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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1942)
SVeclnesclaY, May 6, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN s- " -:.v.y .-:.; Bob Aifler EVER hear of Kjell Qvale?. . .Well, don't feel disappointed if you haven't because there are a lot of other people who have never heard that Norse handle and if they have, they have little recollection as to where they heard it. . .Qvale, if you must know, is a sprinter and is the 1942 captain of the Washington Husky track team... But he is now in the air force down at Corpus Christi, Texas. . .Why mention Kjell Qvalle?...Just because we think that he has done something that certainly deserves comment. TO get some of his background, Qvale was a junior member of the Husky track team last year and at the annual banquet of the thinclads from Washington he was elected track captain for this year... He was a century dash man and was capable of gliding over the route in 9.8 seconds and once he broke the tape in 9.6 but that was with a slight breeze behind him... The war came along and Qvale joined the air cadets and was sent down to Corpus Christi for training... He kept up his track interests and looked longingly at the existing world's record in the 100 of 9.4 which has been tied by Charlie Paddock. .. Eulace Peacock. . .Jesse Owens. ..Frank Wyckoff... Ralph Metcalfe. . .Hal Davis and several others. MONDAY, a week ago, Qvale did something more than look longingly at the recrds In a cadet track meet at the Naval Air Sta tion on that day. April 27, he broke the tape at the end of the 100 and three watches clicked simultaneously. . .All three of the watches read 9.2 seconds. . .Imagine the consternation that it caused... All of the dockers were afraid to announce the time because they weren't ab solutely positive that they had seen right. . .So "they added two-tenths of a second just to be conservative but still Kjell Qvale of Seattle, cadet at the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, tied the world's record at 9.4 seconds for the 100 yard dash.". . .This was the official news re lease following the meet... So just because the dockers wanted to be conservative and not rock the very walls of the track coliseums, they turned in a 9.4 time which gives Qvalle the distinction of tying the record. . .Those are the facts. . .If three watches read the same, it is a pretty good indication of the validity of the time, but one must be con servative. . .Mustn't one? HUSKER athletes have an eye for beauty. . .They have six lovelies on their queen list for the annual N club jamboree on May 16 including Betty Ann Nichols, Lois Rrake, Alice McCampbell, Bel dora Cochran, Becky Wait and Virginia Ford. They seem to stick to democratic principles, too... They took all of the various queens elected by the student body, cut that number down to six and then at their last meeting voted upon the one with the best appearance, nicest personality and the most beauty... We bet they had a close vote... They are being very reticent about the whole thing and won't disclose her name until the big night. K V Poll Finds ... Big Six Football Athletes Have Doubtful Draft Status limbers Split on Ages LAWRENCE, May 5. Of the 321 men who reported for spring football men who are likely to see action in the fall campaigns if they are still around in the Big Six vernal grid drills, 173 are now enlisted in a deferred military service program such as V-7 or ad vanced R.O.T.C. courses, or have - registered for selective service, according to a survey just completed by Vic Hurt, assistant grid mentor at the University of Kansas. One hundred thirty-eight moleskin aspirants were too young for draft registration, and have not as yet enlisted. KU Has Youngest Team. Kansas had the youngest squad and the smallest for spring practice. Thirty-eight men who are likely to see action in the fall, reporting regularly. The average age of the squad Is 18.7 years, with nine men enrolled in deferred service programs, 9 registered for th draft, and 20 unattached. Kansas State reported the squad with the highest age average twenty years. Of the prospective 42 candidates, seven are enrolled in deferred service plans, 17 registered for selective service, with 18 with no military obligations as yet. Huskers Have 19.4 Average. Nebraska with the usual largest squad, and with an age aver age of 19.4 years, had its men distributed as follows: Deferred ser vice plans 13; registered for selective service, 33; and 34 unattached. Missouri with the second largest squad numbering 69 hopefuls, is next to Kansas State in the matter of age average, with 19.8 years. Eleven of the Bengals are reported as having enlisted in V-7 or being enrolled in advanced R.O.T.C, 29 have registered for the draft, and 29 are unattached. Orders have been accepted to supply the Louisiana State univer sity library with steel stacks for 50,000 additional books. Eighty-five percent of Harvard students are "convinced that the United States was right in enter ing the war, and that it should concentrate all its energies in win ning it," according to a recent poll. Bulletin Sigma Eta Chi Initiates Two, Names Officers Installation of officers and Ini tiation of two new members of Sigma Eta Chi, Congregational women's organization, was held recently at the YWCA. Officers for the coming year include Neva Hill, president; Marjorie Moore, vice president; Norma Watkins, secretary; June Krebbs, recording secretary; Mary Alice Adams, treasurer. Barbara Norris and Jean Racine are the new initiates. t;IRI, ROF.KVE. The final meeting of the Girl Btwrrvt mill be a lea at P. m. at KIW-a Smith todny, . Members may bring rciet. . MATINEE DANCE. Wednesday's rrrnlar matinee danee, MMHuored br the Modent Vntna. will be held today from S to p. m. In the l a ton ballroom. AdmlMlon is by Identifica tion eard. Students may dome stac r brine a date. NOW undtr-arm Croam Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 1. Doetoot rot dresses or ipenl thins. Does not irritate akin, L No waiting to dry. On bt used right after shaving. S. Instant? itopi perspiration for 1 to J days. Remove odot from perspiration. 4. A port, white, greaieleis, sum leas vanishing cream. 5. Arrid has been awarded Approval Seat of the American Institute of Laundering for being harmless to fabrics. Arrid ia tha LARGEST SEtXma DEODORANT. Try a ju today) At aO MDIaf uOti t (In Sa 10c and Jan) Simon's Simon's Simon's r ycnminr snnnmnmiieir fi annD IbegSims sit Sfimawiii's anew slai(clk sDnaDjp ... Simon are giving you a whole new slack shop full of fun-loving, playtime Iot lies ... visit Simon's I III floor ladies9 fashions and the new slnek shop ... see Simon's 9- College Organization modeling playtime clothes ... all I his week. slack suits CUutic precision tailored lack tnits ... denims, poplins, sharkskins ... SJS mp. SJ)S up play suits Laxable eeUaese pUysuiU ... detachable skirts . . eotorfml floral print . . 5JS i T"f v i Simon's Simon 's Simon's Simon's