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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1941)
DAILY NEBRASKA Th'urs'day, January 18, 1941! The Chancellor meets Hollywood.. . . Socially. Jo Duree 3 f Lincoln Journal and Rtnr. Chancellor C. S. Boucher smiles warmly at his lovely dinner companion, blond Barbara Pepper, Hol lywood actress. Both were guests at the gala premiere banquet in the Cornhusker, given In connection with the premiere of "Cheers for Miss Bishop," movie based on Bess Streeter Aldrich's best-selling novel with a university background. The Chancellor was an honored guest along with Mrs. Aldrich and a number of Hollywood celebri ties. Irvin S. Cobb was the speaker of the evening. With a couple of incomplete sentences and a... we're here to tell you that with the weather like soup the only thing that keeps us from being mired in the depths of despondency is the knowledge that the world is peopled with lovely souls . . . Say, ambitious lads like Sigma Nu Preston Hayes and Kappa Sig Donn Curttwright who are lining up a couple of student bands to make music and money. . . And sociably inclined houses like the AOPi's who exchanged dinner with the Sig Chi's. . .to say nothing of the Fiji-Alpha Phi din ner deal, which of course made Carl Olenberger very happy be cause he is especially fond of the gals over there. . . Steady go Lois Williams, Pi Phi pledge from Fremont and Alpha Tau Omega Thomas H !. . And because Walter diaries Rundin is the unwilling, unwitting object of so much unfavorable publicity we go on record two or three of them as saying he is a charming youth. . . Candy went the rounds to the Palladian pals the other morrow when Marjorie Hush and Vernon Wiebush did a turn with the choc olates. . . Official news on the Delta Sig side says that Joe Flammang is contemplating seeing his pin. be side Glory Hanson's ChiO pin . . . but where does that put all the supposed Flammang unhappiness over some supposed fun Glory had California bound? Some little lass is keeping just plenty good track of ATO T. Miller- . .she calls nightly in a checkup sort of way. Sort of a thrill for ChiO Lois Becquet was meeting Wayne Mor-1 ris and the other folks who were here from the west coast. . .Morris is DU Ed Coffee's cousin and Ed spent most of the day with the brawny actor, taking date Lois right along. . . That pin that Betty O'Shea of the Thetas wears is traced to Jack Morrow, Phi Psi. No Phi Psi pin, however, the little gadget is a Geo. Washington Uni. ditty. . . class pin or something like that. SoyouwiHKNOWItTaGoTNl Student UNION DANCE Fri.. Inn. 17 m. - Dave Haun Playing Paleontologists to gather here Paying honor to Dr. E. H. Bar bour, museum director, members of the Society of Vertebrate Pale ontology, international scientific organization, will gather in Lin coln next summer, according to C. Bertrand Schultz, assistant di rector of the museum, just re turned from the society's winter meeting in Cambridge, Mass. An expedition, marking the 50th anniversary since Dr. Bar bour organized the first museum field party will be made into the Republican, North Platte, Nio brara and White river valleys fol lowing the convention. Schmidt speaks on educational inequalities Prof. E. B. Schmidt of the biz ad college, spoke to members of the- school system at Columbus, Neb., yesterday afternoon, on the subject, "Educational Inequalities and Taxation." Beg your pardon Due to an error, the position of Sylvia Katzman, sophomore YW candidate for treasurer, was omit ted in yesterday's DAILY. Sylvia is head of the Personal Relations staff. today- . j0?$ ft TOE-TAPS! 25c (W ' Tilt I V ; 4 1 ARTIE SHAW nd hts orchenlr P SI. TKlflLtoi Puin : . it .... i rat mb ' totionol "DJ0 It " fn4 tfonct hit 8Uttftr novtlty Cndwcler" ! hlH: 'Xav,o4 - ."I Ain't U ia - U Exlru! 1 Would Like To See a Fur Coat" We hear this many times a day. And no wonder when we are Showing such a tremendous collection ot Fur Coats and Jackets, that fairly scintilate with brand new ideas. We have left no stone unturned to bring you the very Newest of the New in Furs that really do Things for you. A Wonderland of Fur COATS and JACKETS PRICES YOU CANT RESIST FOUR BIG PRICE CROUPS USE OUR CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN FURS IN THE CROUPS Blended Red Fox Chekiang Caracul Gray Dyed Lamb i Northern Seal Dyed Coney Sable Dyed Maskrat Blended Crost Fox Mouion Lamb Pony Kidikin SIMON'S OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT s128 mm a M .- , 1 1 . -, ., , . , ' $ rOPITI CAKTOOM Trtblrm PPPr" IPOETRCCL "niTlnf Drmiii"