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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1942)
eclnesHay May 13, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 Prep and Varsity Squads Invade Huskerland Tliis Week to Fill Sports Dates THURSDAY. Hlflh chool track State cham pionships 12:30 p. m. at Memorial stadium (finals in mile, 880, high Jump and weights, prelims in all events except broad jump and pole vault). High school baseball Fir st round of state tourney games on five university diamonds at 9 and 11 a. m. High school tennis First round matches and semifinals at Lin coln Tennis club, starting at 10 a. m. (Coliseum courts if indoor play necessary.) FRIDAY. High school track Broad jump and pole vault finals at 10 a. m. Track finals at 1:30 and 3:30 p. m. Varsity track Big Six confer ence championship preliminaries at 2:30 p. m. High school tennis Final matches at Lincoln Tennis club, 9:30 a. m. High school baseball Semifinal games in classes AA, B, C at 9 and 11 a. m. Class B finals at 1 p. m. Varsity baseball Nebraska vs. Kansas State at Comhusker field, 4 p. m. Varsity t e n n I s Nebraska vs. Iowa State at Lincoln Tennis chib, 1:30 p. m. Vanity golf N ebraska vs. Iowa State at Lincoln Country club, 1 p. m. High school golf Eighteen-hole team and individual championship medal play at Lincoln Pioneers course, 9:30 a. m. SATURDAY. Varsity track Big Six cham pionships at 2 p. m. Varsity baseball Nebraska vs. Kansas State, 2 p. m. High school baseball Classes AA, B and C at 9 and 11 a. m. War Group Holds Magazine Drive On UN Campus A drive to collect magazines for army camps over the country is being carried on throughout this week by the Student War Council. Individuals and organized houses are all urged to contribute as many magazines as possible. To be handed in at the Union lobby every day at any time this week, magazines should not be more than four months old, should be in good condition and should provide good reading. Students wishing to help with the collecting Friday should turn their names in to the t7n1n of fice. The University of Alabama has started a course in communica tions technology. Suited for Summer by "SLOW POKE" has a white plastron front that forms the bir pockets in this two-piece Sno Linen (span rayon) suit. 14.95 "SHOCK PROOF" is a two - piece Sno Linen (spun rayon) suit bound in white pique. 14.95 "Luscious" colors fn sixes 9 to 15 Mary Muffets are exclusive with Miller & Paine in Lincoln. Millar's Jl'NIOR SHOP Sfcond Floor Hurlers Get Two One-Hit )ecisions Husker Swimmer . . Cliff Lambert Effects Rescue During Early Morning Flood . . . Monday in Epworth Park C. Loach, Rice and Garey Yield to Cyclone Batters But Twice in Two Games By Gene Sherman. Excellent pitching combined with timely hitting was enough for the lowly Huskers, as they broke into the win column by tak ing both games of a twin bill from the highly favored Iowa State team yesterday by the scores of 1-0 and 4-0, respectively. Carl Leach held the usually hard-hitting Iowans to one safe blow in the opener as he vied with Al Strohbchn in one of the best pitching duels ever witnessed on the Nebraska diamond. After allowing the second man he faced to hit, Leach settled down to a masterful job. Leach Score. Leach also played a great part in the scoring crossing the plate with the winning tally. After opening the last of the sixth with a single, he ad vanced to third on Pat Boyle's hit, and came across the plate on Bob Heinzel man's single. Due credit must be given to Al Stroh behn of the visitors who c 1. ! ' V BOB HEINZELMAN held the Huskers to four safeties. Strohbehn was given credit for both of the Cyclones victories in the series at Ames. A close decision at first, in the nightcap, robbed Nebraska's pitchers, Rice and Garey, from a no-hit game as the rejuvenated Huskers made a complete day of it. Clark Rice, starting hurler, ran into trouble in the fourth frame when he loaded the bases on the one Cyclone hit and two free passes. Bob Garey was then rushed into the game to stop the up rising. Jump On Stater. The locals jumped on Willard Mylenbusch for 13 safe blows of which only one was good for extra bases. Big noises in the Husker at tack were Bob Heinzelman and Jake Sedlack. Heinzelman had three hits to his credit while Sed lack had a double and a sinele. The Huskers bring the curtain down on the 1942 season this Fri day and Saturday by entertaining the strong Kansas State nine. HwnniErr flnt ran?! R. H. K N.-bnM.k. 1 4 Iowa State 0 1 Hattrrim Irarh and Jarkfmn; Stroh hrhn and R. Srharnhrnc. Srrnnd iffime: R. H. K Nebnuka 1 0 Iowa StMt 1 Hatt4-rir Klrr, Carry and Jafknon Mylrnliuiih and K. Srharnbent. Training received on the Univer sity of Nebraska swimming team enabled Clifton Lambert, letter- man, to effect a daring rescue Monday morning during the Salt creek flood. Lambert, a junior this year, tried out for the swimming team in his sophomore year. He did not have too much speed but under the able teuteiage of his team mate, Les Oldfield, he began developing. Swam Distances. During the season, he developed into a distance swimmer, compet ing in the 220 and the 440 free style events. He won a minor let ter that year. Keeping in shape by swimming is his forte. Thru the summer months, he swam most of the time and was ready for the season. In his swimming this season, Lam bert captured some important points in his two events. Families Fled. When the flood hit Epworth park in the southeast part of Lin coln early Monday morning, most of the families had to run to es cape. Mrs. Edna Yeager was one of the people concerned. She and her husband along1 with their children attempted to get out of the flood area in the car but when the water stalled the engine, they had to run. Mrs. Yeager tripped and fell and was caught in the flooding water. Swept Down Stream. Her husband attempted to save her but was unable to do so and Mrs. Yeager was swept along with the raging torrent. She managed to catch a log which supported her for a half mile where she caught a building. It was about 6 a. m. when Lam bert saw her. Since he lives near where Mrs. Yaeger was holding on to the building, he was able to 9 NOW! Yoo'll Howl Whta fiarbo Rh'-mbai! I I - 1 I II Pacific Blackout" with Robert PrMtoa Martha O'Drlaeoll Wbtrt ITaaplnm Coitt LlttU mm ?Sr to P.M. Ta In. YOUR DRUG STORE For that hot lunch tonight try the fountain at the OWL PHARMACY help her. He swam out to her in the muddy water and supported her until they were picked up in a boat. Mrs. Yeager was weak from a blow on the head received while she was being swept down with the water. Cliff maintains he's no hero but his knowledge of swim ming and life saving tactics helped him through a big crisis. N Men Search For Prospects AIIThisWeek Don't forget the N club mem bers on Saturday night. They are the ones responsible for putting on the big N club dance which annually is the hit of the campus. The reports have it that it isn't safe for spectators to come within shouting distance of an N man, they can't escape his persistent sales plea. The dance which will be held on Saturday evening will conclude the Big Six track and field cham pionships which will be held on Friday and Saturday. Besides Tony Pastor and his band, the dance will show to the outside world, the choice of the N club for the queen of all queens on the Husker campus. All members of the club have tickets and will be ready, willing and able to sell them if they just have someone to listen to them. A complete record of Kent State university housing facilities is be ing made by sociology students to be forwarded to the war depart ment for use in case of an emergency. vV If) KA do esGt Whs T I. - HL.11 ; i o matte oeirer going for you, and Uncle Sam, too See your Union Pacific bus agent well in advance for information about the new schedules and improved wartime service. Rely on his expert help in planning your trip. 2 Get your tickets early to avoid last-minute delay and confusion at departure time. Check your baggage early, too, so that mis takes may be prevented. Discover the advantages of Union Pacific bus travel. Learn how you help Uncle Sam save tires and other vital materials . . . how you save more money to buy War Bonds. UNION BUS DEPOT 320 So. 13th St. 2-7071 mm ir. uiii mi) ram r d 9iTH 14S N. 14th & V 2-1068