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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1942)
Tues&xy. April 28, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN '3 Harold Hunt Has Off Day Along With Warinerdam . . In Vaulting Pits "I guess both Warmerdam and I had our off-day on the same day," commented Harold Hunt. And so it seemed, since both vaulters although in different parts of the nation failed to clear any height near their customary achieve ments on the same afternoon. Hunt was vaulting for the Husker horde at the Drake Relays in Des Moines, la., last weekend and he took a tie for fourth posi tion with a vault of 12 feet 6 inches to thoroughly disgust himself and make the Sunday-morning sports enthusiasts gape with won derment. Didn't Warm Up. "1 didn't get warmed up as usual and that may have been what was wrong," he said, "because on Tuesday I was vaulting at 13 feet just for practice and made that six or seven times and then I put the bar up to 13 feet and a half and made that on the first try. I don't understand what was wrong except I just couldn't make it. Hunt who has consistently vaulted over the 14 foot barrier "just couldn't make it" and no one was more amazed than he. His competi tion in the event came from Bill Williams of Wisconsin and Jack Defield of Minnesota, both of whom he has defeated or tied in pre vious encounters. Vault in Same Class. His two competitors are capable of reaching the 14 foot mark also but due to the cold and rain that enveloped the Drake track lay-out, they were held to 13 feet five and three-fourths inches which was good for a first"place tie. In the recent Kansas Relays, Williams and Hunt tied for the number one spot with efforts that were three-fourths of an inch off DUs Advance To l-M Finals In Softball By Gene Sherman. Scoring nine of their 11 runs in the last two frames, the DU soft- ball team advanced to the finals of the intramural Softball tourney bv trouncing the Sig Nus, last night, to the tune of 11-5. A five run outburst in the fourth inning broke up a hurlers' duel between Lefty Verne Frost, of the Sig Nus, and Bob Saalfield, of the winners. The DUs added four more .markers in the last stanza. Big guns in the winners' attack were Freddy Meir and Darrell Larson. Meir pounded out two home runs, one in each of the two last innings. Larson had a homer and a double to his credit. Allows Four Safeties. Pitcher Saalfield only allowed four safe hits, two to Steve Dewey, Sig Nu right fielder. Verne Frost was very effective until the fourth frame when wild- ness combined with poor support from the field led to his downfall. The DUs will play the powerful Beta team in the finals. The time has not been decided on as yet. Summary: K H E Delta IptiUon 11 10 J SUrma Nu ' BatterlM: Saalfield and Meir; Frost and Gtrner. f I i By Bob Miller S Cyclones Win In Opening Big Six Contest Laying down a thirteen hit bar men, lowa state wauoDea Ne braska, yesterday, 10-3. This was nation in what will be the last appearance on cinder tracks for a the Opening Big Six contest for number of performers who are slated for the army as soon as the HUSkerS. nrhnol is rait J 9 M I - " lne uyciones coumea seven ot v - t v r Warmrrdam. luuiow Hum Lincoln Journal, the Drake standards. It was windy and cool for the KU ft-nt-ival also. Warmerdam Fails. While Hunt was attempting and failing to meet the competition at a normal level of around 14 feet, Connie Warmerdam, the world's greatest pole vaultcr, was hav ing an equally hard time getting over the same height on the west ooaHt triangular meet featuring Southern California, UCLA ami the San Francisco Olympic club. Vaulting in competition. Warm erdam who holds the world record in the event has a hard time get ting over 14 feit but finally hc eomplinhd it on a second try to win the even. A little Inter in Hn exh.bition, Connie hit his stride and sailed over the bar at 15 feet for the nineteenth time. Redeefs- Himself. He missed a new record of 15 feet and a half when l.e brushed the bar on his downward de scent but at least he redeemed himself for his earlier showing. As for Hunt, he will have his chance on Saturday when his Hus ker mates travel back to West Point for a triangular meet with West Point and Columbia. As for Warmerdam, whenever he has a vaulting pit and pole, he always has a chance even sans opposition. Well, Warmerdam and Hunt both had their off day but don't be discouraged because they'll continue making headlines for some time yet. Perhaps even in the Tokyo Invitational. Acting Flight Lieutenant Bren don "Paddy" Finucane, known as Britain's No. 1 ace, got his 31st plane Sunday during the RAF's aerial sweeps over the continent. A few miles from San Fran cisco a mountain has almost lit erally been transformed Into a factory of Titans. It is a factory which extracts magnesium from ocean and mountain. Buy a $1.10 Combination Ticket Today to the Fourth Student Union Birthday Ball Lloyd Hunter's Orchestra and Carnival, Friday, May 1 and 1942 Cornhuslccr Beauty Queens Saturday, May 2 UNION '-BALLROOM.., $1.10 per couple, Combination Nights 75c per couple, One Night Only, and 40c Single BILL Lyda's half mile effort at the Drake Relays on Friday during the running of the distance medley relay certainly held up the honor of the Big Six... Taking the baton for the anchor 880, Lyda found himself in third place. ..He proceded to overtake the two leaders, Ginn of Nebraska, was one, and steamed on to victory, with a 1:49.2 half clocking for the fastest half mile run in the history of Drake from a running start... It also set a new mark for the mile relay composed of 440, 220 and 880. NEBRASKA'S baseball team lost their first game of the season to Minnesota by the narrow score of 1-0 with Pitcher Ernie Swan son allowing only five hits... The Minnesota pitcher allowed but two hits in his shutout victory. . .The Huskers' trouble came from the five errors they committed during the game as opposed to none for their foes... It was a pretty good performance for the opening game of the season. . .Allen Artman, first sacker who failed to make the trip due to technical ineligibility will probably be ready for duty this week completing the strong infield. HARRY Ankeny, Husker tennis ace, is moving right along in his court play for the Huskers this spring... At Minnesota on Thurs day, he dropped his opponent In straight sets to start the season off right... He doubled with Keith Howard to win the doubles as the Huskers won the meet. . .Against lowa State, the next day, Ankeny duplicated his feat to become the leading netster. . .The golfers lost both matches with Byron Adams firing a 74 for the best effort any Husker contributed. ED Weir, Husker track coach, has recommended to the national board that the National Intercollegiate track and field championships be set up a week due to the streamlined sports schedule. . .That, according to our calendar, will put th national meet on Friday and Saturday., June 12 and 13... It will bring together the best in the their runs in the first two frames at the expense of Floyd Stork, Ne braska's starting hurler. Clark Rice finished on the mound for the Huskers and did a masterful job. Mel Shanda, southpaw left field er, was the big gun for the win ners with two triples and a single. Strohbein Gets Victory. Al Strohbein, Cyclone starter, received credit for his third vic tory of the season as he pitched the first seven frames. Wayne Mitchell finished on the hill for the Iowans. Nebraska scored its first run in the sixth frame on three singles. The other two markers were walked across in the eighth at the expense of relief hurler Mitchell. Summary: r h Nrbraka S H I Iowa KUIr 10 IS 1 Hattrrlrn: Morfc, Kin- and JarkMin; Ktrohbrln, Mltrhrll and Scharnbrri;. Nebraska concludes their road trip today by meeting the Cyclones again. C. A. Sorenson Talks to Law Group Tonight Young Advocates wil' hold their monthly meeting tonight at 7:J0 in room 201 of social science, 'ine meeting is open to all prt-law students und those who contem plate attending law school at any time. C. A. Sorenson, outstanding in Nebraska and federal legal circles, will speak on "Practice before the SuDreme Court." Mr. Sorenson has recently returned from Washing ton where he practiced before the highest tribunal. Physical examinations for V-5 will be given in Nebraska hall, all dav todav as announced at the convocation held last night. NEXT meet on the Husker track schedule will give the Scarlet clndermen their trip of the year... The meet is next Saturday and it will be on the Hudson at the West Uoint military academy when Nebraska, West Point and Columbia get together in a triangular meet... It will mark the beginning of relations wtih the military Insltution, a very desirable thing to our way of thinking. . .After the meet back at West Point there is but two weks until the Big Six outdoor championships at Nebraska's stadium... A dual meet will come In betwen the outdoors and the eastern jaunt. Pres. Joseph II. Edge of Dakota Wesleyan university has Been ap pointed to the education and pub licity committee of the South Da kota civilian defense organization. University of Michigan depart ment heads and President Mutn- ven feel that the university's phy sical equipment is far Inadequate, according to a survey by the Michigan Daily. CLASSIFIED Wto axil (IHtoAc?' - Pi Refreshment, complete refreshment . . . delicious taste, without an after taste. ..these things give Coca-Cola some thing special In a soft drink. Thirst asks noth ing more. You trust its quality LOST or taken by miUk Oui white, tiiffeta, cape lyl wuixt Irnuih "it t Miami Trlud Party nt rountrv cluii mt- IOTTIED UNDtl AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COIA COMPANY BY LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY 2120 G St. ' day night Call i-iUi.