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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1943)
Sunday, January 10, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN Society... BY MARY LOUISE GOODWIN Diamonds are still falling around here like dew. Bessy Hebanthau is displaying one from an engineer and Matgaret Weld received hers for Christmas from Lt. Don Emory. Maybe it's . our writing but anyway the printer got all mixed ip on Friday's column and no doubt so was Larry Huwalt for it was from him that DG Eloise Mainline received the dia mond and Ann Stevens Tri Delt is the girt who wears Lt. Bill Hiles man s ring. And a year ago Christmas Dale Bradley went home with Al Zik mund and met Mary Browning. They met but most unenthusiasti cally. Somewhere along the line they decided that thoy weren't so bad after all and this Christmas Dale gave Mary a diamond. Herbie's Unhappy Herbie von Goetz was one fum ing boy Friday night when some practical joker at the Alpha Chi party announced tnat Herbie had been married during vacation. The crowded conditions on trains these days has reached an all time hiph if you should ask 2BT Leonard Stein. Seems that he and Betty Hohf nad to ride in the baggage car along with all the suitcases and several other stu dents, f.nd Leonard got so inter ested in a little game of poker that he didn't notice that his pin had divrped off and Betty was wearing it. This little incident cost Ltn five dollavs 'cause he said that girl would never wear his pin. I It or Isn't It? Heltn Johnson, DG received a A SHORTHAND DICKINSON IN 30 DAYS Individual I n itrmlion Cn-f'lt MrtKM M4 Nporlal Short out r DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL UN Graduate Made Adjutant In Air Corps ARMY AIR FORCES NAVIGA TION SCHOOL, San Marcos, Tex. Capt. Carl F. Heinz, a UN grad uate, has reported to the new Army Air Forces Navigation School at San Marcos, Tex,, as personnel adjutant Captain Heini was graduated from Nebraska receiving a degree of bachelor of science in 1937. Commissioned originally as a sec ond lieutenant in the Infantry Re serve in June, 1937, Captain Heint has served with the Army Air Forces Training Detachment at Tulsa, Okla., with the A. A. F. Training Detachment at Stamford, Tex., and at Kelly Field, Texas. He became a first lieutenant early in 1941 and was promoted to a captaincy :n February, 1942. black onyx ring with a small dia mond in it from Bob James, ATO. She says it doesnt mean a thing but she wears it on her left hand. . . . Last night saw Larry Went Phi Gam and Alpha Phi Dorothy Hanks having tun as well as Jack Hogan and KKG Mary Claire Clark. This last couple seem to be enjoying each other's company more and more frequently. Phil Kant or asked us to send greetings to George G. at the Uni versity of Chicago which we are doing at this time and if anyone else has personal correspondence we can handle thru the column for them just let us know. It fills space. Theta Dorothy Thiesen and Beta John McCarthy have sewed up their romance for the time being anyway, with a Beta pin. Another diamond in the Theta house makes the score seven the girl wearing this one is Toni Mc Quiston and the donner is Lt Jerry King. Glen Eloe of the Pioneer Co-op has been to Chicago again to visit Louisa Malster. This will make about the third time since school began this fall, all of, which is making the rest of the boys wonder. Southern Cal, Nebraska Debate Post-War Plan for United Nations Federal Union . x i t ' N V 1 1 t I t f , M h V I 1 (lA , SEYMOUR VINOCUR ...USC Debate Captain r;-:sr'rr?rrv::" : V - hi fT' f y 's t f ' ' 1 -."J M.p v x ! i , , i JOHN BAIRD Permanent federal Union" A University of Southern CalU fornia team composed of Seymour Vinocur and John Baird on a transcontinental tour, and Frank Matoon and George Blaekitone, representing UN, debated in a non-decision argument yesterday morning at the Temple. The subject was, "Resolved, that the United Nations should estab lish a permanent federal union." Over 35 persons heard the debate. The Trojans arrived from the University of Iowa. Previously they had debated the University of Chicago and Northwestern. The next lap of their barnstorming tour will take them into Colorado, Utah. Idaho, and Washington. Vinocur, U.S.C. debate captain, and Baird are western states' de bate champions as a result of a tournament held at San Jose, Calif., in November in which major colleges of the west were represented. Attending Banquet . . . Safety Experts Complete UN, Government Course . . . On Principles and Rules First safety principles course for safety experts sponsored by the federal government was com pleted Friday niht with a banquet at the Hotel Cornhusker. Attended by 44 safety experts from the nine states of the Sev i enth Service Command, the course I gave intensive training at the l university in elements and rules of safety. Those in the course j attended three class periods, or a i total of nine and one-half hours, I daily except Sunday, since the in j cept ion of the course Doc, 2S. I Serves as Model Offered by the university at the j request of the government and the Seventh Command, the course is serving as a model for a similar training to bo offered by the Sixth Service Command, in Chi cago, in the near future. Trainees were members of civil ian or military staffs at aid bases, munitions depots, ordnance plants, etc., throughout the country. Sub sistence and travel expenses were paid by the government for each trainee. Boucher Speaks. Speaking at the group's banquet. Chancellor C. S. Boucher explained the expansions that have been made by universities to meet war time emergencies. "These new educational activities will be re vised to serve new purposes when peace comes," he said. "However, they will not be abandoned. Edu cation will have a renaissance literally a new birth in the num ber and variety of persons to be served, objectives to be obtained, and effective means of measuring the attainment of educational ac tivities." Prof. William L. DeBaufre act ed as toastmaster at the banquet Other speakers were O. J. Fer guson, dean of the college of en gineering; Col. Mayo Darling of the Seventh Service Command; E. C. Forsythe, safety engineer; Seventh Service Command; and Thomas J. Bruce, Camp Carson, Colo. Inlcrhouo Council, BAItW Meet Monday Members of Interhouse Council will meet tomorrow at S p. m. in the Barb office in the Union. BABW members will hold a meet ing directly following at 8:30 in the Barb office. WHAT CIGARETTE GIVES SMOKERS WHAT THEY WANT &7A i , tup UEV YEAR MGHT START THE JH RIGHT COMBINATION SW6- ' nDOtko. Nuu.tR. ema-t tKroogK smoking pleasure . -' otgivy.. f .. UM Ihing Y b'" K.a, ?l6f . I,, vear oiler ye' tetter cigarette... TH 1 T.ina i 1 ' t; V vx , V-"'. 5fi Victory i '43 Ton in mM VfVWN5 fc ,CftS Station. kC Station! y " WHITE LETTERS ' Copyright 19M, Lwcm Mrau Tomgw Ca