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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1945)
J i i Page 4 Tassels Conclude Sales of Theatre Tickets Tonight Sale of University Theatre tickets will close Sunday evening, according to Virginia Demel, Tassel campaign head. All organized houses were cov ered last week, and any students overlooked in the campaign should see a Tassel some time to day if they wish, to buy a season ticket. The season tickets, costing $2.60, will enable purchasers to attend the four major plays of the season, a number of one-act plays, and a Chopin program in the spring. Pi Lambda The la Chooses Theme For Year's Plans Choosing Nebraska Women in Education as their theme for the year, members of Pi Lambda Theta honorary education organ ization, will hold their first meet ing Tuesday at 7 p. m. in room 313 of the Union. At this meeting representatives from each field of teaching will discuss the achievements of for mer Nebraska Pi Lambda Theta in that particular field. Future meetings will include talks by outstanding women ed ucators in the state and a pos sible visit to a rural school. iM 111 SCO I r - - i f If Faculty Members Present Concert This Afternoon Three members of the music school faculty, Mary Louise Boehm, Kathryn Dean, and Earn est Harrison, will present a con cert today at three o'clock in the Union ballroom. inis auernoon s concert is a part of the fall faculty series pre sented by the School of Fine Arts under the direction of Dr. Arthur Westbrook. Program. ine program lor today s con cert will be: Ohnnnnf in D minor, Baeh-BuBoil, Miss Boelim. Wle M.'lodien lieht e mir, Brahma; Moie Li. 'be 1st Brahmn; VerborRen heit. Wolf: Stanrichen, Strauss, Miss Pean. Mr. Harrison. Nocturne, Op. 48. No. 1. Chopin: Etude, Op. 25, No. 1, Chopin; BiUla-ic, Op. M, Chopin- Jeux, Ravel; Toccata, Ravil, Miss Boehm. Anderson . . . (Continued from Page 1.) correspondent in the Corps, An derson, at 22, has qualified for that assignment with seven years of newspaper work. He was sports editor of the Kearney Daily News at the age of 15. In addition to his position as sports editor of The Nebraskan, while in the university, Anderson was on the editorial staffs of the Awgwan and The Cornhusker." He is a member of Phi Gamma Delta. THE MASTER'S TOUCH Poised and Easy0 Going Sport Clothes! NARDIS Personifies everything you've ever wonted in sport clothes. Wonder ful to look at . . . Wonderful in motion . . . Famed for subtle but sure tailoring! Left . . . blouse. Ready to THE NEBRASKAN Music Groups Pledge Forty Coeds Friday Forty coeds in the university scnooi or music were pledged to the three professional music so rorities, Delta Omicron, Mu Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Iota, on Friday afternoon. Following is the list of new pledges: Delta Omleron Pledge. Margaret Ann Amend, Mary HI Itch. Betty DrBoer, C hnrlolte Ann Frost, Muriel Jatnri.. Vivian Jarmin, Beltv Knot well, Patricia !oudon, Sara Jann Lyon, Helen Merrill. Molly Ann MorrU, Nancy Plenum. Marjorte Premer. Km bree Rains, Kathryn Schwartz, Marlon Simpleton. Colleen TeSelle. Bonnie Van Wynicardrn, Patricia Ver Maaa. Klirabeth Marker. Mn Phi KMlna Pledge. KMaljeth Menial. Arllne Khenard. Charllne Nhruard, Shirley Wright and Marrla Vosl. Sigma Alha Iota Pledge. Helen Abdnor, Marjorie Anthony, Meredith Bow has , Vivian ( larke. Janet nalrvniple.Pollyanne Hare. Patricia l.yon, Marcla Mae Mnulton, Betty Mcode mn, lnra Medenthal. Nedra Ohm atede. Shirley Parfaerer, Dorothy Tay lor. Ilia Kay I llstrom, and Mildred Zuber. Curi os . . . (Continued from Page 1.) berts, The Marshal Is and the Philippines. Osborn's Father. The curios were collected hv Mr. Osborn's father, L. W. Os born, when he was U. S. consul to the kingdoms of Samoa and Tonga from 1897 to 1901, when Our Fortieth Year Above . . . 100 wool, 100 wonderful! Kelly. Sleeves and collar are of while knit. Streamline stripes in three pieces. Skirl, slack Taupe and brown with white chalk stripes. toemr, Fourth Floor Sinfonia Reneivs "harmony Hour" Record Session The Sinfonia "Harmony Hour" is back again after four years' ab sence from the campus. Beginning tomorrow afternoon from 5 to 6 p. m. and every Mon day thereafter, students can hear recorded selections from the world's great music in the Union music room. The programs will be arranged and presented by mem bers of Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia, native ait and customs were still uninfluenced by white tourists ana traders. Museum director C. B. Schultz stated that items of sneHal in terest are the Polynesian disnlav of grass mats of such intricate de sign mat two years were spent in making them. The display was prepared by Mariorie Shanafelt. assistant museum director who added that a family often received 200 of the mats on such occasions as births, marriages and death. Shell Necklaces. Other curios marked for snerifie interest are shell necklaces made with shells so tiny it takes 20 of them to fill a teasDoon: brilliantly colored grass skirts; fans of un usual designs and shaDes: war clubs and shark toothed spears; and a heavy cumbersome breast plate, called a cuirass, which was the early native idea of armored protection from spears and ar rows. In gold, grey and $20.05 Sites 9 to IS Sites 1:1 s and 2S V 10 to 18 let V Sunday, October 21, 1945 men's national music-fraternity. Monday's program, the first one since the end of 1941, offers or chestral and piano music featur ing portions from Cesar Franck's "Symphony in D minor" and Beethoven's " 'Moonlight' Son ata." The rest of the program in cludes 'Marche Militaire' from "Algerian Suite" by Saint-Saens, Greig's 'The Last Spring;' and for piano, 'Liebestraum No. 3, by Liszt and Mendlessohn's 'Rondo Capriccioso.' The "Harmony Hour" is open to the public, but Sinfonians an nounce that the music room door will be closed at 5:15 p. m. Ironically, Patric Knowles, vet eran of both the Royal Canadian Air Forces and the U.S. Army Air Forces, has to pretend he has an allergy for airplanes in his role in Paramount's "Masquer ade in Mexico." Add Flight Training to your curriculum. Private courses now available at UNION AIR TERMINAL Call 6-2885 for details. ..If,. .it mil ii i ii'"'