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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1941)
Friday, December 19 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 CC2 A V Huskers Cagers Prep for Game Against California Quint . . . On Saturday Night Just returned from the wars on the hardwoods of Indiana and Kentucky, Coach Lewandowski's Huskers basketball squad worked late last night In preparation for their face-off with the Bruins from U.C.L.A. on the coliseum court tomorrow night at 8 p. m. Nebraska, with two losses in three starts, will be making its sec ond appearance of the season in the home town, while U. C. L. A. comes to Lincoln with a record of one win and three losses. Both Good Teams. "They were both good ball clubs," Lew stated, commenting on the eastern losses, "and Indiana had a lot of height and certainly a lot of speed. The basketball team over there gets into shape by doing cross-country running." In the Kentucky game, the Hunkers went into the second half with a 16 to jkl5 lead, but when the game ended rfiie Wildcats had chalked up 27 second half points to the visitors' 11 points. The Uclans also won their open ing game as they topped their Btrong Iis Angeles neighbor, 39 36. Heading east, the Bruin five's fortunes fell. The Californians dropped a game with Creighton university's team in Omaha in a 34-18 thumping last weekend and fell before Purdue's Boilermaker cagers 37-28 on Wednesday night. Last night the same Hoosier team that beat Nebraska by 27 points rolled over Coach Wilbur John's west coast aggregation, to leave the Uclans with three losses in four starts. ' ' Fitzgibbon is Out. With John Fitzgibbon, forward, Injured in the Sodak game, out of the starting lineup, Lewandowski will start veteran Les Livingston in one forward position, with John Thompsen in the other. The team's high point man, Sid Held, will team with Max Young in the ack court with Hartmann Goetze. The Huskers' opponents tomor row night boast an array of ball handlers averaging well over six ieei in iieigm, tuiu up me stuira m impressive weights. Co-captains Bob Alshuler, six foot, 200 pound guard, and Ernie Handelsman, forward, and one of the smallest men on the team at 5 ft. 11 in., la? aMC J Who's Who at a House Party THE CRINKLE CHEST (Every fraternity has one). He's miserable enough with his ancient olt-rolor dress shirt, but when it buckles and leaves its mooring and goes "crinkle crunch," he dies a million deaths. Are Hosts to Phi Gams Take Over IM Lead In Sporls Baltic Phi Gamma Delta took over the lead from Farm House in the in terfraternity battle for the Jack Best trophy as the points earned in volleyball were added to .those earned in touch football. The Phi Gams now have 200 points towards the trophy. Farm House is running a close second with 195 points. The Betas come third with 170. This accounting of points dnesn't include those earned thus far in tennis, golf, badminton and water polo. The Phi Psis, Sigma Nus and Sig Eps are tied for fourth in the trophy race with 150 points each. ATO comes next with 140. Follow ing the ATOS are the Kappa Sigs with 125 points. Others in the first ten are: SAE, 120; Beta Sigs, 115; and the DU's and ZBT's with 110 points apiece. are expected to spark the invaders on the basis of past performances. Gittler is Bramny. Senior guard Larry Littler, at 6-2, is another veteran, and John Fryer, junior center who stands four inches over the six footmark and tips the scales at 200 pounds will also require special attention. Fifth man in the lineup is Mickey Panovich, a six footer whose work has shown consistent improve ment. The Uclans finished fourth in Southern Division standings last year with six wins and 20 losses. Western Maryland college has converted Levin hall, a men's dormitory, into a modern, well equipped music conservatory. Since you can't keep him locked in the cellar, tell him about Arrow Shorcham, the soft pleated bosom dress shirt with the comfortable semi-soft collar, attached. (For tails Arrow Kirk, very smart, very smooth fitting. 'Phog9 Allen Starts Neiv Cage Year At Kansas LAWRENCE, Kan., Dec. 17 His 25th season as head basketball coach at the University of Kansas got under way for Dr. Forrest C. "Phog" Allen Wednesday night, when his Jayhawk cagers meet Denver University here in the season opener. In the 24 seasons gone by, Doc tor Allen has coached Kansas quintets to 17 conference cham pionships or co-championships. Last year the Jayhawks won 7 Big Six games and lost 3, to finish in a tie for first place with Iowa State. Started in 1908. Allen first took over the basket ball reins at K. U. in 1908, after having lettered on the Jayhawk cage teams of 1905, 1906 and 1907. Championship teams were turned out by "Phog" in 1908 and 1909 at Lawrence, which ended his coaching endeavors for three years during which time he studied medicine. Warrensburg Teachers College in Missouri was the site of Doctor Allen's next coaching activities. Starting there in 1913, he gave Warrensburg seven straight cham M mm feA rv mm miLLER 6 Traveling Uclaus pionship basketball teams, in ad dition to coaching football and baseball as well. In the fall of 1919 "Phog" be came director of athletics at the University of Kansas, and be fore the basketball season was over was coaching that sport. His serv ice at the university has been continuous from that time. The most successful period of his coaching career started in 1922, when Kansas tied for the conference championship with Missouri. Doctor Allen's teams followed this co-championship up, by winning undisputed champion ships every year for the next five years. The last eleven years has seen the Jayhawks fail to get at least a tie for the Big Six champion- Baskcthall Scores Cornhusker Co-op over Bach elor Club, 10 to 3. Angels over Pioneer Co-op, 31 to 2. Bruins over Tappa Nu Kegg, 9 to 8. Torpedos over S Street Mad house, 9 to 8. Buckaters over Browning Manor, 14 to 6. Newman Club over War Mon gers, 18 to 6. Palladian over Carrie Belle Raymond Boys, 14 to 8. ACBC, I, over I FT, 17 to 2. Barb Points over ACBS, II, 12 to 8. Hi ,) mm. Bowl Lineups Dec. 27 North-South all-star game, Montgomery, Ala. Jan. 1 Duke and Oregon State In the shifted Rose Bowl game, Durham, N. C. Jan. 1 Fordham and Mis souri in the Sugar Bowl, New Orleans. Jan. 1 Georgia-Texas Chris tian in the Orange Bowl, Mi ami, Fla. Jan. 3 East-Weit all-star game in the Sugar Bowl, New Orleans. ship only on two occasions, in 1935 and in 1939. The 1940 sea son was climaxed by Kansas carrying the colors of the Big Six conference to the finals of the N.C.C.A. tournament. WE USE SOFT WATER r U o EA ',1 Merit Stalnbrook, Mgr. Franks Barber Shop U 1306 0 St. S T SllL flL AllSLL AWAOt and lovsik The gift that thrills perfume. The most fa mous perfumers Cuer lain, Caron, Ciro, Houbi pant, Coty, Schiaparelli, Ilourjois, Lentheric, Lu cien Lclong, Yardley, la toil, Mary Dunhill, Eliza beth Arden have sent Miller's glamourous new packages for Christmas giving. Tell her she's sweet and lovely with perfume. 60c to $10 Miller's Toilet flood Flirt Floor. 4 P A i n E ggv