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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1942)
Thursday, October 15, 1942 4 DAILY NEBRASKAN oae By Marylouise Goodwin and Helen Goodwin. We often wonder why it is that the Innocents always smoke cigars. We saw Max Laughlin with a long one yesterday but he was too busy, per usual, to explain it to us. . .Another mystery on the campus is WHO is the unknown man who sent Mardel Silvernail, Tridelt a dozen and a half roses. . . We may not be super sleuths but we did find out that Pi Phi Sayre Webster and Jack Wright. Beta have turned their platonic friend chip into a steady deal. Wow! Dave Webb. ATO. is considering matrimony, or so it is rumored. Is it love or is it the war?.. .Dick Reitz, Phi Psi of last year, is tak ing his last look at Nebraska be fore joining Uncle Sam's forces. Theta Peg Lemon. Sig Nu Stan Maley's pal. is going to help him celebrate on the big Phi Psi picnic . . .Speaking of picnics don't forget the ATO affair Friday night at Penn Wood.-;. It should really be a big deal. Bill Schaumbergei , Beta, has not STATE Always 25c STARTS TODAY! Yoifll thrill with him . . . laugh with him . . . take your hat off to him! f V: t 1 Plus! ( umput Rhlbm and ( ollf t' Humor: Thr Hilirioan Storv of Collide ilh "SHIN(; I LVIR" "ZIS BOOM BAH' I8t STCfT TMT TWU.O tc rot tk run TtMC . . . WTI til TK MWTN Ml J'ttfT ti met ran im runt II II- I . i wo nu uw ...V J MUl KIllT OIDON JONIt III IHIRIIT MAI ClAIKI tn or rmuHQt Now Playing'0 'CT raw BHD . 0 mBBHBSBBSBBBHBBBBBBEBBBa , 3 5 MarionPatton, Lt. Larmon Wed Oct. 10 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Patton an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Marion, to Lt. Harold D. Larmon, son of Mr. and Mrs. R C. Larmon of McCook. The ceremony took place October 10. at the Washington catnedrai in Washington, D. C. The bride wore a floor length dress of white silk marquiset, with full sleeves and a full skirt. Her fineer-tin length veil was held by a crown of orange blossoms and she carried a cascade bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Rev. Charles W. V. Smith performed the ceremony. The couple will be at home in Triangle, Va. Lt. Larmon is with the marine corps reserve and is now attending base defense school at Quantico. Both the bride and groom were university students. Mrs. Larmon was affiliated with Alpha Phi and Lt. Larmon was a member of Alpha Tau Omega and Alpha Kappa Psi. raved in vain for he now has a date with cute Theta pledge Jinny Malster for the Beta house party Saturday night... Joe Sonderland will be whipping up this week-end again to take in the Beta house party and see DeGee Nancy Ray mond... Other dates to the affair will be Paul Dinnis and Jean Kerl, Kappa; Dick Peters and Pat Per rish, Theta. Bill Scribner won't be there with the mysterious Mar gruite to our knowledge, but will be wolfing, per usual. Ad: Wanted something 5' 5" with eyes of blue and blonde hair. Pee Vee Wykert. This was too late to classify. Coming this Saturday night is the Pi Phi spook party, Joyce Junge and Bill Loeffel, Farm House will be on hand as will the rest of the sisters and their dates. Quoting Duke Eberhart "Ac cording to reliable female sources. Fritz Wolfe, Phi Gam, is the smoothest dancer on campus." Friday, Jerry Tubbs, D. U. and Marg Swanson, Alpha Phi are planning a big night -just what is still a secret. 500 Magazines Now Available To Students Neatly 500 different magazines are available to university stu dents in the periodical room of the library. A list of the most inter esting current articles contained in these magazines is revised weekly and made available to students. One list is posted in the main reading room of the library and the other is posted in the peri odical room. Selected articles are available on practically every sub ject. Stir la 6 r. m Srr. Mrn ZSr Any 1 Itnr NOW! hud Ihur. Mary Roberts Rinehart's riitin rhnnrter ilh Marjorie Main Zasu Pitts Start FKIDAY! Hr'i M lire an 4 (he's holding om. Don AM EC HE Joan BENNETT "GIRL TROUBLE with Billie Burke Frank Craven Prof. Returns Booklet Taken 41 Years Ano The following letter was received by the University library this sum mer: Librarian, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Dear Sir: Herewith I am sending you a booklet that has recently turned up, compressed by weightier tomes. Forty-one years ago I must have neglected to return this when I left the university, for which neglect I now apolo gize. It is, I believe, a faculty privilege not to be fined for keeping a book overtime. Sincerely yours, MORGAN BROOKS. The booklet. "Elementary Prob lems in Current Electricity," pub lished in 1S95, had been marked missing in the past several inven tories taken of the library. A Home Ec Club Sponsors Annual Picnic on Oct. 15 Home Economics club annual picnic will be held on the lowr campus of ag. college from 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Thursday, Oct. 15. Games and group s.nging have been planned for entertainment and food will be served. Tickets must be purchased by Wednesday night so that the num ber of people attending will be known. These tickets may be ob tained in ag hall and in the home ec building either Tuesday or Wed nesday. The price of the tickets will be 15c for freshmen and 30c for superclassmen. ir to Z' Students Check Information For '12 Directory Students whose last names be gin with the letters, "R" through "Z" should check the information concerning them for the Student Directory cither at the check stand in the Union or in ag hall on ag campus between today and Thursday, according to John J. Douglass, directory editor. Douglass predicts that the di rectory will be out in about two weeks. Economics Group Discusses Power Situation in State Eeonomia met last night in the Faculty lounge of the Union to hear a discussion, "Public Power in Nebraska," by Prof. C. E. Mc Neill, professor of economics. The club is composed of the faculty and graduate students of business administration; faculty and grad uate students of rural economics, and the faculties of economics at Nebraska Weslevan and Union. Make Your Plans Now Johnny Cox's Band has a dale at the Union Friday, Oct. 16 and he's on the BEAM 25c per person ChiO Announces Betrothal Annouccnient was made yesterday o! the engagement o Miss JoAnn Mi-Coy of Lincoln to Li. Kay Proeliaska. The couple attended the university where Miss McCoy was affiliated with Chi Omega. Lieutenant Proehaska was a member of Delta Tau Delta. Littcrcr Promises Business Booklet, Will Be Out Soon Oscar F. Litterer, instructor in statistics and business research, announces that the first fall edi tion of Business Review of Ne braska Business Conditions will be luxurious fur-trim c si is mm tax included i . these handsome coats are adorned with twin lynx wolf collars . . . are yours in either a fitted or box-type m o d e 1 . . t h i s is Simons most remark able buy of the season . . see these choice t a 1 u e s in powder, pecan brown, beige, red . . . sizes 11 to 17. open ThurmJay nlie fm ywwr t ....:: Courtesy Lincoln Journal. published Saturday. Two articles, "The Price Ceiling- in Canada," by George Kleiner, instructor in eco nomics; and "Nebraska Continues to Prosper," by Mr. Littererr, will appear in this report. A chart, compiled to show the comparison in the rise in the cost of living conditions between Canada and the United States from 1939 to July, 1942, will also appear. laJie fanhiong 4th floor MM 'Zti ; r4. 'jr 1 M V 4 -