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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1942)
Tuesday, April 28, 1942 4 DAILY NEBRASKAN (pink (Rag, pi. Hangovers have been plentiful these last mornings and there ought to be just enough time be fore Saturday for recuperation and preparation. . . We hear the Sig Alphs and the Phi Psis put on one of the better hour dances of the season with the poor Kap pas as victims. Ed Staska acted as dancing master and apparent ly possesses an excellent sense of equilibrium. . . Speaking of Kappas, brings to mind the happy reunion of beauty Betty Nickols and Phi Delt George Abel who decided life wasn't worthwhile apart. . . Just a thought but may be the same idea will occur to Dinny Ford, another Kappa, and former love Perry Fuller, ATO; but we must admit that "Hitchy" Hitchcock, Theta, is pretty stiff competition for anyone. . . Dinny incidentally, showed up at the Tassle dance with another ATO Harold Hunt, and Tommy Miller, former exclusive property of Kap pa Ann Craft, took Theta Doro thy Weirich. . . All this really mixes up the Kappas, Thetas and ATO's, doesn't it?. . . Again We Find. Weekly reporting of pin-hangings involves first surprise, sur prise, Gamma Phi Mary Ellen Robison who has forsaken her many admirers for one med stu dent, Bill Heindrichs, Sig Alph. . . Bill Huffman, Beta, lost his owner ship of the diamond and three stars to one Janice Goldsmith, Al pha Chi, Saturday . . . And then, climax of a very confusing court ship, screw-ball Danny Schmitt, Sig Alph. bestowed his pin on Shirley McNeel, Pi Phi; and we hope that ends that. . . Weddings are also in the offing in consid erable number with two DU's heading the list of future victims of the ball and chain, Val Ander son and Bob Hunt both having announced .their engagement. . . Jean Carnahan, Chi O, also has set the date for her marriage to former Phi Delt Dick Hiatt for late in May. Added to His List. Congratulations are due my worthy predecessor, Kappa Sig Chris Petersen, for achievement in fraternity awards as of last Saturday night, and his presence was greatly missed about 3 a. m. in and around that house it seems. . . . Congratulations are also due the DU fraternity and their ten, count them, ten new pledges. . . . The romance between Jerry San dol, DG. and Fred Adams, DU, is getting to be one of the more con stant affairs, and they met such a short time ago too. . . . The worthy town of Crete was the scene of one of the better picnics of the season when the Phi Delts migrated there Sunday. Lois Christie, Alpha Phi, was along with Chuck Baskins while Nick Douvas had his true love, Ruth Grant, Tri Delt; and Howard Chapin and Bus Black took Helen Greuscl. AOPi and we understand quite a modeler of swimming suits, and Sweets Campbell, Kap pa, respectively. . . . Around About. Marge Holmes and Hank Mar vin, two gadabouts from wav back are belying their reputation by going places more and more to gether. . . . Lois Christie is try ing her best to find the owner of a very expensive-looking white evening coat which she . gained possession of by mistake Satur day night. The owner can get same at the Alpha Phi house any time. . . . Marian Dredla, Tri Delt, received a diamond clear from London, England, recently, which must have really added to the or- Palladian Team of . Marvin, Guinan, Alexis Edge Out Farmhouse in Union Quiz Receiving the distinction of be ing the brainiest individuals on the campus, the Palladian team of Dave Marvin, Warren Guinan and Harold Alexis narrowly edged out the Farm House team Bill Burr, Dan Atkinson and Jim Sallach by one-third of a point to win the finals of Union's Brain- Barhs Announce General Meeting Tonight in Union A general assembly of Barbs will be held Tuesday evening at 7:00 in room 307, Student Union building. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss Barb plans for future activities as they concern all Barbs. Name Petersen . Kappa- Sigma Award Winner Chris Petersen, jr., arts and sci ence senior, was named winner of district 18's second annual Kappa Sigma leadership award at a ban quet at the Cornhusker Saturday night. About 100 persons attended. Paul Mathews, bizad senior of Mullen, was also on the list of 11 who qualified for the district's top activity honor. The main speaker was Dr. Walker H. McDonald, president of Culver-Stockton college. Ren Buk acek served as toastmaster. Hon ored guests were Deans Mrs. Ver na Boyles and T. J. and Mrs. Thompson. Chapters represented were Nebraska, Kansas, Kansas State, Baker, Washburn and Missouri. dinary thrill. . . . And then we mustn't forget the renewed steady deal between Marly Wolff, Sigma Nu, and Kay Detweiler, DG, which seemed to make all her friends very happy, and we will check on his brothers' opinions in the near future. . . . Why? The Sig Eps are still waiting for the nuptial rites between Bob Gelwick and Ester May Calhoun, and can't seem to understand the delay. . . . Blessings on thee, lit tle Awgwan gore writer, and may thy future life be as confused as are the captions in the present is sue of our humor magazine. . . . Tickets are now on sale for the very big weekend birthday cele bration of the Student Union, with Friday night featuring Lloyd Hunter and a carnival and Satur day bringing Hunter back again and the presentation of this year's Cornhusker beauty queens. Satur day afternoon means the AWS Ivy Day tea dance also, so that dancing seems to be the order for the coming mighty May 1st and 2nd . . . See ya, tomorrow. . . . With 35 defense courses costing nearly $300,000 already completed, Dean W. R. Woolrich of the Uni versity of Texas engineering col lege declares the "job for Texas industry has just been started." Pres. Robert L. MtLeod, jr., of Centre college has warned students of the danger of spreading un founded rumors concerning Centre men in the armed service. Your Drug Store Meet your friend and eohe here Owl Pharmacy 148 No. 11th & P 2-10G8 II SPARKLING, GAY, FARCE-COMEDY . Begins Tomorrow Nire with Edith Ellis' SEVEN SISTERS UNIVERSITY THEATRE DEP'T OF SPEECH, SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Wednesday, Thursday Friday APRIL 29, 30 AND MAY 1 Box Office Open 2-5 p.m. Daily II stormers' Quiz Sunday night in the ballroom. Thirty-eight teams, composed of 114 students, were entered in the tournament when it began last week, and two rounds preceding the finals were held to eliminate all but two of these teams. Questions asked the finalists concerned current events, litera ture, sports, personalities, art and music. .The musical question, for which two records were played for each team to identify, stumped the mental experts, as did the ques tions on literature (attention, English department!) and art, two paintings being shown each team for identification. Good at Current Events. Both teams did well on current events, and divided on personali ties and definitions, Farm House receiving full credit on the former to Palladian's one-half and Palla dian nosing out Farm House by one-third point on definitions. On the basis of the total score which was 52 2-3 to 53 1-3, first prize of $5 in defense stamps was awarded to each member of the Palladian team, while $2.50 apiece was given to Farm House representatives. 100 Attend Toivne Club Mothers" Tea More than 100 attended the Towne Club Mothers' group tea at Ellen Smith from 4 to 6 p. m. yes terday, which featured a spring motif. Coeds and their mother who acted as co-hostesses were Mrs. T. R. Crawford and Eleanor who were in the court; Mrs. J. E. Bryan and Dorothy at the door; Mrs. L. A. Sherburn and Ruth in the parlor; Mrs. G. W. White and Dorothy ushering guests in the dining room. Mrs. A. R. Congdon and Mrs. Don Critchfield were in charge of the dining room, and Miss Augusta Ziegler and Miss Gertrude Knie were at the tea table. Music during the tea was pro vided by Lucy and Dorothy Max well on the piano and vibraharp, Wilma MilW on the cello, Mrs. C. E. Booth and Alice, piano and violin; and Dorothy Bryan, piano. Totalling over a million dollars together, two contracts were awarded Monday afternoon for in stallation of the electrical distri bution system at the air mechan ics training school in Lincoln. D. M. Drihin Talks On Crypotgrams To Math Society Prof. D. M. Dribin will speak to Pi Mu Epsilon, mathematical honorary, at its meeting today, April 28, at 7:30 p. m., in Brace lab auditorium. Any student may attend the meeting. Prof. Dribin will talk on "Cryptograms Their Making and Breaking." Union Donee Called Off Due t o circumstances beyond their control, the Student Union will not sponsor the weekly mati nee dance this week. The upset ting factors are the ROTC parade Tuesday afternoon, the engage ment of the ballroom Wednesday, and the ROTC federal inspection Thursday. On Friday and Saturday, there is a Union birthday party with dancing to Lloyd Hunter's hot swingsters. On this musical score, Buddy Goldstein of the Union board urges students to save their shoe leather and whirl at the Birthday Ball. av 4 4 msnii-K I 1 a i ii m r v - i Not exactly as illustrated ... for Your Carefree Days of Fun Of course you want your sportswear comfortable, but you want it smart, too. And you vant clothes that will stand up under countless tubbings without losing a whit of their original color frechness. All this you'll find in our brand new collection of play clothes . . . you'll be proud to wear them. Come in and see them . . . today. m h m m a a washable cottons, ray-rt ons, sharkskin 3-picceP sports dresses from . . . 95 Others 2.951 0.95 GOLD'S Third Floor. WE v ...., r wmm i ,1 ) & M -w ' i J