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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1940)
4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, February 27, 1940 Beauty queens . . . Go on chopping block next week at hands of judges SUGGESTIONS FOR next week end, since it is now Mon day, go to some patient soul who desires to steal a march on the ed itors judging the beauty queens for the Cornhusker next week. The pictures will be on display in Mill er's window and the above men tioned soul need only to arm him self with a magnifying glass and count the finger prints left on the window. The girl with the most smudges will undoubtedly be sure of one of two things. WITH PINOCHIO in town with the A.T.O.'s will find Story Booking around March 9th very timely. Going are Chuck Davis, Ann Thomas, D.G. Francis Loeterle, M. E. Stewart, of the Kosmet D.G's, Max Meyer, Betty Dobbs, Pi Phi, Bill Horn, Marty Bremers, Alpha Phi. THE AFFAIR of Lorraine Chant and Sig Ep Julian Bors goes as did the candy. The whole thing about the candy passing was an immense joke started by an unknown Sig Ep 3ur for Spring Gay New Colors in Doeskin GLOVES l 95 But new doe- way Gloves that have been a clastic with fashion minded coeds for a long time . . . the plain 1 1 p-o n. dressed up In gay spring shades of soft skin. You'll like the they contrast with darker cloths, add spice to new spring ensembles. Splendid fitting gloves at such a little price you can easily have two or three pain. Strtet FlOqr mm a m who was playing cupid to the whole A.O.P. house. His instruc tions seemed to have rushed things to no avail. But to put things on the level again. Janet Shaw, A.O.P. dealt a steady deal to Kappa Sig Dick Miller. MIS-PINNED or a reasonable accurate facsimile Marjorie Jones of the Haunted Joneses, at the Sigma Chi supper yesterday, was wearing Don Hart man's pin for Bill Butt. Sensations will you never rest? NATIONAL PRESIDENT of Pi Beta Phi, Miss Amy Burn ham Onken arrived yesterday. The Pi Phis are honoring her at a tea and luncheon tomorrow afternoon. EDUCATION has no limits and those ten little books that Phi Gam, Jerry Spahn received from Millers include in formation on make-up, wart re moving, athlete's foot and friend ships. Of course the gifts might be circulatory but we are expecting definite action at the Phi Gam house. Local jelly joints take cakes when it comes to slang Here's the low-down on the slang used by the soda jerkers in the Corncrib and drug, otherwise known as the local jelly joints. The most common thing is the use of numbers or a comoination of numbers to correspond to the kind of drink and the particular flavor you desire. If you ordered a 4-33, you'd be served a cherry coke. You might like a 16-40-60 (pecan fudge sun dae) or a 5-26 (chocolate malted milk) or even a 12 and a 3-36 (a peanut butter sandwich and a strawberry soda). But if you'd like to startle the waiter and you don't want to use numbers, try a few of these: A bucket of slop (a bowl of soup), shirttail jerk or racehorse (coke with everything in it), spook (orangeade), skuttle of mud (cof fee), M. D. or Doc (Dr. Pepper), wimpy (hamburger), little train or, to be more dramatic, choo! shoo! (frosted malt), moo! (glass of milk), Eskimo (glass of water), Black Crow (a root beer float not stirred), squirt of cherry (cherry coke), or a split one (banana split). By the way, if the waiter says, "32," as he passes you it's not a slam he thinks you're a good looking babe. The numbers range from 1, which is vanilla, to 101, a banana split, 400 (chocolate milk) is sometimes included. Rosenlof writes Were I a Dean' for review Dr. George Rosenlof of the de partment of secondary education has an article entitled "Prepara tion of Teachers in the Arts col lege and in the Teachers college" published in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Associa tion of Collegiate Registrars. He also has another paper "Were I a Dean" printed in the current number of the Journal of the Na tional Association of Deans of Women. "Taking the Temperature of the Secondary Schools" is a third study which he will have published in a forthcoming issue of the School Review, a Journal of secondary education. MARCH 2 l WlaJlikcL J Jr.-Sr. Prom 1 111 Saturday $1.50 Joe Venuti ' I V Coliseum I IP 1 rl 11' '"Ht Kirsch to discuss art at St. Louis meet Professor Dwight Kirsch, chair man of the art department, has been invited by the department of art education of the National Ed ucational association to discuss Nebraska's extension art program for people of the state at the meetings of the organization in St. Louis today. He will illus trate his address with colored pictures. Kosmet Klub (Continued from Page 1.) which, will either make or break the show, Leadley added. Among the female parts, Hairi Mata, the Mae West type, who has all kinds of ways of getting "close" to her male enemies, and 3hirly Stuff, the Lincoln adventuress who wins her way to the hero's heart, top the list. Shirly, Leadley emphasized, must definitely be the "Miss America" of the cast, hav ing all charms that the "Amazon" male females can possess. Harmony hour features music of 3 composers Music by three prominent com posers will be played on the Sin fonia Harmony hour program to day at 4 p. m. in the faculty lounge of the Union. The recordings to be played are "Die Entfuhring aus dem Serail," by Mozart, sung by Miliaz Korjus, European soprano; "The Unfinished Symphoy," by Shubert, played by the London Philharmonic orchestra with Sir Thomas Beecham conducting; and "On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring," by Deluis. IWiiilWiiniwar Miumi,. t Chesterfield's Twin Pleasures are mess 71) 77 J To 77 77 and Jjetteriiste r y F: y I .... .to7 ou can't mistake the extra pleasure you get from Chesterfields. Because of their right combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos, Chesterfields give you a cooler, better-tasting and definitely milder smoke. You can 't buy a better cigarette &tcasley A :i . y- fflhepetrfc i Copjrti 1940, LWon k Mvm Tosacuo Co,