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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1939)
Friday, October 20. 1939 The DAILY NEBRASKAN uskers go against Baylor tomorrow baska H UEFEATEB. em t beaten deb INYEE5SECT19EM. TILT Game rated as tossup; NU outweighed by big Texan forward wall Nebraska's Cornhuskers will at tempt to remain among the na tion leading teams tomorrow aft ernoon as Morley Jennings' unde feated and untied Baylor Bears furnish the opposition. The game, rated pretty much a tossup with a possible edge going to the Huskers because they are playing at home, will be the first between the two schools. The Huskers will have to be Improved over their letdown at Iowa State to win, Baylor scout Douglas having told Coach Jen- v ' lu V, 3 f J I ? A4 -""-if '! L- sL J Frank Murx. Bennett Wwarili. nings that the Bears could win handily should the Huskers play at their Iowa State pace. How ever, there is a long afternoon in wait for the Texana if the Husk ers show the form they showed against Minnesota. Important game. Fans of both the middlewest and southwst are watching the game. Baylor, the "dark horse" of the Southwest conference after their 19-7 win over Arkansas last week, has been looking forward to the Husker game, and Baylor ites believe they will have a fine reason provided they can get past the Huskers. The Bear game is expected to show how much of a factor the Huskers will be in the Big Six race, and if Nebraska comes through in this game, it means a high ranking at present for them nationally. The Bears will have a tremen dous weight advantage over the Huskers, as the veteran Waco line averages nearly 205 pounds from end to end and 208 from tackle to tackle. Bob Nelson, the best center in the southwest, weighs 210, and the tackles Frank Marx and Btnnett Edwards are 215 pounders. Capt. Bob Taylor is a 190 pound guard, while Leonard Akin, his running mate, weighs 210. Sherman Barnes at one end weighs 197, while W. J. Wimjiee tips the beam at 195. The aver age weight from tackle to tackle for the Bears is 208 even. Same lineup. The Biffer will probably start the same lineup which took the field against Iowa State. It in cludes George Seeman, 194, and Jack Ashburn, 183 at ends; Royal Kahler, 215 and game captain Sam'l Schwartzkopf, 197 at tack les; Ed Schwartzkopf, 175, and Warren Alfson, 190 at guards; and Bob Burruss, 195 at center. That line averages 193, and 194 from tackle to tackle. The Huskers' regular backfield, with Roy Petsch, 182, Herman Rohrig, 197, Butch Luther, 178, and Vike Francis is slated to start. The boys average 192, six pounds heavier to the man than the Bay lor backfield which lists Milt Mer ka, 190 at quarterback, Jack Wil son, 195 and Jim Witt, 175 at half backs, and W. J. "Red" Grumbles, 185 at fullback. The Huskers as a team average a little less than 193, while the Bears hit 198. Both teams are in fairly good shape, altho Bus Knight, who has played lots of quarterback for the Huskers, still has an injured shoul der, altho the Husker trainers said he would be able to play. Hermie Rohrig is still bothered with a sore foot, and Harry Hopp was working at his post Thurs day, during the active work. Pa Schulte, former Husker track coach', and one-time line coach, visited practice last night, renew ing acquaintances around the school which he served for years. Baylor in good shape. Wimpee and Wilson picked up charley-horses in the Arkansas game but both will probably be in at the starting lineup. Wimpee's substitute is Jack I-ummus, who Statistics show Cornhuskers outdowned, though have come up since Indiana game ? 1 t f A uou m nm ss DOTAL KAHLE1 Journal and Star. recovered a Porker fumble for a touchdown Saturday, while little Dwight Parks, a 158 pound pass ing demon, can fill in for Wilson. Both are sophomores. Lineups: Seemann Te l?rne R. Kahler It Kdwards K. Schwartzkopf ...Ig Akin BurriiHs c Wllllama Alfsnn rg Taylor H. Srhw'tikopf ) H Marx Aphlnirn re Wlmpre Petsch qb Merka RnhrlR lh Wilson Luther rh Witt Francis fh Crumble Official: Alvin Bell, Uttle Rock, ref eree; Jlmmle HlKKlrm, Dullai. umpire; John Waldorf, Misaourt, head linesman; I'ark. Carroll, Rockhurat, field juclKe. BY JOHN McDERMOTT. Fourth game of the Husker sea son is coming up, so with one-third of the season gone, we're taking a look at the Huskers' statistical side. The Cornhuskers have come up, after a slow start against In diana. They have piled up a total of 20 first downs in three games, in comparison "with the 28 made by their opponents. Nebraska has held its own in the last two games, but Indiana outdowned the Scarlet, 12-6. The Huskers, although out downed, have done better than their opponents in first downs gained by rushing, having piled up 17, to 15 for their opponents. Minnesota had seven of these, and the Huskers got eight against the Gopners. Cutyarded at Indiana. The Huskers were outdowned and outyarded at Indiana but have been on an equal basis in the last two games. The Huskers have picked up a net yardage from scrimmage of 352 yards, and their opponents have netted 519 yards. Indiana got 220 of those yards, holding the Jonesmen to 71. The Scarlet passing game has netted 149 yards in seven completed passes, while the opposing teams have gained 187 in 14 attempts. Nebraska has thrown but 15 passes in three games as against their foes' 48. The Huskers have completed seven for a .467 average, while the three teams the Husk ers faced hit 14 times for a .290 average. The Hoosiers completed 10 out of 21 attempts, but the Huskers have tightened up in their aerial defense against the last two weekends. No laterals. Razzle dazzle has been missing in the Husker running attack, for they haven't attempted a single lateral pass. Six laterals have been tried against the Jones boys. Only two passes have been used by the Scarlet in the last two encounters. One was good for five yards against Minnesota, and the other was grounded against Iowa State. Nebraska kickers have been do ing a nice bit of foot work, aver aging 39 yards fioi sciiuunage in the first three games. The Husker backs have kicked 39 times, ex cluding kickoffs and placekicks. The opponents have been forced to boot the ball 34 times, and have bettered the Nebraska average, getting an average of 44 yards. The Scarlet have attempted two field goals, making one good against the Cyclones. Their oppo nents have attempted two, but neither was good. Ten fumbles. The Huskers have fumbled the pigskin 10 times, six of them com ing in last Saturday's game. Their opponents have dropped the ball four times, recovering three of them. The Huskers pounced on their own fumbles seven times. Nebraska has equaled its oppo nents in number of penalties, having nine against them in the record book. The Scarlet has been set back 75 yards as a result of penalties and their foes have been penalized the same distance. Shirt of the month: A THRILL TO SMOKE- TUC ? , MS IV iUJ' V. f" V 'SJ For otl itor performonct fCA LA, -a cW5. Dr. Grobow- , i i the pipe of chcmpioni. V fi",,", For otl itor performonct choose Dr. Grobow the pipe of chempions. B GRABOW Pioei ore rr- "tmoked with fine tobocco (EDCfWORTH) to breok Ihem in by linkmons Ex- -I...:... D . C.kLI.a iAirkinJl. rMTCimO CltlHFK WADE BY M. LINKM AN CO., CHICAGO Get Your Grabow at CHEAPPER SYSTEM 9oo A3 AEROLANE! rID YOU nee the liK url in the Snturfluy Evening Po4 ghoul Arrow's newest thirt pattern, AEROLANE? Veil, J this haiiditome Kliirt is right here on our shelves in your tze and hleevc length and your favorite color. Come in to day and get it and win rompli mentK for it all Fall and 'in ter. Sanfori.ed-Shrank. 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