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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1944)
THE NEBRASKAN Friday, February 11 Campus Activities Progress Student activities on the cam pus have unotrone many changes aC P-t- I For nil kincLs of Weather in the past year but the majority; of the orgamzations are function is normally as possible under 1 1 ne cond.tens. Kosmet Klub and Corn Cobs, both men's organ izations, are the only two that have been forced to disband for thA Hiirafirin snri new o-rnin I War Council, was tne only nev Allraniy-atiftn s.;'c.f-i) last wjr I The Studert Council is a gov erning board ejected each .spring by the entire student body. It su per vises stucrt elections. Lois Christie is pres-.der.t. Rachel Ar.r. Lock is president of Mortar Ecard, an honorary group made .v ci outstanding senior woiner. New members ai t ! masked in tr. Ivy Day eeremon ies. Mortar Ecsrds sponsor the loan fund, x rtar Board partv scholarships, s.r.olarship tea, arid women's act;.y conference. Catherine Weils serves as hea up of 50 pkl.ed upreiciasswoinen who act as "l.f.- sisters'' for fresh men women c the csrr.pus. They sponsor the Friendship Dinn. the Penny Cf.r.-.:val. The Y.W.C .. Women's Chri tian organizat . r.. tru s to help a! coeds realize ?. full ar.d creati college life tr.rcugh woiship. com inanity servic, persona! relations race relations ar.d war v.oik. Som of the "Y" fc t.vities are public;: tion of the N-tock, surgical dress lr.g.s. vespers vocational groun;- nl liny "V The c:ty campus president is .-.r.r, Wellensiek, and ag campus rrerder.t. Peggy Lar son. The Y.m.c.A. is the corre sponding me:, s organization. All university women are mem bt r- of the Associated Wome Students Activitie are carried n through thre groups, the executive board, the. legislative r- v composed of the pr.:sidnts ft a:' organized houses I and the WAS Court. The organ ization bacKs the All Activities Mart, a vocavr.nal guidance pro gram, and tre Ivy Day Sing urinei neir.p..j is president o. AWS. war Cour.c.; is in charge of women's war work, including sur gical dressings. LSO junior host esses. Lincolr Fi: st Aid and Home Nurs.rg classes, Kt -imps and bor.ds. ar.d sh ::. Pat Chair Y r!ain kl-.''it Of the ' r.r :1. sa le of the wari is pres- Tassels is the per club and spon !.. u:- i-refertaiif-n of tne pep qi..en 'Sr. Membership i n n'': up ... : f r : ecr.t8;i-es fron a'l organizer frfiliaV.j arKj barb groups on th ffrnpus. Mary Ru S'-l is pre-.'.- '-.t of Tassels. Polly P'tty ;c precjrient of Stu dent,' which was or ganized in :42 to p-''ioize the UniversiU . Ar. fssay contest for hih schr.; s:..ors is one of its important rr cLs . ..i. i iniei'c associa tion promotes rhysiral activities and goxi sportsmanship on the'l campus. Jt it- r.h'io up of a num- n"r or clubs frr enthusiasts of in dividual Fpe.:t. Joyce Junge is pr.-Siqent f,: Zf.4- a A. i The Barb Activities Board fori Women v. as organized to encoir- to paiticipt .n campus activities fitly r.uen IJe',. ey js pres-' in.-m or me r. r id. Tne Interhouse Council is rr.fe'Je up of representa tives irom t.-.e resxlenee balls, co op house, f.r.d other barb worn en's organization. The Nebrsika Independent As sociation j r.-f.rje up of all un.-if-! filiates stLCer.tJt. The assembly met every week and has i harg'-' of barb soe.a!. athletic and intra-; mural progrfcr.-.s. The smaller gov-: frning body for the group is thej NIA Count::. Thm counei! eef t' its own officers with the approval' or ine ssM-rr.Mv. The Prirr--f i-.n;tn r.A... 1 - - .... . - . . i n.i i a I rrrtn will publish a monumental collec tion of the writings and corre apodence of Thornaa Jefferson to mark the two hundredth annivers ary of Jeffrson'g birth. The writ ings, contesting of 13 million words in IiO volumes will cost $34 4,300 toproduce and will be partly financed by the New York Times. Dr. Clark George Kuebler was inaugurate' president of Ripon tul.o o.. .-c, " n RESTHNIT T r4') , ' QPCOATS ,:rtVv ' r: GABARDINE topcoat, master tailored by men's tailors, just like the famous Crestknit Coats for men . . . shower-proof, wrinkle-proof, of 100 all wool gabardine. In natural only, sizes 1U to 20. The gaily colored rayon crepe blouse pictured comes in several bright color com binations, to add zest to your spring suit. Well tailored, in the Rothley manner. Sizes 33 to 33 mo5 r.Mii Flower-Splnslied ( 1 f i i!k-"r lis m i r Shrut Stoov Mff tei Nev sweaters taVe a trend to shorter lengths, less casual lines ... you've a yen for the long Sloppy joes and Sues, we have them too, in aqua, beige, coral, pink, skipper blue, red, maize and natural. All Slipovers. 4.95 io 7.95; Cardigans, 5.95 to 8.95. SPRING SKIRT S Multiply your wardrobe with a plaid pastel backgrounds. Of wool and rayon mixture. Sizes 24 to 30. m z if t 1 : i on DWfATERS ';Tf5W I 'H'':hi i"' but if lilac, wools.. skirt in white or 5.05