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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, March 4, 1941' QommsmL Editorial- (Continued from Page 1.) By those in the engine college, law college and ag college, for papers would be made available to them in their respective buildings. With universal subscription the points of distribution could be multiplied indefinitely, without the fear of giving papers to non-subscribers. All in all there are advantages for everyone. Re member your endorsement is only giving the plan a trial. The ultimate decision on it will come only after a year's operation, and at the hands of the student them selves. Wc jumped the gun When the NEBRASKAN announced that the Barb Union had endorsed the Student Council subscription plan, we misrepresented the facts. Our own enthusiasm carried us so far that our staff interpreted a decidedly favorable vote of a special Barb Union meeting as being representative of the entirs group. This, we are informed, was a m stake. The action of that group was only tentative awaiting the final endorsement or rejection of the entire Barb Union r"eting this evening. Lets hope that our blunder wont v support from the Student Council plan, which is aimed not necessarily at helping this staff, but at help ing the entire student body thru a wider distribution of the paper. Commentorial , from our readers Dear Editor: In Re: Automatic Subscription. Yesterday's announcement that the Barb Union had approved the DAILY'S subscription plan came as a dis tinct surprise to a great many people, including the offi cers and members of the Barb Union. Certainly from past experience with DAILY editorial policy and news coverage, Barbs had no reason to favor the plan. There fore, the action of the special meeting of the Barb Union Thursday night needs a few words of explanation. The approval voiced was that of the individual mem bers present, and was not and could not be an endorse ment by the Barb Union. The group was not represent ative of the entire Union, nor had it authority to act Any official action can only come at the open Barb Union meeting tonight, and all Barbs are urged to attend this meeting. It is true that an overwhelming majority of Barbs present at Thursday's meeting were personally in favor of the plan. They were willing to put party differences aside and consider the suggestion on its merits. All agreed that it would be a good thing for the university to have a paper that would be read by all students, and that the DAILY could be greatly improved by the auto matic subscription proposal In Re: The Barb. A great number of students have been asking what has become of the Barb. As was announced in the last issue of the paper last semester, a subscription drive to support the paper was to begin at the first of the se mester. However, upon the protest of the DAILY the drive was delayed three weeks by hearings before the Board of Publications. At that time members of the staff renewed their requests for permission to finance the paper through the sale of advertising, so that they might continue the policy of distributing the paper free to everyone. The Publications Board denied both The Barb's request for advertising, and the DAILY'S re quest that The Barb be suspended. Permission was i By Chris Petersen Boneless Bananas (To be sung to the accompaniment of a mouth spray and two zithers.) I stagger through life with a smirk on my face, With a sneer wrinkling up my schnozzola; I act debonair with a bored, detached air And swill nothing but old Coco Cola; I think nothing of dancing with Rogers Or prancing on horses that leap like Beelsebub, And shouting "huzza!" "tally ho!" and "hot cha," , At the home runs of either a Sox or a Cub, Til hack off a corn with a look of sheer scorn From the base of my foot, metatarsical, And stand in the lobby (a thespian hobby) At plays, whether tragic or farcical I look rather frowsy, magna cum lousy I pursue the muses at college, With much hesitation and some procrastination I gormandize pre-distilled knowledge. My simian features remind several creatures Of Ccasar's division of Gaul; My smile on a photo is tortured, In toto, I'm not photogenic at all. Consulting ouiji boards, Fighting off savage hordes, Gilding the mythical lily, squeezing the Brilliantine back in the bottle's Diverting, but frightfully silly. Diverting, but frightfully silly. Dammitt, what does rhyme with silly? granted to begin the subscription drive. But the se mester was by that time so far advanced that there did not appear to be time to organize a subscription drive and still have enough issues to give the subscribers their money's worth. In Re: The Prom Committee. Members of the Prom Committee do not ask that the DAILY Editor compliment them for work that they have not done, nor that quotations of members of Innocents Society appear as quotations of the Prom Committee. Blaine Sloan. mv ilifL TYlalL With G Willie Ad itch is the thing that when you're standing at attention your back always. The Swanee river is the place that, pursued by blood-hounds, 'Liza crossed the ice way down upon the. Din is the thing that Rudyard Kipling decided you're a better man than I am Gunga. Sweet is the way that a rose by any other, name would smell as. An egg is an object that poultrymen are trying to decide which came first the hen or the. Pearls are the things that when a man is proposing he says Gwendolyn your teeth are like. That is the thing that when a man calls Joe Louis a "lousy bum" the coroner said the man should have known better than. Best is the way that the man who laughs last laughs. The world is the thing that men join the navy and see the. Nine is the number that a stitch in time saves. Never is the period of time that is better late than. A door is the place that build a better mouse-trap than your neigh bor and the world will beat a path to your. Pcurs is the way that it never rains but it. Lining is the stuff that every cloud has a etfver. Aboard is the ? -i .'.I Behind the News M 4 ' s. ft Ortlal Oil A Independence day? Monday was the Bulgarian Independence day. Pre ceding this year's celebration of the anniversary waa Sunday's meeting of the Bulgarian parliament a meet ing called by order of the premier to ratify the signing of the protocol which formally attached that little state to the Axis entourage. As a result, in this year's celebration the Bulgarian flag was overshadowed by the everywhere -present Ger man swastika. Before the ink was dry on the document the German army was pouring into Bulgaria by panzer division and transport plane, and, the Associated Press reported, as darkness fell Saturday the mechanized columns were still thundering down the streets of the capital and huge Junker transport planes were coming down methodically on the Sofia airdrome, packed with troops. The peaceful occupation of Bulgaria is an important victory for the Germans. It means they quickly can as semble an overpowering military force on the Greek border. In general, it makes it easier for Hitler to carry out his program of complete domination of southeastern Europe. It is probable that the Germans will attempt to force the Greeks to make peace with Italy. That would elimi nate the difficulty of fighting a war on two fronts, and seriously hamper English action in the Balkans. Decision by the Greeks on continuing the war likely will depend on Turkey. If the English and the Turks pro vide support, the conquest of Greece will be a difficult matter. The mountainous terrain is a nasty obstacle even to the German panzer divisions, and the English as well as the Turks can move in across the British-controlled sea lanes. If Hitler is convinced that the British and the Turks are going to combine to give the Greeks effective aid he probably will not precipitate action in that area for the time being, but will concentrate on smashing Eng land in England, and not in the Mediterranean. If England falls, Greece and Turkey will be easy meat. thing that when the clock in the depot reads 11:59 the porter climbs on the midnight train and yells "All a!" The draft is the thing that when your mother gets a post card from the War Department she tells your little brother you were gotten by the. Income tax is the thing that when you get a card from Alcatraz you tell your little brother that father for got to pay his. Friends are the people who a man in Washington sets down by his fireside and says My!" Ears are the things that friends, Romans and coun trymen, lend me your. Calemel is the stuff that Carter's little liver pills do the work of without the danger of. Jus Is the fellow that Marl Sandor made a lot of money writing about old. Today is the day that never put off tomorrow what you can da Prepositions are things that you should never end sentences with. Smells are the things that when I write a column it always. Bulletin Tour- EVAN'OKIJCAL STVDKXTS THe m(h of KviuinrllnU fttodrnta will meet to4ny at 1 p. m. la the tnlaa, ruu Sis. VMCA CABINET There will he a eaMait aneetlar; of the rlvM7tlly YM( tonight M C la tnc V Nmm ef the Temple. THl SIGMA IOTA rhl Slrma InU will hold It monthly meeting ThnrwUy at f:S p. m. at live home of Mm. Kktvta Champ, I In No. ISta. There wi be elertina of aew mem ber aad dlnewmloa of banquet plant. THETA ETSnXTCI Theta Rpalloa win meet WedaeMiiT at p. m. la the I-Int IndnHrlea balldlnK at ac eollere. . The Daily Ncbraskan FOhTIKTH FEAR. MMertptlna Katee an Sl.oa Per Senna. or fl.M for U Co Here rear. fg.M Mailed, hind ropy, teaie. fcXemd aa emnd-rlaM matter at the pnntofrv. la Uneota. Nebraska, aader Ac at Uon rreaa, Marek S. I7. aad at npeolal rata af amtaxe provided for fa Heetloa 1 1 OS, Act of Octoher S, aW. AaHiarUrdl bea lembar M, lazl, (Continued from page 1.) been made by Miss Hosp and the members of the party to visit so cial groups, civic organizations, business firms, schools and uni versities. According to those in charge of the tour, "it will be an excellent opportunity for geologists, archae ologists, history students, econom ics students and Spanish students to further their education in their own fitids." Price of the tour, $765, includes tourist class steamship accommo dations, first class rail and sleep ers, lodging at first rate hotels, three meals a day, and various baggage, tipping, government taxes on hotel services and sight seeing expenses for the entire trip. Those wishing to register must fill out applications in order to make steamship reservations and make a down payment of $50 at registration, with the final pay ment due four weeks before sail ing time, June 28, from New York City. Debate student picture deadline is at noon today All students who have taken part in university debate this year, including the winner of the Long debate trophy, are asked to come to the campus studio at noon for the taking of a class picture to appear in the Cornhusker, L. A. White, debate coach announced yesterday. White also announced the names of two new entrants in intra-mural debate. Sigma Alpha Mu entered a team in the interfraternity com petition, while the first barb team to enter into competition also filed. Robert Dewey and Robert Schau folberger entered as the "Gauls. White is calling for more barb teams to compete with the Gauls. A Phi Beta Kappa key lost sev eral years ago by Harry M. Hub ble, professor of Greek at Yale, was found the other day behind a book in the West Haven town clerk's office. Dancing lessons to start tonight in Union at 7 The first free dancing class will be held tonight in the Union ball room from 7 to 8 p. m. Irv Kuklin win instruct the group on the fun damentals of ballroom dancing. If the class proves successful and enough students attend, it will be continued for a month. Advanced dancing classes will begin Thursday, March IS. Kuklin will also instruct this class. Your Drug Store Our Soda Fountain is waltir-ff U serve yon In Lunches and lee Cream in a Horry. The Owl Pharmacy 148 Ne. 14 A P Phone 2-196H GR leadership group meets The Girl Reserve training group will hold its second meeting today at 4:00 in Ellen Smith. It will be necessary for any girl who wishes to join the group to attend this meeting and all the rest in order to get a certificate. The training course is sponsored by the YW for the purpose of training future secondary teachers to lead Girt Reserve groups. l- "vA a. A NOW! America's Greatest Indian Fighter ... "KIT . CARSOIi" with Jon HALL MEET I Lyna BARI BOSTON BLACKIE" Chester Morris VARIETY Is Your Formal Ready for the Next Party? Rare it Sanitcme Cleaned at tae Modern Cleaners Sftuknp ft Wc stover 81 A O and 127 S. 17 Phone 1-2377 Service