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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1941)
Friday, November 7, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN Society lly Jo ami June 1 1 I a i i Week end's here again nothing to do but play till Sunday night at 10:30 p. m. Half the campus will journey to Minnesota to do their celebrating or drown their sorrows as case may be. A Beta contingent composed of John Ed wards, John MsCarthy and John Safford wil go up dateless the other member of the party, Bill "Curly" Schaumberg has a date. A date with Bubbles. Who Bubbles is we have yet to learn. DG Nancy Raymond will trek to the game to spend most of her time in St. Paul renewing an old friendship with a masculine admirer of a few years ago. Phi Psi Spence Porter will take Theta Marge Christenson along to give him moral support on those dashes from the bench to the mid dle of the field when someone yells "water boy!" Del Lienemann and Charlotte Peck, AXD, will cele brate their first anniversary a year ago they had their first date and a month from that date they started going steady. Something to really celebrate! No Sliced Throats. There's nothing like being legal about this dating situation and the Fijis don't like to cut each others throats. So Jim Maloney and Squash Campbell drew up a legal document in which Squash surrendered all claim to the dat ing time of Mary Ellen Beechner and gave Jim full permission to go ahead and try to get a date. No one seems to know how it's worked out yet. Saw Maribel Hitchcock. Theta, coking in the Crib with Ed Butler sets us wondering about Fiji Bud Johnson and Alpha Chi Marge Stewart. And also caught a glimpse of Kappa Mary Runyan and Beta Bill Edwards talking earnestly maybe about some of those plentiful dates they've lined up for some weeks to coine. Elements Tricky. Barn dancing at the Towne Club fall party Saturday night will be Jean Austin and Bob Al- brecht, June Critchfield with Leonard Dunker, Pat Hunting and Roy Cochran and Phyliss Hoi- Rally- (Continued from Page 1.) timistic and determined of any one there. Clarence Herndon, one of the game captains, serious and sober faced, vowed both privately and publicly to "pay off that debt we owe you Nebraska people this Saturday at Minnesota." Marvin Thompson, grinning, stood on the train steps and shouted down as the train started to move, "Ludwick says we're go ing to win." Kenny Simmons, unable to go to Minnesota because of a knee in jury acquired in practice Tuesday said, "They'll do all they can and I hope that's good enough." In spite of the poor attend.ajice at the rally, however, Nebraska, for the most part is still loyal to its team a? evidenced by an open letter to the team printed in to day's Nebraskan. The letter is from a cross-section of Nebraska business men and organizations and urges the team to fight the Gophers. Special delivery copies of the paper were sent to each member of the team. CLASSIFIED brook with Bus Cuckler. Hope An telope Park doesn't get too cold can't tell us what tricks the ele ments are going to pull now. Congratulations to four more men wearing the sword and shield. The Phi Delts initiated Newman Buckley, Phil Reed, Laird Fisher and Benny Kohout last night. What's the deal with Kappa pledge M. ry Ralston and the boys at the Phi Psi house? As soon as Jack Vandecar leaves school Rol lie starts dating Boy Cullinan lots and seriously. Then she has a date to the ATO house party with Dick Petring. Nice work if you can do it, and let's speculate on what would happen if Jack came back for a week end. And while you're speculating, we're going to dash around look ing for something for tomorrow's column. G'bye now. Pianist Talks To Design Class Miss Marguerite Klinker, ln structer in piano, gave a lecture and a demonstration for the design class in the home economics de partment Monday morning, Nov. 3. Her subject was Periods and Des- r igns in Music. ' Stndenls- (Continued from Page 1.) the world, and they believe that good Lord will take care of them." Betty Lu Larsen, junior, teach ers: "Why sure they do! They have more worries and troubles, and they have to seek aid some where. In time of need they have been taught to turn toward their church." Benton Jolliffe, freshman, en gineer: "I think so because in a time of crisis they need a higher power to solve their problems, and they believe that the Lord can do this." Shirley Lincoln, sophomore, teachers: "No, I don't believe so. I don't think that the present trend is toward religion, and it dosen't play as important part in the lives of men as it did in the past." Lois Jean Way, freshman, arts and sciences: "Yes, I believe this way because when a crisis occurs persons are so much more con cerned about the happenings of the world than during normal times and they will look toward their church for aid in solving the troubles that have arisen fram the crisis." Robert Norton, freshman, en gineer: "No, I don't believe so. They neglect it because they center their attention on too many other things. Twila Bramwell, sophomore, teachers: "I believe that they do because it is only natural to turn to somebody in time of need and the church is the logical place to turn to." Bob Mead, freshman, pharmacy: "They do to some extent. Lot of persons know how it is to go thru a war, and they pray that their relatives do not have to experience the same thing." IOHT Black arvl whit Parker pen be tween 8oc. and Beiiey, engraved Mary IouIm 8imMiuD. Please return. Reward. 3-TWt. lAMiT Dark treeo striped Bhaeffer Hie lime pen. Call 2-612. ATTEND LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! Now Showing ROSALIND RUSSELL DON AMECHK la "The Feminine Touch" With Ky Francis Donald Meek LINCOLN .1..?. Now Showing "Unfinished Business" with IRENE DUNNE ROBERT MONTGOMERY STUART Me 'til Ta Inel. Now Showing "THE PARSON OF PAN AM I NT" "Down in San Diego" TI.VH LATEST NEWS! 1 tl ( 1 L J i 1 r J I ilJW TO nr U dm,! "WHEN YOU PLAY NEBRASKA YOU PLAY THE WHOLE STATE." ... . Knute Rocknc said that, and he wasn't kidding. We're the druggists, the merchants, and butchers, and bakers and just plain people. And we're all with you 100. We know that you're doing the real job; blocking and tackling and eating the dirt. Still, maybe it will mean something to you to know that in our hearts we fight with you every inch of the way. Those guys from Minnesota are only hu man; they can be whipped-and you're just the team to do it. Straight from the shoul der, fellows, we think you've got the stuff to go out there and give 'em the works! Good luck boys, from a million and a half loyal Nebraskans!! University Alumni Association The Union Pacific Railroad Herb Halm Nebraska Press Association Hardy Furniture Company Nebraska State Teachers Assn. Latsch Brothers Lawlor Sporting Goods Co. Daily Nebraskan Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Nebraska Retail Hardware Assn. All Nebraska Members of The Associated General Contractors Nebraska Pharmaceutical Assn. Consumers Public Power District Graves Printing Co. A Loyal Friend NEBRASKA ts Tin Ta loe.