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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1941)
Tuesday, March 4, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN ; ATO's win I'M water polo championship Drown Sig Nus. 214, finale 111 Splashing to an overwhelming victory, Alpha Tau Omega an nexed th water polo champion ship Monday night in the coliseum pool, by thoroly drowning Sigma Nu, 21-4. ' Clark Kuppinger, Lynn Myers, Tom Fierson and Don Sherwood scored goals for the ATOs, while John Mackey tallied for the Sig Nus. Findley was goalie for the win ners, while George "Bus Knight was the goalie for the losers. Wendell "Count" Basye coached the victors to the championship. The lineups: ATOa Stsslnr T. Ftersnn Sherwood Vsn Ijindingham Findley Harsrave C. Knppinger 81 Nus Vackey KnlRht VoiRt Moore Holm Heiidder Purard Matey Klisffen Substitutions: ATOs, Ellsworth. HiR flni, Myers, J. Kuppinger; Sig Nus, Edg iuton, Kirkendr.U. A TO 1-5-5-5-5 21 Sigma Nu 3-1 4 Officials: Brogan and Brikholder. Huskcr gym team second in AAU meet Nebraska's gymnastic team took second place with 26 M points in a four-way Rocky Mountain A.A.U. tournament at Greeley, Colo., Sat urday night. Winner of the meet was the Greeley State team with 34 points. Jake Geier and Guy Johnson of Nebraska took third and fourth place on the horse. Ray Griffin and Pete Kreischer, both Huskers, tied for fourth in the mats com petition. Cornhusker Stan South wick took second place on the horizontal bars and Nebraska's Kreischer took fourth on the par allel bars. On the flying rings Geier and Kreischer gained third and fourth places respectively. I-Statc grapplers trounce Nebraska 25-3 on Saturday Three lone points were all the Huskers matmen could save against Iowa State's total of 25 in their eighth loss of the season In the coliseum Saturday night. Herb "the Blimp" Jack man was the single winner for Nebraska, decisioning Jim Rhodes in the heavyweight division. Only two falls were scored against the Corn huskers as the others went down by decision. Summaries: 121 pounds: Cay lord Bait (IS) ded sinned eo-cptaln Milton Kuska (N). 12(1 pounds: Captain Ray Stone (18) de Cisloned Ed McOonnell N. 138 pounds: Dale Cumminrs OS) dec! atoned co-captaln George Cockle (Ni, 145 pounds: Hoy Reppart (IS) deet loned Jack DeBusk N). 155 pounds: Joe trucks IP) threw Dob RhdlLern (N) with bead scissors and bar arm In 1:12. IBS pounds: Sam Linn (IS) dedsloned Foster Smith (N i. 175 pounds: Dick Johnson (IS) threw Huliert Rodman (Nl with reverse liody sciFsor and leg grape vine and arm lock In 2;24. Heavyweight: Herb Jackman (N) de Clsloned Jim Rhodes (IS). Referee: John Kellogg, Nebraska. Dr. George N. Shustcr, president of Hunter college, believes Latin and Greek philosophy and religion must be restored to the American educational scheme if young people are expected to defend democracy. mi e;:olu.ent for college students Until March 15th... Commission obligation teas for men when they art conscripted Into military duty . . . Now these new advantages art offered by tht aame reliable service whose facilitiea and experienced ould.-ince are constantly at your command. Nebraska and all nelohborina states our find. today. DAYiS SCHOOL SERVICE 1 Stout SUs, U, Ha Huskcrs set four of eight new marks in loop track meet win Coach Ed Weir's track forces literally ran off with the Big Six cinder meet held in Kansas City, Saturday, and displayed ability the like of which has not been seen around the Missouri Valley J y for some time. . ' In wvir,tnr ft- J off with the in- " -) door crown, the j Husker men in - , J scanties mark- -r" i ff ed up a total of t ,s I i 47 points, while -AV Missouri, Rf strnnerst rem- N ' V ' tender, turned in 26 points, trailed by Kan sas 20 Vi, Okla- tV-WVW a.J h o m a Iowa State 14 WDJJAMSMU11 and Kansas Lincoln Journal. State 6. About 3,000 fans viewed the Huskers successfully defending their indoor title in the K. C. mu nicipal auditorium. Eight marks were bettered, one tied and four of those new records were credited to Ncbraskans. Smutz wins two. Bill Smutz, Pawnee City junior lettcrman, was responsible for two of the new marks. He skimmed over both high and low hurdles in record times. Gene Littler, the Mitchell mercury-man, cracked his own 440 yard record. Harold Hunt was the other mark setter when he sailed over the pole vault bar at a new meet height. Bill Lyda of Oklahoma steamed thru the last lap of the half mile to set a new mark in this event. Dick Smcthers of Oklahoma set a new two mile mark. Stoland win; high jump. Bob Stoland of Kansas set a new height in the high jump. The Baseball squad answers first spring meeting Coach Wilbur Knight found nearly a full squad of baseball candidates reporting to him for the first meeting, Monday afternoon in the coliseum. About 35 men were on hand for the first call The greater share of the players were busy taking physical examinations. A few more catchers and pitch ers warmed up their arms. Prac tices will be held daily in the coli seum until it is suitable weather to play outside. Person- (Continued from page 1.) groups, I'd rather stay home and keep my soul. This capitol build ing won't crumble if I didn't come back or if any other senator didn't come back." Senators hate parade. Next to lobbyists, people who say that the legislature passes too many bills stand highest on the senator's hate parade. "Those kind of people get me mad. With the present legislative system, it is the duty of the senators to pres ent the bills tehir constituents want. And taht's what we do. Yet people complain," said Senator Mekato. "And don't forget," says the senator as he gets wound up in his subject, "as the nation pro gresses, more laws are needed. Why, whoever heard of railroad Write oilier mark to fall was the quarter mile relay in which the four man team from Iowa State bettered its own 1940 time. The record tied was Gene Lit tler's 60-yard dash time. Don Wal ters of Missouri raced down the straightaway to take first over Orville Matthews from Oklahoma and Littler who placed third. The Huskers failed to place in only two events the high jump and the broad jump. Summaries of how Ncbraskans scored and new marks recorded: 60 yard high hurdles: Won by Bill Smuts (N). Tim 7.6 (Smuts established a new conference record of 7.5 In the pre liminary race. This also betters the Big Six record on Uie dirt track.) Set by Smutz In 1940.) 60 yari low hurdles: Won by Bill SrooU (N ) ; second. Boh KaMer (K). Time :7 flat (new record). (Old recora 1.1 set by Smuts In 1640.) 60 yard dash: Won by Don Walters (Mi; second, Orville Matthews (O); third. Gene LKtler (N). Time 6.3 (equals record act by Littler in 1840.) Pole vault: Won by Harold Hunt N). Height 13-SH. (Old mark 13 feet even set by Hunt In 1840 on board track. Better record of Don Bird (K) of 13-7 k in 1838 on dirt track.) Mile run: Won by Bob Ohm (N). Time 4:29. 440 yard dash: Won by Geae Ultler (N); second, Bill Lyda tO); third, Bob Bowles (N). Time 50 1. (New record. Old record 51. 8 set by Littler in 1940 on board track. Also betters dirt track record of J0 4 set by Bob Simmons (N) in 1939.) Shot put: Won by Wayne Blue (N); 49-1?; second, le Sclilelch (N), 49-1 'A; third, Klmer Aussicker (Ml, 48-8 ; fourth, Ray rmchaska N), 45-7'4. High Jump: Won by Bob Stoland (K). Height 6-2Vi. (New record. Old mark of 6-2 W set by Dick Schnacke (IS) in 1940. ) Two mile run: Won by Dick Smcthers 0); fourth, Dale (iarrels (Nl. Time 8:36 9. (New record. Old mark :41.2 ret by Thaine high KS) In 1940. Also breaks dirt track record ot 8:37.6 set in 1925 by Neal BaUer (KS). 880 yard run: Won by Bill Lyda (O); second. Bob Gin (Nl; fourth, Ard'H Kersey N. Time 1:56.5. (New record. Old record 1:56.9 set by Marshall Reeves (M) in 1940. Also breaks dirt track rec ord of 1:57 set by Lorte Moody (O) in 1935.) Mile relay: Won by Iowa State (Win ders, Haugebak, Dshl, Craves); fourth, Nebraska. Time 3:26 8. (New record. Old mark 1:28 SN by Iowa State in 1940. Also break dirt track record of 3:29 set by Nebraska In 1932 and equaled by Okla homa la 1933.) Football team begins spring practice work The last time the Cornhusker football squad climbed out of mole skins was on Jan. 1 when the Huskers participated in the Rose Bowl against the victorious Stan ford Indians. Monday afternoon. Coach Biff Jones received a full squad of gridiron hopefuls. Equipment was checked out and a warmup prac tice was held under the east sta dium. Practice six weeks. Sessions will be held daily in the afternoons until the ground becomes clear of snow and the weather rises above the freezing mark. Only six calendar weeks, cov ering 36 days of practice will be the extent of the spring football practice. legislation 80 years ago? Who ever heard of " and on and on he goes, telling why the legisla ture has to pass a lot of laws. Background. The senator's background In cludes graduation from the Uni versity of Jowa he was born in a small town outside '.' . City residence in Crete tu years where he has been county attorney for two years until his election to the legislature. He's married and has two children. A member of the judiciary and revenues committees. Senator Me kota does not specialize in certain kinds of legislation. "It you want to say I'm interested in any one thing, particularly, you might mention that most of my legisla tion has been aimed at simplifying present laws, especially technicali ties. Tve also submitted some cor rective measures, including a "dis turbing the peace" law. 'BOB CALAME,nn la a-comin' to THE UNION for a dance en I-M cage standings C LASS A. I-eacae 1. wins losses Alpha Ta Omega 4 lelta Tan Delia 3 1 IMil Delta The! a I 3 Mms Alpha Ma...., I Zela Beta Tau . 4 l'Rue . Helta Vnslktn 4 Mil Kappa lsl 3 1 XI Psl rw J Beta Slrma Fsl l 3 SUma ( hi f 4 l-eague S. Farm House 8 Beta Theta rt I 1 Slrma N l t Alpha Gamma Rnn 3 larae 4. Slrma Phi Entiloa ( Hapna Mrma 4 Slrma Alpha K.psllna J t Alpha Slrma Phi t S Phi C.amma Delia I 4 Delta Slrma PI a 8 Final paling: Alpha Ta Omera vs. Delta t'pvilnn; Farm House vs. Slrma Phi Kpsiloa. CLASS B. Iee I, Slrma Alpha Kr Inn I a Alpha Gamma Kho I t Beta Theat Pa i t slrma Phi F.nntkMi t J Kappa Strma t 3 Delta Theta PI 4 lrarne t. Theta X a Alpha Taa Omera S 1 Phi Delta Theta I 1 Delta Sigma II t t Delta t pirtlnn 4 Slrma Alpha Mn ( .earn S. Phi Gamma Delta 4) Phi Kappa Psi 4 I Farm Hovse S t Delta Tan Delta I S Sigma N a 4 iteta Beta Taa a 4 Semifinal pairings: Theta X vs. Sig ma Alpha F.pxllon. Winner meets Phi Gamma Delta In the finals. Phonetics labs open to students Laboratories of practical phone tics for students of French and Spanish opened last week and will be continued throughout the se mester, Cal Orr, laboratory su pervisor, announced. Attendance is compulsory for these language students. Phonographic records of the voices of H. S. Saenz, professor of Spanish, and E. M. Telle of the French department are used by the students to acquaint themselves with the characteristic accent of the languages. "The repetition of the texts of the recordings will greatly aid in pronunciation," Prof. Saenz said. tv J A Picture Hiat W Aanned M r lV -fjT $rt DARINGLY TOLDI J) J ttt?TS Sss . . Girls Ubor Camp M Af0 si 'v Scandalil Concentration A , f j,fV Cmp Torture! tJ ! avjot i. Hut! 71 H 5,tnde4 Second Big reatwel ' H jpd li .-, a " J r"!3 II f m t,.l..i.... VfJ H zsttzvy -i STARTS J ZiLJm V- j FRIDAY! SKKSiVlJ y AuiiiiiETrY K""-7"a li Greek crgcrs ... Farm House, Delta Upsilon in I-M finals In the semi-final tilts of fra ternity intramural basketball. Del ta Upsilon and Farm House showed superiority and gained the right to the finals in Class A. The games were played the latter part of last week. The DlTs defeated the Alpha Tau Omegas by a 24-12 score with Leonard Dunker hitting 12 for the winners. Ray Rhoades was the high point man for the ATO's with 4 points to his credit. Alpha Tau Omega represented league 1 and Delta Upsilon, league 2. B finals this week. In the other semifinal game Farm House fought its way into finals by winning over Sigma Phi Epsilon, league 2. 16-12. Warren Gableman got 6 to pace the win ners while Vern Rawalt and Bob Krikac tied for high man for the losers with 4 apiece. The finals, pitting Delta Upsilon and Farm House, will be held the latter part of the week. In class B, Theta Xi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon are playing to see who will meet Phi Gamma Delta in the final game also to be held the latter part of this week. Theta Xi won league 2, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, league 1, and the Phi Gams, league 3. Unlovely fro look ofr . . . . . . but ahe'll look like this If you don't ask her to the Junior-Senior Prom March 7 $1.50 Couple Sohtrdoy Nifre y j