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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1941)
Friday, December 19, 19411 DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 14 1 inn disumA. it. Christmas spirit prevails: More serenades more late shopping and more vacation plans . . . Omaha's the popular place to spend the holidays with half the campus moving in to help liven up the parties . . . Alpha Chi Marge Stewart's entertaining Marge Bruning and Polly Jo Taylor . . . They're celebrating New Year's with ATO Ed Butler, Acacia Buzz Dalton and ATO Phil Ford . . . Kappa Jeannie Brown and Phi Delt Chick Thorne will go up for one of the Spinster dances, and, in evitably, Paul Svoboda and Chris Petersen will be whipping to that and other parties of their own . . . But Tri Delt Ruth Denny is having trouble deciding be tween New Year's in Sioux City or Omaha. . . Saw SAE Jim Griggs shopping for Tri Delt Gibby Ed wards' Christmas gift . . But Not Too Late. Late news: Palladians Margie May and Don Dobry have started to steady except on Fridiy. . . That's Palladian "State" n'jrht when all the members trade dates. . . The CornhusUtr staff held the big Christmas party in the office. . . Nothing but . p com all over the place . . . And a good time was had by all, espe cially the pikor players . . . They've never called it steady, 'till now, but its resembled that fur many months . . . We're speaking of t lie constant dating between Sigma Nu M.irley Wolfe and DG Kay Dte.weiler . . . Wcd.i;nj Bells More news from the Sigma Nu house is the r'Rrriage DG Pat Knuth and Hen Ebzery to take place December 27th . . . Some thing's wrong and no one seems to knuw ju.;t what with the couple j Oi Johnny "Clown of the Ba!;et-; ball Couil" Thompson and Theta Barbara Erenenty . . . All over are Phi Cam Jim Lindberg and Gi AT J XX l.t ft kodak stoue IiV addition to the very large and complete stock of KODAKS and PHOTOGRAPHIC SUNDRIES, all of tchich make most acceptable Christmas gifts, you will find a special department filled with unusual gifts. Ash Trays. 25c to $10.00. Aroma Terfume Candles, 25c Book Kndi, 1 00 to $15.00. 5 Brush Sets, $1.00 up. Candy Dishes, $1.00 to $10.00. Chinese Gift Wares. I I I Cigarette Boxes, 50c to $10. Decorative Birds, 50c to $7.50. Metal Dogs, 50c to $15.00. Humidors, $5.00 to $15.00. Metal Horses, 50c to $25.00. IK Musical Powder Boxes, (3 up. EAST MAM 1 1 1 ' :i Students Plan Gala Parties During Recess Among the many parties that will keep university students busy this Christmas will be those given during the holiday season in Oma ha. Besides the private parties, dinners and teas already sched uled, there are three Christmas dances to be held at the Black stone Hotel. Christmas night is the date of the annual given by a group of college girls calling themselves the Spinisters. On the night cf the 26th the younger girls will sponsor the Candy Stick ball, and the next night the alumnae will give the annual Yale ball. Several frater nity dances have been arranged by Nebraska, Creighton and Oma ha U. organizations. Tri Delt Beep True (Just before Xmas too!) . . . Have the big time over the holidays, kiddies, and we'll be checking up on you come 1942 . . . All's well that prints well . . . Here's a word . . . R. C. For all of you students wonder ing about what become of your Cornhusker pictures . . . you'll find them on the second floor of Miller and Paine's in the photo depart mentand while you're there why not ask about the services of fered? You'll discover that the likenesses you're going to want for gift portraits or application photos and of course, one for that boy in the army or that girl at home . . . will be yours in qual ity unexcelled at moderate prices. -Adv. A nine-student campus commis sion has been named at New York State College for Teachers to draft regulations designed to keep the campus clean and orderly. YOUR DRUG STORE When in Doubt, Give Johnson's Chocolates OWL PHARMACY 148 No. 14th & V 2-1068 8 THE Mottoes, 25c to $1.00. Novelty Lamps, 50c to $5.00. Pipe Racks, $1.00 pp. Perfume Bottles, 50c to $15. Plaques and Gift Pictures 50c to $3.00. Pottery. 50c to $10 00. Porcelain & Pottery Figures, 50c to $$.00. Vanity Sets, $100 to $15.00. Violin Ivy Bottles, 60c to $1. Vases. 50c to $15 00. Worry Birds, 50c Humphrey-Reed Wedding Dec. 20 Miss Jean Humphrey will be married to Grant Reed in the Elm Park Methodist church at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Miss Humph rey will be attended by Miss Louise Lefler, as maid of honor and Mrs. R. L. Spalding, the bride's sister, as matron of honor. Assisting at the reception follow ing the ceremony will be the Misses Lucille Stepanek and Kay Hanley. Miss Humphrey is affili ated with Alpha Omicron Pi so rority, and Mr. Reed with Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Pugsley Resigns From Faculty For Defense Job Prof. A. L. Pugsley of the uni versity architecture department has resigned from the faculty ef fective Jan. 1 to accept a defense position with the federal govern ment, according to an announce ment Thursday afternoon from the chancellor's office. Professor Pugsley, who came to the university in 1935, will become a field representative in the engi neering, science and management defense training program operat ing under the federal security agency. YW Nominating Committee Meets The nominating committee for officers for the YWCA for next year held their first meeting Wed- J$ n i Ist minute lovelies to make her dainty stock- vt '''' (u fog bulge on Christmas morning. Inexpensive W J) very one of them but oh, so nice! Better 9l I $r VsP select yours today, time's getting short! n W I W Handkerchiefs x J$ Brirhtly printed or white handkerchief! jf':?f yi for the most discriminate. She'll prize -jj AflJ U every one. Buy them by the dozen W f for rifts! jl g Mittens $ 2)c-l95 i Soon be "snow playing" time! J "-s; Give her warm mitten, cute and 2 A2 VStk eolorfuL Or If the prefert, white J J ftZ s?! 14 with rar desirns. l I Hondbcgs W KA'J 95 I Put drama at her fingertips with an ele- A V' ran new winter style. And for that per- 33 rj sonal touch, add her Initials. Leather and z tfl fabric bars in many styles. GOLD'S ... Street Floor. l W f" V" '. - !,';''' n . . . "!."-'. -ii' -'rrj. X Eliminating Many Vacations . Dartmouth Crowds Program In Keeping tvith War Effort Elimination of all post-Christmas vacations and telescoping of the remainder of the college year was the program outlined for Dartmouth college students at a war convocation this week as the historic college at Hanover, N. H., adjusted its curriculum in gear with the nation's war effort. The accelerated program will release seniors and undergradu ates for military or general war time service by May 10, but Em- Rifle Club Holds Meeting Jan. 6 Naming High Girls Girl's Rifle club will hold their next meeting the first Tuesday after vacation, Jan. 6, in room 101 of Nebraska hall from 5 to 6 p. m. At this meeting the new sched ule will be announced with the names of the 20 high girls who will participate in matches against teams of other schools. nesday and will meet again after Christmas vacation. Frances Keefer, president of the YWCA, asks that suggestions for nominees for the positions of pres ident, vice president, secretary and treasurer be turned into her. Announcement of the candidates will be made Jan. 14 and election of officers will be Jan. 16 in Ellen Smith Hall. --f t-zrr 3 zf Jt Seniors Get Degrees Early est Hopkins, president of the col lege, warned students that a ter rific amount of work is necessary for such a scheme. The action involves cancellation of the usual week's vacation be tween semesters, the Easter re cess and the Winter Carnival and Green Key, famous Dartmouth so cial functions. Final exams will be reduced to one week instead of two weeks, and a simplified Commencement Will be held. Details concerning athletic schedules, alumni re unions and other traditional events remain to be worked out, but there are sure to be alterations in pres ent plans. The entire Dartmouth scholastic setup will be upset with examina tions being given on Sundays and in the evenings to save time. In struction will be packed into a comparatively short period of time but the college officials are act- j. ing in an attempt to grant degrees' to seniors called for military serv ice before the end of the college year. Dale Harvey Is Sigma Chi Prexy Sigma Chi fraternity elected of ficers for the coming semester on Monday night. The newly-elected president is Dale Harvey and the new pro-consul is Roy Herr. KODAK STORES, Inc. 1221 "O" Street LINCOLN I