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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1943)
Sunday, January 10, 1943 DAILY NEBRASKAN y : E 9lV a6l Willi, AeL BY GEORGE W. ABBOTT. Story of the year: In a YMCA game at Canton, N. C, Whites beat the Blues in an eight hour engagement (without substitu tions or rest periods). The score: 1,328-786. High point man gathered in 500 points. Comment: hardy little rascals, those Carolinians. Wish for the year: Recent NCAA interpretation of army taking ovc colleges has it that this means varsity college athletic grad uates now in service vvho happen to be reassigned to universi ties will still be ahle to compete in sports. The wish then : that Nebraska pick up a Governali, a Trippi. a Glenn Dohhs, a Sinkwieh, or even a Kohrig when the reassign ment comes; or better still, just Iransfer the Great Lakes naval training station to Tiineoln, using Salt Lake and Salt Creek for nautical training, the Kussian flats for land practice. On subsidizing: Jack Cavberry, sports editor of the Denver Tost, still taking it out on southern football writers . .none can say-none would say thaat the Universities of Georgia, Alabama, or Tennessee are anything but temples of learning! But not a sports editor in the deep south will go so far as to say that a boy from Ohio and a boy from Pennsylvania will choose a school in Georgia for its academic background alone. Not when Pennsylvania and Ohio State (are) . . .in their own back yards." Yes, and: Not a sports editor in the Rockies or the Big Horns or the Wainics or Tetons would say that a boy from Gary, Indiana (Milo Konienich, Wyoming U.'s towering cen ter), would choose Wyoming for its academic background alone. Not when Butler, Purdue, Indiana U., Northwestern, Notre Dame, Iowa State, Iowa U. are all within a couple of ax-handles of the railroad track running from Gary to Laramie. Wy oming, incidentally, tinder Coach Av Shelton's expert and wary eye, has won a fourth place ranking among the country's cage teams this year. Out of the mail: from one Francis Hackett, Box 346, Mahwah, N.'J.: "Brother and Fellow Deadline Artist: Am looking for Jim Reynolds, last seen in hotel in Lincoln. Newspaper man, sports and free lance. Last worked for Des Moines Register-Tribune, out of Ames, Iowa. Would deeply appreciate any trace of him. His younger brother, my best friend. Have not been able to get in touch with younger broth er. Might get his home address off hotel register, about month of last May or June; time of ball game between Iowa State and Nebraska 7:1 's." (Apparently baseball teams.) The question then: Has anybody would like to have you drop him Gymnasium Roofs May Be Used in Huge Hardening ISC Hardening Course. AMES, Iowa, Jan. 9. Don't be surprised if even the gymnasium roof space is converted to handle part of Iowa State's gigantic hard ening program. "We haven't started using our roof space yet in our efforts to toughen our men for fighting," George F. Veenker, director of athletics, admits, but we may have our Army and Navy fliers up there before long." Service Conditioning. To the list of every Iowa State student in the conditioning pro gram has been added 1,600 navy men and 50 army and navy fliers a total of 5,000 crowded into our gymnasium facilities. In ad dition, we have 4 varsity, 4 fresh men, and 150 "intramural squads working out daily. "From 7 o'clock in the morning & BUY WAR STAMPS BO JlVL UJuhL WlilkJL here seen Jim? If so, Francis a line. Course until 11 at night our facilities are used to capacity," Veenker ex plained. "That includes daily use of our difficult obstacle course, All of our facilities combined are busy during 200 class hours a week, which means long hours of work for the staff as well as the students. Add Faculty. "One more step remains before we are 100 percent on the job we have to find room to add our fa culty to the program. The fa culty has requested a place in the hardenine program, so we'll fit them in. too." With all the crowding, Veenker savs extra precautions to safe guard health are being taken. Locker rooms, shower rooms, the dooI. and cvm floors are treated at least once a day, usually twice A total of more than 2,000 towels are laundered daily. V0UR PURSE in the Veenker Sets Winter Sports Set-up Rolling Wrestling, Track Dates Announced by Iowa State With Swimming in Doubt AMES, la., Jan. 9. Schedules are hard to make and may be even harder to keep but Iowa State will still compete in a winter sports program, George F. Veenker, di rector of athletics, said in an nouncing a partial list of contests for the next three months. "In spite of ihe difficulties of war-time travel," Veenker ex plained, "we are trying to keep competition going in all sports. We feel they all make a contribu tion to the physical condition of the men who soon will be fighting and we want to see that every sport is continued." Swimming in Process. Veenker announced wrestling and track dates but said the swim ming card was still in the process of completion. Four dates for the wrestlers are set with a homc-and-home contract with Nebraska likely to be completed soon. Two track meets have been listed for the indoor season. The swimming possibilities in clude meets with Wisconsin, Ne braska, Michigan, Michigan State, Carelton and Minnesota. All but the last two meets would be held at Ames. The 1943 schedules include: Track. Feb. 6 Drake University at Des Moines. March 6 Big Six Indoor meet at Kansas City, Mo. Wreslting. Feb. 6 Cornell College at Mt. Vernon. Feb. 9 Michigan State at Ames. Feb. 20 Iowa State Teachers College at Ames. Feb. 27 University of Minne sota at Amos. Typhoons Meet Bulldog Quint At Des Moines TOWA STATE NAVY DRAKE Joe Reese F Moe Ollrlch John Salush F Warren Scott Sill Friedman C Gerry Dirksen Bob Archer O Rill Evans Everett Hunt G Lyle Naylor Time: 8:15, Jan. 11. Dace: Drake twldhoupe, Des Moines. AMES, la., Jan. 9 Iowa State's Navy basketball team gets its first taste of Missouri Valley com petition Monday night when it plays Drake at Des Moines. Chief C. T. Warrington, Navy coach, has announced he will carry 12 men on the trip. Starters for the Bulldog game will be Joe Reese and John Sal ash, forwards. Bill Friedman, center and Bob Archer and Everett Hunt, guards. Other men making the trip in clude Bob Charles, center; Jack Feree, Bill Fouse, Bob Scott, for wards; Howard Ortmeyer, Don Wan drey, Merland Howes, guards. The dope, based on a compar- sion of the performances ot uie two teams against Simpson, points toward a Bulldog victory. Drake stopped the Redmen, 42 to 27, while Simpson defeated the Ty phoons, 48 to 35. However, addi tions in player personnel and a new coach since that time give the Navy five hopes of upsetting the Drake team. Students of Flora Stone Mather college. Western Reserve univer sity, distinguished themselves as farmerettes in the recent potato harvest. AMERICA IN 1950 IF THE AXIS WINS . . . ... if you're a Jew, if you're a Catholic, if you adhere to any religion whatsoever, the chancel are youll be dead. For there wonh be any place for yon to i a to go, in the and religion u a crime New Order. IP AMERICA WINS . ... every race, every color, every minority will find a new birth of freedom for that's what onr armies are fighting for. And yon can fight too with your purchase! of War Bonds and Stamp I ilt.nii. niiiil,". Husker s Prep for Tilt Against Mizzou Foes Nebraska's resurgent Husker cagers, flaunting a decisive win over Kansas State are slated to burn up the local maples this week in preparation for the second big Six st r u g g 1 e against Mis souri in Colum bia, Saturday evening. Their appe tite whetted for victory blood, Lcwandowski's improving Husker crew is tabbed as slight favorite over the Ti gers. The gold clad Missouri ans lost their only cage fling in conference competition to OHN THOMPSON Uneoln Journal. Kansas but flashed basketball savy ROTC Sponsors Meet Wednesday for Pictures ROTC sponsors are asked to report for their yearbook pic ture at the visual education de partment Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 7:30 p. m. JV 4 ' ANSWER rx7iww M? 09SV9Sa' St ssar r w N3HM GAHM HO9 SHU. AT V37CXfS V wr imMM iimri'iii iii.lii.ii 1 1 I I II.-..I III II Ike (Doomplete Story of the COLLEGE Ym in COLORED PICTURES MILITARY DISPLAYS SPORTS PICTURES DEAUTY QUEENS For $1,00 CASH PAYMENT 5,50 INSTALLMENT PLAN See a Tassel or Corncob Now! in trouncing Ft. Leonard Wood 49 to 43 early in the year. Odd Unit. Lewandowski seems sold on his present unit composed of Max Young, bulwark center, FJson and Thompson the forwards and Fita gerald and Heinzlcman at guards. All five are fairly accomplished floormcn and proficient as casaba pitchers on their hot nights. They're slated to form the opening Nebraska unit unless new devel opments take place on the Husker front Stalemate. Nebraska and Missouri fought to a series stalemate last winter the Tigers clipping the Huskers 39 to 33 in the opener, and the Scarlet combine sweeping up the second contest, 40 to 39 in a thrilling finale. Reports from Columbia, home base of the Missourians indicate that the Tigers will have a fired up five awaiting the Cornhusker arrival. Top man and high scorer of the Tiger brigade seems to be Jenkins, fast breaking forward threat to run the Husker'a stub born defense. Saturday's struggle is slated to have no evident bearing on the loop race but might serve as a spring board for the Huskers yet unvanquished in conference play. tituoc ttAPtocr WfTHOUT OAlfiHfm mxceswm speo ? : ,4lf 674T m TWO M4CM lufla-met Atmrm d&uttat. -RrvW . .ACJJTM.'LHe CAN too v muomm. Mori the i i )