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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1942)
DAILY. NEBRASKAN Wednesday May 6, 1942 4 (pink by We nominate yesterday as the day of the year on which to cut all classes and sleep peacefully until noon. Unless, of course, you have a bit of duck blood in you in which case you may have enjoyed the walk over to Bancroft, that mecca of all sugar lovers. . . .A word to the wise, get there early if you have yet to register, for the crowd is really thick and deter mined. Today we devote practically the entire column to various and sun dry happenings on fraternity and sorority row last Monday night. . . Marge Rivett surprised her Alpha Fhi sisters when she passed the candy, for it turned out to be candy bars. Harold Hickey, Phi Psi, was the lucky recipient of all those kisses. . .Kappa underclass men had a little difficulty eating their creamed chicken and peas Monday night when all they had were their knives. It seems the seniors had sneaked and taken the forks with them. Freshmen Sneak. While we are on the subject of sneaking, the DU freshmen slipped away from their elders and almost missed the candy passing between Dean Yates and Charlotte Smith. Pi Phi... That was only the be ginning at 426 No. 16th, however, as Betty Krause and Jim Bell, Beta, were responsible for the ar rival of a huge May basket full of candy and later hilarious doings With Jim and Betty getting more than one smackeroo liom some of the sisters and brothers. . .A third box of candy and the final blow to figures and digestion was pre sented by Marge Owen. Pi Phi alum, and George McMurtrey, now a student in Omaha. The Sigma Chi"s really went in for cleanliness in a big way Mon day with as many a3 eight of the brothers finding themselves in the showers. The funny thing is that two of them aren't even pinned and just got in the wrong crowd ...Kappas and Phi Psis plan a picnic Friday night, if it doesn't rain, of course... We wonder if Betty Winn, Alpha Phi. realizes what is going on behind her back. As far as we know, the steady deal between her and Ben Clark, Phi Psi. is still steady for her but we are beginning to doubt if Ben is thinking along similar lines. Maybe it is. all an arrangement of their own... See ya, tomorrow. Towne Club Installs Laurel Morrison Head Laurel Morrison was installed as president of the Towne club at a mother-aaughter ureaKiasi new ai the Union Sunday morning. The ht-akfast at which sixty were present-is an annual affair given bv Towne club eirls for their mothers. Other officers elected were vice president, Lucena Churchill; ac tivities chairman. Ruth Sherburn; secretary, Mary Dennis; treasurer, Carol Griffmg; social chairman Roxar.a Brown; historian, Virginia Stuermer; music chaiiman, Jean Austin; publicity chairman. Mary Kierstead. WAA chairman will be chosen next fall. Dorothy Jean Bryan, out-going president, gave a short resume of the club's activities of the year at the breakfast. The club and the mothers all went to the St. Paul's Methodist church services after the breakfast. John A. Hopkins, associte pro fessor of economics and sociology at Iowa State college, left recently to make an industrial survey of Argentina. Cornliuskcr Sells Glossy Pictures Glossy pictures used in the 1942 Cornhusker are now being sold by the business staff at the Cornhusker offce in the Union. Students are invited to stop at the office to see the pictures which are being sold at a min imum price, according to 8hiri ley Russet, editor of the bock. Miss Sleckelbenr Presents Senior Recital at Temple Janet Steckelberg, a fine arts candidate for degree with distinc tion, will present her junior piano recital tomorrow at 4 p. m. at the Temple. The program will include Toc cata and Fugue, E Minor, Chopin; Andante in F, Beethoven; Carna val, Op. 9, Schumann; Danse, E Minor, Debussy; Etude, E Minor, Op. 5. Chopin and Etude, C Minor, Op. 25, No. 12, Chopin. Cliem Fraternity Goes to Pioneer Park for Picnic Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chemistry fraternity, will hold its annual spring picnic in Pioneer park Saturday afternoon. A soft ball game will be featured in the afternoon's entertainment. The picnic is open for faculty members and chemistry students. A service honor roll complied by the campus newspaper lists 249 Texas Christian university stu dents in the armed forces of the Uniteed States, Canada and England. A native Icelander, August Sveinbjornsson, freshman in chem istry, is assisting the University of Wisconsin's new course in modern Icelandic with native vocabulary and pronunciation. A number of Wayne university classes in retailing are being con ducted inside district stores this semester in a project to make uni versity vocational training of the most immediate value possible. MOTHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS A Large Selection from which to Choose We Have Special Greetings for MOTHER FATHER SISTER BROTHER SON DAUGHTER MOTHER tr FATHER AUNT GRANDMOTHER HUSBAND WIFE SWEET HEART For FRIEND at home and those away 1 KSTi.R I! ODM STORES, Inc. 1221 O STREET (GnCOjJL WiM-L-L si W !TM2saU (p) fjT U YOU V " IO 511 E Mother's Day May 10th Gift Hosiery She'll Adore 1.50 Match Her Summer Costume The kind of rift she's sure to like. Pure silk hosiery bv Kayser. 3 thread in the loveliest of shades. Sizes 8'i to 101. GOLD'S... Street KL.r. Beautifully Printed Hankies 25c 6 1.40 They're in smart patterns and so modestly priced, you'll want to buy many. Fine lawn, in most all colors. GOLD'S... Street I loer. Costume Jewelry for Mother 195 plus tax Costume jewelry faiore, all de signed to make her spring and summer costume more lovely. In plastics there are pins neck laces, earrings and bracelets. GOLD'S... Street FW.r. A She'll Love Lovely Lingerie 4 Slips 1.95 She'll be smartly dressed in private in one of these slips. Either laoe trimmed or tailored styles, all ith a comfortable fit. Gowns 3.95 Choose a lovely rayon silk or satin rown. Or choose a gay printed pattern. COLD'S.. .nir FImt. 1 with a Handbag 2.95 Some are in fabrics and there are those new good-looking plastic bars. In navy, white, and other colors. GOLD'S. . Street Flior. i 7 WvfttW I. ri If I k M r . V 'if Give Her Beautiful Gloves 1.95 Made of Enelish doeskin, these 4 button length gloves are classics. ot n In white, beire. and chamois, illiitiratfd they'll wash beautifully. Sizes GOLD'S. ..Street iltit. Neckwear to Accent Her Costumes 1.00-1.95 Cool and fresh as crisp lettuce, this white neckwear that will change the appearance of her costumes. Both tailored and dressy styles. GOLD S ..Street F1..r. Give Her Kitchen Towels Vfflk 5S4 For Her Home 29' - 49c For her home, these towels she'll use and treasure for a long time to come. Every color and pattern she could want. Select from the colorful pat terns, OOLO'S...St.a4 FI..C.