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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1945)
tWccInesclay, February 7, 1945 THE NEBRASKAN 3 Sooners Tied AS I SEE IT Wilhjaylumks For Loop Lead By (JJwdc fisdohAoJv Even tho Nebraska is at the bottom of the conference ladder their tall center, Art Peterson. leads the league with an average of 13.16 points scored per game in Big Six games. He has racked tip 136 points in 14 contests, Following him in total points is little Bobby Hahn of Fremont with a total of 100 points. The Cornhusker tally sheet: tt ft pr t M M IS Harm MtrmKM Hntltn 4JnMMtt TMttaHi K 14 14 4.1 14 14 SI tl 14 4 S4 15 3S 19 14 14 t A 3 II 4 I.) 4 t t 4 t 4 t 5 I I M lOfi MS M 1 4 1 II ft 14 !t 154 tS M4 t It's going to be interesting to jiee how well the much beaten Cornhuskers of Nebraska W'ill draw in the way of paying cus tomers when they meet the Kan sas Jay hawkers this Saturday. For the first time this season the Jluskers will be playing a home fame without the help of the LAAF Wings to draw a crowd, and so this will be the first test of Lew's boys drawing power with the Lincoln public and the UN students. It is my sincere hope and belief that, the Huskers will draw almost as well without the Wings as they do wiih them. The Huskers have turned in a remarkable record this year. Even tho they have lost 13 out of their 14 games so far this year they have forced three games into over time periods, and lost five of their pames by seven points or less. In all of their contests they have maintained a scoring average of better than 42.6 poims per game. Kansas, Missouri, Iowa State j Iowa Scahawks and Kansas State remain on the U. N. schedule. It the college, and the two gamblers who offered them the money are being held by a grand jury. The number of teams entered for the state basketball tourney to be held in Lincoln the week of the 14, 15, 16, and 17 has reached the total of 425. Some fun! National Inler- Fralcrnily Group Condemns Hazing It will be up to the Kansas Aggies, who have been the in and outers in the Big Six race, and the Nebraska Cornhuskers who have been the just plain outers to mess up the well laid plans of the high flying Oklahoma Sooners, and their co-parlners in the hold ing of the Big Six basketball race. The Wildcats will go to Norman to try to repeat their early sea son win over the Okies. It was in the first game of the season that Coach Fritz Knorrs sometimes brilliant 'cats put on some very fancy razzle dazzle to take a one point decision from the Sooners 55-54. Since then the Kansans have taken a pair of whippings, but to maRe up for those, they went on a 70 point spree against the hapless Huskers. Nebraska Tough. The Nebraskans have yet to win their first game in six starts, but strangely enough, the Corn- have shown their best NEW YORK, N. Y. (ACP). All forms of hazing involving mental or physical torture, including paddling, will be banned official ly and absolutely by all colleges i huskers and universities thruout the coun- efforts against the. league lead try and offenders, both individuals 'ers. It took two overtimes for and organizations, disciplined if.Oklahoma to eke out a win from the request of the National Inter-:the very stubborn Huskers. The fraternity conference is followed. Uayhawkers beat the Cornhuskers A resolution declaring such but the struggle was mueii forms of hazing a menace to the .closer than the score would indi- welfare of educational institutions cate. It was only in the last few and the various organizations moments of the game that tho which are a part of the institu- Jayhawkers were able to pull lions, as well as to individual away from the Nebraska boys. students, was passed unanimously jn a race that defies ranking1 at the 36th annual meeting of the means of competitive National Interfraternity con f cr-! scores the gremlins or what ever1 ence, held in New York City re- specie cf demon occupies the; cently. 'basketball floor, must be having! While such forms of hazing 'Quite a week. Missouri rlavsi have been condemned in earlier Uwice this week in the conference. sessions, this is the first definite could conceivably be in a tie for! request made for action by tho ,first place if they were to beat! administrative oificers of eduoa-jboth Kansas State and Iowa! tional institutions. For years the state and if Nebraska would beat' National Interfraternity confer-1 Kansas and K-State knock off, ence and its 60 member f rater- 'Oklahoma. Resides their confer-: nities have tried thru educational cncc fates the Tigers go to Iowa! means to eliminate questionablejcity Saturday to play the Iowa I Wings Prepare For Colorado The Lincoln Army Air Field Wings have been holding numer ous hard scrimmages this week in preparation for their trip to Colo rado Springs this Thursday to play the Second Army Air Corps Headquarters team of . Colorado Springs. The Wings who are the virtually unchallenged champs of the east ern section of the Second Air Force area must play several teams of the area in the next few weeks. Coach Tatum. Goose Tatum, the local Army's leading scorer, Ray Lumpp the left handed forward, and big Eddie Ehlers were given the most attention by their coach. Captain Stanley Hall. The Goose, the Wings leading scorer, showed fine form in last Saturday's game with the Peru Tigers, and Coach Hall expects even better things from him in the coming games. Feb. 24, the Wings travel to Omaha to meet the national AAU champions, the Phillips Oilers in a return match in a benelit game for the Living Memorial fund. The Wings conquered the Oilers in their last meeting which was held in Colorado Springs. Coach Hall says he expects to have all his men in shape, includ ing Vic Kraft who was injured in the game with the Doane Navy a week ago. Evidence indicates lhat Adolf Hitler suffered from hysterical blindness for six months after the last war, says Dr. Viitor A. Gonda of the Loyola university (Chi cago) school of medicine. HEAR MAJOR 1. E STOCKMAN Air It as? Chaplain LSA Fellowship Hour Thursdoy, 7:30 P. M. 315 Union hazing practices among the 2,422 undergraduate chapters of the 200 fraternity campuses in this coun try. In placing the responsibility for prohibition and enforcement upon the local administrative of ficers, fraternity leaders hope that Seahawks. The standings and this schedule: wrecks Oktalmma 4 Kansas 4 Vm Slate ........ 2 K-Stai 2 Missouri 2 NrhT-as-ka ft Fb. 6: MiswMin-K -Slate at Manhattan The bit conrratulations of the hJeclriC Washers III JllllSIC ,- Nwin -" rr-Fiipht i wa looks like a little tough sledding' prot,,em wjn solvcd HI V II VI . T'ts. 2:i3 2S.- 177 12 140 24 7 op 207 176 1.S7 2dl 1M i7 ' Wi .: .Mi .MNi . week go Ut Coach Ed Weir and his varsity trackmen. Their 51-45 victory over the Kansas Jayhamks sets them up as a major threat in the TRig Six race. Eig rubs in the victory were Dean Kratz, mho plunked off three firsts, and Norval Barker, the winner of both hurdle events. Others whose help was appreci ated greatly mere Don Morrison mho mon the mile, Buzz Hollins and Dick Tiderit, mho m'n first and wcond in the shotput, Dick Miller, the first place man in the pole vault, and Jigps Whit more, two-mile minner. All true sports lovers turned tip their noses last week and vowed that another incident like the Brooklyn college deal would never happen again. This modern sequel to the Black Sox episode f 1919, is really a black mark ipon the sporting world. However, the five players who accepted the $1,000 to throw the game with Akron U., drew suspensions from Sir ON GUARD Protect Your Clothes From Weor Il li Clean Them VnimiiiftMMiiini ii ' iiiiiiiwir iiBiiMiW'f'tft Electric washing machines are needed in the jungle, too. An army doctor, ordering supplies to equip 'behind the front" hos pitals in India, sent headquarters a special request for the wash ers. They were shipped by plane with his medical supplies. City. K Statf.Oklahoma at Hansas-Nt-br t Norman Pint-sized Pamela Blake, movie starlet, has been voted the "ideal girl with whom to share a ration book" a group of air cadets at Birmingham Southern college, Alabama. COLISEUM HHE WORLD'S GREATEST 7 . rv f-'b v y -TONIGHT 0ANC1N3 COUPLt rw n V i Open ? r. M. Curtain .t F. M. HO TW. t" Tickets on Sale at Koeem-ell Floral Co. until P. M. Tonicht .. A(a . f I M rim r. Vrrrrr4 HitU, 2 t ftmn Ta. Oa fcakt I'ni(bt 4 Oliarsi M I M. March of Time Film "BRAZIL' 5:00, Wednesday, Feb. 6 FREE VARIETY SHOW Ginger Rogers & Joel McCrea in 'THE PRIMROSE PATH" 3:C0 t. M, SUN, FEB. 11 UNION BALLROOM Coffee Hovr S to 6 in Lounge Sunday I 1 rtailP III ML t 1 u uuul tm: This is America's favorite wartime shoe." TTtlE nem in lioes is more n1 more flal malking shoes and llie new knot llhout,, Is a hanrtome tvamp' Smooth poliheI Russet calf mith leallier Miles and ImcIs, it comes in kites 4 lo 10, AAAA to B midtlis. Mll' Sprt tw lt We're "hep" to BOBBY SOX! n jt; Wtw COTTOXS in trmint-into-snrtng colors, pins those "olid" ItihJand plaids. 29c, 50c ond 75c poir H to WOOL-2 RATON sox in re jitn, yrllow nd blue. Sires S'i U lS'i. 75c pair Mfllcr't Brf S?ctMs tr4 Kmi (TIiLLERX PAi