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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1946)
Wednesday, November 27. 1946 Page 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Nubbins End rr? Grid Slate Undefeated By Walt Loomis. With their 27-0 win over Mid 4C -J mem. '' . land College last Saturday the iTniversitv of Nebraska B team wound up its 1946 schedule with rvord of four wins and one tie. The onlv blemish on the slate was the 14-14 stalemate with Kansas State in the return game at Manhattan. The Hnskers opened the season In impressive fashlan by thoroly trouncing the Iowa State B team by S3 -ft. In this tame several men pave notice that they were going to be heard from a gooa i it-inr th rrid campaign, and most f them matched their first game accompolishments in " Inwlnr rames. . Harvey Stroud, Wally Hopp, Bob Schreiner, Mickey Allen, and Bob Schneider scored the touch downs in the Cyclone rout and then went on to become the main stays of the Nubbins team in later contests. Stroud, the North Platte thin man, and Hopp, younger brother of the Boston Braves Johnny Hopp and Harry "Hip TMtv Hood, both advanced to the varsity squad and are now on the west coast preparing to meet un beaten and untied UCLA Satur day. At Alliance. Nebraska, the Nub bins outscored Colorado Univer sity's jayvees 18-0 before a crowd of 3,000 western Nebraskans. Fol lowing this victory came a 25-14 conauest of Kansas State, the 14 14 tie with the Wildcats, and the 27-0 walloDine administered to Midland in the finale. '47 Standouts. Besides the above mentioned men, some of the standouts who add strength to Bernie Master son's varsity next year are Gail Gade, husky 200 pound center from Omaha Tech, Oscar Mus sman, giant Deshler tackle, Dale Adams, freshman halfback from Randolph and Bob Harrington, burly guard who specialized in extra points. Scarlet Matmen Watch Experts In Exhibition Two wrestling notables, Penstone and Bill Doyle, Giles were visitors in the Nebraska wrestling camp last week and give an ex hibition on various specialties and wrestling techniques. Penstone is a former Univer sity of Chicago star and Doyle is a past National Intercollegiate champion from Kansas State. Pftth are in business and will visit the squad from time to time. Nebraska's brother combination, Ed and Newt Copple, are working out with the squad. Both are lettermen. However, Newt will not compete this year but Ed win be available the second se mester. Two former squad mem bers, Bill Marks and Ray Starost ka, have also checked out togs. Big Entry List. Entries for the all-university tournament have exceeded 70. Some of the later entries include Bob McGill, Bruce Shurtleff, Charlie Roberts, Duane Anderson, Bob Bekcr, Don Andrews, and Bob Ned row. 4'r, M4f-!;.1 A fc - 1 j- y 1 ri f . " J hurjMMflMniwiasTM'Ti- --- fifrts-T'iiii 1 1 siasaasMii ii aianin r irtr n - nn '-r ir-ai- " -J'"--'"- " rrrrrvrT-Tjniwrrrrrrjri r-"" WINNERS IN UNIVERSITY 'TURKEY RACE Don Theill, who in 1943 won the mile race at the state high school track meet, Monday outdistanced a host of competitors to win the annual "turkey race" at the University. He is shown in the center with his prize. Second was Al Lawson (crouch ing at left of table) while Charles Roberts (next to Lawson) was third. Lawson won the goose while Roberts received a duck. The three at the left of the back row placed fourth, fifth and sixth in the race thus winning chickens. They are Warren Koenig, K. Berkshire and William Teter. "Turkey Queens" are Hazelle House at (left of table and Dorothy Borgens. Courtesy Lincoln Journal HUSKER VARSITY THEIR GOAL The above 64 University of Nebraska freshman gridders concentrate their thoughts on future varsity elevents as they end a season of tutelage under the wing of Coach Pop Klein and his staff. FIRST ROW: Assistant Coach Harold Hungerford, Coach L. F. "Pop" Klein, Assistant Coach Henry Relchel, Student Manager Ed Racely, Walthlll. SECOND ROW: Ralph Moerer, Johnson, Harold D. Lants. Tecumseh: Dean DaMoude, Aurora; Thor Strlmple, Omaha; Andy Marlnkovlch. Omaha; Ed Lupomech, Omaha; Bruce Vlllars. Tecumseh; Tom Brown. Lincoln. THIRD ROW: Kirk Gillespie, Arlington Heights, III.; Ray mond' Magsamen, Albion; Bill Kane. Aberdeen, S. D. ; Bob Long. Norfolk; Roster of First One Hundred Turkey Racers Of the 511 men entered in the cross-country turkey race, 282 men finished. Below is a list of the first 100 men who finished. Picture below. 1. Don Thell DU. Time 6:02.1. 2. Al Lawson DU 3. Chuck Roberts DU 4. Warren Koenlg IND. 5. K. Berkshire ATO 6. Wm. Teter Brown Palace 7. Tom Brownlee PDT. 8. Bob Hinde SN . F. Fagot ATO 10. Sandy Crawford PKS 11. Bill Bridges PGD 12. Jim Nash SAE 13. Jack Cady PDT . 14. R. J. Easter BTP 15. Ted Gunderson BAE 18. Bob Allen PDT 17. Joe Schults KS IS. Mickey Keltey IND. 19. Kent Krats DU 20. Gerald Mulraney TND. 21. W Kargla ATO 22. Herb Gish SAB 23. Dick Russell PDT 24. Chuck Hemmmgston DTJ 25. Don Perry IND. 26. LeMoyne Brownlee Farm House 27. Owen Bramerd Farm Hoase 2. Don Flory PGD 29. R. Boydston TX 30. Don Vollertson IND. 31. P. Myers BPE 32. W. Irwin SPE 33. N. Walker Pioneer 34. Bud Orletrh DU 35. Wayne E rick son SAE 3. John Nebllseck PDT 37. D. Chambers SPE J, W. Jensen Pioneer S. Ralph Wagoner DU 40. Ray Btoesz PGD 41. Jack Pleckett PDT 42. B. Munson ATO 43. Duane Wesemtui TND. ft 44. Bob Hildebrsnd DO 45. Bob Baum PKS 46. Benard Dennis BPE 47. Kenny Brown PGD 4. Nels Waters Pioneer 4. Butch Miller SAE 50. Don Card FH 51. Fred Bchroeder PDT 52. Al Thompson BTP 53. Elmer Maser IND. 55. Lloyd MrBeth PGD 5. Howard Nordeen BAE 57. Herb Frandsen BAE 58. Dick Hnrdt BSP 5. Dirk Moodle DU 00. Dusty John SX SI. Jim Rentier PKP B2. Henry Waslk SPE 63. Jerry Rosen 7BT 64. C. Dickey BPE Dee Vlllers, Tecumseh; John B. Kline, Lincoln; Ken Brooker. Gracewood. Ga. ; Edward Gustason, Omaha; Bob Johnson, Fremont. FOURTH ROW: John B. RlRK, Grand Junction, Colo.; Al Potter, Fort Dodge. Ia. ; Roy K. Churchill. Lincoln; Urb Schrage, Elgin: Bob BeovfTle, Has tings; Dick Perry, New Canaan, Conn.; Kenneth H. Anderson, Omaha; Eugene E. Shields. Kenneth, Mo.; Ben Munaon, Lincoln. FIFTH ROW: Alan F. Bosse meyer. Superior; Herbert Brunlng, Binn ing; Neil O. Fonts, Seward; Duane f uik, Reserved Seats At Basketball Tilts for Faculty Faculty members holding sea son tickets for University of Ne braska basketball games will have a section reserved for their use in the west balcony of the col iseum. This section will be reserved at all home games. 65. Phil Lynea FH 66. J. Thorman 6AM 67. J. B rower SPE 6S. J. McCracken SX 69. George Lee IND. 70. Willis Kroger 8X 71. L. Glover Pioneer 72. Bill Mapes KS 73. Dale Detleffs 8N 74. Don Anderson FH 75. Tom Morrow SX 76. Ray Sodergren IND. 77. R. Swett ATO 7S. Kred Hawkins SAE 79. Ralph Clare BP 80. Don Andrews PGD 81. Dan Jones PGD 82. Cleo Futseher BP 83. Dick Robinson PGD 85. J. Anderson SPE HS. Chick Gam ATO 87. Bill Nash SAE 8H. Homer Hauptmaa PKS 89. Tom Lolsel SPE 90. Ted Lehman ZBT 91. B. Olsen SPE 92. Willie Pollet SAE 93. Jerry Anderson BTP 94. Meno Wilhelms DU 95. Don Flndstrom DU 96. Don Card FH 97. R. Larson ATO 98. Charlie Clem PKS m pul Hyland BTP 100 Harry Hlatt PGD 1M Basketball Deadline Soon Play will begin in the intra mural basketball leagues on Thursday, Dec. 5. For the frat ernity teams, the deadline for en tries is 5 o'clock, Monday, Dec. 2, while the independent team dead line is Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 5 p. m. The last chance to reserve prac tice will be Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 2-3. Norfolk; John Weddel, Arcadia; Hubert Unger, Clay Center; Krwtn Devlsh. Mason City; John Fo. Lincoln; Lyle Stubbs, Lincoln; Joe Hwjgnon, Cam bridge. SIXTH ROW: Charles Dohest, Ansley; Elbura Rice, Palisade; Jerry Whelan, Hastings; Billy Hobbs. Platts mouth; Fred Hawklnga, Omaha; Russell Hale, Hardy; Ralph E. Beckwlth, Albion; Henry 8trtnple, Omaha; Gilbert Bauer melster, Norfolk; Charles Ewell. Denver, Colo.; Ross Newcomb, Cambridge. SEV ENTH SOW: tLaMonte D. Huggler, Co- D O EH George For the last time this season, exceDt for the innumerable bowl games, we will take to the type writer in an effort to predict a iew winners in football games slated for Thanksgiving and Saturday, November 30. Nebraska vs. University of Cal ifornia at Los Angeles With the squad at full strength, the Huskers would be decided underdogs, but in the team's present condition the chances for a win seem to be almost ruL There's always the chance of an upset, however, and the Uclans have been held to two touchdowns three times this season. If the Ne braska speedsters, Dick Hutton Cletus Fischer and Bill Moomey could break loose Bernie's boys might have a chance of toppling the west coast giants. Missouri vs. Kansas A crucial Big Six tussle, this game will de termine which teams will share first place with Oklahoma. Ray Evans is running in top form and he should be the difference be tween the two old rivals. Kansas State vs. Arizona The Wildcats dropped to New Mexi co by a one touchdown margin last week, and the Arizona eleven is considered even stronger. Coach Hobbs Adams' crew will have to end its season content with one victory. Arkansas vs. Tulsa Another top notch Turkey Day clash, bring ing together two of the south- west's best. Sparked by Clyde Scott and directed by wily John Barnhill, the Razorbacks get this vote by the narrowest of margins over Clyde Leforce and his Golden Hurricane mates. . Georgia vs. Georgia Tech The big game for the Bulldogs. After a slow start the Engineers are coming fast and will give the nation's No. 3 club a rough time before succumbing by a touch down. Oklahoma vs. Oklahoma A. & M. Jim Tatum's Sooners should not have too much trouble with the Aggies, although the intense feel ing between the two schools will keep the Cowpokes on edge. Army vs. Navy The end of a perfect season for the Cadets. After three years of dominating the football secen this looks like the last unquestioned win for the West Pointers. Davis and Blan chard will be wanting to finish up in style. Army by three touch downs. Texas vs. Texas A. & M. Dana Bible puts in his last Saturday as coach of the Longhorns and his Orange and White warriors will be determined to make his last appearance a winning effort. Southern California at Notre Dame Two tough games in a row I courtesy Lincoln Journal tumbus; Dean Everltt, Osceola: Bin Bchwink, NeliKh; Kennetn Aeaerman, Button: Robert Sim, Nebraska City; Nnvird roerr. Lincoln: Ray Kuble, Herman: Albert Bpitser, Verdon; Max TumbMn, Grand Island. EIGHTH ROW: David H. Alfrey, Louisville; Robert Farmer, Omaha; Data Preston, Pleas anton; Richard Fauver, Wymore; Dwayna C. Carman. Pleasanton; Albert T Osborne. Omaha; Richard Powers, Sargent; Victor C. Tomka; Pllger. Uni Tersity of Nebraska Photo.) D DTTLEXr Br Miller for the Trojans. After the Uclan battle last week, it is too much to hope for the U.S.C. team to come through against the high and mighty Irish. Cyclone Cage Quintet Opens Against Grinne AMES, Iowa. Louis Menze, Iowa State college basketball coach, isn't certain which five men he'll start against Grinnell Dec. 2 but that they will have plenty of experience is certain. With more than six weeks of drills behind him, the veteran Menve is still not able 4 select a starting five for the opener. He starts out by naming Jim Myers, 1945 all-Big Six forward from Sioux City and one of the great est scorers in Cyclone history. And from there every night sees a change in the top five. Only man of the top 12 not yet considered for a starting spot is Ron Norman of Fairfield, and Norman reported last Tuesday. So far, in addition to Meyers, Roy Wedhe, Holstein; Rollin Kuebler, Carroll; and Jim Buck, Ames; have been at the forwards. Ray Wehde, Holstein, just re turned from the hospital, was in the running before his recent ap pendectomy. At center Menze has been alter nating Jim Jessen, Everly, and I -co Schneider, Rock Island, 111. The guards, not counting Norman, have been Bill Block, Muscatine, all-Big Six star in 1945; Lloyd Kester, Ames; John Sheperd, Gary, Ind.; and Charles Grado ville, Des Moines. Former Ilusker. The top 12 men are all letter winners. Schneider won his letter at Nebraska while Sheperd let tered at Miami, Ohio, university. All the others won letters at Iowa State. The rest of the varsity squad. the men most likely to represent the Cyclone "B" team includes Ed Anderson, LaGrange, 111.; Gav lord Anderson, Council Bluffs: Don Ferguson. Ottumwa: Bob McLuen, Ashton; Dean Norman, Fairfield; Don Paulsen, Huxley; Therol Petersen. Clinton: Harland Platte, Waverly; Dick PownalL Centerville; Norman Smith, Chi cago, 111.; Jim Van Deusen. low City, and John Wroan, Deer Creek, iii.