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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1942)
Friday. Odober l&ggJ DAH2fi NEBRASKAN "J. ' tR70W SCHEDULE OF MEN'S ACTIVITY POINT SYSTEM ACTIVITITIES 1 2 3 4 Student Council Member Judiciary President . Board Daily Nebraskan Reporter Circ. Mgr. News Ed. Mgr. Ed. Editor Sophomore Ad Staff Ed. Sports Ed Solicitor Asst Bus Mgr j Cornhusker Staff Mem" Asst Bus Mgr.Mgr. Ed. Editor Eds. & Bus. Staff Eds. Bus. Mgr. ; Aids Student Union Board Member President Nebraska Independent Member Sub-officer ' President Association Inter-Co-Op Council Member President Publication Board Member Interfraternity Council Member Subofficer President Class Officers President Kosmet Klub . Member President Worker Bus. Mgr. University Theatre Member j CoriTCobs ' " Member President Worker Bus. Mgr. YMCA Sub-officer President 2JrTSr. Prom Committee Member Co-chairman ; Honoraries " President Professional President Departmental President NClub President Athletic Board Control Member 1 Athletic Managers Jr. Mgr. Sr. Mgr. ICheer Leaders Assistants Head "Football Team Member Basketball team Member 'Baseball Team Member " . 'Track Team . Member ; Swimming Member Wrestling " Member Golf Member Tennis Member Gymnastics Member PershingRTfles Natl. Pres. Social Fraternity i President AG COLLEGE 3Jr. & Sr. Farmers Member Fair Board President Ag Executive Board Member Coll-Agr-FunBoard Member, Bus. Mgr. . Cornhusker Countryman Associate Bus. Mgr. Editor Bus. Mgr. Circ. Mgr. Ag YMCA President Hobby Group Group Chair. Social Council President ENGINEERING COLLEGE 2Engineers' Week Chairman Sec.-Treas. . . - - - - - m Engineers' Exec. Board Member President Nebraska Blue Print Bus. Mgr. Editor . U N Senate Revises Athletic Eligibility Semester Activity. lFirst Semester Activity Only. 2Second Semester Activity Only. 3Jr. Board, Second Semester Only. Mizzou Preps For Kansas Go COLUMBIA, Mo., Oct. 15 Mis souri's football squad has a pair of games on its hands for this week end. The "B" aggregation journeys to Fort Riley, Kas., for a Friday aft ernoon tilt with the Cavalrymen while the "A" outfit stays at home prepping for the Big Six contest with Kansas State at Manhattan, Saturday. Coach Don Fauort has expressed displeasure at films of the Missouri-Wisconsin game of last week Suit for only $2.20 you can have an entire year of fun and entertainment. uy a UNO. THEA-SI From Your Favorite Tassd Biggest Bargain on the Campus ! . I Unfamiliar to freshmen and very hazy in the minds of many upperclassmen are the eligibility requirements of the university for all extra-curricular activities and the system of points for various activities. The University Senate, faculty body which serves in an advisory capacity to the chancellor, last week amended the activity eligibil ity requirements. For all extra curricular activities each student must be a regularly enrolled mem ber of the university, must be sat isfactorially carrying 12 hours, must have completed satisfactorily at least 24 hours in residence dur ing the last two semesters he was registered. Previously the require ment has been 27 hours instead of 24. Summer Session Counts. One summer sessiqn may be used to meet the hours require ment provided it immediately pre cedes or follows a regular semes ter. Correspondence courses may not be counted excepting with the permission of a professor when used to remove a condition or fail ure in a course. Purpose of the point system is to regulate and limit the partici pation in activities so that mroe individuals may take part. Else where in the Daily are charts of pointed activities for men and women. Points scheduled given for Barb activities were supplied by Roy Byrum and are not official. AWS Governs. Governing body for women's ac tivities is the AWS board together with the dean of women. Women's activities are pointed on a scale of 1, 2, 4, and 5 according to the responsibilities and amount of time required. No woman may carry more than nine permanent points at one time. University The atre and the junior and senior Farmers' Fair board are termed "floating" points and are counted only at the time of the activity. Including "floating" points, a woman have a total of not more than 10 points. If, upon taking an office, a wom an will be overpointed, she is not eligible for the office. A woman may not change activities except ing at the end of the term of the office. If a girl drops a position in an organization she may not re turn to the same activity. Men's Point System. In cases where an office gives automatic membership in another activity the second activity will not be counted. Points are not awarded for both an office and membership in the same group. The men's Student Activities board is composed of the president of the Innocents society; the editor of the Daily, excepting when it is a girl; and in this case the busi ness manager shall have member ship; president of Student Council; president of Corn Cobs; president of Kosmet Klub; president of in terfraternity council; a senior man, elected by the Nebraska Independ ents Association and a senior man elected by the ag executive board. In adition two faculty men are ex-officio members. Six Points for Sophs. "? Sophomores with a scholastic average of 72 percent or above may carry six points an sopho mores wun lower averages may carry three points. Juniors with 72 or above may have seven points and those below four points. Sen iors above 72 may carry eight points; seven if below. Men, as women, are not pointed for auxiliary offices nor are they eligible if upon taking office they will be overpointed. The men's board has the power to restrict to the established maximum the num ber of points a student may take in a semester. DO YOU DIG IT? Submitted bj Miss Athpna Geanetoa Chapel Hill, N.C .k " ' '-. 7 m w r - if !Y 3M it. w term 7 YW I rMI v- m-av n mm . u u m . ? U lit J ("i mill ' ( W I ?-.. . - - w , . engush translation The filly on the right 6ays she's casting off in a flurry because her date has borrowed a bus and they're bead ing out to the drive-in for two Pepsi-Colas. WHAT DO YOU SAYf Send us some of your hot slang. If we use it, you get $10. If we don't, you get a rejection slip. Mail slang to College Department, Pepsi-Cola Company Long Island City, N. Y. Pepsi-Cola is made only by Pepsi-Cola Co., Long Island City, N. T, Bottled locally by Authorized Bottlers from coast to coast. : i 1 in1 rz : i i , i i ; - ? r ) I -it i ; 4 i ' r. i i