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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1942)
Wednesday, May 13, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 by. What will-, it being practically the last Monday night, the candy passers woe really working over time and cigar smoke filled the air. . .More double trouble than we have seen in a long time, too. Heading the list are the two deals on at the Sig Alph house. Millard Cluck, subbing for brother Bill Heinrkhs. now in med school, took over fit the Gamma Phi house where the brothers had the pleas ure of kissing Beauty Queen Mary etlen Robisun ... .Journeying on down the s-titet. the Sig Alps filled the Delta Oamma house with smoke snd passion with Rodney the nodv" Rice and Janie Baird the willing victims. . .Sigma Nus enjoyed t!.. igai "I 1 Vl11 bels'and i.M. i travelled to the Sig ma Kayprt ii"use where N'elle Dee Carlin av.rit.d them. ATOs Smoke. The ATOs also parti ipated in two ol thi sc traditional climaxes to seller. romances with Ceorge Thornhmg doing the honors and Marjori' M; ins" his gul of long standing. shr-ring the spotlight with hi:; !i::i Critehf leld was the se.-cni as he and Pat Horming haus. Alph:' Phi. .cave their fra ternitv t'i''l!-i-is i"d sorority sis ters a h;-v :vi !!:: idyll of love and Ir-iifh:. : . . ..Term lloltz. Alpha Chi. had one of these Ions dis- , f . j-. .-.s-'ivigs. !i"t better t ani i half I F.ti .lanv. Phi New under-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 1. Drt! r.rt rot dresses or men'i s.h:rri. Dom notirrinre skin. . No siting to dry. On be ufrd rifiht after (having. X. Jnsurv.'y Hops perspiration (or 1 to days. Rrmove odor from perspiration. A puie, white, gretscltsi, f ;:nlefs vnishing cream. Arrid hit been (warded the Aprrovii Srslofthe Americnn of Laundering for It.r.g harmless to fabrics. Zn-d it tV LAFGEST 6FU.INC1 IEOECF.AN7. Try t jar today' At !! ifofM telling tf.llrl gnnifq ( '! In 1 Or Unit B1)- linl ft jf iwi ft r ftt -J- If ft 4 &J I those denim play- 1 , , 1 togs for after-school I L 2.95 2.95 3.93 1.95 4.95 1.25 2.95 fun: Vests, shorts. J v A slacks, shirts all 5 I made to match. On our Third Floor dozens of Slacks, Blouses. lumper and Play Suits just arrived ) turdy; washable, cool! I fJ from California and New York in this season's newest colors and fabrics. . V I I Most Pieces J 1 Sizes 7 fo 16. All Budget Pricedl I j 75 ( L, M0VLAND-SWAN5ON LJ Plans for CPT Courses al UN Applications fur two summer courses in Civilian Pilot Training are now being received at the of fice of Dean O. J. Ferguson, M.K. 203, with all trainees expected to be enlisted in the air corps of either the army or navy. Offering both elementary and secondary classes, the plan calls for applications under both part time and full-time plans, the part time programs will be carried in parallel with college work and run 16 weeks. They are open to either army or V-5 navy men. Requires Enlistment. Present plans require that all trainees enlist in the reserve of one of the armed forces, and al tho details of this enlistment have not yet been announced, a com plete' outline of the program will be available soon. No subsistence will be allowed in the part time courses; no uni versity fees will be charged, and 1 it will be announced later whether the students will be allowed his fee for the physical examination. Full-time courses will run eight weeks and will not allow time for 1 any parallel university course. ! Subsistence will be allowed and it is to he presumed that this is on tlie basis of enlistment in cither army or navy air reserves. Similar Program, i All trainees satisfactorily com pel t. and now in dentistry college. And still they pour in, with the Chi Omegas getting two big boxes a'so . .Neither of the fellows were present but Julia Jeanne Steele put forth in the name of Max Mo Arthur and Marilyn Maxey did the same foi Pick LeMar. now in the army ... Just foi a change we re port the receipt by special deliv ery of a third finger, left hand sparkler by Betty Txm Rangeler of the dorm from former Phi Cam J. B. Johnson, another soldier hoy. Congrats Due. We are glad to see the renewal of dating days with Polly Parmele. Pi Phi. and Jack Parker, Pelt, such as the hayrack ride last Sat urday night. . .Congratulations are due to all the new bosses on the Rag, Agwan and Cornhusker pub lications. . .The Kappas and Sig ma Nus are at it again. First the girls stole the Nus' trophies, then there was retaliation when the Kappas lost their big key to the boys across the street. An at tempt was made to get it back, which ended in one of the worst soakings the KKGs endured in yea rs. The attraction between Sheila Wheeler, Theta. and Harold Hop kins. Kappa Sig. seems to be get ting stronger and stronger, whirl .aves Bill Thornburg. Phi Psi. wondering ... Speaking of Kappa Sigs. may the editor of this very worthy column say that this page is too leiii to print sundry and various unmentionable names for them, so we'll just say hail to the fraternity known in the better cir cles as kings of the SNAKY crowd . . . See va . tomorrow. Suniinci Announced pleting the primary course will be clgible for the secondary course. The cross-country course will still bo a follow-up to the secondary, and the instructor's course a still later opportunity for more ad vanced training. Dean Ferguson has urged that all interested students make ap plication in his office in the very near future since immediate filing of forms is desirable. l-F Council . . . (Continued from Page 1.) was, for the past year, assistant to the interfraternity secretary, a member of Corn Cobs and Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. He is a sophomore in school. The reduction of the interfra ternity secretary's salary from $20 a month to salary payments only during rush week and Creek week was also approved by mem bers of the council. Other busi ness of the afternoon included aids and ideas to help the fraternities in their summer rushing program by Dr. Schramm and Pean Bengt son, membt rs of the university faculty. Stress Reserves. I Both men advised members of j the council to stress military re- serves to high school graduates j during the summer in an effort j to gain new members to the uni versity and to ihe fraternities. J Penn Bengtson cited reserve programs for young men in all I three of the country's military 'forces, in the army air force, the navy and the marines. By enlist -i ing in these reserves, students can j defer their call to active duty un 1 til they have received their degree. I The new two year academic pro- gram, offered by the university 1 ofr the first time, was also ex ! plained to the members of the council, as an effort to maintain the membership of the university j and fraternities. Recital (Continued from page l.) the university. Also, where were the professors who see in the arts man's greatest accomplishments? Music for Act. Judiciously chosen, the music was of the nature any listener ' could enjoy. Tt is indeed a sorry , situation that the people of this ' supposedly learned city and sup posedly liberalized university do not and cannot seem to appreciate the excellent talent of these mu sicians. The concert speaks su perbly also of Mr. Wishnow's labors in the production. The only things detracting from the concert were the audible whis perings from the second row. which bothered one of the better violinists in the orchestra consid erably, and Jhe mental confusion experienced Ty some as to whi ther the young ladies carried the sarin bouquet of flowers in their curtain j situation that the people of this ' r Vfl ' ' - ' JvV V I calls. ' ' If they did, iKiweC't, we know Awnnl Announce! ... Eva Spcicr Wins Lehn, Fink Cold Medal for High Grades Kva Spcicr has been awarded the Lehn and Fink gold medal for making the highest scholastic rec ord among pharmacy seniors of the university, it was announced Monday afternoon. Thyllis F.. Platz, second rank ing senior, was awarded the Ras dal award, a year's membership in the American Pharmaceutical association. The third highest member of the senior class, Ma rian A. Roberts of Oakland, re ceived the Merck award of a copy of Merck's Manual. Raymond J. Wooster of Plattsmouth, junior, also was awarded a Merck's Man ual for making the best record in the prescription compounding course. Hold Dinner. Seniors and faculty members of ; the Pharmacy college were hon ! ored by the Lincoln Drug Co., at Lewis A (1 drosses Military Group Tomorrow iii7i Captain Lewis, officer in charge the ground field field in western the engineering of instruction at at the new air Lincoln, will be the speaker at a banquet of the Society ot American Military F.n gmeers tomorrow night in the I'nion. All SAMF. members will he present at the dinner. tiny arc doing their- duty by na tional defense hy conserving on all materials vital or not. which, in the latter case, represents real sac rifice. Attend tlu year . final I'ni I'arty , . sponsored hy CLUB Saturday I Coliseum . t$2? J J -7 V M . , . Pharmacy Clnh Meels an annual dinner at Hotel Corn husker Monday evening. Thursday the class makes an annual inspec tion of the Smith-Dorsy labora tories and will attend a luncheon afterward at the University club. The Pharmaceutical club held its annual banquet and spring party Saturday evening at the Cornhusker. Special guests in cluded Dr. A. L. Miller, director of the state health department, and Mrs. Miller; Melvin D. Gul ley, of the state board of exami ners, and Mra. Gulley; Regent and Mrs. Stanley D. Long; Richard Moses, secretary of the Nebraska Pharmaceutical association, ivnd Mrs. Moses; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Misch; and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stone. David D. Quinton of Kearney, president of the dub, was toast mast er. 35 Apply For Summer Drill Course Thirty-five students have ap- plied for summer school courses in ! advanced military training. Lieut. 1 Col. Luke Zeck. infantry unit di- lector, lias been conducting inter : views with the applicants for the I past few days, endeavoring to ar i range a period of instruction suit able to all. J Remaining students who desire to enroll for summer school, but have not done so yet. should see Colonel Zeck as soon as possible. of the the Moy 23 lV. U