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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, December 5, 1941 4 Society June Jamieson Joann Emerson Society Editors jj Alpha Phi Gives Annual Formal The Alpha Phis are holding their annual formal dance at the Hotel Hotel Cornhusker Saturday night. Henry Mattison and his band will furnish the music in the ballroom from 9 to 12 p. m. As an additional attraction the trio from the Alphi Phi house will offer several numbers during the evening. The trio is comprised of Barbra Shonka, Dorothy Huffman and Milrae Anderson. jpt&kA.... Tonight's the night, and we'll see you all at the coliseum pre pared for dancing and learning the identity of the 1941-42 honorary colonel. Among those present will be Dee Gee Jeanne Miller and Ed Rowley, but only for appearance's sake, for they've called the whole thing off, after a year of see-sawing. . .There's at least one socially- minded member in the Marvin family. . .Little Hank will escort Dorothy Christian, but we're still wondering about big brother Dave ... In spite of all our efforts, our agents were unable to find out who Acacia Burt Thiel will dance with tonight. . .He's that leary of pub licity. . . Odds Are 2 to 1. Sigma Nu pledge Don Engdahl is laying 2-1 odds that brother Joe Walla won't be able to get a date with Kappa pledge Sweets Campbell. . .The ATO's guest nighted Wednesday night and prexy Bob Sandberg, KK prince, dined with Theta Becky Wait, Nebraska Sweetheart. . .Mike Sel zer did the same for Tri Delt pledge Beep True... After a year of steady dating, Fiji Max Fensler and Alice Wcnzlaff have decided to come right out and admit it. . . There'll be a big reunion of last year's Beta pledge class tonight which should prove more than in teresting. . .And speaking of Be tas, the Bob Flansburg-Addie Kloepper deal is fast sewing it self up. . . Where's the Detective? Alpha Xi Peggy Jones has the inyaieiy or mysteries sne a ap preciate some kind soul solving that of daily letters arriving in unique forms of bills and funeral notices and signed "lovingly" M. T. ...Beauty, pulchritude, call it anything you wish but Fern has it . . . She's an import from Denver belonging to Ray Grimes of the ZBT house, who has all the broth ers green with envy!. . .Seen shop ping during vacation for the pro verbial diamond to go on the third finger of the left hand of an Omaha miss, was Leonard Chade . . . We know for sure that he keeps the telephone wires and the mails constantly burning with his love ...We're for him 100 percent, lor too many feel "when the cat's away, the mice will play!". . .Just friends, but not like before are ZBT Ed Milder and Bernie Him mol3tein, SDT of a couple of years back, who have mutually agreed to let love remain a thing of the past i . .All's well that prints well. . . WAA Gives Party At Bowling Alley Tomorrow Noon Coeds interested in bowling are invited to attend the WAA party Friday from 12:30 to 2:30 at the Lincoln Bowling Alleys. Tickets to the party are given out at the WAA office or may be obtained form an intramural representative. The party is being given in an effort to interest women in the sport and give them a chance to practice for lntramurals, which will begin soon. Everyone who likes to bowl or would like to try it for the first time is invited. Sigma Nu Holds Traditional Pigge Dinner Tomorrow Saturday night will find mem bers of Sigma Nu fraternity enter taining their respective dates at their annual Pigge Dinner, to be held at the Hotel Lincoln. This dinner, held for more than 25 years, is the oldest Greek ira ternity traditional party on the Nebraska campus. Included in the lavish plans, is the ceremony of dedicating the evening to Ye Olde Pigge by the two officers of the chapter, Commander Kenny Holm and Lieutenant Commander Paul Svoboda. The chaperons of the evening are to be Professor and Mrs. Karl Arndt and Dean and Mrs. James LcRossignal. There will be dancing between the dinner courses, and after the feast. Chancellor Speaks at Boy Scout Banquet The Boy Scout movement is a typical manifestation of Amer icaan democracy at its best, de clared Chancellor C. S. Boucher in an address in Norfolk last night before a banquet of the Covered Wagon regional council of the Boy Scouts of America. This may be said of several other youth-training agencies such as the Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls, 4-H Clubs and Boys and Girls states, he added. All emphasize useful training, constructive ser vice, spiritual values and idealism. "It is today refreshing and in spiring for us to contrast this typ ically American and democratic Boy Scout movement and our other worthy youth movements with the unified and "dictator-controlled youth movement of the nazis in Germany and in the countries dom inated by them," said the chancellor. James Madison Wood, 66, holds a record for longest tenure among presidents of Women's colleges. He is rounding out his 29th year as head of Stephens college. IP ' UNDER ECHIMMEL DIRECTION mm it proud to he the host to Phalanx Scabbard and Blade Phi Gamma Delta Rrfore thr Military Kail Sal. Evening Alpha Phi Formal Sirnu Alpha Mu Banquet HOME OF THE Tn5WPn5TRYSHl We've got Pep Queens, May Queens and Beauty Queens AND NOW A KING The King of Hearts to be presented at the BLACK MASQUE BALL Fellows: Enter note Entries close Monday, Bowling Group Organizes Club for Enthusiasts Plans or the formation of an all-university bowling club with all students, both men and women, eligible were announced Thurs day by Georgia Swallow, in charge of the club's organization. The club will meet from 4-6 p. m. every Thursday and special rates of 25 cents for two lines insteod of the regular 15 cents per line will be in effect. All interested students should get in touch with Georgia Swallow at 426 No. 16th St., or by phoning 2-7545. Ill Science Departments ... Profs Conduct Experiments In Significance of Bacteria , . . That Live Without Oxygen Experiments to discover the significance of bacteria that live without atmospheric oxygen in the intestinal tract of man are now being conducted by Dr. Keith H. Lewis of the bacteriology de partment and Dr. W. E. Militzer of the chemistry department. It is known that hundreds of millions of these bacteria occur in the intestinal contents of man. They are the predominating mi croorganisms of the digestive sys tem, but their role in the body is still unknown to the experiment ers. However, it is known that they do not produce disease, though they are very similar to bacteria which may cause infec tion. Investigate Substances. The University Research Coun cil has made possible the co-operative experiments between Dr. Lewis and Dr. W. E. Militzer to investigate the growth-stimulating substances for these bacteria, which may . be obtained from corn silk and peptone. Ever since Dr. Keith H. Lewis came to the university in 1936 he has been attempting to discover experimentally just how and why these bacteria function. Progress was slow during the first years, even with the help of graduate assistants, but the fact was es tablished that several varieties of these bacteria normally occur in man and other animals in im mense numbers. To continue this study it was necessary to discover better meth ods of growing and isolating these bacteria. Margaret Bedell, who was the first assistant, found this difficult due to their complex food requirements and their failure to grow when exposed to air. Eventu ally she devised an improved but rather complex medium for their growth. A more intensive study of spe cific food substances was made by Robert A. West, jr., the second assistant, who discovered that un less pyruvic acid, among other things, was included in the diet, the bacteria would not grow. YOUR DRUG STORE Want to win her favor? Bring her delicious Johnson's Chocolates. OWL PHARMACY 1 No. 14h & P 21068 LOST Wrist watch, Clinton, yellow golfl, In front of Union. 5-6534, Wild Kreu ger. Reward. SKI TOGS Smoothly tailored in wind and waterproof cotton gabardine and warmly lined with wool jersey. Good f O f fitting PANTS in navy, Norway blue and dark green. JtJrJ Zipper-front JACKETS with elasticized waist bands and attached hoods combine Norway blue, navy "if C or cream-white with red. AXJ ZrJ Sites 12 to 18 MIHer'i Sportswear Seoeni Fleer. flfl i LLER 6 P Ai n E