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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1941)
1 Thursday, May 8, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN Film maestro Songstress I In the Book Nook j In the Groove By Preston Hays DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA. By Miguel de Cervantes. A welcome relief from the books which have been written and re leased concerning the war in Europe Is the 1941 edition of Miguel de Cervantes' famous "Don Quixote," published by the Book-of-the-Month-Club. This novel, which has gone down in history as one of the most famous of all works of litera ture, has been illustrated by Hans Alexander Mueller with over 50 wood engravings in the club's May and June edition. Cervantes' novel tells of the ad- veniurea wi an wwunu. muaigu Quixotes who adopted the name of Don Quixote de la Mancha, and whose brain had become so addled from reading too many romances on knighthood that his "wit was urVir11v evtinp-iiishpfl" and he "fell that ever madman stumbled on in r j this world." Broadway start House Jameson, heard as "Henry's" father "on the "Aldrich wisest and most splendid book in the world." John Cowper Powys expressed the feelings of most of those who have read the book when he wrote that "What I feel when I close 'Don Quixote' is that we are all imaginary characters of some great Cervantes of the cosmos." Probably best summarization of the contents of this book comes from Seaver when he says, " 'Don Quixote' sounds the profoundest depths of folk-wisdom; it reaches to the highest peaks of poetic vision. Bef"ft.r these two poles, in the pa? o t Cervantes, we can find all t . , umanity knows of the mystery we call life." For after all, aren t we all Don ? Dial Dope f: l i- . - :j . ... y u . X f ' A : .: Ai L - i- ! this world Seaver's comments. This madness then became,' ac cording to Edwin Seaver in his Family" series, owes his begin- Johnny "Scat" Davis, motion picture maestro, and his dance band will play in Lincoln Sun day. Davis starred in the mo tion pictures, "Varsity Show," "Brother Rat," and "Garden of the Moon." Savitt jazzes Jan Savitt lets us have it . . . with full force, on the number one jazz recording we've heard in a month. Call side one, "Horizon" . . . and notice, in the opening bars, some terrific bull fiddling, some wild trombone, a bit of muted trumpet, and a very odd color . . . but my! my! what a beat. The Savitt saxes shine on the peculiar backgrounds and an eerie minor chorus. To a jungle beat from the tom-tom department a tenor sax goes wild. This is a plat ter with color plus from bar one to the final beat, which is, by the way, a neat bit of drumnastics. Reverse is a shuffle rhythm ver sion of "We Go Well Together" which shows that Jan's crew can make even a "Pop" tune shine. Back in the groove We're excited about "Who's Ex cited," Artie Shaw's latest release, for it takes back to the days of pre-symphonic Shaw. It's back in the old jive groove . . . with the fiddle section doing little but pro- solid c i ; ' i " I 1 L -i. ... i &-J5 comments on the book "the ape- entertainment world CltlC maaneSS as me HUUior coil- , ,.. ,,irlin!r hapWrnnnrl fnr frnnd . fi i t., i t Will Rncrors ovon thnnoh thA thru WVi rlawov whn rl r! mnrfl VlQing DSCKgrOUnQ IOr gOOO., ceivea it, oniy 10 nave nis neiu " " " " ' . ;u C I stuff and contributing some beau . f v,o rnuihnv w it. nh losonher. and saee than lust finish in the monev. but stun, ana comnouung some uedu v i u w VILUl lliuuoijr uui Ul nauu iao , . . . . i i i j - ' a th wov nt th rrntst rharao.- never knew about it. A stage play came in as the winner of the n firtinn until tnHnv Don on Broadwav. in the middle twen- Churchill Downs classic. As t oon oil tips "firand 'Street Follies." in- the other two. well Stai A beautiful voice, a beautiful girl, and a beautiful gown all equal Lucy Monroe, soloist on Manhattan Merry - Go - Round, heard on Sundays over WOW. for tiful tone-color now and then. It's that old Dixie style, with Mr. Shaw's clarinet perfect as ever, and with an extra bit of feeling. v, Aiier some Gallic UUWli MWUlV , ... i Anie uiKea a souu-as-it-rucn sec ond chorus. The up-and-over "Alone To- Onivnte has come to mean all ties, "urana ' street rouies, in- me oiner iwo, wen oiareior anu things to all men, and his absurd eluded a travesty on Rogers, then Market Wise were the three-year ; aaveniures tragic ana comic, uie " "6"' "v "'- ""' v.. v. butt of ridicule or the symbol of son was engaged for the part be- stretch directly behind Whirlaway. adoration, in proportion to the cause' he was a native Texan and way the vision of life burgeons in could twirl a rope. Small world the soul of each of us." . . Artie Auerbach, alias "Mr. "Don Quixote" is a book about Doubling musicians Kitzel," of the Al Pearce show which much has been said; Sir A musician who can "double" on and maestro Lou Bring of the Walter Kaieign once saia mat jotrllmnta ran ,,aallv finH him- same stand have discovered that self a job with an orchestra, but they attended New York univer- to work for Xaviar Cugat's he has sity together, frequently went to to do more than double. Cugat classes in adjoining rooms, and welcomes saxophonists who dou- lived but a block apart. "Kitzel" ble on the clarinet and trumpeters majored in Journalism, and Bring who can take a turn on the trom- intended to be a dentist. No moral bone, but when one of his few va- to this, except that "It's a small cancies appear, Cugat looks for world, etc., etc." musicians who are experts on gether" is the new Shaw style . . . four-beat rhythm, beautiful strinsr backgrounds, full of effects supper trumpeUng. ?lor; " hf a bltue3 ? is dance music the way you like it. Question! "Cervantes' masterpiece is the Latin department sponsors picnic All Latin students in the uni versity are invited to attend a picnic sponsored by the Latin de- Latin American rhythms, who can partment today, Professor Forbes "double," and who can "work" announced last night. I he picnic outside their own section for the will start at 5 p. m. and students orchestra. The result is an outfit are mstructea to ue m ruum iU4 0f 15 men, nut 3D ainerent in- 1 fn:rt Andrews at that time. strumentalists, upon whom Cugat ' ,40',c " Held at Pioneers park, the picnic caug f0r his very unusual ar- will be proceded by a brief busi- rangements of congas, tangoes, ness meeting at which officers for rhumbas, and sambas. It is this next year will be elected. Edwin elasticity of his organization Lyman is the present president of which Cugat partially credits for Dialights 4:45 p. m. 6:55 p. m. the group. Get Your Date for the. Dance FRIDAY, MAY 9 DAVE HAUN Ihd. BAND The Ballroom Will Be AIR-CONDITIONED .Ar Student Union -fc 8:45 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 10:00 p. m.- its success. llusing slips We rather hate to mention this, but Ted Husing rather let his 8 year record down when he picked winners of the 1941 Kentucky Derby. Husing's selections were "Blue Pair to win . . . Whirlaway for place . . . Dispose to Bhow." ynr:fiv nniv nne nf his predictions came ' "'v The World Today KFAB. Bob Trout and the News KFAB. News of the World KFAB. Wythe Williams KFOR. News Towe r WOW. V SX mmmj Juke box tunes Blues especially for all of you who we've seen in the Corn Crib drooping over a coke and listen ing, with soulful mein to Dinah Shore's "Mood Indigo" . . . which we plugged in our last droolings . . . and "Summertime" as done by Joan Merril. This is Joan's second disk, and she does a genuine job on Gershwin's great blues tune. Miss Merril waxes sweet and sen timental . . . and tugs at the heart strings. The other side, "I Went Out of My Way," is in the same sweet voice, and has that certain emotionality which should make Joan Merril great among blues chanters. Jb t H Drama 6:30 p. m. City Desk KFAB. 6:30 p. m. The Aldrich Fam ily WOW. mm This is the much feared Clif ton Fadiman, quizmaster of "Information Please." Celebri ties quirm under his question barrage every Friday night as the program is heard over WOW. TODAY! At 12 NOON 1 3 I I I; q it 1 .,-? With all the daihina romance of "GONE WITH THE WIND" and the iweetnest of "RE. BECCA." LEIGtf 0 L1VI EH That Hamilton Woman! 11:45 'TIL 12, 20c sasifY SPECIAL WALT DISNEY'S "CANINE CADDY' 7:00 p.m. Music Hall WOW. 8 :00 p. m. Glenn Miller KFAB. 8:00 p. m. Rudy Vallee WOW. 8:30 p. m. Professor Q u i z KFAB. 9:00 p. m. Fred Waring WOW. 9:30 p. m. X a v ie r Cugat WOW. Reeltimes In a blanket decision, 575 coeds at Pennsylvania State college lost their one o'clock date privileges Called Love," 2:24, 5:26, 8:28 NEBRASKA: "Life With Hen ry' 1:09, 4:05, 7:00, 9:55. "Street of Memories," 2:45, 5:40, 8:35. STUART: "Reaching for the Sun." 1:28. 3:30. 5:32, 7:34, 9:36. LINCOLN: "Ziegfeld Girl," 1:27, 4:08. 6:49. 9:30 VARSITY: "Topper Returns," 1:00. 3:10. 5:20, 7:30, 9:40. VARIETY: "Dodge City," 2:40, fi:05. 9:30. "Torchv Gets Her Man," 1:35, 5:00, 8:25. CAPITOL: "Buck Privates, 1:00, 4:02, 7:04, 10:06. "This Thing for skipping a compulsory mass meeting. JOYO: "La Conea Nights," 7:10, 9:40. "Phantom Submarine," 8:10, 10:40. Si? mm JL A rreaenw A f W SAT., MAY 10 Y v t6 O necea V. T MS I VJ -iTI America's A no, 0,orea X 0 o 0 o Krccntlr Featured at the Chi Mum, Loi An(el and the Cotton Club, New York CUT NHC A CBS Network Start o o o Adm. at Door, Itie Ea., Tax Paid JB Till! RECORDS Columbiu, niuebird, Victor, and Dccca 35c 3 for 1.00, 50c The Wiae OKI (M Joe tleirhmnn. The One I I-ove Glenn Miller. My Sinter und I Dick Jurgcn. Alexander the Smookc Kay hysc Fpel free to come in and listen to the a test hit! s rJTi as: LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! NOW! 11 Reaching for the Sun" starring Joel M'CREA Ellen DREW with Eddie ALBERT Albert DEKKER Billy GILBERT All Seat! Till V. M. 2 He UAonr NOW! Star-Studded . . . Glrl-Corjroin . Melody-I'erfert ... a Wonder Show! "ZIEGFELD GIRL" Starring JAMES STEWART JUDY GARLAND HEDY LAMARR LANA TURNER And Featuring 200 of the moot beau til u I stria in the world! NOW SHOWING The Lovable Aldrich Family "THE LIFE OF HENRY" with JACKIE COOPER 2nd Big Hit ''Street of Memories with Lynn Roberts Guy Kibbee NEBRASKA 000000OOOC i