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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1941)
Wednesday, November 26, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN 7 Sooners Have Teams Composed of Stars Last Game Looms for Vike Foes Boast Mizzou Tops In Conference Huskers Rest in Third Place But Can Move-up Of Strength On Offense JhsL I I SpDhilc ma i I By Bob Miller j If W I J ' Nezwvm's sulsuca:. aus a goc& cmor &? 7&4r MZ&TD CM? Ci? 7t tf!A?0 GAAf Huwse. Air r se. aastavo swm. I oring through last year's copies of the Daily, we came to an issue jn particular that provided a great deal of interest to us. . . It was the issue that came out the day before the Huskers' last game of the sea son. . . That is, the last scheduled game of the season. . . In that paper was a list of Nebraska play ers that were for the last time donning football equipment to play in Memorial Stadium. There was a great number of then in fact, there were 13 names on this list. . , Warren Alfson, Ray Prochaska, Royal Kahler, Bob Kahler, Theos Thomp son, Leonard Muskin, Bob Bur russ, Walt Luther, Forrest Behm, Roy Petsch, Harry Hopp and Herm Rohrig were the players. . . They were the backbone of the team so to speak for they had carried the Huskers through a tough schedule with but a single loss. Eight Starters Were Lost. Of these 13, Alfson, Prochaska, Royal Kahler, Burruss, Luther, Behm, Petsch, Hopp and Rohrig had starting assignments. . . Eight starters were lost to the team and at that point, sports scribes throughout the nation were busy figuring out Nebraska's chances for the coming year. . . We have seen these results, five losses and three wins with one tough game left on the slate. . . This gives ample evidence of what a team can expect after losing eight start ers and five needed substitutes. . Outlook Slightly Brighter. This year things are different as it will be the swan song for seven seniors. . . These seven grid ders have turned in a great deal of good football at this institu tion and no matter the season, these players have been putting CO-EDiquette for College Men On lat, never talk hnut another airl e- ttpl youf noibctt your Iflffi from what you ay, not from how you look wear Auow $hiru nl Tic J I SZZ VAS 6i? S A ZACQoV sr VP' 73 VB34SA, fi&ATX ay out body and soul. . . They de serve all of the praise that they get. . . On this list will be the names of George Abel, Vike Francis, Clarence Herndon, Bob Ludwick, Kenny Simmons, Fred Meier and Fred Preston. . . Let's give this list a little closer scru tiny. Abel and the Viscount. Leaving will be George Abel, picked by several on All-American teams at guard. . . George stands 6-2 and weighs 200 pounds. . . He Never UN a gal you're a great guy it's jut poi ble the'll find out for herself, MUST"1 for college men is Arrow's oxford-clolb tbirt. This handsome raiment comes in smooth colors, Stripes, and glistening white. It is graced with a rolled, button-down collar , , . a short, wide-spread one , , or just a nice, long-point job. $2 up See us today and get a semester's supply. iFoproftafJ AMP 1 is T7tfM 7MT MM a" VrKSAU. 9M1 is outstanding on defense and his speed makes him an effective run ning guard. . . Vike Francis, The Viscount, will be playing for the last time also, and leaves a good record behind him. . . Last year, when the Rose Bowl game was Dlaved. Vike turned in a terrific game and scored one of the touches. . . Due to ineligibility, he has been out for the Minnesota and Pitt games but last week against Iowa U. he turned in one of his old-time performances. . . Vike stands 6-2 and weighs 208. Clarence and Fred. Clarence Herndon, a 200 pound six footer, has been a thorn in the opponents' sides for the entire season. . . He is one of the big reasons for their failure to gain through the left side of the line in every tilt. . . Chintz was a 60 minute man in the Rose Bowl last January. Fred Meier vacates his center post after next Satur day. . . Freddy is a never-to-be' forgotten center, famed for a cen ter around play that put the Huskers in easy scoring distance and eased them out of a tight situation last fall. He weighs 185 and is 5-11. Preston Last Starter. Fred Preston, a 6-3, 190 pound end, will be ending up a career that sparkles with good defensive stands. . . Against Iowa, Freddy rose to the heights when be blocked a Hawk punt, sending the ball careening into the end zone where the Huskers recovered for the tying touchdown. . . This concludes the seniors that will be starting for the last time. Don't Forget Them. On the sidelines will be two more seniors. . . Injuries have kept them out of the majority of the games. . . They are Kenny Simmons and Bob Ludwick. , Kenny was the first casualty of the Huskers this season when he sustained a broken jaw bone In a scrimmage before the Iowa State game. . , He had his mouth wired shut for several weeks but finally he got the O.K. to play. Against Indiana, Kenny rose to the heights and was the spark that kept the Huskers from fall ing apart. . . Then before the Minnesota game, he had a knee torn out of joint in a passing drill and has been out 'ever since. . . He weighs but 160 and stands 5-72. Bob Ludwick, 6-0 and 175 pounds, has been well hit by the injury jinx all year. . . A bad ankle injury forced him out of the Btart ing lineup and has kept him out the greater percentage of the games... Lud lettered last year at the end position, Indian Jack Jacobs Is Major Oklahoma Threat Aided by Junior Golding The Huskers have met teams with a lot of good backfield men this year Lohry, Miller, Hillen brand and Jacoby, Zelzanek, Ice, Steuber and Wade, Daly and Gar- naas, Jones, Farmer and Couppee and Green and this Saturday, Ok lahoma will field a team whose line has been a problem all sea son; good backs are available, and in quantities. Sparked in the backfield by Jack Jacobs, the pride of the Creek In dians and Soonerland, the Okla- homans made their best showing of the season cgainst Marquette last Saturday. In that game, Tail back Jacobs was flanked by Orv Mathews, speediest man on the team, at quarter, Fullback Bill Campbell and Junior Godling at the wingback. Golding and Jacobs. Golding and Jacobs rank third and fourth in scoring done this season among Big Six players, with 42 and 36 points respectively. Strangely enough, a Sooner play er who has not scored a touchdown this season, is in fifth place with 32 points. Guard Jack Haberlein has kicked 23 points for conver sions and three field goals. Last year Haberlein saw his only playing time come in the form of extra point-kicking, and he place- kicked 13 in 14 attempts, which means the Huskers will have to keep the Sooners outside of the 35 yard line. Probable starting lineup Satur day finds Dub lamb and Jim Tyr ee at ends, ffixp"'- Roger Eason and Howard Teeter at tac kles, George Boudreau and Mitch Shadid alternating at one guard and Clare Morford at the other guard post. Lee Cowling prob ably will get the call start Roger basoh ing at center. "Fats" Ineligible. The Oklahomans, with the ex ception of Ralph "Fats" Harris, 245 pound senior guard, will be at full strength. While the Huskers have met several formations this season single wing, double wing, "spin ner wing," and the T they'll have a new one to figure out in their last battle; it's Coach Dewey Lus ter's "A" formation, based on ball concealment with twb or three backfield men faking a carry on every play. If the "A" starts rolling --as it did against Iowa State, K. U., and Marquette it'll be a long after noon for the Huskers, and if the "A" doesn't start rolling as it didn't against Texas and Missouri it'll be a finish for the Huskers they way they started the season, with two wins. Teachers Profensor Speaks in Auburn Prof. W. H. S. Morton, chair man of the secondary education department In Teachers college, gave several talks at Auburn Nov. 13 in observance of American Ed ucation Week. He discussed "Re sponsibility of the High School Student" before the high school, "Your Own School" before the Woman's club and Kiwanis club, and "Professional - Growth of Teachers" before the public school , faculty. Y . - V (o k-jj Big Six facts . STANDINGS, w I t Missouri 5 0 0 Oklnhomn 3 10 NEBRASKA 2 2 0 Kansas 2 3 0 Kansas Stat .... 1 3 1 Iowa State 0 4 1 pet 3000 .7M .500 .400 .300 .100 pts op 1.S3 19 109 28 52 18 39 131 40 8S 25 133 Oanwn Tbl WVtk. Oklahoma t. Nebraska at Lincoln. Kansas State vs. Arizona at Tucson. Iowa State vs. Marquette at Milwauket. Result TjMt Week. Nebraska 14, Iowa U. 13. Oklahoma 61, Marquette 14. Kansas State 12, Iowa State 12. Missouri 43, Kansas 6. Indiana 7, Purrii - 0. Minnesota 41, W':onsin S. Penn St.ite 31, Pittsbureh 7. leading Kit; Mi Scorers. td ep if pi a Steuber. Missouri 5 10 0 40 Wade, Missouri 5 0 0 30 Ekern, Missouri 4 1 0 25 Gnlriinp, Oklahoma 4 0 0 24 Haberlein, Oklahoma 0 13 2 19 Ice. Missouri 3 0 0 18 Francis, Nebraska 2 3 0 15 Missouri's strong gridiron club breezed past Kansas 45-6 Saturday to bag the 1941 Big Six grid tro phy. Outscoring the opposition, 153-19, the Tigers bowed only to Ohio State during the season. Oklahoma and Nebraska are slated to collide at Lincoln Satur day in a match that will decide the Big Six runnerup. Oklahoma can claim undisputed runnerup spot with a victory while a Husker win would force a Nebraska-Sooner tie for second. Nebraska's rejuvenated crew squeezed out a 14-13 decision over dangerous Iowa Saturday. Okla homa smothered hitherto potent Marquette, 61-14, in one of the big surprises of the day. Only non conference games Saturday are the Marquette-Iowa State and Arizona-Kansas State frays. Letlermen Back In Three Spots For Jerry Adam Three major lettermen are work ing out regularly with Mentor Jerry Adam's Comhusker wres tling squad. Newt Copple, 1939-40 veteran, will battle with George Cockle, two year vet, for the top spot in the 145 pound division. Herb Jack man, 220 pound heavyweight, is the other seasoned grappler on deck. Ed Copplfi, up from the 1939-40 frosh team, is favored to lead the 155 pounders. Ken Huesmoller, minor letterman last year, and Bob Poe are top candidates for the 165 pound position. Darrel Copple has the edge over other 135 pounders. An all-university wrestling tour ney, date for Dec. 15, should bring other potent gmnt-and-groan art ists to the fore. ATTEND LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! Voio Shotcin! William Mvrn. POWELL in Ike LOY " Shade w THIN MAN" r the EXTRA! Color Cartoon and News LINCOLN :.,8 (Voir Showing Jack Linda O.XKIK DARNELL "RISE a"ndSHINE" George Murphy Milton Berle FXTBA! I NEWS STUART ,! Now Shotting TWO f.RKAT HITS! JANE WITHERS "Small Town Deb" rio Tfil Second Hit "Flying Bird" Richard Jean ARLEN PARKER NEBRASKA VTuV