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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1946)
Tuesflcry, April 9, 1946 Three UN Teams Face Road Trips THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE. Friday. Baseball team vs. Minnesota at Minneapolis. Tennis team vs. Kansas at Law rence. Golf team vs. Kansas at Lawrence. Saturday. Baseball team vs. Minnesota at Aii.incapolis. Tennis team vs. Kansas State at Manhattan. Golf team vs. Kansas State at Manhattan. Husker athletic teams move into another action-packed week, with all varsity squads except the track IM Volley Ball . i LOllipetlllOll UpeilS X Iii Four Lea cues Eighteen volleyball sextets, di vided into four leagues to speed play, are scheduled to compete in three weeks of games to deter mine the intramural champion. Members of the four leagues will participate in a complete round robin of contests; then the four winning teams will play a single elimination tourney to determine the top aggregation. Leagues and schedule are listed below: lM(ue I. U(iie III. Alpha Tau Omega Phi Gamma Delta Pioneer Co-op Brown Palace Co-op comnusner co-op Delta upsllon Sigma Alpha Epsilon Beta Sigma Psl Sigma Nu - Irirue II. Phi Delta Theta Theta XI Alpha Gamma Rho Phi Kappa Pat Farm House IMIDC IV. Beta Theta PI Sigma CM Zeta Beta Tail Sigma Phi Epsllon Schedule. Monday, April 8. 5:10 Alpha Tau Omega-Pioneer Co-op. 5:10 Phi Delta Theta-Theta XI. 5:10 Sigma Chl-Zeta Beta Tau. Wednewday, April 10. 5:10 Brown Palace Co-op-Beta Sigma Psl. 5:10 Phi Kappa Psl-Alpha Gamma Kho. 5:10 Cornh'ker Co-op-Sigma Alpha Epsilon Thursday, April II. 5:10 Sign-. lu-Alpha Tau Omega. 5:10 Phi Gamma Delta-Farm House. 5:10 Delta Upsllon-Beta Sigma Psl. Friday, April 12. 5:10 Beta Theta Pi-Sigma Phi Epsllon. 5:10 Phi Delta Theta-Alpha Gamma Rho. 5:10 Theta Xi-Phl Kappa Psl. Monday, April 15. 5:10 Delta Upsilon-Farm House. 5:10 Beta Theta Pl-Sigma Chi. 5:10 Pioneer Co-op-Cornhusker Co-op. Wednesday, April 17. 5:10 Zeta Beta Tau-Sigma Phi Epsilon. 5:10 Alpha Tau Omega-Sig. Alpha Epsilon 5:10 Cornhusker Co-op-Sigma Nu 7:10 Phi Gim. Delta-Brown Palace Co-op. 7:10 Beta Sigma Psl-Farm House. Thursday, April 18. 5:10 Phi Gamma Delta-Delta Upsllon. 5.10 Brown Palace Co-op-Farm House. 5:10 Beta Theta Pl-Zeta Beta Tau. 7:10 Pioneer Co-op-Sigma Nu. 7:10 Phi Delta Theta-Phi Kappa Psl. 7:10 Sigma Chl-Sigma Phi Epsllon. Friday, April 19. 5:10 Alpha Tau Omega-Cornhusker Co-op. 5:10 Theta Xi-Alpha Gamma Rho. 5:10 Pioneer Co-op-Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Monday, April 22. 5:10 Brown Palace Co-op-Delta Upsllon. 5:10 Sigma Nu-Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 5:10 Phi Gamma DelU-Beta Sigma Psl. Tuesday, April 23. 7:10 Playoff games for championship. BY DOROTHY MESIIIER. Two tournaments, scheduled on the W.A.A. calendar, began Monday, April 8. Schedules for these tournaments, bowling and Fem Fnim badminton, are posted on the bul letin board at Grant Memorial. Representatives should check im mediately for the date that their teams will be playing. Badminton doubles will be played at 5 and 5:30 each day. There are 76 teams participating. Bowling will be held at 5 o'clock each day at the Lincoln Bowling Alleys. Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Chi Omega, Gam ma Phi Beta, Alpha Phi, Delta Delta Delta, and Alpha Omicron Pi each entered two teams in the competition. ' Add Flight Training to your curriculum. Private courses now available at UNION AIR TERMINAL Call 6-2885 for details. team seeing action. Every contest win be played away from home, as me Baseball nine is up north for a two-game series with Min nesota, while the golf and tennis teams make a swing through Kan sas for matches with Kansas U. and K. State. Fresh from a pair of wins against the University of Colorado the baseball squad will go against stiffer competition this weekend in Minneapolis. Word from the Gopher campus touts the Minne sota nine as a potent crew, in keeping with the Northland tradi tion. ioacn frank Mnagaczs crew chalked up 10 to 0 and 5 to 3 wins over the visiting Buffs last week. The mound staff held up in fine 1,lc nouna siau neia up in nn style. and Smacz sent six dif ferent nitchprs Infn nrtinn rlnrini action during the two-game series. This week's play will be the first for the golf and tennis squads. After being idle during the war years, the sports have been revived this season and the Husker competitors face a full slate of matches. The golfers, under the tutelage of Bud Williamson, and the tennis team will travel together, both meeting the same Big Six foes on Friday and Saturday. The Nebraska trackmen will be out of competition this week, as they prepare for two important relay carnival dates. On April 20 the cinder squad moves to Law rence for the twenty-first annual Kansas Relays and the following week Coach Ed Weir takes his charges to Des Moines for the Drake Relays. Each of these meets brings together some of the na tion's top ranking track and field performers. Spomer Leads Field in Golf Team Tryouts Don Spomer of Lincoln paced eight qualifiers for places on the University of Nebraska golf team by shooting a 75 Sunday in the final round of preliminary play at Miiicrest Country club. riueen aspirants lor SDots on the Husker squad toured the course, and eight low men will vie for the fourth berths through a series of intra-squad matches this week. K.U. First Foe. Coach Bud Williamson's Husk ers will open their intercollegiate play this week end with a pair of matches. On Friday they will face the University of Kansas team at Lawrence, while on Saturday tne Kansas btate golfers will fur nish the competition at Man hattan. The eight qualifiers: Don Sprmer S8-S7 75 hrnny Adams SK-S! 77 Ed MrKlligott 40-41 81 Hon Slroh S8-4S 111 Jim Liggett 44-39 83 (ii-orge llailey 42-41 83 Mac (iriiham 41-42 83 Rex (iribble 42-42 84 Sinfonia Harmony Hour lhe Harmony Hour program scheduled for the Tuesday of March 26, will be held today at 4:00 in the student union music room. The program will be based on "Humor in Music," and will include Frokofieff's Peter and the Wolf, The Car nival of the Animals by Saint Saens, and numerous other works. WANTED WATER FOUNTAIN ATTENDANT 5:00 P. M.-7:00 P. M. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., Fri. and 6 Hours Saturdays 3 Hours Sundays Wages: 35c an hour and 2 Meals a Day Apply Room 1 of lhe Union THE NEBRASKAN lilTRAMURALS AU-Intramural Basketball Selected by George Miller and Gordon Ehlers. Due to the large number of players competing, no attempt was made to divide the selections into a first and second team. Team roster changes at the end of the semester also made thp task of choosing an all-star team a difficult undertaking. No player who appeared in varsity cames were considprprf in selecting the all-intramural teams. tlKSl TEN. Roy Farris, Beta Theta Pi Dean Kratz, Delta Upsilon Jim Myers, Phi Gamma Delta Dean Jackson, Phi Delta Theta Bob Schleiger, Phi Gamma Delta Jim Pettis, Navy Hubert Winter, Phi Delta Theta Al Bloom, Delta Tau Delta Franklin Christensen, Sigma Chi Jim Gardner, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Honorable mention: Rnnrlrpnn Navy; Ernst, Tired G I's; Berger, Beta Theta Pi: Bob flrepn Phi Kappa Psi; Wilkins, Sigma Nu; Saladen, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Bauer, Beta Sigma Psi; Dedrick, Alpha Tau Omega; Nutzman, Phi Gamma Delta; Grewcock, Brown Palace. Water Polo Changes in the water schedule: polo Sigma Nu vs. Sigma Chi, Tues day, April 9, 5:10. Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi Kappa Psi, Wednesday, April 10, 8:10. (The Lilies' water polo team has dropped from competition. ) a . . . Jacqueline Mode original Framed in mock Tortoise, and ex travagantly pouched; our black plastic patent is rayon satin lined. 17.50 The Choker - V 4 V . 1 !'"' r"i h V -.Y- ' 1 v . - j I - V If X' ' I I ,; ? w -s w I . I I'M F 1 1" ' ii - 3 n c . Carl Samuelson, (left) Grand Husker line candidates, jolt the practice session in Coach Bernie Corncobs Corncobs, mens' pep organ ization, was reactiviated this year after a war-time absence. Or Tl WORLD'S MOST H0H0R10 WATCH WINNER OF 10 World's Fair Grand Prizes, 28 Gold Medals ond more honors for accuracy than any other timepiece. k Our ForUeth Year! b' . . . To feminize your suit; a white embroidered dickie of organdy, frilled with lace. 8.23 HANDSOME GOLD COLORED LINK JEWELRY $4 The Bracelet Page 3 . ""in ine Lincoln Journal. Island and Joe Lukas, Lincoln, blocking sled into motion during a Masterson's spring gridiron drills. ganized in 1921, they act in co operation with the Tassels to pro mote school spirit. Dean Skokan is the 1945-46 president. IMfMIMI oo. PhM Im