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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1940)
Tuesday, February 27, 194fi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 3 Husker-K-Sfate meet marks better Missouri-KU efforts JFi zn ' ft J0 TPi II U K . R. It M I.J U I S" l& I il Marks made in the Nebraska Kansas State track meet Friday night were better in eight of twelve events than were those made in Saturday night's Missouri-Kansas match. From a Nebraska-Missouri an gle, seven Nebraska marks were better than those made by the Ti gers. Missouri won every event ex cept the 60 yard dash against KU, but could excel the Huskers in only five events the mile, high iiimn. two-mile, broad jump and . , - - nen and Junior Smutz could get but 5-9 for the Huskers. Ed Wibbels 48-8 '2 in the shot was better than Myron Counseil's 46 feet for Missouri. Here of Missouri won the 440 in :53.2; Lit tler did it in :50.3. Munskl turned in a fine 9:32.6 2-mile, while Thaine High of K-State won that event here in 9:55 to beat out Huskers Garrels and Walker. Smitz' record breaking :07.5 flight of high hurdles bettered the :07.7 effort of White of Missouri. Brooks' record of 1.59.1 in the 880 S . Jm VST Lm Bm J. ' vs.S.v::- relay, although their team may be bettered Marshall Reeves' 2:02, better-balanced than Nebraska, and Smutz was one-tenth seconds Johnny Munski's great mile ef- better in the 60 yard highs than fort of 4:18:5 was better than Har- Slaybaugh of Mizzou, who got old Brooks' 4:31.1 for the Husk- :07.2. ers, but Red Littler did the 60 Schumitzky of Missouri did in 6.3 seconds. Darrel Mathcs of 23-H in the broad jump which was Kansas who beat out Sol Schu- better than Kansas State's Solt rnitzky of Mizzou, turned in a who won that event here did. Har :06.4 effort. old Hunt's 13-2 in the pole vault lie in high jump. bettered Higgins' 13 feet, and the Meyers, Miller and Hilton of Missouri mile relay team had a Missouri did 5-10 in the high jump, better time than the K-State crew Gene Solt of K-State won that to which the Huskers lost. Mizzou event here at 5-11 but Dale Nan- had 3.36.6, K-State 3:38. Phi Delt-DU ! game tops I-M slate tonight Farm House can sew up League 1 title now by beating SAM team Regular scheduled games in A fraternity basketball end tonight in two leagues, while in the two other groups Thursday night closes play. Closest race is in League 3 where the DCs, Farm House and Phi Dclt teams are in the lead . with three games won and one lost. Each team has one game to play, as the Phi Delts and DU's face each other, while the Farm House has only a weak PiKA team to get by. Farm House Bhould stomp over the PiKA's, and if they do will be tied with the winner of the Phi Delt-DU tussle for first place, and a playoff will be necessary. , Farmers favored. Alpha Gamma Rho has only Sigma Alpha Mu left in League 1. The teams play tonight and the AGR's, who have won four and lost one game, are favored to beat the SAM's the only team with any mathematical chance of reaching them. Other League 1 games tonight pit the Kappa Sigs against the Phi Sigs, and the Alpha Sigma Phi's against Chi Phi. In League 3, the Sig Alphs play the Phi Delts. The Zeta Beta Tau-Dclta Tau Delta game will help clarify the League 2 situation tonight. Tlie Delts and ATO's are undefeated in three meetings, while the Zeta Beta Tau's have lost only to the ATO's in three games. The ATO's face the Phi Sigs tonight. The game which will probably decide the league title, however, is Thursday as the Delts and the ATO's meet Another game that night is between Phi Sigma Xap pa and Beta Sigma Psi. The Zeta Tau's, who have an outside chance to the title, face Acacia Thurs day night, too. Betas, Sig Ept lead. The Betas and Sig Eps are still leading League 4 with two vic ' tories apiece. The Sigma Nu's face the Sigma Chi's in the other game. The Beta's have the easier road to the title provided they get past the Sig Eps tonight. They meet the Sigma Nu's Thursday night while the Sig Eps have to meet the Phi Gams, who have lost only to the Beta's, and that by only 2 points. Should the Sig Eps upset the dope and . defeat the Beta's tonight, then lose to the Phi Gams, the race will end in a 3-way tie if the Beta's beat the Sigma Nu's SEE IT Sooners nip Husker swim team, 44-40 Bill Edwards, Nebraska's key dash man, churned the water for three firsts as the Cornhusker tankmen lost to Oklahoma's Soon ers, 44 to 40, at Norman last night. The meet score was deadlocked with only the 400 yard medley race remaining. The Sooners out distanced the tired Huskers and won in 4:07. Danielson, Surber and Weber of the Oklahoma swimmers set a new record time of 3:18.8 in the 300-yard medley. This bests Ne braska's 1936 conference record of 3:19. 8. Edwards wins three. Edwards won the 50-yard dash in 25.6, the 100 in 57.9, and the quarter-mile in 6.5. Fairman of Nebraska copped the 200-yard race in 2:41.7. Ralph Worden, the Huskers Big Six diving champ from Alliance, displayed his superior ability to win his specialty and continue his long undefeated streak for the sea son. Bordy of Nebraska was sec ond in this event. Harry Pitcaithley leads N U scorers with total 117 points Three Nebraska players Bcored all but one of the games, scored 100 or more points during the past basketball season as Harry Pit caithley led point-makers with 117 markers. Sid Held was second as the Lincoln sophomore made 114 points, while Bud Tallman, senior forward, made an even 100. Irv Yaffe, little Omaha forward, was on their heels as he got 96 points. All four men played in every one of the 18 games, as Pit averaged 6.5 points per game, Held 6 1-3, Tallman 5 5-9, and Yaffe 5 1-3. Don Fitz, who made 76 points in the 13 games in which he participated, had third .high av erage, as he lacked two markers of a six point average. Pitcaithley was the leading scor er thruout the season, altho his basket eye took a slump after he suffered a back injury in mid-year. His average suffered in that he played but a small time in several games because of his injury. Randall has 75. Al Randall had one less point than Fitz, but played in 18 games. Hartman Goetze, who played in 52 points durinjr the season. Yaffe, smallest player on the team had the most fouls a s he made 36. Pitcaithley was on his trail with 35, and Randall had 33. Fitz had 17 in 13 games, while Held had but 19 in the entire sea son. Tallman made 25 fouls and Goetze 28. NEBRASKA SCORING. 18 18 18 .18 13 18 17 Pitcnlthley, Held, g-c Tallman. f . Yaffe, t, .. Kltz, K Knndall, c . . Goetze. f-K-c Thcrlen, c 11 Hav. f 12 KinK, K-C 13 Vacant 1, g 11 Duncan, t-g 9 Livingston, g 9 Radtke, g 1 33 32 IK 22 16 19 18 1 S 5 a 0 5 0 lit 114 99 96 76 75 52 25 21 21 8 8 6 0 Total 18 272 174 227 718 Gilmore attends meet Dr. E. A. Gilmore, jr., of the department of economics, repre sented the University last week at the tri-state conference of credit men in Des Moines. By June Bierbower. Harry Hopp's eating habits are coming in for a good deal of no toriety in the state's press, espe cially after a dinner given by the Hastings Elks club at Harry's home town at which Hopp, Biff Jones et al. were present. Story number one as told by Harold Cowin of the Hastings Tribune is that Hopp gorged him self at the banquet, but said his appetite that night was a little dull, dropping the casual remark that he had, before coming, eight helpings of a concoction of ham burger, cabbage and dough. Biff Jones then gave another example of IIopp's appetite: Harry stopped at his favorite hambur ger establishment and ordered nine of them. The waiter asked if he wanted to take them out, hut Harry said he'd just eat them right there. The waiter looked askance and told the cook there was someone out there who wanted to eat nine hamburgers. The cook caught on. He said, "Oh, that's Harry Hopp. Ask him what else he wants. Nebrask's "B" team won't soon forget Friday night. The team was to set out for Tarkio, Missouri, at 3:45 that afternoon to play Tarkio college, but didn't leave here until half an hour later, having waited that time for a player who never did show up. Before they left there came special delivery letter from Tarkio avina the aame would start at 7:30 instead of 8. In order to per mit another game to be played that night HATS MADE LIKE NEW With Our Factory Method. Try Our Invltlbl Half Sollnfl. Union Service Shop 1018 O. 8t Are you Lost in a crowd? SpeechleH before your date? B. D. 0. C. u meant for 70a. Dress up and hurry to Harvey Bros, for a nomina tion blank. Remember, the contest closet in 14 days. Spring Edition, 1940 New Print Frocks in Riotous Colors Gay new frocks that will make your wardrobe sparkle with new life. Bold prints, muted prints, polka dots. And the styles are more fascinating than ever with brief jackets, yokes and bibs and gathers. With becomingly flared skirts, perky bow trims. But, you'll want to see them for yourself. 695 and 795 Thtrt Tloo. 3 HAD) (si