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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1945)
Sunday, October 21, 1945 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 Huskers while Moore drove through the Cyclone line in a fashion not seen by Husker fans since prewar days. The Nebraska aerial game was not up to par, however, and without their vitally potent passes the Huskers could not match he scoring parade the Iowa State speedsters exhibited. First downs were evenly di vided with each team gaining 12 but Nebraska's came in midiiold. Iowa piled up a total of 431 yards rushing to 201 for Nebraska. Nebraska attempted 15 passes and completed five while Iowa State hit four out of six attempts. The starting lineups: NF.BRASKA IOWA STATE IjK Kipper Paeta LT Wllhelms Piisch ll 1xrrnz (GC) Hufman C Fischer Riding R( Hoy J. Hauck RT Sedlncck (GO Cole RK Sailors Unlfahcr VB HrrinKtn PI mm I.H Orailoville Howiird RH SKok Marks FB Moore Dedecker Score by periods: Nebraska 0 0 0 7 7 Iowa State 7 7 8 7 - 21 Nebraska scoring touchdown : Moor. Try for point: Sloan (placement). Iowa Slate scoring touchdowns: Pflum 2, Howard, Dedecker. Extra points: Marks 3 (placements). Substitutions: Nebraska ends: Hornby, Kurte. Bunker. St.neittcr: tackles: e';t, Wiemers, Williams, Fredrickson ; guards: Rolfsmeyer, Johnson, Llpps; center: Short; backs: Gillaspie, Harrirgton, Miller, Sloan, Fink, Young. Iowa State: ends: Armstrong; tackles: Foy, Johnson; guard, Spindler, Fathauer; centers: Volig..(rd"r. '"rllinger; back: Phelps, Farni, Heidel, Lynch. Officials: Releree. uwiKnt Ream, Wash burn; umpire, Jonn Waldorf, Missouri; linesman. Bob Miller, Missouri; field Judge: Bud Knox, Des Moines U. UlnTrun n tt m rr UVDUILLU U LL dJ By George Miller In looking over Husker pros pects in the winter sports depart ment, fans can entertain some hopes for Nebraska successes both on the basketball court and on the indoor track. With a nucleus of tried and true trackmen returning, Coach Ed Weir should be set for an in teresting winter session on the cinder circuit. Dean Kratz, Nor val Barker and Dick Miller, Big Six kings, will add experience to a promising group of freshmen including Ted Randolph, Tom Nye, Fritz Ware, Don Yoeum, Stanley Martin and Gayle Leb sack, all leading lights in the high school scene last year. Add Al Brown to the scene and the pic ture is rosy. Basketball fortunes are due to improve, for the physical equip ment of this year's team, now working out in early conditioning sessions under Jake Ahem, is better than last year's five which could boast of only Art Peterson in the size division. Although it is too early to tell how the team will shape up, if high school reputations are worth anything, the Huskers should make themselves known in the midwest this winter. Next Saturday the Husker foot ball team goes to Columbia to face the Missouri Tigers in the third Big Six game for both schools. With Bill Dellastatious back in action, the Huskers will have a tough time repeating their upset victory of last year, when an in spired Nebraska eleven outscored the bewildered Tigers 24 to 20. If present records can be trusted, the south and southwest will have a virtual monopoly on bowl selections for New Year's classics in 1946. At the present time Duke, Texas, Georgia, Ala bama, Tennessee and Wake Forest are very much in the running, while the two Missouri Valley elevens, Tulsa and Oklahoma A. & M. will loom large in late season ratings. Holy Cross seems to be the only eastern eleven capable of playing consistent ball, although Colum bia has one of the stronger teams in the east. The last statement of course is made with the as sumption that Army and Navy are in a class by themselves. Using a bit of mathematical calculation, any Iowa State fan could have built up a strong case for the Cyclones against Ne braska. Northwestern defeated Iowa State 18 to 0, Northwestern tied Indiana 7 to 7, and Indiana trounced the Huskers 54 to 14. Totaling these figures we find that Iowa State had a three touchdown edge over Nebraska. Since this column is being writ ten before the game, see for your self how the numerical wizard would have fared following his figures. Men Play Tennis Matches Pairings for matches in the fall tennis tournament have been an nounced by Lew Means, director of intramurals. Matches to be played are: Cressman v. W. Mohr. Ehlers v. Ralph Woods. Barrett v. Bob Marsh. Enroute to Ireland, Barry Fitz gerald, Academy Award Wihner, stopped off in New York to visit John McNulty, who had just fin ished the script of "Third Avenue" in which Barry is to be starred by Paramount. Phi Gamma Delta, SAE's Hold Spotlite Phi Gams and SAE's are still top teams in the IM football tour nament with five wins and no losses. The Navy Sorority Set and Sig Chi's are following the leaders in the third week of play. League standings: Alpha Tan Omega. Beta Thrta ft. .... A Navy Flyer Delta I psikm Pkmeer t'-op Kappa Sigma-nwta Taa Delta. Nlrma Pal Kntilkta M4gma No Thrta XI Navy Atoms Navy Wnlves Brown ralare Beta Sigma INI THI RSDAY RKM l.TS. tleta Sigma l'nl , Pioneer I. Mgma ('hi S, Rrowa I'alace -Mil Gamma Delta IS. Onhank Oa- W I. Pel. .a loon . 10(10 .X 1000 ft 1 .HSS .4 1 .800 .4 1 .800 .4 I .M0 S I .750 t I .0X7 J .Ml I 1 .500 .1 I .MM . I .400 .1 S .400 . 4 .1 3 . .1 S .ZM .1 4 .200 .1 IS7 I . .a t .oo . .an 0 5 .000 Oil 111 c . . (Continued from Page 1.) Nebraska threatened again in the opening period when Dick Short recovered Dedecker's fumble on the Cyclone 19. Two running plays were unsuccessful and Rob inson's pass was too high as the quarter ended. Dedecker Scores. With two minutes gone in the second quarter, Dedecker broke liose for 43 yards to the Ne braska 7. On the third down after a fumble and an eight yard loss a pass interference penalty against the Huskers gave the Iowans the ball on the 2-yard line. Dedecker went over on the next play. Moore spearheaded another drive into scoring territory but the threat fizzled when Moore lat eralled widely and Robinson was forced to punt. After Nebraska had moved into enemy land in the third quarter, BLACK OR BROW ' BLACK, $.00 il I " if L " X o - in, L t ) rRlCES PLUS 20 TAX STREET FLOOR a try for a first down was short on the Iowa State 26-yard marker. The elusive Howard broke loose again, racing 52 yards to the Ne braska 27 and two plays later he once more outdistanced Husker defenders and scored with three minutes left in the third quarter. Marks' kick was blocked by Bob Korte. Moore's score opened the fourth quarter and the Cyclones chose to kick off. A second Husker drive was checked when a Robinson pass was intercepted by Howard on the Cyclone 47. Pflum then tore through the Nebraska line for a first down on the Nebraska 9, but a 15 yard clipping penalty moved the ball back to the 24 and the Huskers took the ball when Johnson re covered Phelps' fumble on the 29. A pass, Robinson to Skog, gave Nebraska the ball on the 47 but it was Howard who again spoiled the scoring drive by intercepting Robinson's pass intended for Korte. With the ball on the Iowa State 49, Pflum sneaked through the Scarlet line and sprinted 51 yards to score. Nine minutes were gone in the final quarter when Marks added the third conversion. The Huskers made one last at tempt to score when Ed Grado ville lid an attack to the Iowa State 30 but two incomplete passes ended the effort. Loreni Plays Well. Fred Lorenz played his usual fine game on defense for the I I M $ ;1BBX UcjI FatiiH st 1 ' JP'J) ' ' V mffUralmndpaatrnt... 1230 "" ft FREE VARIETY SHOW VAUDEVILLE ACTS BILL MURRAY, Singer DEV HENNEK, Acrobatic Dancer JANE SIMPSON, Tap Dancer Deanna Durbin Pat O'Brien Franchot Tone 9? e?EMS BUJTILEErS nTTEK 8:00 P. M., SUN., OCT. 21 Union Ballroom if BLACK, 2S5