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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1945)
4 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, February 7, 1945 BY BET KING. The lull after the storm that was this week end. exams have been over for Marine Flyer B. Nelson Wins Air Medal, Tells Experiences Marine 2nd Lt. Bernard A. Nel-lduring the early morning, wait son, on his return here from the mS for a heavy front to life," central Pacific, told of shooting ! aid the malifne. "We didn't ' i nave tn wait lnnir and ns snnn down one Zero and sharing in as the Japs took offj each of us one out and went after "Course Carolines. a week, air medal the destruction of another in an; picked encounter over Ponape in the him. He was awarded thei "The first one evaded me I for action. niillpH nn holiinrl unnllior that had but you have to blame it on' A graduate of Bristow high one 0f our Corsairs in trouble, something. school, Lt. Nelson attended UN, My fjrc njt jn e zero's engine The Inkspots Friday night pro-;and 'he college of engi-1 anc cockpit. It rolled over slowly vided a slight break in the'neen,1S- He enlisted in Novem-'and crashed into the side of the monotony. Theta Helen Goodwin ber. 1940- anH won hls wings hill." danced the evening awav with as Hn enlisted pilot in October,! Shares in Kill. BUI liaWKins, Beta. DU Nina '" ' S"1 '' nivinrr nn annthpr .Tan nlano I Lt. Nelson shared in the when his fire struck simul- Scored Victories. taneously with that of Marine He scored his Victories while 1st Lt. Joe Shellack of Oklahoma. participating in a bomber escort! Lt. Nelson said his Corsair was I mission last March one of the hit only on one occasion. It art Goldbere 7BT h ive finally' lirsl iana-Dasea strikes ai me was shuck auring a Domoing ax- made it official with a pinhang-' heavily-fortified Jap stronghold, j tack on Jap-held Mili in the Mar ing No one was very surprised I according to an army release, slialls. The raid was one of the They've been a steady twosome' JaP Zeros intercepted the flight' 20 in which he took part while for some time Speak in of steady' and in the ensuing battle, eight flying from Engebi in the Mar twosomes, Sallv O'Shea. TheUvenemy fighters were downed and .snails. is seeing a lot of Phi Delt pledge 'hree probable victories recorded.) "My windshield was shattered Dan Lilly. Jeanne Marchant. Al-DurnS ,hx battle. Lt. Nelson also. by a 20-milliroeter shell" he said find in Ernie straieu a .cero uixiing 101 a lane-, anu aunu i &ut a uiuuimui ui sn 'iiii t rv-r inrta sn.nTiPrrn omcc i vv. c limn in rpn Thirlcen Year Old Gels Eager CINCINNATI, O. (ACP). With most youngsters his age still in the seventh grade, Darwin T. Turner, son of Darwin R. Turner, Chicago pharmacist, enrolled here ipday jn the University of Cin cinnati as the youngest freshman Scott was there with Jim Riggs ! rensacoia, r la. fie was commis That's a HpI that rlat wnv hark- sio'ied a year later. to Nina's freshmen days when Jim was on the campus. Steady Twosomes. Marilyn Adler. SDT, and Stu- in its history. The Negro boy, who was 13 in May, has set as his academic goal three Cincinnati degrees: Bach elors of arts and laws and doctor of philosophy These will bring the total of Cincinnati university diplomas in his family to 14. A grandfather and a grandmother each received two Cincinnati decrees: his moth- killier. four: his father, one. and an aunt, two. "There's so much to learn," i Darwin told campus officials as they waived the 16 year minimum age requirement on the high school principal's assurance the boy is qualified for college work. "But I'm not in any hurry. I'd like to spend about ten years at the university Committees . . . (Continued from Page 1.) Committee No. 4 Territorial Problems, Germany, Union, room 316. Committee No. 5 Territorial Problems, East Europe, Union, i jom 315. Committee No. 6 Territoi ial Problems, Central Europe, Bal kans, Union, room 313. Committee No. 7 Territorial Problems of Italy, Union, Facul ty Lounge. Committee No. 8 Colonies and Mandates, Union card room. Committee No. 9 Treatment Germany, Temple room 201. Committee No. 10 Treatment of Japan, Temple room 203. Committee No. 11 Ethnic Problems, Temple room 154. Committee No. 12 Economics and Social, Temple room 205. pha Xi, has Brockschmidt a lind in stationed at the base. They've been doing the town most every night since Christmas. Jeanne is one girl the man shortage doesn't seem to bother. Seems like everyone is back on leave. Nell Scott, DG. has been having a wonderful time while her man, Lt. Tom Wadner, is home on leave. Lt. Don Grant. j Sigma Nu. is spending his leave We circled over the airfield, and got back safely." Ohio Coeds Take Music, Muscles Instead of Diet (ACP). TOLEDO. O. seeing Pi Phi Carol Clark. Alpha bwomin mua.cbound .vi iwury rtrmuur nu:, u,t pel let i : n( (nr n,,,.,.. Upper Reveals AgYWCabinet For 1945-46 FlightTraining Government Approved . School Flight lessons arranged at the Union Air Terminal by ap pointment. 'Night classes for ground school instruction. 2415 O Street. Phone 6-2885 or 2-6124. Lincoln Airplane & Flying School solution and Lt. for a good leave. "Bub" Gullickson She first Florence Scott Libbey wnmpn c rinrmi irv at thr visited Mary's home then -Bub's";, f -to ' Each night at 11 of Hall, Uni- in Fargo, South Dakota. Phi Delt Joe Kessler is taking blazes with light and pajama-cladi;";" "sue Fishwood he last fling before leaving for the. women stream into the room fVom'X,6 ood the a Merchant Phi Betty the ease. marine academy. ri ai directions. Their streaming Stanton is the girl in has been sliehtlv slower in the Congratulations. Slim risk of Lois Opper, president of the ag IS Hie V A hae annniinpaH Q npur nK inet for the coming year. Julie Crom will be the new dis trict representative; Geraldine Gowan will be vice-president and membership chairman; and Mar- new sec y Other members are Mary Louise Helt, worship: Lorraine French the lounge! . f j . .. and Vivian Ferns, YM-YW co At last one woman enters with trmnn. fat. K-mQ Th,,. ... . . ... . : l j i J """f"' Concr.its to Nickie Nickerson, " UJSIC""US """- ""'" .day discussion; Carol Briden newly elected governor of the fh carefully deposits it on the baugh s(M.ia, cnairman; Virginia Dorm. By the way, the Dorm's b,elfnd removes the lid FromiBobbitt Estes chairman; Sally big midwinter party is coming up the box eo .s two black discs. Hammond, publicity; Beth Noren Saturday night. Sounds fun j'h'h each woman eyes with b social service; Margaret especially thf formals. baleful glances. The two records,' Griffin literature promotion: Our nominee for "The Most r ,lat ey, u UJ Claire Kepler, World Mission of Reformed Man on the Campus"-!' .?re .fj3?!! " h.e. !5rd.the Church; LaRayne Steyer, Larrvi.'' " " Jr 'J ..'T.u:" ; h Magnet editor; and Barbara v.a...v. a ""l'""s.iGooddin2. musie chairman. .ii&iiv. inai .jn. .ail, lk.:. ;WH.. -,V : KJ.. . llllllljr CACIl. I.Ca III d :to the rhythmic strains of what ever music happens to suit the exercises. J The fad has spread to almost ieveryone in the dormitory. But jthere remain some who prefer a O i e tt iew extra incnes on ineir waisi- OlCflAS I Or iyeiC lines to being crirpled for life. Larry Wentz. Phi Gam. took his mother to the Inkspots LOST-Grc. !i Shacaffer- Life -time pen. Call Marjorie Tliompson, 2-7371. Re- - - - - - - Tbcr i still much Fainnonl's lc v Cream and Sherbet made ... but not quite enough lor everyone who 4H3EMv wants it. Ask your Fairmont Dealer f( first Veu will get your share. V1 TZ' Larrv. TOWNSEND PHOTO. Dean Bengston tanks for Neic Led u re Series Dean Nels A. Bengston will be ture series which started Dec. 31 at the university to replace the lecture bureau. Since the an-' nouneement of the series. 11 in-' vitations from three different, communities have been received by the university to send speak-j ers thruout the state. Prof. Dwight Kirsch. chairman, ol the university art department, recently returned from Curtis where he presented the first lec-j ture in this community service program j Professor Kirsch gave an illus trated lecture on "Art and Art Appreciation" for an audience of teen-aged ftudents of the Curtis school of agriculture. SPECIAL Instant Photos 3x4 PHOTOS Single Groups 3 Minufe Service 1026 P EASTER GREETING CARDS Personalized Stationery Scotch Tape GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE tli N.rl II Opra Ei V01 Trao.rtaCta I mi y. utk '. Juke Box MATINEE DANCES 5 to 6 Wcdnesdoy 4 to 6 Friday 9 to 11:30 Friday and SAT.,FEB.10 JIMMIE PHILLIPS' BAND With Refreshments Union Ballroom Ident. Cards Please 1 J 1 Plastic Vanity 1 fZZ" m tor 'our Valentin I V'" m w i In new, itream- I V ' 1 lined design. Loose I I powder style. 2.5. I tax mi j