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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, November 26, 1941 .8 Vacation Begins Today, Ends Next Monday; Union Closes Wednesday Noon Thanksgiving vacation, beginning at noon Wednesday, will end Monday whin classes resume at 8 a. m. According to a recent notice from Dean Thompson's office, students will not be granted excuses for missing classes immediately after vacation except in casses of emergency. "Distance of travel, seasonal employment, special per UN Students Donate $1,200 To Red Cross Campus Red Cross roll call workers boosted the Lincoln total of paid memberships in the organ ization to $11,200 Tuesday morn ing, as Mary Rosborough chair man of the Student Council com mittee in charge of the drive, turned in $1,200 at the city head quarters Tuesday morning. The committee had arbitrarily set its quota for $1,000 and by Saturday had collected an addi tional $200. Organizations which pledged to the Red Cross 100 percent are: Mortar Board, Innocents, Tassels, Women's Athletic Association, Student Council, Sigma Alpha Mu, Zeta Beta Tau, Delta Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Kappa Al pha Theta. Ti Beta Phi, Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Phi, Gamma Thi Beta. Kappa Delta, Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Alpha Xi Delta and Sigma Delta Tau. sonal convenience and the lil:c do not," says the notice, "constitute an emergency." The Union will close early Wednesday afternoon to reopen Saturday at 10 a. m. The library will be closed on Thanksgiving day, but will be open Wednesday and Friday from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., and Saturday from 8 a. m. until noon. Reports indicate that the weather Wednesday will be fair, and traveling conditions will be good. No change of temperature for the holiday i3 forecast by the weather bureau. Alpha Chi Weds Sigma Nu Man This Evening To be married this evening in Lincoln are Miss Phyllis Long and Gerald Wright. Miss Long is a student of the university and a member of Alpha Chi Omega so rority and Wright is affiliated with Sigma Nu fraternity. South Dakota Loading . . . UN Students Represent 34 States, Nine Foreign Lands . . and District of Columbia The fellow next to you in class may speak Spanish fluently or talk with an "eastern" accent, but that if. hardly cause for comment since students from nine foreign countries and from 31 states and the District of Columbia arc regis tered at the university. Foreign countries represented include: Canada. Hawaii, Honolulu, Puerto Rico. Canal Zone, Turkey, Chile and Japan. South Dakota jeads the lust of states represented with 70 "Sun Shine" staters enrolled. Second largest contingent hails from Colo rado and numbers 49, while Wyo ming is a close third with 43. Other states with a large repre- Honorary Ag Group Selects New Members Eighteen men were elected by Alpha Zeta honorary agricultural fraternity, at their last meeting. New members are: Dick Gooding, Floyd Hansmire, Ray Crawford, Willis Bruce, Duane Beebe, Stuart Woods, Robert Ramig.Curtis John son, Warren F-ahs, Robert Ger loff, James Burgess, Robert Ottc, Charles Velte, Lloyd Federick, Ruben Heetman, John Moscman, Robert McClurkin and Phil Miller. Men elected must rank in the upper two fifths of their class and have demonstrated qualities of leadership and character. The new members were informed Monday night. Mrs. Clapp Gets National Honor Mrs. R. G. Clapp, who as Anne Earr did pioneer work in the field of physic il education for women at the university, is featured in the supplement to the last issue of the Research Quarterly of the Amer ican Association for Health. Mrs. Fred Williams, former pupil of Mrs. Clapp, wrote the article. The entire supplement to the quarterly was devoted to biograph ical material on women pioneers in the field of physical education. Mrs. Clapp was the only Nebras kan mentioned. NYONK finding wronu ovrent at JCUT houst'purty please cull 6-002V". tin sentation include: Kansas, 31; Mis souri, 27; Illinois, 20; Minnesota, 11. and New York 13. Most of the students are closer to home. Three hundred and thirty seven Omahans greet each other on the campus every day, while 84 Grand Islanders say "hello." Be atrice students number 63, and 60 North Platters are here. Other large lists are Hastings 60; 46 from Kearney and 41 from Fremont. Phys Ed Group Plans Recreation For Faculty Badminton for faculty members and their wives or husbands is now being offered by the women's phys ed department as part of present recreational plans. Along with the badminton at Grant me morial on Tuesdays from 7 to 10 p. m., swimming for women is also included, being held at the coli seum from 3 to 5 p. m. on Fridays and 2 to 3 p. m. on Saturdays. Other recreational plans include a crafts and hobby period to be held in Morrill hall on Wednesday from 7 to 10 p. m., as sponsored by the art department. Miss Kath erine Faulkner, assistant professor of drawing and painting, will su pervise the group. Erickson, Merriam Mann Win Singles In Union Tourney Crowned singles champions in the finals of the annual Union ping pong tournament Sunday wre Carl Erlckson and Merriam Mann. Erickson defeated Harry An keny, and Mann won over Mar jorie Schrader. The two finalists in men's singles, Ankeny and Erickson, then teamed together to take the doubles crown away from Norman Rips and Leonard .Gold stein. In women's doubles Mer ri '.m Mann and Jane Johnson emerged victors. Winner of the men's duffers singles, Don Mon son, defeated Carl Hummel for his title. To the winners in men's com petition went tickets to the Mili tary Ball; to the women Mortar Board party tickets were awarded. In 18.r9 the university of North Carolina had the second largest student body in Anerica. Society; Society Editors June Jamieson Joann Emerson J It i dBsrfteL... Vacation today and only 24 shopping days till Christmas, which in turn makes it only about a week till the Military ball and the opening of formal season... And Phi Delt Hank Green and Gamma Phi Helen Kieselbach will dance to Gus Arnheim. . .She has his Superman pin, so that sews things up pretty definitely . . . Sigma Alpha Mu initiated Tues day, so Bernard Swartz and Leon ard Lewis are happy... Study in black and white: Dark haired Pat Green lugs blond boy Al Zikmund's picture around, and they've come to the point where they forget that it's time for classes and stroll into their 2 o'clock 15 minutes latc.SAE Millard Cluck found out about the folly of making bets on his roman tic appeal. . .Brother Rundin was so sure that he could get a date with Chuck's Alpha Thi Shirley Heldt that he was willing to lay Ruth Ecklund, Harry Seagren Married in Omaha on Nov. 22 Miss Ruth Ecklund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ecklund of Omaha, became the bride of Lieu tenant Harry Seagren, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Seagren at the First Christian church of Omaha November 22 at 4 p. m. Attending the bride was her sis ter, Miss Bernice Ecklund, maid money on it. . .So Walt and Shirley are stepping out the night after the Mill ball and Millard is staying home with out a dime or date... Congratulations, Delta Gammas Jeanne Miller, Eloise Hainline, Barbara Tovvnsend, Martha Harri son and Gretchen Buck who are now wearing the anchor. . .Eloise has already added Larry Huwalt's Beta pin to her newly acquired badge. . .Congratulations are also in order to Dean Sheppard new Alpha Sig as of last Saturday... Noticed at the barb party Satur day night was Baldwin Hall's Ellis Ruby taking pains to be particu larly charming to Phi Mu Eleanor Veith who is at present the object of his attention. . . Fijis Trek. The Fijis will make a trek to Omaha Saturday night with the crowd will be Gene Reese and Kap pa Weezy Marcy and Bill Long of honor, and Mrs. Elaine Winters and Miss Lillian Carlson as brides maids. Best man was Dick Seagren and ushers were Ed Steckley and Clint Jurgenson. The couple will live at Brown wood, Texas. Lieutenant Seagren attended the university and was president of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, cadet colonel of the ROTC engineer unit and captain of Pershing Rifles. Members of the bridegroom's fraternity made the trip from Lincoln to attend. and Alpha Chi Marge Stewart... ATO Ed Butler will be the guest of honor at a dinner at Marg's house Friday night. . .Figure that one out... All is forgiven between Sig Chi Art Mason and his Alpha Phi nurse, Mary Anne Stryson, and tha league is as solid as ever. Note on improvements: Sere nades, which are a Nebraska tra dition, have become more plenti ful and more enjoyable. . .Keep up the good work... All's well that prints well... Dr. William A. Nielander, Uni versity of Texas marketing ex pert, has been summond to Wash ington to assume an ext.nsiv research post in the office of price administration. (W our wat..J-y w lM mm m m m Vvhesterrield Out on the range it's "Howdy pardner, have a Chesterfield" That's true Western hospitality. For bringing smokers together, giving them exactly what they want, Chesterfield's RIGHT combination of the world's best ciga rette tobaccos is right at the top. There is more downright pleasure in Chesterfield's COOL MILDNESS and BETTER TASTE than in anything else you ever smoked. Make your next pack Chesterfield - " f JV A i ' " .''WW .. A World Champion 4 Rodeo Rider 'I EDDIE CURTIS CoprrWit 1941, Litem Mtut Toucce C V r 4T J 1 fa A J