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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1946)
Sunday, October 6; 1 946 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page o m THE" $r LEFT HALF, EARNED A LCTTW in me HIS PASSING AND RUNNING- SET LPi, HUSKER BOOMING TOE IS A DEFENSIVE weapon THE SCARLET ANP YM, YWC A Recruit New Members . The YM and YWCA are look ing forward to having the. largest enrollment in history, according to Ed Jordan and Mimi Ann John son, membership chairmen of the respective organizations. , . The booth located Tn the lobby of j the Union is recruiting new mcfrnbers and answering questions for interested students. Phil Franson, president of the YM, slated that the booth will be open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day of this week. A; Reports Reports from the Ag campus in dicate that they are having suc cess in the present membership drive. Francis Wagner, president of the Ag division, emphasized the importance of all members at tending the meeting at 7:30 Tues day night. There will be a combined meet ing of the city campus "Y" organ izations in Temple at 7:00 p. m.. IKf" yn tT-.m- f-i r !f T"i T'wi T"w v-rt wii 3 " XHWHi.mnl YOU CHA 0f rOMOALL-WNP r JHC BLOND FROn GLAIR IS FROViNCx. THAT ARMY LifE DOSNT STUNT ATHLETIC CAREERS. HE STARRED WITH THE 71 V DIVISION TEAM IN GERMANY WHICH WOW ETO. TITLE LAST FALLf nU-''' when' VICTORlESy VTAL wry fllnv or THAT STUFF CREAMS Football Films Coeds who were screaming so loud they had their eyes shut at the same yesterday, and any students or towns people .who wish to view mov ies of the Nebraska-Kansas State clash Saturday, are in vited to the public screening- of the films 7:30 Monday night at the Coliseum. The same films will be shown Tuesday night at the Hotel Paxton in Omaha, as the be ginning of an arrangement which will carry through all football games of the 1946 sea son, according to A. J. Lewan dowski, director of athletics. Wednesday. Bill Miller, last year's president, who is now president of the National Student YMCA, will be the featured speaker. Bill has just returned from the World Stu dent Christian Federation confer ence at Geneva, Switzerland, and will undoubtedly have a great deal to report. The meeting will end at 8 o'clock. Another plan of the "Y" groups is to attend the district conference at Doane college on Saturday, Oc tober 12. The feature speaker at this meeting is to be Dr. Kirty Page, noted author. r WE PAY MORE FOR ALL BOOKS BECAUSE WE WHOLESALE JOBBERS yiiw tnfi y'vw ftm v" v1 i"f T"" Fm " Merchantmen Run Into Heavy Seas Down Under Life is so monotonous for Amer ican merchant seamen in Aus tralia! Crewmen of, the freighter Cape Stephens were swamped by Melbourne girls as they put into Victoria docks recently. The lads were a little confused, to say the least, the situation be ing what it is in the states. One of the Americans asked a male Australian what the trouble was with the Australian men. He add ed that nowhere had the crew seen such a surplus of women. Apparently he got no answer. Other crewmen complained that the girls had "pestered them be yond endurance and that they'd been forced to stay aboard out of self-protection. We take the whole thing with a large helping of salt. From here, it appears to be a plot to induce emigration to Australia. Sunday Dinner First in a series of Sunday night buffet dinners in the main dining room has been scheduled for 5:30 to 8 p. m. in the main dining room of the Union, according to Tat Lahr, Union director. Jay Norris will provide din ner music on the piano during the dinner hours. President . . . Continued from Page 1 article IV the provisions of elec tion rules: "No vote shall be solicited at the polls or in the building in which election is being held dur ing election day. No money shall be spent in behalf of any candi date. No printed, mimeographed, typed or otherwise published ma terial in behalf of any candidate shall be permitted except the im partial announcements of the candidates appearing in the press. Any candidate violating these rules either in person or through his supporters shall thereby be come ineligible." Activities of the candidates for junior class president are as fol lows: Darrel Devoe, Kosmet Klub, Corn Cobs, and Phi Gamma Delta: Dake Novotny, Student Council, Student Union board, Daily Ne braskan news editor, and. Beta Theta Pi; Jackie Tobin, Tassels, Awgwan exchange manager, New man club, and Alpha Omicron Pi. For senior class president: Peggy Shelley, president of Delta Omi cron, past president of Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Lambda Theta, Y. W. C. A. and Alpha Lambda Delta; jj'xyrj-yrffi rir r-wr t The Tale of Elmo; Or You Too Can Be An Open Houser BY DEDE MEYER Elmo Fratbug, of Getta Mo Booza affiliation, pent a big Sat urday. Up at noon and a cold shower easily took care of any effects from a big Friday night at King's. First on his list of Sat urday duties was a brief glance at some tabloid sheet that incognito persons had distributed the pre vious night. Its off-color jokes sent him into gales of off-color laughter. Next our Elmo placed himself in a crimson litter, where he was born by Getta Mo pledges to the East Stadium and placed grandly in a choice seat. (Getta Mo Booza has seven campus prexies in its fold, and their block faces the fifty yard line.) Loudly Elmo applauded as the Huskers rallied and scored victory after victory. Then back to the house after the game, a quick shower, shave and change .and Elmo was ready to go open-housing. First on the agenda was the Engel ... Continued from Page 1 article: "So once in Sandy Palestine there crawled Over the floor of his father's shop a little Boy with dull knife and long brown hands who hauled Scraps for his own inventing. He M ould toss The new work up and show how he could whittle Look. I'm learning. I can make a cross." Mr. Erjgle is a mid westerner by birth and choice, having lived most of his life in Iowa. Among his higher accomplishments is the winning of a Rhodes Scholarship. He attended Oxford University in England, from which he received th edegrees of A. B. and M. A. The Main Dining Room of the Student Union Will Be Open Sot Noon Oct 5, 11 to 1 P. M. and iriZ Feature An 85c Buffet Dinner 5:30 lo 7:00 p. m., SIJV., OCT. 6 Dinner Music by Joy Norris, Pianist Union 2nd Floor West Wing PAP ?m mjl 1IMS rem T X ifcMaus ttm WHETHER USED HERE OR NOT fl f""l f B? r mm i t 1 1 1 1 i r t i i r uuhuq ail Letta No Advanca. party. Coffee and doughnuts were served, while Dorothea Poremore presided at the table. Next came the stop at the Brewa On Tappa house. Here Elmo ran into a bit of trouble, as several of the girls wanted to sit down in the only vacant chair, but Elmo triumphed. Punch and dough nuts were served. A brief stop at the Matas for punch and doughnuts, and then Elmo ended his trip at the Col lecta Pinnas, where he saw Georgia Gimmy, his best girl. Yessir ,it was a great day. Elmo felt that it was well-rounded, and he felt no effects except a slight aversion to doughnuts. But taking the overall scene into comprehension. Elmo drew these deductions. Unadulterated punch meant stricter jurisdiction from certain sources, and the Col lects Pinnas were the smartest girls on campus, because they served their douahnuts stuffed with whipped cream. Innocents Meet The Innocents will meet Monday night at 10 p. m., ac cording to Bill Thornberg, president. s Classified LOST Delia Omicron pii. Call Eliza beth Wacker. Phone 2-J4r,. FOUND Fountain len in Social science Room 101 A on Oct. 2 liy D. A. Wor cester. The pen can be claimed hy ste ms D. A. Worcester in Tracoer's College Room 309C and payirg lor this ad.. FOUND Two Chemistry Books. Owner can have by coming lo 2400 Dudley and paying for ad. DON'T READ THIS if you like being kicked in the idee by lhe NAM ai.d our alleged representatives in Congress. Vets interested in protecting their rights as citizens come to the American Veterans Commntee meeting. YMCA. Tues.. Oct. 8. 7:15 p. m1 LOST Brown billfold, Tuesday. I.ttmeea Coliseum anJ Union. Return irientilira tion. Beverly Secord, 1SJ9 E Cuil 3-":jl. . irs LJLj ARE IV 0 K f i k H f. f ; 'l:, r it