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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1943)
i a B ULAlAMAAMliU u 1 1 1 1 1 with fjjohiv Q.. (Battkif BY JIDG MASON. ' In front of a howling khaki crowd that filled the stadium to overflowing, fern-football waa in troduced to America by the UN Bloomers and the Pittsburg Pants ers, at the Nebraska stadium yes terday. Sparked by "Big Bertha" Sallys bury, the Bloomers crashed and bashed their way to a 14-0 victory EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING Gef more wear from your summer shoes Have Tbsm Dyed NOW Steve's Shoe Repair 140 So. 11th St. Phone 2-4544 over the plucky Pantsers, putting themselves in the running for 1944 Rosette Bowl. Altho the Bloomers used the famous C(oke) formation, a great deal of the time, it was straight power that accounted for both touchdowns, and gave Coach Loisendouski her first game vic tory. Geraldine Junecupke, shifty freshman, was easily the offensive stand-out of the day as her plunges accounted for plenty of gains and one touchdown. She also aided in setting up the other touchdown, but it remained for vivacious 180 pound Theresa Kayfield, fleet Ne braska back, to bring the crowd whistling to their feet as her bull dog spirit and fleet running brought her sailing over the goal post for the second touchdown. Play by Play. On the first play, halfback Gussie Eagler attempted to, run around her own right end but, upon being confronted by the en tire Pittsburgh line, she became confused and ran the wrong way until one of her own team members brought her down. This unfortun ate incident caloused the Bloomers to lose 55 yards, which Alberta Gisslerette made up in the next play. Gisslerette, fading for a pass found a miraculous opening in the line, and -charged down the field and over the goal without oppo sition. It seems that in the open ing scuffle, the Pantsers mistaked Bobette Heins' small roily poly self for the ball, as she went scoot ing around left end, and the team pounced on her en masse, putting her out of the game for the dura tion. As her little mangled body was carried off the field, half kDaEnoBima Woods, Virtually deciding the Big Six Conference championship, was the Missouri-Oklahoma football game at Columbia, Mo., Satur day, which the Sooners won to the tune of 20 to 13. The only pos sible way that the Oklahoma boys can lose the title now, is by being defeated by the Nebraska Corn- alive, she received noisy ovation. Score: Bloomers 6, Pantsers 0. Second Half. In the second half the Pantsers got off to a good start as Rosie Riviter faked a pass and drove over for a first and ten on the Nebraska 36 yard line. Then a long pass was intercepted by Hol lyns, left halfback, who galloped back to the Pantsers 5 yard line, where she was brought down by teammate Dina Smithe, fullback, who was running guard for Smithe and had the bad luck to trip in front of the ball-carrier. Maddened by this ill-fate, the Bloomers be came a cyclonic, whirlwind, fight ing unity and all the desperate attempts of the Pantsers couldn't stop them. On tne next play the range inspired team mowed down the Pittsburg line and Roberta (Bobby) Hazardous tore down the field for 40 yards. Junecupke tak ing the ball on the next play, charged over the goal for a touch down. Big Wilma Hill sent the ball soaring over the goal post as a beautiful kick pointed her toes to the sky and left her reclining on the ground. Score: Nebraska 13, Pittsburg 0. huskers, when the two teams meet at Lincoln, Nov. 27. "Brittle" Bob Brumely was the whole show for the Sooners, as it was his sparkling offensive play. and stellar defensive play in the clinches that held the slim lead that the Sooners maintained thru out the game. Late in the second quarter, Brumely added his teams cause with a tricky 46-yard touchdown jaunt, and then addod the conversion, to put the Sooners out in front 13 to 6 at the end of the first half. Reese Standout. Playing outstanding ball for the losers, and perhaps the most out standing man on the field, was Don "Bull" Reese, who was the whole show for the Tigers. Both on the defense, and the offense it was Reese, who kept the pre- game favored Tigers in the game. "Authorized" Electric Shaver Service 143 So. 12 5-78o4 Factory parts for Schick, Sunbeam and Remington shavers and new shavers on trade in basis $11. For merly located in Sharp Bldg. Minnesota!! Speaks On Plant Patheology Dr. N. tJ. Stakman, noted plant Datholozist at the University of Minnesota, will address the mem bership of Gamma Sigma Delta and the department of plant path- eology at tne college in room 6ii Monday at 4 p. m. Take Vitamins for Better Health 50 79e ioo b $198 Complex A 40 gig'.... 90g Stama 49S Vimms . . ...492 GrB Complex 49$ 100 A-B-D-G $60 Caps X 100 Multiple Vitamin Capsules. High $BMJ5 Potency 3 50 ABDOL Parke $4 4 Davis Caps. ... Jl UNI DRUG 14h O S .,1 mil jjjlj Jiifgl 5.00 Meim and WaDnmieim - nff Mrtneai) 0 Two nationally - known concerns are anxious to locate branch plants in this community. But the staffing of these plants will require many more people than are now known to be available for work in essential industry. This Means J, WitifL men can 1 oiveri Lucite Compacts L4gift sin d Irtasun! Vlui Lvtlj compact crtalion. cu tils willi prtssel an! Inalel living iLilomS. Set iLn MD SIN 1. Many more persons must be willing to transfer from less essential to essential work. 2. Many women and others not now employed must be will ing to take employment when offered. It's Up To You! Your -response will determine whether or not Lincoln will ob tain these new industries both of which have post-war possibil" ities. The War Manpower Commis sion must have -proof that Lin coln can supply additional labor. 11 W 11 iWlL 750 MEN If you are available for essential work, fill out and mail the coupon on this page at once. Part - time workers also needed. This ad sponsored by the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE to Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, 208 No. Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. I am now available for essential work J I will be available on or before May 1 "Full time Part time Male Female Now Employed Q in Essential Industry Now Employed in Less-essential Industry Not now Employed Name. Address. Town . , If Inconvenient (o mall the coupon, telephone the Information to the Chamber of Commerce, 2-6671