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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1943)
2 DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, December 12, 1943 WSL (pMdJUtL ... JhsL (Daily ThLJia&hut FOUTT -FOURTH YKAR Subscription Rates are $1.00 Per Semester or $1.50 for the College Tear. $2 50 Mailed. Single copy, 5 Cents, petered as second-class matter at the postoftice in Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress March 3, 1879, and at epccial rate of postage provided (or in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, Authorized September 30, 1922. Published three timei werklj on Sunday, tfredneadaj and Friday during school year. Offices Union Bunding. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Day 2-718L Night 2-7193. Journal 2-3330. Editor Marlorie Marietta Business Manager . .... Charlotte Hill Army Editors Pfe. William Calkina and Pfe. William Chisolm Sport : John C. Brittle? Nrwa Editor . . Jrun CluKellj, Marvlouise Goodwin. Ghlta Hill. Mary Helen I'honn Managing Editors Pat Chatnberlln, June Jamlram. BISINESS STAtF Society Laura Lee Mundil AiHistHnt Riixinran Manxrra Jo Marl. Sylvia Bernstein Circulation Manager Bill Korff. v..- Mail Clippings Pat Chamberlin, Censor All ideas expressed in the editorial columns of the Nebraskan are those of the editor unless otherwise indicated. They may or may not reflect student opinion. Give a Toy . . . In Friday's Daily Nebraskan was an article by a wan tleriti" reporter who asked the question ofjnany campus cele brities, 'Is there a Santa (Mans.1 ' Answers to Ihis questiot'i were varied, but the negative reply carried off the majority of beliefs. Here in college, students have outgrown ihe hatiiriiif' of the liosc before the fireplace in hopes St. Nicholas soon will be there stae. but ihese blase tlisbelievers can help to re lain the naive delight of children who know that there is a jolly old gent w10 fills up their stockings w ith toys. Yes. there is a Santa Mans, lie is 1hc spirit of cheer and trivinr. lit' is the symbol of sharing. Stinlents are being given a chance to help in creating this mythical individual famous for his long white beart and jolly laugh. They can help to make Santa's tremendous job easier by contributing ' the products which are in the greatest de mand toys. War Council's committee "On the Beam" is conducting a campus "Toy for Joy" Drive. Students are asked to con tribute used as well as new toys to the dr ive. Blow off the dust on some of those boxes stored away in Ihe attics filled with delightful messengers of joy which have served their purpose in a house full of grown-ups. Uncover those boxes full of memories of childhood and help theni to build up memories for t lie "good little boys and girls" who deserve to receive their reward and who seek Ihe joy of pos sessing a tov. G. H. Forum (Continued from page 1.) might cause discriminating tar iffs, the problem of American peo ple expecting to be paid for lend lease were all discussed as forces which might pull the nations apart. "The United Nations will be held together, however," believed Sellers, "by the necessity of en forcing the peace." The University of Nebraska Forum of the Air will discuss "After the War: Inflation or De flation?" on Dec. 18. The programs do not in any way constitute official university presentation. Yiebrook Joins UN Staff To Instruct ROTC Men Second Lt. Walter A. Viebrook has been attached for temporary duty with UN military unite, it was announced by Col. Murphy, the Army's commanding officer on campus. Baron (Continued from page 1.) needs pictures of Husker gals to lift his morale, then far be it from us patriots to refuse his charming request. Think of the Joy. Just think of the fun hell have opening package after package to gaze at the unsurpassable beauty of Nebraska coeds, and think how envious the other fellows in the 341st bomb group will be. Who knows, we, the soldier's dreams, may deceive the Congressional Medal of Honor for outstanding patriotism to our country, if we undertake this noble feat. And besides, imagine this poor fellow's plight, stuck out there among the jungle savagesses for two years. No wonder he is dwell ing under the illusion that a Ne braska gal's picture will lift his morale. Perhaps, if we send him our pictures, he will come down to earth and realize he isn't so bad off after all, among those Indians. BLEN . KRUEGER has won his Navy wings from Pensacola, Fla., and received his commission as an Ensign in the Naval Reserve. Having been designated a naval aviator. Ensign Krueger will go on active duty at one of the Navy's air opera tional training centers before being assgined to a combat zone. . ARTHUR BIERMAN has completed his three months basic aviation cadet training at Iowa State College, and has been transferred to the Navy Pre-flight school at Iowa City. Pvt. JUNE WHALEN has begun training at the WAC training center, Fort Des Moines, la. For the next five weeks she will be assigned to a basic company for more detailed work. EVA B. YOST has been promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant, and transferred to Camp Gor don, Ga. DICK COYNE (Phi Psi), FRED HENSON, and BRUCE WOOD have reported to Maxwell Field, Ala., to begin the third phase of their pilot train ing for the AAF. MILES CADWALLADER has received his com mission as second lieutenant in the field artillery from Ft. Sill, Okla. Second Lt. JEAN T. LACY, has been stationed at Tinker Field, Okla., as a field liaison officer. black . i as a S i as a V f Betty Bonebright v To all of this, Smallest of the Mortar Boards in stature buy mighty as the mightiest is little hloml Hetty Bonebright. She began her college career as freshman page for the May Queen, followed up with be ing a sophomore attendant Wih the Mortar Board black hat securely fastened minor. Betty workei.l on member of the Co-ed Counselor Board, YWCA cabinet; and as historian for Mortor. Board. She's a past Tassel I. "Just a has been,'' according to Betty herself. As the crowning glory the blonde bomber be came a part of the "Who's Who" for American colleges. Betty says, "I guess that's all." But that isn't all. She has a double major in dietetics and institution management. And to top that, off, she lacks one semester of having a major in chemistry. Oooooh. but that's still not all for this gal. In her "spare" time she choices an easy re laxing hobby like sewing "sewing diesses particularly," via Betty. Who else says that that's relaxing? But in here somewhere goes a certain pin-mate, Jim Wegener, who is an ASTB dental student and a member of ZIP. When Jim won a stocking girl at the Christ mas Ball, Bett said. "That was fine." One wonders, however, which one of the three of them, Betty, Jim, or Stocking (lirl got a head ache first. Betty's favorite "bests'' are dancing ami .swimming. And if this isn't all, this is certain ly enough, for one little Mortor Board. I There are theme songs and theme songs but "Time on My Hands" is certainly not the theme of some few gals on the campus this week end. Ensign Merrill Englund, former Kappa Sig Inno cent, is home from Guadalcanal to see Jean Cowden, ChiO . . . En sign Paul Pooley, Beta from Iowa State, is with pinmate ChiO Gerry Neumeyer for the Christmas holi days . . . Lt. Aubrey Pettit, Kap pa Sig, is back from Benning keeping Alpha Phi Dorothy Huff man busy. And one ChiO Jean Potadle left the campus this week end to see hometown pinmate Phi Gam Emmet Pipher, home on leave. And speaking of home towns and stuff, we learn that Lt. Ward Freeman, Phi Gam, gave a dia mond to a home town girl. Nice goin'. Ward! And then speaking of diamonds, Theta Alice Mc Campbell received one of same from Kappa Sig Ren Buchacek, which definitely sews up one of those most stable romances. Some people really get around in a day Take, for instance, ZBT Bernie Kaplow, with Georgianne Manifold at noon and with SDT Charlotte Musson at the ZBT party at night. On the other hand there is phenomenal news of peo ple actually staying pinned, as ATO Tom Dvorak. Deals and deals: Kappa Mary Verink now is wearing the Sigma Chi pin of Don Patterson; Ruth Korb, KKG, is no longer wearing her Beta pin; Sigma Nu Wan! Quilter and Kappa pledge Margie George are now going steady. Barbara Blackburn was with Lt. Frank Miller at the Kappa house party at which were also June Korb and ATO Jerry Jacupke. Polly Peterson and AST Jack Ziegler and Mickey JarrelJ with George Abbott. Just Around! Piking it Saturday night were Gordon Ehlers and Alpha Phi B. J. Leadley and Gene Purtzer and Lorraine Beckenauer, KKG pledge . . . ATO Bill Korff and Sunny Sonneland were taking in Theta Toyland ... AST Larry Paul, Delt from Michigan, was around with Kappa Mary Ann Lofink. Phi Gams with furloughs were seen in great numbers. Art Schmale and Jack Artman . . . Gus Swanson around with Jean Ann Donley, Delta Gamma . . . and of course, Gordon Jenkins con templating going to Omaha for some excitement (but incidentally, he admits that there is even less of that in Akron, O.) Hoping to see everyone fully re cuperated by Monday from par ties, dances, etc.,' (mainly etc.,) Ta ta War Show . . . (Continued from page 1.) will not be disclosed for some time, the committee in charge said that this year's performance would be "new, novel, and stu pendous." The show will be presented in the Union ballroom around the middle of February, it was an nounced by the committee, and there will probably be two per formances on consecutive eve nings. Jean Swart and Gerry McKin scy, members of the war coun cil, are in charge of the pro gram and Mr. Leo J. Maitin is the faculty advisor. A 03epuirti: FVosnn) EongSainidl RAY McCONNELL, Jr. Managing Editor oj journal Just Back from Six Weeks in British Isles 4 P. M.f Tuesday, Dec. 14 Union Ballroom A Humorous Factual Report on Our Anglo-Saxon Cousins Haye a "Coke" Swell work, Leatherneck . . . or bow to celebrate a victory at home Returning home with captured Japanese (word, tbe husky Marine it greeted with I lav a "Cot". It's tbe kind' of celebration be wel come! most. At home or abroad Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes, his become a symbol of tbe American way of life. lOTTttO UNOII AUTHORITY Or THE COCA-COIA COMPANY IY LINCOLN COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. 2120 G 2-5357 Li "Colce"B Coo-Cola It't natural for popular name to acquire friendly abbrcvia tlooi. That' why you hear Coca Cola called ''CoaV.