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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1941)
Thursday, January 16, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN Swinging around the sporting alley: Maj. Biff Jones stopped in Nor man, Okla., for a spell Tuesday and offered these words of wis dom: "Stanford's great backfield of Albert, Kmetovic, Gallarneau and Standlee would be Just as danger ous from the Warner, Notre Dame or short punt as it was from the T." Jones said he would like to see Nebraska prep schools adopt the T to improve their ball handling. "Because of our cold weather, Nebraska high school players who come to us don't know as much about passing Uie ball as boys far ther south," Jones elaborated. There ought to be a story in this little item which should break in the east very soon: Coach Frank Leahy of Boston college has not yet signed his con tract for next year. Big Six basketball coaches are taking their turns doing scouting. Last Monday night, Jack Gard ner of Kansas State inspected the Iowa State-Kansas ' mix. While last Saturday night, Coach Ad Lewandowski looked over Kansas State and Oklahoma battle in an overtime game. The Wildcat K-Club of Kansas State wanted to got Biff Jones as main speaker at a banquet. How ever, the Major was not available. He's having a hard enough time trying to stow away food around the Nebraska potatoes and gravy circuit Thumbnail sketches: Mathias "Mutt" Volz, former Nebraska athlete and prominent Husker official, will be cue of the referees in the Kansas-Missouri cage clash Thursday night... The University of Colorado basketball squad has more men from Kansas than from the state of Pikes Peak. . . . "Frosty" Cox, former Jay hawk star, is the Colorado coach. Howard Englcman, Kansas star forward, not only confines his ath letic ability to the cage floor. . . . He is also the No. 1 man on the Jayhawkcr tennis team. . . . Graduation will take four or five regulars cn the Kansas basketball team in June. . . . Nebraska will lose Don Fitz and Al Randall via the sheepskin route. . . . Doane trounced Wesleyan, Tues day night, in basketball, 55-31. . . . Behind that lies the story that Wilson Belka, ex-Crete prep star, poured 29 points thru the meshes 17 the first half and 12 the last half. Ag varsity learn bcals city cagcrs Ag varsity Nebraska ball team edged out a narrow win over the city campus varsity with a 27-25 score Tuesday evening on ag cam pus. Jeanette Mickey and Mary Robinson played an outstanding game for the city girls. Other members of the city cam pus team Included Marshall. Kouba, Flebbe, Linscott, Bates, Holtorff, Miller, Buck and Jackson. ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE OR RENT KEBEL TYPEWRITER CO. 130 No. 12th t-2157 CLASSIFIED ... 10c Per Line ... J XjOPT Ldlti gnM wrlt watch. Ob Nicholas. 2-13MS. Rrward. WANTKIl Rwl to or nr Philllpiimrg, Ku., Uila weekend. 1-5465. Aggie cagcrs seek revenge over Huskers MANHATTAN, Kas. Jan. 16. Kansas State's Wildcats, encour aged by their surprise victory over Oklahoma, will defend their home court again Friday this time seeking revenge for a 33 to 23 licking suffered at the hands of Nebraska at Lincoln ten days ago. Coach Jack Gardner thinks highly of the Huskers, especially their star guards, Sid Held and Don Fitz. "Nebraska ia a team of tremendous height, speed and potential scoring ability," Baid the K-State mentor. "Even in defeat Nebraska has scored. We're go ing to have to play better ball Fri day than we did against the Husk ers at Lincoln or than we did against Oklahoma If we hope for victory. Gardner admitted a lack of men capable of guarding Fitz and Held. tsui nc Dcueves nis K-staters will be tougher as a result of confi dence gained by the win over the Sooners. Seniors do duty A pair of dependable seniors Forward Chris Langvardt and Guard Norris Holstrom c a m c through in the final seconds of the Oklahoma contest to provide K-State with its victory chance in one of the most thrilling contests ever played in Nichols gymnasium. With only five seconds remain ing in the regulation game, Okla homa led 36 to 34 and had" pos session of the ball out of bounds. Holstrom intercepted the pass into the court, whipped the ball down to Langvardt who flipped through a one-handed shot to tie the count as the gun rounded. Holstrom and Larry Braumont, guard, ac counted for the five points in the overtime period which gave K-State the game, 41 to 36. Gardner was pleased with the fight and determination of his ball club. But he blamed poor ball handling end a temporary weak ening of the defense for the Wild cats' loss of the lead in the last five minutes after thev had been ahead from the outset. The same quintet which took the floor against the Huskers at Lincoln will start Friday. This group includes Jack Horacek and Dan Howe, forwards; Tom Guy, center: and Holstrom and R,mi. mont, guards. Cadcls- (Continued from page 1.) duty in the aeronautics organiza tion of the U. S. navy. Three years after completion of flight training and appointment as ensign, aviation cadets are eligible for promotion to the rank of lieu tenant Since the candidates, if accepted, would be in military service, aviation cadets are ex empted from the draft automatic ally. Students Interested in applying should write the United States Aviation Base, Kansas City, Kas. Further information may be se cured through personal interview at the office of the military de partment, located in Nebraska hall. ' University of Nebraska's de partment of psychology is con ducting research into effects of diet on physical development. Gloomy days but sporting world spins around Bv Bill FlOrV. taut nt tVio njallul Ai-,. An . J ...:!. n r By Bill Flory Gloomy is the day but bright Is the sports world. Probably the brightest thing in this sporting country is the selection of a coach to fill the shoes left vacant by Husker alumnus, Francis Schmidt, at Ohio State. Pauf Brown, Ohio high school coach is the new men tor. Brown's selection has the ap proval of the Ohio fans. Irvin S. Cobb, Lincoln visitor for a few days says, "I've studied the international situation for many years and it seems to me that the Cornhuskers have a swell chance next year." Muttcrings of major league base ball are begin ning to be heard and Joe McCar thy says hi3 Yanks might not win the pennant next summer but they are sure to be imp roved over last year. A VvMlt oil llA V x 1 h a s bothering " - I him at the mo ment is what to wtf k iio t . J v n i . ll Alia t & v new second 0C McCARTHY base combina tion of Rissuto Lincoln Journal and priddy If he uses them he will have to bench one of the majors' best second sackcr, Joe Gordon. Yeager to move. Our neighbor, Iowa State, might lose its pigskin mentor after all. Jim Yeager has finally consented to an interview with the Univer sity of Colorado officials who are in search of a football coach. Just when we were beginning to think that the Stanford Indians were the best blockers ever, some one come up with the fact that Marty Brill, Loyola head man, was the greatest blocking back play ing for Knute Rockne. Good blockers, hey? Out Stanford way where the: football front is pretty peaceful, the tracksters are rising in pro- JdlSCll- (Continued from page 1.) New York City, and a year at the Royce-Thompson institute at Yonkers, N. Y. For three years he was engaged in research work for the Rockefeller institute at Princeton, N. J. This will be his third under taking in the West Indies. In 1930-31 he was assistant plant pathologist at the Cuba Sugar Club Kxperiment Station, and in 1935-37 he was plant pathologist and physiologist at the Puerto Rico experiment station. Since 1937 he has been associate plant pathologist at the Nebraska col lege of agriculture. The agricultural survey of Santo Domingo will be accom panied by an economic survey, and the entire project is under the direction of Dana G. Munro, head of the school of International and Public Relations at Princeton university. YOUR DRUG STORE Let u fill your prescriptions from any doctor. Our stock Is complete and fair prices always. The Owl Pharmacy 14t No. 14lh P Thone t-10fi8 1 ' - ... ' i Jui BUS. MGRS DILEMMA! Only 4 More Day To Have Your '41 CorntiusEter Picture Taken test of the so-called dirty deal handed their coach last year. Bill Ellington, who acted as assistant last year, turned out one of the country's best teams. Now he has found that he no longer has a job. Howard Engleman, blond Kan sas hoopster, is pacing the scorers in the Big Six with a mere 16 points a game average. Don Fiajs, Nebraska, and Bob Allen, Kansas, are tied at second with a 9.5 av erage. The draft rules of the pro foot ball league say that each team may select 20 players from the col lege field. Back to baseball again we find that the Athletics and Philly spring series has been called off because of poor patronage in Philadelphia. fAAGEES Choice of the House Our Entire Stock of Women's Late Fall and Winter and 3? HRl i jEa Here are a few typical savings $7.95 Dresses now $3.98 $10.95 Dresses now $5.48 $16.95 Coat3 and Dresses now $8.48 $2150 Coats and Dresses now $11.25 $29.50 Unfrimmed Coats now $14.75 $49.50 Fur Trimmed Coats now $24.75 $89.50 Fur Trimmed Coats now $34.75 $79.50 Fur Trimmed Coats now $39.75 Third Floor As