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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1941)
Wednesday, November 19, 194 1 DAILY NEBRASKAN uskers' Morale Remains Despite Defeats H Tom Farmer Shows Goods For I owa U Exhibits Worth as Aerial Artist; Shares Spotlight With Green ami Coupee It was one of the Jones boys who did the damage in Titt's win over Nebraska last weekend, and this Saturday it will probably be a Farmer Left halfback Tom Farmer who will do much of Iowa University's offensive work when the Hawkeyes meet the Hus kers in Memorial stadium. Altho a triple -.threat back Farmer's best work has been of an aerial nature, with his jmsses accounting for a large m jority of the yards forward the Hawk eyes have chalked up to date this reason. Victory-Shy Team. The Iowa City boys totaled three victories this season against four losses, winning over Drake (25-8), Indiana (13-7) and Illin oise (21-0), dropping games to Minnesota (13-3), Michigan (0-6), Purdue (6-7) and Wisconsin (0-23). The Hawks have totaled 78 points while their opponents have a total of 86. While Nebraskans lost to Ind iana 13-21, Coach Eddie Ander son's team held the Hoosiers to 7 points, at the same time adding 13 points in their favor. Individual Stars. The Iowan's team, studded with such players as backs Al Couppee, Bill Green and Jim Youel, all of whom saw service with the great Iowa team of '39, will be at full strength for Saturday's tilt. The Huskers, with Zikmund and von Goetz back in the lineup after several idle weekends, will be the strongest in reserve power and ex perience they have been in five games. Of 20 members of the first board of regents of the University of Michigan, created in 1837, only seven held college degrees. One of Iowa's Better Backs I ? 'I ' f' U ft I i ' i Hill i 't& Mir feu m$sm ,Mm ry w ' , v - 1 lib I j 'Me'ti ' i I , BILL GREEN Iowa Fullback Hall (Continued from Page 1.) until his exile by the German con querors. Most recent of his literary achievements, "Embezzled Heav- OA II STALWART "The Cl (BoAiomaru for a College man! lVI'KA ruined in its construction and extra smooth in its looks. There are three full soles that make The Stalwart as near water-proof as a shoe fan he made. Veal leather with a very dark bootmaker finish. $11 pair Miller's Men'i Hlmeit Hrl Hr. mil I FP L PA! UK en," was selected as the December "Book-of-the-Month." In it he chronicles the wanderings of an exiled writer who seeks a home land in something that transcends nationalism, in humanity at large. The solution arrived at by the exile is Catholicism. It is bolieved that the main character of "Embezzled Heaven" is quite similar to Werfel himself. The lecturer has penned about 30 books, poems, and plays. In all he carries on a crusade against sin and accepts a personal re sponsibility for the wrongs of the world. OPM (Continued from Page 1.) manufactured in Germany and Czechoslovaka, American made sets are now slowly becoming dom inate. All celluloid edged equip ment is under the government pnronties. In the fine arts college color pencils and water colors are dif ficult to obtain because of the present drop in imports. All paper is now becoming scarce and most books are being printed on less expensive paper. Notebooks are now harder to supply for the priorities system has been put on the metal boosters All students from now on may ex pect a gradual shortage of school supplies accompanied by an in crease in price. Broadcast St. (Continued from Page 1.) legiate Press association i n Louis this weekend. Hen Novicoff, Nebraskan busi ness manager and Shirley Russel and Ed Calhoun, editor and busi ness manager respectively of the Cornhusker will also attend the convention. The broadcast, which will be carried on the entire CBS net work, will be aired from 3:30 to 3:55 p. m. e.s.t (4:30 to 4:55 c.s.t.), with convention guests as dele gates. Those scheduled to take part in the discussion on whether or not college students should be allowed to finish their education before be ing taken into the army will rep resent the Universities of Minne sota, Nebraska, Maryland, and Alabama, and Carnegie Technical Institute, Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, College of Puget Sound, and Wellesley College. Dr. F. Alton Wade of Miami uni versity was chief scientist of the recently returned Byrd Antarctic expedition. WML I I By Boh Miller j Iowa U. has invasion plans in formulation stage at the present time... Last week the Hawks were all primed to discharge an attack, the like of which the Go phers had not seen for the entire season. . .Well, they fired but the priming was not strong enough as their projected charge dropped after 13 points had been scored on the great Minnesotans. For a time in the first half the Hawkeyes were in complete charge of the affair and it looked like the Gophers were going to be thrown for a loss... That is, until Minnesota was given a chance with the ball... Bruce Smith, AU American prospectus, came into the game at the end of the first quarter and immediately started tossing passes which ultimately tied the score... Then Big Bill Daley, the lad who did so much damage to the Huskers, started the Gopher driving machine and finally drove across for another touchdown, followed by a 77 yard touchdown by the Hawks which again tied the score... That was as close as they got to holding Minnesota after that as the latter went on to a 34-13 triumph. It looks to us like Iowa gridders have something in the way of an offense. . .Considering the op position, 13 points were a lot to score. . .Against Illinois, they scored 20 points, but they have not done so well otherwise Considering, also, Nebraska's lack of scoring punch with Iowa's seeming possession of this fac tor and considering Nebraska's defensive stands as contrasted with Iowa, it looks like a battle pitting one one good offense against one good defense. About the Rose Bowl- The big laugh of the week-end was provided by Stanford . . . Sev ern I days previously, the Ind ian squad members were very happy about their showing this year so they took a poll... It was to decide the team that they wanted to invite to the Rose Bowl spectacle, come Janurary 1.... The result well, they decided they would invite Texas U. if they got thru the season succes sfully. . .This is where the laugh comes in for not only was Texas knocked off the unbeaten pedes tal by Texas Christian 14-7, but Stanford also casted defeat, 14-13, at the hands of Washington State. t Of the major colleges on this list, there are few. .. Minnesota tops the list and the nation with seven wins... Duke, Duquesne, Texas A & M and Bradley Tech are the others on the list.. Bowl officials are certainly going to have a hard time finding two un beaten teams to fill their bowls. Grid Squad Shows Spirit In Practices Herb VonGoetz Kotuins With Meier and Preston As Hankeye Co-Captains Down but not out, Nebraska's Huskers are putting their all into pre-Iowa practice sessions in an effort to snap themselves out of the losing rut they have been in for five games. Fred Preston and Fled Meier, the two Freds on the squad, have been named co-captains for the A 9f r r 4 FHKD PRESTON FRED MEIER Mnroln Journal contest that is destined to deter mine whether or not the Huskers can keep their spirit up enough after the consecutive defeats to defeat a loss-injured Hawkeye team on Saturday. von Goetz Returns. Changes hit the first string line-up as Herbie von Goetz was reinserted in his gaurd post after being out of the line due to a lung injury received in the Indiana skirmish. Fred Meir was shifted back to his center position while Howard Kelly went to a second string spot. Noticeably absent from any squard assignment were Allen Zik mund and Kenny Simmons, both of whom reported that they were in shape for the ensuing battle. Another name that was missing was Vike Francis since the eligi bility board has not as yet announ ced his appearance in the Iowa game. All in Suit. All of the team were in suit as was Bob Ludwick, end, who has been doing a great deal of limp ing the majority of the season with an injured ankle. During 50 years of football, Nebraska has engaged the Iowa Hawkeyes 29 times in which the Huskers have come victorious 19 times with one tic. This year has been a meager one for both teams with the Hawks having a chance to come out with .500 rating by winning Saturday. They have lost four and won three so far. Scrimmage Uppermost. Scrimmage has been on the doc ket during the past two days and the Biffer evidently intends on passing his way to a win against Iowa to break a win-drouhth, whose intensity has not. been felt for 42 years of football. .1 W-r.JIft. '.til'- .7 18 if DISTINCTIVE MODELS SSSi M SUITING EVERY i. ... ... PREFERENCE FlITrP .MAKES PIPE FUNCTION g SUPERBLY f