 1917, and those made by the U. S. Congress in 1922 and 1924. "If we don't live up to our promises, if they come to mean nothing, then we are endangering our own free dom," he stated. Speaking against the formation of a Jewish state, Mr. Bogan said, "If peace is to be attained, all national barriers must be over come. The solution is not in the building of a group based on na tionalistic lines." He stressed the importance of providing homes for all displaced persons, regardless of nationality or religion. Chamber Will Honor Twenty New Citizens A dinner honoring 20 Lincoln men and women who have at tained citizenship during the past year will be held Dec. 4, 1946. An annual affair, the dinner is sponsored by the Citizenship com mittee of the Chamber of Com- Jl ?7 d .UU my V y .iAb . While you're 3fe6fe?-ing at Wonte . . these little Christmas elves will be ' heaping Miller's full of sparkling gifts! Nebraska's great gift store Miss Lela Mae Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jacobson of Oshkosh have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lela Mae, to Eugene V. Atkins on, son of William H. Atkinson of Quakertown, Pa. Miss Jacobson, who was graduated from the university last May, was a member of Delta Omicron and Pi Lambda Theta. Mr. Atkinson is now atending De Forests Technical school in Chicago after serving three years in the army air force. Courtesy Lincoln Journal. merce and will be in the Chamber dining room. Leading speaker will be Rev. Harold Gosnell, rector of the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and former Navy chaplain. Citizenship chairman, Morris Adams will be the presiding speaker. Vocal stu f foAftlC Page 5 dents from the university school of music will present Christmas music, and Boy Scouts from the Urban league will lead the Oath of Allegiance and present the colors. Invocation and benediction will be delivered by Rabbi Harry Jolt. 5 V. v '. i t V X K' I I- J I:. i ;. t-1 i