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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1942)
Friday, October 16, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN SCHEDULE OF WOMEN'S ACTIVITY POINTS SYSTEM ACTIVITY Ag Executive Board As Social Council A. V. S. B. A. B. W. Class Officers Coed Counselors Col-Agri-Fun Board Debate Squad Home Economic Association Interhouse Council' Jr. and Sr. Farmers Fair Board Publicity Board Student Union Board Student Council Tassels University Theatre YWCA A. W. S. Groups House Council Hobby Group Members 2 Member Member President Coed Counselors Hobby, Group leader Member Member Home Ec Board Member Member W A. A. Cornhusker Cornhusker Countryman Daily Nebraskan Minor role, Costume mistress, Lighting director, Artist, Stage man, Book holder, Staff members, Freshmen Com. members Sports Club member Major role Student director President President Board Member Board Member Board Member Manager President Cabinet Manager Member Member Member Business aMnager President President President President President President President Editoial staff workers Asst. on circulation Clubs and Societies Officer Departmental Clubs Officer Honoraries Officer Mortar Board Organized Houses Secretary Pan-Hellenic Professional Groups Officers Floating points C."H. Patterson Gives Address, 'Confucianism' . . . Sunday At the Westminster Church of Youth Sunday at 5:30 o'clock Dr. C. H. Patterson will continue his series of discussions on the "World's Great Religions." The subject next Sunday will be "Con fucianism." At the fellowship supper hour, held at 6:30, the young people will be seated at tables in regi ment groups. For the eventide worship the theme of Dr. M. V. Ogel's mediation is "The Poor in Spirit." The vested chapel choir will sing. NIA . . . (Continued from Page 1). but the money was somehow rail roaded into other purposes impos sible to ascertain. Nominate Candidates. Enthusiasm ran high at the meetings as nominations were made for the offices to be elected this fall. Candidates will be voted n next Wednesday right at the regular Assembly meeting, it was revealed, and any unaffiliated stu dent eligible for an office may file in the barb ofifce of the Union be fore then. So far candidates are: Senior Class President: Roy By re m, Dave Marvin. Junior Class President: Stan Lowe, Frank O'Connell, Bob Dewey. Honorary Colonel: Pat Sand of Howard Hall; Janet Curley, and Shirley Phelpa of Carrie Belle Raymond dormitory. Nebraska Sweetheart: Penny Henderson of Wilson Hall and Anne Wadder of Carrie Belle Ray mond dorm. Roy Byrom is to take Bob Dewey's place cn the NIA council. Six representative were tenta tively named to the Student War Council: Ruth Sherburn, Pat Sand, Ralph Fox, Ward Branson, Jim Howe and Stan Lowe. After the elections plana were made to report raises in rent since last March to the OPA committeo for Investigation. Anyone know ing of such cases in connection with UN students should bring re ports of the changes to the barb office at the meeting next week. Pledges ... (Continued from Page 1). land Sutton. Henrr Trautwein. Aeceotinr only underclassman Merioualv interested in military science and tactics, P.rshlng Rifles has become one of the most im portant military organisations at the University of Nebraska. Pershiag Rifles, a national mili tary organization, was founded on .the U51'crUVl FiQVf1! John Freshmen Commission Training Group Freshmen Cabinet Sports Board Intermural representatives Ag Executive Council Business workers Editorial staff members Business asst. Associate editor Reporter, Society editor, Sports editor President President President Vice-president Pledge trainer Officer President Cabinet members Staff heads Freshmen Com. leaders Executive Council Ag President President President Managing Editor Asst. Business manager Circulation manager News Editor Asst. Business Mgr. President Treasurer President Ag Men Apply for Block, Bridle Club Membership i - e n v, i Application blanks for member- hip in Block and Bridle, animal husbandry departmental club, are now available at me animai nus- bandry office in A. H. H. These blanks should De ruiea oui returned to the office not later than 5 p. m., Oct. 19. Anv student who has completed two semesters in ag college or has taken related subjects thougn reg iatororl in a different college may make application for membership. The academic requirements are that he have no grades of I, C, or F not removed and that an average grade of 75 or better has been attained exclusive of military science and physical education. The club wants all sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in Animal HusDanary 10 mane ap plication for membership. The club sponsors the annual junior Ak-sar-bcn Ball and show, Honors Banquet, and Feeders Day. Annual initiation was formerly held in the late winter but has been changed to the beginning of the first semester in order to give new members a chance to become better acqauinted in II i mm - INI " " ""'I Editor-in- 1 J chief 1 Business Mgr. . and his orchestra Business Mgr. 1 Editor j nr. r 1 Business Mgr. y 1 ror crery vropw . H Managing 4.111 i iT-UX - 1 ,t . H President rV?T.S: Ca For bookings call: T ' V y 5-9726 JOHNNY COX. ORIGINALS Excitative with Miller & Paine ! . if ThteMi danceables . . . and favorites for clashes 'n' cokes ... our sassy MARY MUFFETS the frocks male for fun and frolic! MISS MUFFET lias her own little Tuffet in Miller's JUNIOR SHOP . on Second Floor . . . you'll find these deb-dresses there! Sites 9 to 15 1295tol695 13th and O Q Streets Second Floor OfliLL ER & P A i 0 i l j : i