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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1941)
Friday, December 5, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN ,1 Basketball Substitutes for Gridiron Fundamentals Maintain Hold in Practices Ad fiewamlowski Drills Basket Squad in Major Points in Early Sessions Mentor Adolph Lewandowski's Cornhusker cape club continued preparations Thursday for the Dec. 12 fray with the South Da kota flippers. Fundamnetals were the source of attention during the drill as the Husker mentor attempted to improve the Huskers' ball-handling. Shooting, always an early season problem, also was given attention. Hartman Goetze, St. Joseph courtster, continued to hold down the varsity pivot post. Sid Held, lanky 6-4 contender for All-Big Six laurels, teamed with Max Young at the guard spots. Johnny Thompson and John Fitzgibbon, small but speedy performers, manned the forward berths. Second team positions were oc cupied by John Hay and Les Liv ingston, forwards; Lyle King, cen ter, and Charles Vacanti and John Botoroff, guards. Nebraska's pe rennial 11-man traveling squad, a goal for soph cagers, will find a bevy of potent first-year cagers scrapping for the extra berth. Engineering Frat Initiates Six Initiation of six new members of Pi Tau Sigma, national mechan ical engineering honorary, will take place Dec. 10. These members were elected Nov. 25. New initiates are Dean O. J Ferguson, Donald Spatz, Robert Marcotte, William Dean Versaw, J. Burton Rishell and Leroy Fos ter. ATTEND LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES Now Shitwing Bud Ixu ABBOTT COSTELLO "KEEP 'EM FLYING" Extra! Cartoon, Brevity and News LINCOLN Now Showing 2 CiHfCAT HITS! Rohrrt Kuth YOUNG HUSSEY "MARRIED BACHELOR" Plu This 2nd Hit! LYNN BARI "WE GO FAST" NEBRASKA Let HER Know She Rates! 4 V ' ivy KUIViT a f t; N A-. 71 '-'if FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 Coliseum 9-12 EVERETT HOAGLAND Student and Faculty ... .1.65 Spectators 55 University of Nebraska 1941-42 cage schedule Dec. 12 University of South Dakota at Lincoln. Dec. 15 Indiana University at Bloomington. Dec. 16 University of Ken tucky at Lexington. Dec. 20 University of Cali fornia (UCLA) at Lincoln. Dec. 22 University of Ore gon at Lincoln. Dec. 27 University of Min nesota at Minneapolis. Dec. 29 University of De troit at Detroit. Dec. 30 State University of Iowa at Iowa City. Jan. 6 Kansas State College at Lincoln. Jan. 12 University of Mis souri at Lincoln. Jan. 17 University of Kan sas at Lincoln. Jan. 31 Iowa State College at Ames. Feb. 2 Kansas State College at Manhattan. Feb. 7 Iowa State College at Lincoln. Feb. 14 University of Kan sas at Lawrence. Feb. 16 University of Okla homa at Norman. Feb. 21 University of Okla homa at Lincoln. Feb. 28 University of Mis souri at Columbia. Con ven lion - (Continued from Page 1.) Nebraska Union, is chairman of the food seminar. Elsworth Du Teau, Nebraska Alumni secretary will be the main speaker at a seminar. "The Role of the Union in rvwplnnine- Students for Future Responsibilities." There will be a continuation of tne student meei inr nt the third seminar discuss ing "Correlated Student Activi ties" to which representative stu dent leaders have been invited from all student organizations. The delegates will hear Chan cellor C. S. Boucher and Gov Griswold at a luncheon tomorrow which will be followed by the con vention business meeting:. A matinee dance is scheduled for 4:30 n. m. tomorrow. Univer sity students are invited to come and get acquainted with the ueie fates. Closing the convention will be a buffet dinner tomorrow evening at which Milton Anderson, president of the Union board of managers will iroeak. Delegates are already registered from Cornell, Brown, North Caro lina, Purdue, Indiana, Ohio State, Ohio University at Athens, Min nesota, Michigan, Wisconsin. South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Iowa State, University of Iowa, Mon tana, Buffalo, New York, Arkan sas, Colorado State, Illinois Idaho, Wyoming and Kansas. Desnite limitation of the fresh man class to 330 students, Man hattan college has one of the largest enrollments in ner nistory, Take HER to the A A 'I'. r Ball! has everything Lights Music Glamour Romance and HER General Public 3.30 Adv. Military Students... .83 Jim. mm I By Bob Miller j By Bob Miller Littler to Return Contrary to earlier reports, Eu gene "Red" Littler will definitely defend his Sugar Bowl crown in the 440 yard dash. . . . Bids to run in the meet that is the big track event of the south during the winter season were sent out earlier to five other quarter mil- ers. . . . Evidently the Sugar Bowl officials had noticed that they had neglected the runner that copped the event last year. . . . They sent a bid and Littler accepted. A Vote of Confidence Major Lawrence McCeney Jones, athletic director at the uni versity, has been given a vote of confidence. ... At the meeting of the athletic board yesterday, he was given a renewal contract for five years. . . . Evidently the action met with the Major's ap proval and he announced that there would be no personnel changes in the coaching staff for the next season. Confidence? There is such a thing as being sure of yourself. . . . And then again. . . . Coach Don Faurot does more than guess about the out come of his Tigers in the Sugar Bowl aerainst Fordham. ... In fact he predicts the winner which is none other than . . . Missouri. Annual Tussle A post season tilt that is of bowl-like proportions will be on tap Saturday. . . . The occasion will be the merciless slaughter of the Cornhusker yearbookies by the Daily Dracula team. ... Of course the crowd (pre-game esti mates place the crowd at 40,000 in round figures) will not get much of a chance to see the Year bookies in action due to the fact that the Daily team will have it most of the time. ... At any rate, it should be a good contest in spite of the Daily's competition and spectators will be amply re warded for braving the elements. . . . 2:30 p. m. Saturday will be the kick-off time. Line (Continued from Page 1.) back and half-wit. The Draculas' formidable line reading from right end to the other end are Harold Bremers, Ed Hirsch, George Ab bott, Phil Cantor, Morton Zuber, Ben Novicoff and Helen Kelley's stand-in, Harold Hopkins, who knows more about a pig's skin than a pigskin. The Cornhusker at the last deadline was unable to complete a full team, but will probably scare up something before game time that is, if they haven't heard about "it." Rippling Russel, the Year book coach, in an "off the record statement revealed that her team was badly out of condition taking for example Ed Calhoun, who now is so weak, he can't even grow hair. We hate to be prejudiced, but if "it is there, and if "it is it, as Kerrigan said "it" would be, the LAST CHANCE Call now for your EICME'S 1311 N , Orchids Gardenias Roses Rubrum Biffer's Record At Nebraska 1937. 1938. . 9 7 Minnesota .. . 7 7 Iowa State . . . 0 0 Indiana .... . 0 0 Oklahoma ...14 . 0 10 Missouri ....13 .13 16 Kansas 7 .13 0 Pittsburgh ..19 . 0 14 Iowa 0 .13 14 Kas. State .. 7 14 Minnesota 20 Iowa State 0 Oklahoma . 7 Missouri , , 7 Indiana ... 13 Kansas ... 7 Pittsburgh 28 Iowa 3 Kas. State 99 42 88 1940. . 7 7 Minnesota . 7 13 Indiana ... . 7 .13 Kansas ... . 0 20 Missouri .. . 9 13 Oklahoma . .27 14 Iowa . 0 9 Pittsburgh .13 21 Iowa State . 7 20 Kas. State 13 Stanford .. 84 .13 ,. 7 . 2 . 7 . 0 . 6 ,. 7 i .12 . 0 ..21 1039. 7 Indiana ... 6 Minnesota 10 Iowa State 20 Baylor 25 Kas. State 13 Missouri . . 7 Kansas . . . 14 Pittsburgh 13 Oklahoma . 115 70 183 75 1948. . 0 Oct. 3 Iowa State . 0 Oct. 10 Indiana .21 Oct. 17 Minnesota . 6 Oct. 24 at Okla. .12 Oct. 31 at Kansas . 9 Nov. 14 at Pltt .14 Nov. 21 at Iowa .13 Nov. 25 Kas. State 1941. 14 Iowa State 32 Kansas . . , 13 Indian .... 0 Missouri . . 6 KaB. State 0 Minnesota 7 Pittsburgh 14 Iowa 7 Oklahoma 93 81 Yearbook team will be smothered utterly, completely and indubi tably. And the trophy which the Cornhusker won last year by brib ing the officials will return to its rightful possessors, the Daily Draculas. Ball- (Continued from Page 1.) John Schick, Charles Shubert, William Smutz and Harry Ankeny. Other members of the commit tee are Captain Robert Lamb. Ma jor James Selzer, Captain George Abel, Lieutenant Colonel Walter Rundin, Captain W. E. McCon naughey and Captain Lynn Myers. Major Walter J. Gardner is the advisor from the military depart ment and Sergeant Harold Sims is his assistant. Patrons, Patronesses for Ball. Patrons and Patronesses for the ball are as follows: Mrs. Samuel Avery, Dean and Mrs. Nels Beng ston, Chancellor and Mrs. C. S. Boucher, Mrs. Veriva Boyles, Colo nel and Mrs. Raymond W. Briggs, Mrs. Edgar A. Burnett, Dean and Mrs. William W. Burr, Dean nd Mrs. John D. Clark, Regent and Mrs. Robert Devoe, Dean and Mrs. Olin J. Fergusen, Dean and Mrs. Henry H. Foster, Dean and Mrs. G. A. Grubb, General and Mrs. Robert Goss, Governor and Mrs. Dwight Griswold, Dean Emeritus G. A. Grubb, General and Mrs. and Guy Henninger. Dean and Mrs. Frank E. Hen zlik, Miss Amanda H. Heppner, Dean and Mrs. Bert L. Hooper, Regent and Mrs. Frank M. John son, Mayor and Mrs. R. O. Johnson, Dean Emeritus and Mrs. James E. LeRossignol, Regent and Mrs. Stanley D. Long, Dean and Mrs. Rufus A. Lyman, Dean and Mrs. Richard D. Moritz, Dean and Mrs. Charles H. Oldfather, Colonel r.nd Mrs. John G. Pegram, General J. J. Pershing, Miss May Pershing,, Dean and Mrs. Charles W. Poynter, Regent and Mrs. William E. Reed, Regent and Mrs. Marion A. Shaw, Regent and Mrs. Charles Y. Thompson, Dean and Mrs. Theos. J. Thompson, Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Thuis, General nnd Mr3. Frederick E. Uhl, Dean and Mrs. F. W. Upson. Among new students at Uni versity of New Brunswick is a native of Nigeria. His name is Okeehuka Ikejiana and he is studying for a B.S. degree. 2-6583 . Violets Sweet Peas Camelias Lilies Sport Six Major Letteraien On Hand Veterans Fill Every Post As Prospccls Are Bright With Opening Tilt Near With six major letterman and three minor award winners back in the ranks of Huslter basket bailers for the 1941-42 season, Coach A. J. Lewandowski is look iing forward to "a lot of work in the next week" as he prepares his cagers for their opening tilt on the 18 game schedule against South Dakota State here Dec. 12. Three forwards, John Fitzgibbon John Thompson and Les Living ston; two guards, Sid Held and Max Young; and center Hartmann Goetze are included on the list of returning major letter winners, while center Lyle King, guard Charles Vacanti and forward John Hay, minor lettermen, complete the roster of players who saw varsity service last year. Some Changes Imminent. Altho the vets have seen moat of the service in the starting line up to date, Lewandowski indi cated that some changes may be made before starting tome a week from Friday night. Thompson who won a first string berth as a sophomore last season, and last year's fourth high scorer Fitzgibbon have teamed at forward positions in the starting lineup, with all Big Six conference guard Sid Held and veteran letterman Max Young working the back court positions. At the starting pivot post is Hartmenn Goetze, two year major award winner. Second Team. On the second team Lew has been using Vacanti and Bottor off in the guard positions, Lyle King at center, and Hay and Livingston in the forward spots. Among the outstanding sopho more candidates who will prob ably see service are forwards Al Artman, Robert Bramson, Kenneth Elson and George Gribble and guards Warren Marquiss and Bob Heinzelman. Nebraska, third place winner in the Big Six last year behind Iowa State and Kansas U., lost to South Dakota 39-40 when the two teams met last season, and finished the season with eight wins and ten losses. Tiekets (Continued from Page 1.) day, Dec. 10, and all entries must be filed in the Cornhusker office by 5 p. m. With filings for "King of Hearts," to be chosen at a pre party election, already opened, Mortar Boards announced that Tuesday, Dec. 9, will be the dead line for entries. Coeds will vote Thursday, Dec. 11, at Ellen Smith hall. The Black Masque Ball will be held Saturday, Dec. 13, in the coliseum when Russ Morgan and his orchestra will play. Always clean and free from goo no matter how often you tmoke it. Chal lenging higher priced pipe in briar quality and value. WM. DEMUTH CO., N. T. HANDKERCHIEF TEST PROVES VITAL ZONE ALWAYS SPOTLESS I fiifj SIMM UN,W f GUAR0 .l$.4. 2 cushion I ' "' - J MUD E ESS flnBU fill