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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1943)
DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 Hawkeyes Tilt Huskers In Opening Cage Fray mill wiuiinuiWTb 7 ,w Sunday, December 12, 1943 Iowa Speeds To Early Win Bv Big Score BY REX MITCHELL. A fast breaking squad of Hawk eyes toppled the Scarlet and the Cream, Friday night, 50-33, before a crowd of 1,200. The Iowa boys raced to a 19-7 point lead in the opening minutes of the game with Dick Ives and Dave Danner, two flashy freshman forwards, pacing the" early lead, hitting the hoop from eevry angle. A tightened Husker defense held the Hawkeyes to a 23-13 halftime margin. Buckers by Lucas, Barry, Gaiter, and Artman constituted the scoring for Nebraska durr g the first half. Coming out in the second half, the Hawkeyes turned on the heat, against a straggling Nebraska squad to 19 points. After match ing baskets for ten minutes of play, Iowa reserves spurted in the closing quarter to ice the game for the Hawkeyes. However the Cornhusker kids never once gave up. Ih the final minutes, a speedy fighting Scarlet squad attempted vainly to close the gap. Both teams showed a definite lack of experience and seasoning. Their rapped ulav. which was evi dent throughout the entire game, is due to inadequate practice. How ever, wtih the advance of the com inr s.'Asnn both teams threaten to become powerful high-scoring clubs. BOX SCORE. f. It . Ivra f 1-3 0 Mkiiimm f - Dannrr I t-A :I Waltrra I u i- 1 . 4 lluchr ( I t-0 t 1'iH.lrla C I - Kri c l ........... - I 1 .rntlnn ( I 1-1 T..IUI. ! -10 i Nrliruoka ft. !'. Arliuun f t 2-S (ialfrr f t I0 lltturk f 1 - fill tr f t 0-1 Hurry c I S KuKr r 1 0-1 l.lir:l K t 0-1 hhrrmun I 0 0-0 kiihlmaa 1 t 0-1 Total . Off trial: Nurlli. . 1 15 S- 1 John O'llMiinrll and 4rk Messial (Continued from page 1) "The Recitatives." Shirley Smith, Hickman, "Come Unto Him." Altos. Beinice Prince, Bayard, "He Was Despised." Dorothy Huffman, Lincoln, "Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened," "He Shall Feed His Flock." Tenors. D. H. Pinkcrton, Lincoln, "Every Valley." Reiner Andreesen, Filley, "Com fort Ye." Robert Calkins, Beatrice, "Thy Rebuke," "Behold and See." Baritones. Carlos Atkinson, Red Cloud, "For Behold Darknes?." Roy Edward Johnson, Lincoln, "Why Do the Nations." Russell Leger, Burchard, "Who May Abide." "The Messiah" is the only piece of music that has had uninter rupted popularity for its entire ex istence which has been over 200 years. Handel's masterpiece was composed one summer when Han del believed himself divinely in spired in a little more than three weeks; a feat for rapid writing never surpassed. Handel's original scoring for th: orchestra was very sketchy and many have tried to rescore the music, most famous of which is Mozart. The university orchestra will use a mixture of orchestra tions. Ushers for the performance will be the Tassels who will wear their uniforms. The chorus will wear dark suits and bright dresses. Meet a Husker CtL CbiimarL Hats off to the only veteran on the Cornhusker basketball team this season. Allen Artman hails from Kearney, Nebraska. In high school he was one of the top-notch athletes, with particular skill in basketball and baseball. Al is a senior "this vear and still continues his fine work on the Maples as was proven in recent games with Iowa and Depaul. Coach Lewandowski will undoubt edly count heavily upon the steadying influence of Al's expe rience and his fine all-around piay. Although Al will not be nlaving any baseball for the Huskers this year, he is still capable or a tine nerformance in this particular sport. It is indeed a pleasure to watch him whip the bail irom first base with a smooth left handed motion. Al is not only a fine athlete, but an excellent student as well. Being a senior in the college of Phar macy, he spends a great deal of his time in some of the rougher Chem. classes. As a personality, Al is tops. He takes an active interest in cam pus activities and devotes much of his time to fraternity affairs. Knowing Al as we do, we feel cer tain that he is destined for suc cess in all of his future activities. Good luck, Al! Women in Blue Speak at AWS Mixer Wednesday Two movies and two speakers, i.ifiitpnant Anne Dorsev and Yeo man Second Class Virginia Ash of the WAVES, are the highlights of the navy mixer sponsored Dy me AWS in the Union ballroom next Wednesday at 4:30. Lt. Dorsey s subject is the ur ficers Trainine Program." A fre quent speaker here from Fort Des Moines, she is chairman or me publicity for the lowa ana sse hruskn territorv. Yeoman Ash will speak on the "Enlisted Corps." "Women in Blue-' is me mie or the first movie and describes the WAVE'S training program. The second, "Eyes of the Navy," is a picture of men on duty ana on the U.hs on land that the girls fill; such as, parachute rigging and control tower operating. This program is anoiner in me series of vacational talks spon sored by AWS under the chair manship of Mary Lou Holtz. Rvervone is welcome, and seniors especially afe invited to come. Sigmas Edue Beta Siis We appreciate your patronage Kappa gel In Intramurals Kappa Sigs, in climbing out of the cellar, nosed out the Beta Sigs in the second round of the volley ball tournament. Losing the first game by a slim one point margin, the fighting Betas came back to trounce the Kappas in the second set, but could not muster enough power to sweep the series, thus dropping the final game by three points. The ATOs proved their superi ority by trouncing the Sig Chis, and the Sig Eps took the measure of the ZBT squad. Standings to date: w 1 ATO 2 1 Sig Ep 2 0 Sig Chi 1 1 Kappa Sig 1 1 ZBT 1 1 Phi Gam 0 1 Beta 0 1 Beta Sig 0 2 AUF ... (Continued from page 1.) for Servicemen. The money will be divided between the two or ganizations- according to their budgets. This was the first drive of the AUF which was organized to in- corpoiate drives, formerly scat tered throughout the academic year into a few concentrated drives. Members of the advisory council are Jimmie Howe, chair man of the. drive for WSSF and Rags for Servicemen; Howard Chaplin, Bob Henderson, Virginia Stuermer, Dorothy Mae Anderson, and Estelle Lenneman STATIONERY The Morale Builder The nicest, most practical. DeLuxe Gift available for 1943 Christmas presents. Plenty for Everybody Christmas Cards We are carryinr the laret selection evr. Boxed as sortment. Family Spe cials. Humorous nd Biblical, lc up to 1. Plenfy for Everybody GoldsBrcdStatisneiryStcre 215 North 14 Open to P.M. Yearbook Neels Freshman Typists Freshman typists are badly needed in the Cornhusker of fice. Typing of the key of the year book must be completed by the end of this week. Take Vitamins tor better Health .... 79S 50 Haliver Oil ... 100 B Complex 3 40 Bexel Caps. 90C S tarns 49C Vimms 49C Groves B Complex 49C 100 A-B-D-0 Caps. . . $i 60 100 Multiple Vitamin Capsules. High $t25 Potency 3 50 ABD0L Parke $4 4 Davis Caps. . . , JL UNI DRUG 14th & S ill jS '4 i " i 1 'W ---i. vVi i i 'A- Aim . I Y V j V A gift she can wear. . MR SUITS For lounging or sports wear- a slack suit finds Jcvor in her eyes. She'll like the well tailored style illustrated, in contrasting color combinations. Sizes 10 to 20. 7.J5 Gilts from Simon's are Gift Wrapped as Only Simon's Do III SILY-CMUS iSsc 4likik xii a boiiu.s Here's a sleep-mate that she'll welcome not only for its wear, but for its fine tailoring and timeless styling. Navy w,ith blue, or red with black or natural ground Sizes $2 to 40. ' ' ' 1 ' ' '