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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1941)
Wednesday, November 19. 1941 Culture vs Defense? Society Society Editors June Jamieson Joann Emerson DAILY NEBRA'SKAN Ms Too early in the week for much to be happening, but Tuesday's wind brought several little items our way. . .Dorothy McClintork, AOPi, and Sig Chi Emerson Jones had a little mix-up about their date to the Kosmet Klub Revue and it finally got so confused that Dottie saw red and broke her Mili tary Ball date. . .That's one off the list... Tau-man Jim Nicola went to Denver last week-end for his brother's wedding and came back seeing stars, moonbeams and sun dry romantic things because of a little Denver gal with a nice shiny convert ... So where does that leave Pi Phi Betty Krause who claims she dosen't like him any wav...The biir romance between Alpha Phi Beanie Allen and her man from Northwestern way is definitely and completely off no more pin, no more nothin' .. .Tag ged as a coming deal is that of Pi Phi Jane Moyer and Sig Alph John Harrington. More Intimates. Bob Gelwick, Sig Ep barrister, Is none to nanny wit'i pin-mnte Esther Calhoun... He claims she was out with a DU one evening and she savs it was only a room mate but Bob still isn't convinced ...Congrats to 12 new members of Delta Sigma Pi .. .Initiation was held Sunday for Donald Nel son, Donald Farley, Harlan Cull well Dana Turpin, Jack Knicely, Clyde Erwin, Gayle Cummings, Doug Varner, Jerry Fritzon. Bert L,andstrom, John Kuhlman, and El ton Tekolste . . . The Alpha Xi Delts are laying bets on how soon it will be before Knicely hangs his pin on Betty Klingle. Evidently love at first sight isn't a legend. . .Ross Presita and Vir- the first date, mutually agreed that the Miti Ball and the Ice Revue had better be taken in to gether on the second and on the Calendar Wednesday Night. Alpha Phi-Beta Theta Pi ex change dinner, 6 p. m. Kappa Kappa Gamma-Sig-ma Nu exchange dinner, 6 p.m. Kappa Alpha Theta-Alpha Tau Omega exchange dinner 6 p. m. third decided to visit Ross' parents come Christmas. . .For the Kilt housenartv Larrv Wentz and Dean Nutzman will be importing Colorado co-eds trom the l neia house. . . Blackmail ? The Phi Psi's are feeling sorry for Tom Cummer: He's looking for a girl - someone who's nice and sweet like Tommy .. .Theta Toni McQuistan went horseback riding with Sig Nu pledge Jim Souders Sunday morning, and liked it... The Dee Gees want to know about Bob Sinky . . . The claim he's being blackmailed. There's a rumor about the cam pus that the ATOs send out a dele gate to town every Sunday eve to see a high school lassie... And it's our guess that that s now cart Petty and Betty Jo Ledley got to gether. . .They say he's inter ested . . . All's well that prints well. . , Presbyterians Hold II ay ride Reservations for the hayia ride to be given by the Piesby terian student club should be made by Thursday night. Those attending the ride, to be held Fri day, will meet at the student house at 8 p. ni. Refreshments will be served following the ride. Students Place Arts Higher YW Cabinet Mcels at 7.:50 The YW cabinet will meet at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday instead of 7 because of the Senior council dinner, Francis Keefer announced. The meeting will be held in Ellen Smith. AUSTIN, Tex. The nation's de fense program and the emphasis the war is placing on scientific advancement seem to have had lit tle effect on what students be lieve college education should of fer. A national poll of student opin n surveys of America reveals i at during the last two years there has been only a very slight increase in the number of colleg ians who believe higher education should stress technical and prof essional training. College news papers, including the Daily Ne braskan assigned interviewers to ask the following question of a carefully-derived cross section of students: "Do you believe college educa tion should be mainly technical and professional training, or should it emphasize a wide cult ural background? Here are the results, compared with those complied by student opinion surveys in November 1939, on the identical question: m 1941 Technical and Profeiuional. . .. 17t !(, Cultural background 4 41 Both 3T Less than 1 percent were un decided; so these no-opinion an swers were not included in the tabulations. Men students, nearly one-fourth of them, want technical and prof essional training favored, while only 16 percent of the women do. From the comments made by many of the students contacted, the reason for the small number who want the technical side stres sed is that undergraduates do not want the arts, the social sciences, overshadowed during this period of strife. A freshman at Pomona junior college in California told inter viewer Peirsol. "If we lose sight of the basis of education and let war hysteria dominate our better judgement, we will find when the national emergency is over that we have lowered the level of edu cation unnecessarily. Ag Men Form Club Based on Food Bizad (Continued from Page 1.) Rossignol, dean emeritus of the bizad college, which the present dean, John D. Clark, read. The telegram was signed "The stu dents of the colloge of business administration" and expressed their respect and admiration for the 22 years of service LcRos signol gave to the college as dean. Awards which were presented included the Gold scholarship keys won by Eugene Allen, Kenneth Elson, John Greene, Jack Knicely, Ralph Larson, Carroll Meyer, Car lyle Peterson, William Rist. Harry Schumacher, and John Wolf. Name Beta Gamma Sigma. Members of Beta Gamma Sig- Forty young men on ag campus i interested in better group living have organized the Bachelor's club which has as its main plank good food and how to make it. Idea for the club originated last spring, but organization did not actually get under way until this fall. All men not already mem bers of fraternities or cooperatives are eligible to join the Bachelors in their move for improved liv ing at minimum expense. Hear Monthly Talks. Regular meetings are planned during each month to include talks on such things as health diet, and how to live with other men and like it. A social program of hour dances and parties with entrance in intramural sports competition is also on the program. Temporary chairman of the club until the permanent constitution is drawn up ana omens it elected is Lemoyne Johnson, Dave Sanders is temporary secretary. A constitution committee includes Dale Landgren and Emanuel Smolik. Clark Rice, Bill Green, and Gene O'Donnell compose the pro gram committee. ATTEND LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! Voir Showing Claudette Ray Colebert Milland Brian Aherne tn rivi a n i ii SKYLARK' NEWS Tax Inrl. I IkJfftl tvl "C 'III 6 Now Showing 'Deanna Robert DURBIN CUMMINGS in "31 SiaJdud Extra . . . !! Color Cartoon and Newi STUART r.c,tr1 Now Showing Two Orrat Hit! W. C. Klr l 1S In "NKYKU C1VK A SucIlba, an even break" Dim Thin 2nd Hit "MAN AT LARGE" with MIRJORIK WK4.YER klTDD A C 1 A 5c TIM 6 nbuivnjnn T, ic. ma, national honorary fraternity, are: Forrest Behm, Thomas Horn, Warren Jones, Donald Meier, Har old Phillips, James Pittenger, Wil liam Rabe, Delbert Spahr and Fred Uhlman who were elected in the spring of 1941; and Warren Charles Johnson, Morris Edward Kidshenbaum, Bertil Eugene Land strom. William Longman and Maudie Nakada who were elected this fall and whose appointment was announced for the first time at the banquet. T Frank E. Roth, jr., was honored as a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and the following members of the class of 1941 who graduated with distinction were cited: Robert Aden, Forrest Behm, Melbourne Johnson, Betty McGeachin, Har old Phillips, William Rabe, FranK E. Roth, jr. and Rolx-rt Simon. The Alpha Kappa Psi citizen ship piize which is annually of fered to the senior student ranking highest in professional subjects and student activities during the first seven semesters was won ny Pobert Aden who was also an nounced winner of the Miller and Paine scholarship in business research. Rohert Simon won the Delta Sigma Pi scholarship key awarded to the senior who ranks nignesi in scholarship for the entire course. The Phi Chi Theta Key was awarded to Gertrude Micheels who was the woman student having an average in her lunior year equal to the all-university average and who stood highest in point, or leadership and activities in the college. Union . . . (Continued from Page 1.) breaker game will be shown in movies in room 315 Wednesday at 7:30 n. m. Announcement by the Union travel bureau that their are plenty of people wanting rides to var ious noints for Thanksgiving va cation has been made. Students are invited to register their names or cars at the Union office to get passengers or rides. To date those uratincr rides have as destinations Chicago, Kimball, Hastings. Ero- ken Bow, Minneapolis, Minaiare and Sioux City. One student with & '11 vfa - v fl-f Lv H --, x-i ii i ( 7 ) Bachelor life is a cinch if you have the "1,001 Receipts to Please a Man" manual the advertise ment reads but Harry Benda, pictured left, looks 1 Unnla. Um4n Imir-nal ani4 Gtafl slightly puzzled. Masters of the book, however, are Lumir Abraham and Harold Tichy shown as they prepare a Bachelor club dtnner. a car wants passengers to Denver, while another wants a ride to New Jersey during Christmas vacation. Matinee dance will be held Wednesday at 5 p. m. m the ball room. Square dancing class will meet for their last session Wednes day night in the ballroom. ! i . 2 K f f " t Leave Sooner, Stay Longer! Want get Bin right after your Ukt clan? Wants Kay home 'til the latt potkihle min ute? Of course! AnJ convenient tchedulei make it eauy, by Super-Coach! Have Lots More Fun! Forget clanroom worries! Relax in d cushioned comfort . . . aight-see . . meet people . . . have fun! Save Money. Too Lets than Ha! the com of driving and an extra 10 saving on round-trip ticket! A real bargain if there ever was one! eep t mm msm mm ilk i7 Des Moines $3.50 Omaha $1 00 Kearney .... $2.25 North Platte . $4.00 Sioux City . . . $2.G0 UNION BUS DEPOT 13th and M Sts. 2-7071