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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1942)
Thursday, September 17, 1942. DAI1Y NEBRASKA! 1 - Chancellor Holds Annual Reception Boucher Meets All Freshman Tomorrow Nile in Union Ballroom Chancellor and Mrs. C. S. Boucher will hold their annual reception for freshmen students in the Union tomorrow night be ginning at 8 o'clock. An annual affair, the freshman reception offers every new Ne braska student rn opportunity to meet the chancellor and faculty members. Last year an estimated 1.500 attended the reception. Aiding in the introductions to the receiving line will be the Mor tar Boards and Innocents. The receiving line will be in the main lounge. Also included in the plans for the reception is a general mixer for new students. Dancing to the Union nickelodion will begin at 8:30 in the ballroom, and continue until 11:30. Movies, including features on Nebraska campus activities, some scenes from the 1941 Rose Bowl football game when Nebraska played Stanford university, and various comedies, will be shown from 8:30 on in parlors XYZ. The Union music room, game rooms, and ping pong room will be open the entire evening, and refresh ments will be served in parlors ABC. During Slimmer Military S&foiceJTakks Ten University StitjMwnbers Military serviceVnTs taken ten University of Nebraska instruc tional staff members in recent weeks, according to an announce ment by Chancellor C S. Boucher t i David Fellman. Nebraska loses him. of staff changes which have been approved by the board of regents. Among those granted a leave of absence is Dr. David Fellman of the department of social sciences who will be visiting lecturer at the University of Wisconsin this year. Horace - Basinger, Alamosa. Colo., is a new instructor in the Owl VUiohi. nlahq& WlmL TRY ON A Californian LEATHER JACKET til srsr(T?h When yon boy a "Californian" you ret the cream of the jacket crop for "Call fornlan" Jackets lead in quality, styling:, fit and value at the price: 17.50 The Commander The very popular aviation model of Mas roatskin. Coffee shades. The Longfellow 18.95 For the tall man that need extra lcnjrtfo body and sleeve! Washable routskin in walnut thade. The Srourfellow 13.95 For the short, stock v man that needs extra room at the waist line. Fine rapeskin leather in lujf rare shade. The Polo Fine rapeskin In lhjht tan . Zipper-front, full belted style. 16.95 . in coat length. Beautifully lined. Californians 9.95 Highly styled capeskin or suede with durable rayon linings. Other "Californian" Jacket in goatskin, tape skin, suedes. . .12.50 21.95. "ff CUwayA. CamjfULL JcwifdijiL . . . Slacks my Slacks you'll want to wear for class and campus parties too! Good looking and hand somely tailored. In plains and novelty weaves. . For Duration school of journalism. Mr. Basin ger, a native of Texas, took his master's degree in journalism at the University of Missouri and was assistant instructor in jour nalism at the University of Wis consin last year while working toward his doctorate. Howard F. Haworth, hydrolo gist in the conservation and sur vey division, has been granted leave of absence to accept a war department position. Donald E. Stanford, instructor in English, was granted a leave to become a civilian instructor in the army air corps. Mrs. Lenore Burkett Van Kirk, instructor in voice, granted a 1 leave of absence, will join her hus band, who is in military service. The list of men going into mili tary service includes: M. P. Grunig, assistant professor of en gineering; Charles E. Miller, as sistant professor of physical edu cation; C. F. Reimiller, associate animal husbandman, North Platte experimental station; E. B. Schmidt, assistant professor of economics; John Straka, super visor of correspondence instruc tion; Merle A. Stoneman, assistant director of university extension; James W. Taylor, supervisor of audio-visual aids; Norman F. Thorpe, assistant director of ex tension division and instructor in school administration; G. K. L. Underbjerg, assistant professor of dairy husbandry; Dr. Raymond J. Wyrens, student health director at medical college. Everett H. Snedeker has been appointed as an assistant profes sor in the law college to take the place of Professor Lawrence Void, who is on leave to do government work at Washington. Snedeker is a graduate of Marietta college in Ohio, and the Columbia university law school. He practiced with a New York law firm and has been an instructor at the University of Kansas City law school. Other new appointments: Irene A. Moke, instructor in geography; Elin Anderson, lecturer in social work; Mrs. Dorothy Hubbard, as sistant in field work supervision; Robert M. Allen, instructor in pathology and bacteriology; Paul N. Morrow, student health director at medical college; Verna E. Schmieding, instructor in clinical surgical nursing; Ann L. Binfield, instructor in English at Ag; Nor ris Enders, instructor in animal husandry. Also E. P. Hodapp, instructor in physical sciences; John Sand ers, instructor in music; Edward L. Pross, assistant instructor in speech and dramatic art; Leo Black, part-time instructor at teachers college high school; Theodore R. happen, part-time in structor and coach at teachers college high school. Rudolph L. Fredstiom. super visor of correspondence instruc tion in the extension division; Victor P. Morey, acting assistant director of extension division; Harvey A. Martin, assistant in structor in extension division; Lewis T. Graham, assistant entomologist. GOLD'S... Men'a Store. 1 . .1 . - f Thar wont Jhalr trunk ahiifed with night (C ) it. 1)1 vftW ihlnea end "undarnaiha"...for what girl yV s' III h V i can b a glamour pu M constantly If I $ -J dunking ihaundloal "Mia Dolna" duda X jjM If I 1 I IfojPit-. male, it .aiy on parents with a trm.n- ' ? 'Scf 1 yin' doua array ol T-catching, exciting ... ' L& f)W r gowns. ..p.j's... t"i Mmw Wid SLlPS...BRUNCHERSLy It TIP ' F Stylo ; M (above) l 6750 A POUSHID APPLE p 4 ( 1 1 lLvA i(lMVv:X StVle 1 7 1 0. .Brunch ' I : aV-W'A1 -with ric rac trim- f "7, 7 1 1 v i umSwIM WZZY D0,NS' w W"- liVtVAV'iX Style 4090...Siren &im : 1 'til' '. ' LM'iW'V V type gown in rayon Ty A . ' . ?W-!bmp4l moulded bust. Lac. V . Jn P W' nil. 4 tluVnl and iagotting trim. $-JZ 1 4 :lt 1 li 1 1 lllWffl blue, ice pinV. J ) i Mkm f ill &$m (above) ... . j V J 11 tf Style 6750.. .AWi.- iMiFVlR jim of an eight-gore W'Ki vll if A iU' a , li alipintearoseorwhite V L!w!l1 WX l H rayon pigment crepe, J y m ll . f ? -v- Vl wi.h taffeta, too., WP ' ' Wi DAWN PATROL ' ' V?J' I B Style 8001... Striped ' ' O - - - ' 'Wjhj ,UJ cotton percale pa- a, v. . F ;.U1)84 .'.f H jamai, lona or abort r ,1 aleeves, red and blue v ' i. . If r . f . 'j on white. Sizes ... . 2N- 1 ,. itt t . i f GOLD'S. .Basement. -i-' 40593