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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1940)
Wednesday, March 20, 1 940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN the men V Color, conscious casuolness run rampant in male garb i By Ralph Combe. keen exponents of the rage-to-be Conscious casualness combined Ken Calvert styled suit; a with color will run rampant in the three-button, single breasted job garb of the male of the specie, the tht made of very soft cloth leading fashioners would have us "hook-weave." It's cut in typical believe. The flashy, noisy trend Hollywood f ashion . . . this suit is full of dots and dashes and lots of featured in teal blue and rust clashes-is going out. But colors Gen aids bacR will be expressed in harmonious , combinations of blues with blue, Glenn plaids which were and tans with tan, or greens with sported by every Esquire follower green in sport clothes. More in- about two years ago are again tAront will be aroused bv lackets. oin to be in the spot-light due slacks, and shirts than by business to popular request. Doublebreasted ..suits, for business suits will not hange much. Rhett Butler shirts. All these new features are in cluded in the just-off-the-press is the key word for this Glenn plaid pattern, Mr. Shinn told us. Both Harvey's and Simon's are going to feature double and single breasted masterpieces in gaberdine greys, greens, and tans are the Rhett Butler shirt a long, pointed most favored colors for this fabric. collar. .. .giove-suicnca; iwo - dui- ueep-ionea snirts for summer ton cuffs; 'tis made from O'Hara wear should be part of the ward- oxford cloth, basket-weave ma- robe of any potential BDOC. Perusing along the clothes- Gabardine is the thing haneers at Harvevs we staereered Gabardine is THE material... into "Whitey" Reed Nebraska's light pastel ties to be worn with gift to clothes-conscious men and them. Most shirts of this type to men-conscious women showing sport the currently popular saddle off one of the newest in men's stitch. Simons is mighty proud of single-breasted suits a wide- their Hollywood-built "Gaucho shouldered, trim-waisted, full- Slack" to be worn with these dark shirted affair. The semi-notch lapel gab shirts. We couldn't help ad is pictured at its best in this model, miring these passionately colored It buttons with two buttons at the pants. The "Gaucho" has a hand waist this deviates from the tini- picked seam at the side. . .'tis quite versally worn three-button type, similar to saddle stitch of the sport Pants for this suit are high- shirts. waisted, cut full through the knee. "Tan is going to be the most- and taper to near-nothingness at worn color... two shades of tan- the cuffs. light jacket and dark trousers, preferably," concluded Mr. Shinn. as I wilted with ndmirntinn "hf nil "Whitey" advocates light weight these colorful masterpieces of con- scious casualness. Light tweeds advocated. tweeds as the best in stuff, but for later in the season especially for summer tropical worsteds, shetlands, cheviots, and tweeds will be flaunted by the males. Sports jackets will be cut so that we'll look like we were wearing a load of bricks for a chest. .. .three-buttons are a mini mum requirement in jackets. They may be with or without side-vents ....gussets (a kind of half-way pleat where the sleeve joins the shoulder at the back) will add that Esquire-ish note. Colors in these casual coats will tend to off-shades teal blue, f'rinstance. Hollywood influence "Hollywood," Gayle Shinn of Ben Simon tells us, "continues to influence the clothing styles of America especially for the younger set. Cinemactors favor tweeds, shetlands, and other rough fabrics, but imported garnett flan nels stand high in their also." In Simon's new Slack-Jacket phop, Mr. Shinn showed us some The styles that father and grand father wore are being shown a great deal this season in the lead ing stores. You don't have to grow a flowing mustache to com plete these outfits either. They add a definite touch to the outfit of the well dressed man of 1940. Especially outstanding are the loud vests in checked and plain colors that are being shown at Ma gee's. These vests add a great deal to a sport outfit and show that our fathers weren t so old fashioned after all. RurJge's hold annual spring fashion review Featuring Pat Prime, Alpha Phi as the bride, Rudge and Guenzel's last night presented their annual spring style show. Rudge's presented a review of their spring fashions, showing play clothes, campus, sports and For your evening formal r "in i i T " " .' ' i r V, A V A . i ;V V. CV h ..., - - '. 'i ,;h I ' ' ' , ( hJ Fashion stresses ! comfort in men's formal wear, too Formal evening wear does not require as big a place in the ward robes of men on this campus as on many, but it must not be neglected. Especially prevalent at Nebraska are the all whinte linen and flannel suits. These are worn because of comfort and price. Not to be neglected, however, are the dinner jackets that are worn this spring. Coming in white, biege, and maroon these jackets have shawl collars and are double breasted. Dark blue tropical worsted trousers are used with this coat. Soft collared shirts mark an other point in comfort for men in all clothing this year. These shirts have soft pleated fronts and French cuffs. Ties of maroon, mid night blue and black will be shown, Completing the outfits will be bouttonnieres of many colors. Telescopic hats come in for men in a big way Hat styles have jumped from the Austrian ( Tyrol to a certain mountain top in California from which they are going to look at stars. In other words the Tyro lean hat of last season has changed to the tele scope hat for 1940. But you two season hat wearers sit tight. The Tyrolean will be worn a great deal this year and incidentally many will, as usual, go without. The telescope hat is much like the pork-pie as to the up-in-front, down-in-back lines but the pork pie is flat on top while the tele scope is not. The pork-pie was be coming to a certain type of indi vidual while the telescope is be coming to practically all men. Extra brim width. In buying the telescope hat there is a certain precaution. Al ways buy this hat with a brim one-eighth inch wider than you usually wear. For some reason or other the telescope block needs the extra width ot brim. Colors in men's hats this sea son include green, blue, arid covert or khaki. Gray is still standard but the blue-gray is the newest version. Bands will come In as many varieties as ever including grosgrain ribbon, silk puggree which are being used on both straws and felts this season. A narrow suede leather with a buckle was a particularly different band seen this season. Covert cloth pork-pies. The pork-pie of covert cloth is being shown as an inexpensive campus hat at Magec'a. Other hats include the town and country hats by Dodds and other com panies. The Homburg is also be ing shown in a variety of new colors and shades. Comfort is main feature for men's sports clothes By Bob Schlater. Comfort is the keyword in the styles for 1940 and this is especi ally the case in sportswear. Out fits that will look equally well in a class room or on a picnic is the trend in men's apparel this year. But besides the looks the outfit must be comfortable. The conditions throughout the world have changed this trend to some extent according to leading style experts. The war has had much to do with this trend since style has been sacrificed for com fort in the warring countries. One of the outstanding points of this gabardines, irena is me predominance ot tne sharkskins single Dreasiea suit over me Worsted mixtures nnre worsteds double-breasted. Lighter weight and smin rnvona shown in the LI I. K " higher priced suits, promises more that ever a greater use of comfortable, easy-g o i n g clothes for men. The slack ensemble suit with the "inner-outer' shirt promises to be one of the most popular outfits for picnics and casual wear. Some of the newest models seen in Lincoln stores include those with con cealed zipper front on the shirt, pockets with slit tops and one quarter sleeves. Lighter fabrics. Fabrics used in the suits will be much lighter in weight than former years. Plain-weave poplins. linen crashes and are very desirable. materials and more ease in the cut of the suit are two points for style this season. Colors in quieter shades. Colors of men's suits have re turned to blues, grays, and browns in quieter shades. Stripes which were so much in vogue last season are beginning to lose their popu larity. The checks and bold col ors in sports jackets are losing their ground also. New color combinations will re sult in flattering fabric shades. Combinations of green and brown, blue and gray are good. Hand stitching is becoming more and more outstanding in all men's wear. Notable of these are the shirts with hand-stitched collars, cuffs and edges. Usual spring panic. Since there will be usual spring picnic panic in a few days men's sportswear outfits will be worn soon. This spring and summer Colors in these ensembles have been toned down considerably from last year. They are now designed to fit the average man's taste. Most of the colors have been grayed somewhat, with stons blue and sage green promising the greatest popularity. Separate shirts in slacks. Many separate shirts and slacks are being shown. The shirts as last season will be the popular "inner-outer" type and will be of many different color combinations. The colors in these have also been toned down to fit the average man's taste. Another item in any fellow's wardrobe will be the pquall jacket. This is a slipover type jacket with knitted cuffs and neck. The ma terial is wind, water and spot proof and is ideal for outdoor wear. The jackets come in ill of the popular colors, green, blue and natural. What's correct a sinirle or double breasted formal suit? The answer is both, and shown here is the favorite douUa-hreasted style featured in Palm Beach cloth this season. New are the lower, longer sween of the laoels and the easy contour of shoulders and hips. This suit holds its shape regardless of the tempo or the temperature. -' class wear, classic dresses, the new jacket dresses, and redingote spring ensembles. Afternoon frocks, suits, dress coats, and eve ning wear, were another feature of the show. Models were Pat Prime, Ruth Iverson, Eleanor Berner, Holly Shurtleff, Janet Moon, Louise Bes sire, Virginia Haney, Florence Moll, Lucille Amen, Helen Ander son, Marguerite Schlater, and Ida Hilt. Patriotic (Continued from page 10) Chi Elinor Eisenhart's ensemble of a blue-gray silk jersey dress and turban worn with a navy coat which has white collar and cuffs. Another "navy girl" is Mary El len Critea, AOPi with her navy blue silk dress with the "dutch boy" skirt, and her tiny straw hat, also of navy, trimmed with white flowers which match the white pique of her dress. And Dorothy Latsch, A O Pi, will wear a navy dressmaker suit with mili tary buttons. Her hat, purse, gloves, and scarf are red, and her shoes are blue alligator. Breath of spring. -The-very 'breath -of spring- is Miriam Weller, Pi Phi, in her pink, blue, yellow, and green plaid skirt and jacket. She will wear this out fit with blouses and sweaters of pastel shades. Another PI Phi. Grace Hill, will be sophisticated in a grey silk crepe dress with red and white polkadot collar and belt. Red gloves, a black hat trimmed with red flowers and black shoes trimmed with red suede complete the outfit. Eleanor Veith, Phi Mu, will wear a navy blue and white checked silk dress with large square pockets. The dress is trimmed in white and has a Peter Pan collar, and red belt 'We're in the navy now.' Right in line with the rest of the army, or should we say navy, will be Roma Biba from Raymond Hall in a navy blue silk coat suit, navy and white shoes, navy blue purse and white gloves. Kay Han ley, also of the dorm, is just as patriotic in a navy blue fitted coat with silver buttons, a navy blue and white dress with a red patent leather purse and a red Dobbs hat. Sigma Kappa Chloe Taylor's new spring suit is a three piece variety costume one in soft pow der blue wool. The gently flared skirt and tightly fitting inner jacket lend contrast to the snug under coat which is trimmed in soft grey fur. Theta Eleanor Elliott has chosen a plain navy dress with dutch-boy pockets and a white starchy collar. Another Theta, Pat Lanigan, looks very school-girlish In her dusty-blue herringbone tweed dressmaker suit. With it Pat wears a tailored rose blouse and matching turban. Coral and plaids. Pi Phi Agnes Wanek has chosen a coral wool suit witn a ripper down the front of the jacket. She wears it with a chartreuse silk blouse. And Susan Shaw has pur chased a sport dress with a plaid blouse of green and lavender, with a lighter lavender skirt. Jane Pratt, AOPi, goes coking In a turquoise blue gabardine skirt topped by a yellow sweater with anklets to match. A turquoise necklace lends individuality to the outfit. And seen entering Sosh in a pink shirt with large patch pockets and sweater and anklets of a lighter shade is Lucille Step anek, also an AOPi. A necklace of glass pastel rings and a pink halrbow add to her school outfit. Alpha Chi Cloria Swanson will wear a navy coat and hat with a pink ascot to accent the outfit Easter Sunday. And on the sport side to be worn to school is Fran ces Green's blue skirt worn with a pink and white polka-dot blouse. Chi O Jean Camahan has a fit ted black coat with white collar worn with a black straw hat trimmed in wine. And Lee Hyland is another flag-waver with her navy suit with a white blouse, and carries a red purse, with red touches on other parts of the cos tume even to her shoes. Alpha Xi Delta Lois Owens is very spring-like in her fitted re versible novelty plaid tweed coat of pink and blue. With the coat she wears a dusty rose blouse and skirt, a blue felt hat, and blue gloves. Pi Phi Kay Johnson is smart in a turquoise crepe dres3. made princess style. With it she wear a turquoise, maroon, and grey tweed coat. Lila Waring, Theta. has a good-looking beige tweed dressmaker suit. With it she wear? a yellow pull-over sweater and beige accessories. Youp millinery mnE REMINDS YOU WITH THIS EDITION OF TAE NEBRASKAN THAT SHAMELESSLY, FLATTERING NEW STYLES ARE BEING RECEIVED DAILY FROM NEW YORK AT $1 AND UP. 1523 O' St BETWEEN I3th and 14th STS.; NEBRTO'S LARGEST MILLINERY STORE