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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1946)
Page 6 Sunday, October 6, 1946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN t I f ; 1 i i Play First Quarter. Nebraska won the toss and elected to receive. Kansas State chose to de lend the north eoal. Jones kicked oft to Vacant! on Ne braska's 15. He tumbled, recovered but sot back to the 28. Nebraska was oft side, but Kansas State declined the penalty. NEBRASKA: Ball on own 28. Fischer picked up 3 thru the middle. Hutton ran to the right, but was stopped for a 1-yard loss. Vacanti tossed to Fischer in the flat. Fischer fumbled, Schneider of Kansas State picked it up and ran it over, but the officials declared the ball dead on Nebraska's 24. Vacanti went back to punt, fumbled, but re covered and ran to the 24. KANSAS STATE: Ball on Nebraska 24 on downs. Edwards lost 2. Bryan eained 3. tackled bv Partington. Bry an passed to Sharp for 6. Bryan passed to towards tor tirst down on neDrasKa 12. Grimes picked up 3 thru the middle Jones took a pitchout and advanced to the NebrasKa l-toot line. rirst aown and goal to go. Nebraska was offside and was penalized half the distance to the goal. Ball on 6-inch line. Center of the Nebraska line held Bryan for no gain. Samuelson, Lorenz and Fesek threw Edwards for a two-yard loss, Crimes' pass was incomplete in the end zone. Fourth down and goal to go. Grimes lateral to Jones was stopped on 2-yard line. NEBRASKA: Huskers' ball first and 10 on own 2 Long punted to Bryan on Nebraska 18. who returned to 14. KANSAS STATE: Edwards' pass to Sharp v. as incomplete, samuelson smeared Edwards on the 15 for a yard loss. Kansas State took time out Bunker replaced Hazen for Nebraska at left end. Edwards' pass to V.ugon in end zone was incomplete. Reid replaced Vargon for Kansas State. Jones picked up 5 to the Nebraska 10, Kansas State losing the ball on downs. NEBRASKA: First and 10 on own 10. Moomey lost two trying his own left end. Novak smashed thru for six yards to the Nebraska 14. Long punted to Edwards on Kansas State 40. lie re turned to the Nebraska 48. KANSAS STATE: Grimes' pass was Incomplete. Nebraska takes time out. Merriman replaced Edwards for Kan sas State. Thompson replaced Vacanti for Nebraska. Tegt replaced Samuel son at tackle for Nebraska. Hutton re placed Long in the Nebraska back field. Grimes' pass to Reid for first down on the Nebraska 35. Kooney re E laced Moomey for Nebraska, chwartzkopf and Bunker threw Crimes for a seven-yard loss. Grimes recovered his own fumble for a one- yard loss. Kansas State took time out. Kramer replaced Jones at fullback: for the Wildcats. Bandy replaced Grimes lor Kansas state, umiase replaced Stiner in the Nebraska line. Cochrane tackled Bandy after a three-yard gain. Pence replaced Snyder for Kansas State. The Wildcats were penalized 15 yards for holding. Kramer circled his own right end for a gain of six yards Kramer punted to Hutton on Nebraska 30. He returned it 11 yards to the Ne braska 41. NEBRASKA- Ball on own 41. Hutton went wide to the right, gaining one vard Merriman went into the Kansas State backfield. Thompson passed to Cochrane tor first down on the State 36-yard line, a gain of 21 yards. Rooney picked up four for the Husk ers Ili'tton went wide around own right end for a touchdown. It wis a 32- ard run. SCORE: NEBRASKA 6. KANSAS STATE 0 Va-anti replaced Hutton tor Nebras ka Vacanti's try . for the point was good, but Nebraska was guilty of hold ing, and was ret back 15 yards. Va canti's second try was good. SCO"E NEBRASKA 7. KANSAS STATE 0 Thirty seconds remain in first quar ter Br) an and Edward in for Kansas State NEBRASKA Vacanti will kick off for r.c!jia:ka Vacanti kicked to Kra mer on the 7-yard line. Kramer re t'ui.ed to the Kansas State 21-yard Lne as the first quarter ended. SCOVK: NEBRASKA 7, KANSAS fcfA it: 0 Set ond Quarter. KANSAS STATE: Wildcats' ball on own 21 BunKer and Dcviney held Krarr.ei for no gam. Turner, in for Kansas Stale, parsed to Prattler to the Kansas Slate 26 for five-yard gain. Bart Icy completed a pass for seven yardfc. Lut Kansas State was guilty of (lipp.r.g and was penalized 15 yards to their own 11. Kramer punted to Hutton who returned four yards to Kansas State 48. NEERASKA: Nebraska penalized 15 yards for clipping. Myers. Moomev and Thompson are in the Nebraska back tield. Moomey picked up one for Ne braska, but the Husker backfield was in motion and received a five-yard penalty. Myers was thrown for no gain. McNeil made the tackle. Thomp son's pass to Cochrane was incomplete. Third and 15 on Nebraska 39. Reid lecovered Thompsons fumble on the Nebraska 37. KANSAS STATE. Grimes passed to Bait ley for a first down on the Ne braska 16-yard iine. Nebraska took t:me out. Schiciger, Long, Samuelson, Vacanti in for Nebraska. Converse in for Kansas State. Jones fumbled a pitchout for a nine-yard loss. Second and 19 on Nebraska 25. Jones' pass to fcartley was wide. Kansas gained 4 on a lateral play. Rooney broke up Crimes pass to Bartlev on the goal inc. ivuiajia ioojl oaii on aown on own zi. NEBRASKA- Vacanti rirnntvxf IK. ball and lost four yards, but Kansas suie was penalized 13 yards for un necessary roughness. Ball on Nebraska " isovax gamed one. but the Ne taika backiiekl was in motion and Nebraska was penalized to own 27. Thompson gained one yard around cin It-ft encf. Hutton went wide around own right end for 21 yards to the Ne braska 4. Firrt and 10. Novak powered thru the line for 1 yards. First and 10 on Kansas State 33. Rooney picked up a yard on a reverse. Hutton rfiove around his own right end to the Kan sas State 30. Rooney was stopped for no gam. Fourth down and about five to go. Thompson passed to Schleiger far a first down on the Kansas State 18-yard line. Rooney was dropped for a four-yard loss. Moomey replaced Kooney. Entire Kansas state starting line re-ent-red the game. The Wildcat) took time out. Moomey lost a yard Thompson raced around his own right rnlon a naked reverse to the Kansas 5 Lite C-yard line for a first down Kovalc loirt one yard. Dean was injured on the play and had to be removed Irora the game. Vacant! replaced I By Play Thompson at quarterback for Nebras ka. Vacanti passed to Moomey in tne tiat who raced over lor a touchdown. SCORE: NEBRASKA 13. KANSAS STATE 0. Thompson replaced Hutton. Vacanti's placekick for the extra point was eood. but Nebraska was penalized 15 yards tor noiciing. vacanti s second try for point was no good. SCORE: NEBRASKA 13, KANSAS S1A1E U. Hazen, Metheny, Long, Rooney, Schleiger, Sedlacek, Lipps in for Ne braska. Tegt kicked off to the Kansas State 12 where Wright took the ball, return ing to the Wildcat 21. KANSAS STATE: Kramer recovered Kansas State's fumble for a nine-yard loss. Wright lost a yard trying his own left end. Rooney stopped Kramer after a seven-yard gain to the K. S. 18-yard line. Kramer back to punt, but fumbled the ball and fell on it on the K-State 13. However, Nebraska was offside and was penalized five yards. Fourth and 8 for Wildcats. Kramer punted to Long who returned to the Nebraska 27. Penalty on the play. Nebraska penal ized 15 yards for clipping. Nebraska's ball first and 10 on own 5. NEBRASKA: Long picked up seven over right guard. Taylor replaced Part ington at center for Nebraska. McNeil was injured on the play and was re- E laced by Harman for Kansas State, ong drove to the 20 for seven yards and a first down. Long was held for no gain, but Nebraska's backfield was in motion and the Huskers were penal ized five yards. Callopy picked up two yards thru the middle. Nebraska was penalized five yards for taking too much time. Ball on Nebraska 12. Long raced around the right side for 15 yards to the Nebraska 27. Third down and 3 to go. Rooney was held for no gain. Long punted to the Kansas State 48 where the ball was downed as the half ended. SCORE: NEBRASKA 13. KANSAS s i A l t, o. Third Quarter. Starting the second half Kansas State will defend the north goal and Ne braska will kick. Vacanti kicked off to Edwards on the Kansas State 9. Edwards returned to the 27.- KANSAS STATE: Bryan picked up one, Lorenz maKing tne tackle. The left side of the Nebraska line moDDed Bryan for a three-yard loss. Berry re covered Kansas State's fumble for the Wildcats on the 22. Moomey returned Kramer's punt 15 yards to the Kansas tate 1J. but Nebraska was penalized IS yards on the play for roughing the kicker. Wildcats ball first and It) on own 36. Kramer picked up one thru the middle. Novak tackled Edwards on the Kansas State 39 after a two- yard gain. Kramer advanced to the Kansas State 47 for a first down. Ed wards went to the right, gaining two. K -State lost six on a statute of liberty play. Kramer quick-kicked Into the Nebraska end zone. The ball traveled 70 yards on the play. NEBRASKA: First down on own 20. Novak picked up two thru the middle, but the Huskers drew a five-vard pen alty for being offside. First and 15 on Nebraska 15. Novak bucked his way to the 23-yard line. Berry tackled Hutton alter a four-yard gain. Kansas State took time out. Lesco replaced Bryan in Kansas State backfield. Wilkins re placed Schwartzkopf for Nebraska. Third down and three to go for the Huskers. Vacanti s pass to Moomey was incomplete. Long and Schwartzkopf entered the Nebraska lineup. Roy Long punted into the Wildcat end zone for a touchback. Ball traveled 73 yards. mail: Kooney replaced Moomey for Nebraska. Edwards picked up eight yards. Kramer added two more, but Kansas State was penalized five for backfield in motion. Stiner broke thru to throw Lesco for a five yard loss. Kramer punted to the Ne braska 47. Long returned to the Kan sas State 49. NEBRASKA: Hutton and Moomey in for Nebraska. Novak was trapped way behind line of scrimmage but fought his wav back to the Nebraska 44 for a seven-yard loss. Vacanti passed 56 yards to Hutton who raced over for the touchdown. SCORE: NEBRASKA 19. KANSAS STATE 0. Vacanti's try for the point was no good. SCORE: NEBRASKA 19, KANSAS STATE 0. NEBRASKA: Moore bucked the line for no Kain. Meyers picked up 4 yards to the Kansas Stale 40. Mrtheny passed to Frwk tor a 3 yard Rain to the Kansas mate 4 yard line. Pence was injured on the play and was removed from the Kensas JHf Do'r ow Mft frfa too , Qor THFKf fMSft'f 0ev a'i ctst evirwf. ic Mrf.l State lineup. Meyers was stopped for no Kaln. Jerry Moore smashed over for touchdown. Score: Nebraska 25, Kansas State 0 Test will kick. His kick was no eood Score: Nehraskn 23. Kansas State 0 Mancula, Wilkin and Jacupks entered tne Nebraska lineup. Test kicked oft to Bandy who took th ball in the Kansas State end (one and returned It to the 25-yard line. ( KANSAS STATE: Jones was stopped by Tegt for no gain. Jones battered hu way to the Nebraska 33-yard line. Wll kins threw Jones for a 1 yard loss. Kan sas State penalized 5 yards for delaying the game. Fourth down and 8 yards to go. Jones, attempting to kick, fumbled the pass from center, but got back up to the K-State 26 as the quarter ended Nebraska'a ball on downs. Hall replace' DIBiase at tackle for Nebraska. Nyden replaced Pesek. Score: Nebraska 25. Kansas State 0 FOIRTH Ql ARTKR. NEBRASKA: Moore ploughed thru the line for 6 yards. My erst broke thru to the Kansas state 9 yard line, rlrat and goa to go for the Huskers. Moomey picked up a to tne K-state 4. Moore was stopped for no gain. Nebhaska backfield was in motion and the Huskers were penalized back to the K. S. 9. Metheny hit Nyden with a pass on the K-htate 7. Moomey carried to the Kansas State 3. Fourth and goal to go for the Huskers. Moore punched over for the touchdown. Score: Nebraska 31. Kansas State 0. Tegt's kick was no good. Score: Nebraska 31. Kansas State n Twelve and a halt minutes left in the fourth Quarter. Rooney replaced Moomey Tegt kicked off to the Kansas State 13 Hartley returned the ball to the K-State 32. KANSAS STATE: Zeleznak carried to the K-State 37. A pass to Zeleznak was incomplete. Turner's pass was way wide of it s intended receive. Fourth and 4 to go. Kansas State kicked out of bounds on the Nebraska 35 yard line. NEBRASKA: Johnson, story In fo Nebraska. Rooney circled his own left end to the 38. Myers went wide around the right end and ran out of bounds cn his own 42. Both sides offside. Kirlln in at end for Nebraska. Myers raced to the midfleld stripe for a first down. Myers was held for no gain. Nebraska penalized 15 yards for holding. First down and 25 to go on the Nebraska 35. Moore plunged to the Nebraska 38. Myers got to the 40 on a reverse. A pass Metheny to Myers lost 3. Nebraska took time out. Story replaced Rooney In the Nebraska lineup. Thomson in at center for Nebraska. Myers punted to the Kansas State 32. Bart ley returning to the 40. KANSAS STATE : Manning In for Ne braska. Kramer's pass to Turner In complete. Collopy replaced Moore at full back for Nebraska. Myers broke up Kra mer's pass. Turner picked up 4. Kramer punted out of bounds on the Nebraska 2 yard line. NEBRA8KA: Metheny fumbled and re covered on the 1. Myers punted out of the andzone to the Nebraska 34. Kirlln tackled the receiver in his tracks. KANSAS STATE: Bryan's pass was incomplete. A bevy of Nebraska linemen tackled Kramer on the Nebraska 42. Six minutes left In the game. Johnson threw Kramer for a 4 yard loss. Kramer punted out of bounds on the Nebraska 13. NEBRASKA: Story got up to the 15. Myers fought his way to the 19 yard line. Collopy sped to the 31 for a first down. Collopy failed to gain thru the line. Myers fell on the 28 for a 2 yard loss. Metheny lost 1 yard. The pass from center was high but Myers returned the ball to the 39. Kansas State's ball on Husker 39. KANSAS STATE: Kramer was Uckled on the Nebraska 47 when he attempted to pass. Turner's pas wai Incomplete. Turner's pass to King was Incomplete. Fourth down and 18. Turner's pass was Incomplete. Nebraska lakes over on Its own 47. NEBRASKA: Adams drove thru to the Kansas State 47 as the final gun sounded. Pinal score. Nebraska 31. Kansas State 0. Tiro Orchesis Tryout Dates Are Scheduled Two tryouft for girls interested in participating in orchesis will be held Oct. 16 and Oct. 23 in the dance studio of Grant Memorial hall. Members of this year's orchesis organization will be composed of girls who attend these tryouts. Miss Jeanne Lockhart, director of the organization, has urged girls who wish to belong to attend both practices. 'V yaw Football ... Continued from Page 1 Scarlet in football prowess. The only time the Kansas State team threatened to cross the Husker goal line was early in the first quarter. The Purple "squad lost the toss and kicked off. After three un successful running plays left the ball on the Nebraska 22, Vacanti dropped back to punt. He fum bled the pass from center and in an attempted run, got back to the 24 where the Wildcats took over. Wildcats Threaten. Kansas State moved the ball to the Husker one-foot line and had four downs to make the dis tance, but Fred Lorenz, Ed Schwartzkopf, Cary Samuelson and Vern Stimer held fast on two running plays and third and fourth down passes were incom plete. Roy Long's punt was almost blocked and once more the Man hattan team moved within the 10 yard line, but again Nebraska held. Those two attempts were the etxent of the Kansas State attack, except for unsuccessful passes which were the order oi tne aay every timee the Wildcats got the ball. Nebraska, however, had learned its lesson in pass defense and the continued aerial efforts netted the Kansas State team nothing in the scoring column. Hutton scored the first Nebras ka touchdown when he raced wide around his own right end for 32 yards, outfoxing several Wildcat tacklers who had clear shots at him. Vacanti added the extra point, kicking- from the 17 yard line after a holding penalty had nullified his successful at tempt from the two yard stripe. In the second quarter Moomey climaxed a sustained drive from the Nebraska 21, when he took a Dass in the flat from Vacanti and scooted nine yards to paydirt. This time Vacanti missed the conver sion after a second holding pen alty had squelched a bullseye from the regulation distance. K-Staters Tire. Following the halftime rest, Ne braska rolled over the tiring Wildcats for two counters in the third period. Hutton tallied the first score of the quarter by tak ing Vacanti's long pass, and Moore added another six frWnts by driv ing over from the four yard line. A pass from game captain Fred Metheny to End Jack Pesek was good for 40 yards and put the ball on the four from where Moore plunged over. Moore, regular fullback last year, added the final points of the day three, minutes after the fourth period opened by slipping thro a hole in the K State line to score from three yards out Bob Tegt missed the placements followinr both Moore touchdowns. Thruout much of the second half both teams battled ineffec tively in the midfield area as substitutes took over the point making responsibilities. Quarterback Al Bandy and Fullback Karl Kramer, who put two kicks ou of bounds deep in Nebraska territory, were about all the Wildcats had to offer. Penalties Hurt The Huskers indicaled that they had partially conquered the pass defense weakness, and showed flashes of offensive ability, altho the play was ragged much of the time. Frequent penalties and fum bles thwarted scoring drives, the Kansas fumbliing four times and losing 55 yards on penalties. Ne braska lost 130 yaras oi penal ties and fumbled twice, recovering one of the bobbles. Scarlet line play was uniformly good, as the UN forwards smoth ered all Wildcat attempts to gain, and Hobbs' Adams' aggregation wound up the afternoon with a net loss of 44 yards. Thruout the afternoon the Huskers gained a total of 354 yards, 124 via the airlanes. line ups: Nbraka pos. Kansas ut Hazes Vargon Bamuelsta B W-Nell Iyrens Is (SO Berry p.rtitiriim - Snyder Srhvarukopf c Rwar IMRIaaa rt HU. Cochran Kharp Vacanti .......... .rt Crimes Hutwm .....Qh Edwards Fischer Pi Bryan Novak fl Jon-s Referee: Bat Khunatona, Oklahoma; um pire, Grady Hklllrrn, Oklahoma; linesman. B'fb Miller. Missouri; lie Id judge, Jack North, Highland Park. Monday s Games All members of the Veter ans rganization interested in forming an intramural touch football team report to Room 209, Nebraska Hall, at S p.m., fonday. Sidelights OnUN-Wihtyat Football Battle BY BILLJSWANSON. The thrill of the opening home game of the season! The houses on the campus full to overflow ing with returning alums . . . The traffic so heavy on R street that the Lincoln police force had a special detail of men to direct traliic on that thoroughfare . . . Everything and everybody alive with excitement and activity . . . That was the scene yesterdny be fore the Husker-K. State battle. On entering the stadium, it was seen that the place would be packed to capacity before game time. The Knot-Hole sections at both ends of the field were jam med at least an hour before the kickoff. Late comers missed a pregame spectacle in the form of a color ful parade of the visiting high schools which were present for the annual Band Day celebration. Rain Threatened. Many an anxious eye was cast skyward, on the alert for the rain which seemed imminent. The cautious souls who feared the in clement weather added to the color of the scene with tneir Drn liant rain coats and umbrellas. Many U of N men were seen wearing hats for the first time in the current college year simply couldn't afford to get those curls wet. The opening exercise, a saluta tion to the new chancellor, R. G. Gustavson, presented by the smart-stepping Husker band under the direction of Don Lents and under the field leadership of "Shorty" Tangeman was especi ally effective. The Corn Cobs and the Tassels were well-drilled in their part of the opening cere mony. The kickoff with 35,000 throats cheering was reminiscent of old Husker games when the stadium was filled to capacity for every game. Nebraska's goal line stand on the six inch line early in the fi st quarter also recalled flashes of earlier Husker form as did the 35 yard jaunt of fleet Dick Hut ton shades of Cardwell, perhaps. The game ran true to early sea son form with a multitude of long penalties and some very poor ball handling. The half-time intermission was filled with a panorama of color as the Varsity Band again took the field, flanked on either side by eight high school bands, to play the Star-Spangled Banner and a number of college pieces. The short-skirted, high stepping: ma jorettes were especially appealing to some of the dateless wonders in the student section. The card sections carried off the stunts in a very satisfactory manner, although as always, there were a few slip-ups and yellow or red cards appeared where all should have been true blue. Only the final picture of the ear of corn with "Husker" spelled be low in red letters was perfect. The athletic depatment and the Pep organizations are to be con gratulated for . a well-developed and displayed card attraction. All in all, it was a perfect day for the Cornhuskers and their boosters. We rang up our first victory of the season and there is a bright prospect for better things to come. Basketball Free Throw Tourney Opens Tomorrow The Intramural basketball free throw tournament starts Monday at the coliseum. Qualifying rounds of competition are on Monday and Tuesday, with final rounds sched uled for Wednesday. The final rounds will Include the best 32 scorers who will be paired off. If any one of these men fail to appear, alternates composed of the six next high men will replace them. ' Points will be awarded each group toward the Jack Best su premacy award. The individual champion will receive a medal and certificate and the winning organization will receive a tronhv. Last year's winner was Mack Robinson while the team cham pionship went to Beta Theta Pi.