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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1942)
Thursday, October 15, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 Frosh Gridmen To Play Game This Friday Mentor Bill Pfieff s frosh grid squad will play its first competi tive ball of the campaign Friday when the first-year gridmen op pose each other in an intra-squad match. Frosh grid privileges will be dif ferent this year than of other years. The entire squad will be guests of honor at the Northeast Lincoln high game this week-end. instead of the annual frosh trip, a big dinner will be staged for the gndders. Pfeiff intends to pit his "A" and "D" teams against the "B" and "C outfits, starting tor the A team will be Tesek and Samuel son, ends; Skog and Hall, tackles; r.ilhreath and Ted. ruards: Moore. renter; Brestel, quarterback; Kes- sler ana tasennart, nauoacKs; France, fullback. Members of the B team are Smith and Hayes, ends; Fouts and Lucht tackles: Croisant and Kliein. euards: Keller, center; Leshcr, quarterback; Earthum and Myers, halfbacks; Boehmer, full back. "C." souad consists of Drum mond and Procter, ends; Carmen and Bock, tackles; Parker and Wilson, ruards: Kokier. center: Wagner, quarterback; Foy and Shires, halfbacks; Poss, fullback. Lineup for the "D" team lists Schlesiger and Tieman, ends; See feld and Echhers, tackles; Schocke and Ebeits, guards; Greenwood, Bob Steuber Tops Big Six Scoring Missouri's All-American half back candidate. Halfback Bob Steuber, led the Big Six scoring parade as play swung close to the mid-season mark. Steuber is far ahead with 39 points, 25 counters ahead of his teammate, End Jack Morton who has 14 points. Ki Eisenhart, How ard Debus, Al Zikmund, and Ran dall Salisbury have all scored six points. Each crosserd the g6al against Iowa State. By Norris Anderson ) ft (Sports Editor) Missouri .., Nebraska ., Oklahoma , Iowa State, Kas. State Kansas W L T Pts Olp 3 1 O 104 37 2 0 2 1 2 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 19 4 39 30 60 124 6 133 Ave Score 26 to 9 9 to 13 0 to 10 6 to 20 11 to 31 2 to 33 Individual Scoring. Td Pat Fp Pts 3 0 33 Individual scoring, showing number of games, touchdowns, points after touchdowns, field goals and totals: a Hob Ptouber (Mo. hh.. 4 Jack Morton (Mo. end). 4 H. Herriman iKSC. hb) 4 Nod Rokev (KSC, hb). . 4 O. Soanlon (KSC, hb).. 4 K. Williams (KSC, (b). 4 Harold Adams (Mo., qh) 4 Fred Kouldin (Mo., (b). 4 V. Bow en (Mo., hb) . . . 4 Ralph Carter (Mo., hb) 4 James Parr (Mo.hb).. 4 H. Debus (Neb., hb) . . . 3 K. K-.senhart (Neb., fb) 3 ('harl-s Kier (KSC, fb) 4 B. Lechtenb'B ( ISC, qb) 3 Koyal Ixilirv (ISC. lib). 3 Don OUara (Mo., hbi. . 4 Krvin Puts (Mo., qb).. 4 P.. Salisbury (Neb., fb) 3 O. Srhnellbac'r (Kas., e) 4 F.ot-er Wren (Mo., e).. 4 A. Z:kmund (Nob. hb). 3 2 center; A s h b u r n, quarterback Kratz and Beckwith, halfbacks Draper, fullback. ' A M1 W'Y vv'iiiiM! Nuke Van Sant, erstwhile Student Union director here, writes from Chicago where he atended the famous Windy City "Wailing Wall'' club Monday noon. Our friendly enemy Bo McMillin spoke before the sideline quarterbacks concerning his "po lit 'le boys" performance against the Nebraska Comhuskers. Bo spoke particularly of "that pesky end, number 44" ns pictures of the fray were turned on the Avail. Said Bo: "That Number 44 on the Nebraska team, a young fellow named Marv Thompson, was all over the field. Watch turn get in those plays every time he was in our hair all aft ernoon, lie is a great end." Bo's staement is merely a reflection of the "pro-Thomp son statements opposing mentors always issue alter a game with the Iluskers. Thompson's slashing, heady style of play catches the eye of grid fans who know their game. Mr. Casual ran watches the showy end who snags a flock of passes. Ne braska is not a passing team, so we have to offer for Big Six and national recognition Marv Thompson, one of Ihe nation's top defensive wingmen. It required one more line of copy to squeeze in an addi tional add line, so a line of yesterday's column went amiss. Said line listed fast-passing Perry Fuller and hasty Kenny Elson as top prospects for the Husker basketball varsity. Fuller is a minor letterman, Elson, a major N man. Listed among the officials for the Minnesota fracas "Field Judge Jay Berwangcr, Chicago.'' Mr. Jay Berwanger happens to be the closest existing sem blance to a one man football team. He single-handedly half- backed the University of Chicago team to a top rank in the Big Ten when the grid sport down Windy City way was strictly a la bone pile. Jay s only performance in Lincoln was in 193.J when Sain Francis, Cardwell & Co. routed the Maroons, 23-7. Vet Parke Carroll will referee, Ab llinshaw of Omaha will serve as field judffo. Odd bits: Scouting notes on Minnesota appeared on the Husker bulletin board yesterday in grim tones. Those Gopher faces on the scout board were downright menacing. . .Lynn McNutt, the second string Northwestern back, is Husker Bob McNutt 's baby brother. . ."Right smart kid, not at all like me," says cur society ed The Scarlet menace, Tom Fanner of Iowa, has completed 21 out of 51 passes this term for 470 yards. ...Grid "ranking" Expert Paul B. Williamson has Nebraska rated Gist on his current list.. . .Bernie Bierman's Seahawk team heads the chart. . .Gopher Bill Daley is currently hitting i seasonal ball-lugging average of eight yards per try... Side tine observer at frosh practice yesterday was 01' Jawn Pesek, 2nd Jack Fcsek's pop.. . .Jawn was in town for bis wrestling joust with the Hungarian Olympic champ, Ferenc Virag. Si M H If you find that travel conditions have changed, please remember bus lines are doing a big wartime job. do rot; know that 1 90,000,000 rrrooi rely on motor trni.porution7 2 Becauie of and tire ritioning, million! mom re now riding bunt? 3 That but line must carry thi tmntndoui load with the Mine number of buwi they had la peace-time! You and millions of others can make travel more pleasant by observing tbese simple rules: HOW TO HAVE A BETTER TRIP 1 Travel only mhen really neceary; tben, fm trip well in advance. 2 Travel lett crowded achedulet; go vrtl dayu 3 Get ticket early; take only 1 tuitcane. UNION BUS DEPOT 320 So. 13 2-7071 Wmm mi union pacific strges AGR Drops Tilt To Farm House Farm House won its second game in as many nights last night by rallying in the third period to nip their arch rivals, Alpha Gamma Rho, 7-6. Holland turned likely defeat into victory for the "O" street men when he intercepted a stray AGR pass and outran his oppo nents 33 yards for the score. The winning extra point was a re sult of a Minthorne to Fitzgibbon pass. The AGR touchdown was also the result of a intercepted pass return. Midway in the second quarter, Brown nabbed one of Min thorne's passes to score. Beta Theta Pi 28; Phi Kappa Psi 0 It was all Bill Arnot as the Beta's ran roughshod over an other opponent this time the Phi Psi's by the score of 28-0. With Arnot completing passes all over the field the Beta's were never in trouble. Phi Delta Theta 13; Delt Upsilon 0 It took the Phi Delts one half to solve the DU defense before scoring a brace of touchdowns during the final half to win 13-0. Garnaas Boots m P A L" - - -' i ... i .. " ir .-',- .- I " V i - - - 3 - -' Matinee Dance At Air Today An ag matinee dance will be held x the Activities building this aft ernoon from 5:30 to 6:30 p. m. "hi Sat., Oct. 17 O A k aiB Vroiully Vretvnl The Romantic Style of RUSS CARLYLE 4ind hit Celebrated ORCHESTRA 12 Radio Personalities Direct from RAIXBOW Ballroom DENVER Adm. 75c Ea Tax Included Doncls Makes Shifts to Get Cyclone Drive AMES, la. Pleased by the pro cress shown by his reserves against Marquette, Ray Donels head football coach at Iowa State college yesterday discarded a first team designation for the Cyclone squad. Donels announced that the start ing lineup would include the men who looked like first team players Saturday. Past performances no loneer will be enough to hold a place on the team. The first indication of a change in the lineup came last night when Donels sent Sophomore Ron Nor man of Fairfield and Junior Vic Weber cf Harlan to the left half and fullback spots in a backfield which included Capt. Royal Lohry at quarterback and George Gast at right half. Ellis Alexander of Moville also drew plenty of atten tion in the fullback slot. No starting lineup was indicated as Donels scrimmaged the varsity squad against the freshmen for the first time this year. The Cyclones ran offensive plays at the frosh for most of the scrimmage session, Later the yearlings walked thru Drake plays to let the varsity we the Bulldog offense in action. ed Sending the pigskin goal ward here is Gopher quarterback, Bill Garnaas, who'll bark signals against the Huskers Saturday. Garnaas is a triple-threat player, also ranks tops defensively and as a signal-caller. Husker Eleven Sharpens Play For Gophers Husker gridmen staged blocking and tackling drills last night as they held their last rough work out prior to the Minnesota fray. With Howie Debus doing the flipping, the Huskers ran through some passing plays. Debus was throwing the ball with the accur acy he displayed as a freshman. Principal receivers were Marv Thompson, Al Zikmund and Jack Haren. Presnell continued to use the same first team as he used earlier in the week. Thompson (game captain) and Hazen were at the end posts; McNutt and Schlcich, tackles; Von Goetz and Strana than, guards; Partington, center; Metheny, quarterback; Zikmund and Debus, halfbacks; and Eisen hart, fullback. Second team halfback, Marv Athey, missed the latter part of the drill. nepday night the varsity is sched uled to po on the defense against the Drake plays. For Your Coking Rcndesvous 'on Campus" BUCK'S COFFEE SHOP 1131 R Street M. L Sperling