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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1939)
Friday. October 20. 1939 A. EDITORS Moviet , Morton Margolin Dram Elinabeth Clark Radio . . Mary Kerrigan Mutic Vugh Wilkins Entertainment . . . The DAILY NEBRASKAN MOVIES... Picture fails to bill film headliner It is very seldom that a studio uses a star in a picture without billing him, hut in all the ads for "Honeymoon in Bali," current at the Nebraska, there's nary a men tion of Akim Tamiroff, altho he does a nice job in the part of the window washer. The reason for the lack of bill ing is that the part is too small, but Tamiroff liked the part so well that he insisted on taking it bill ing or no billing. The original script called for one scene, but he did that so well that the studio rewrote the ending of the picture to give him another scene. TTnilvwood rules eovernine the production schedules have been completely revisea aunng me iaet few weeks because of the war. When there was still a possible market for American films In Eu rope the Btudioa had to be care ful not to nroduce anything: which might be contrary to the policy of some department or Btate. wow with the European market shot the studios are pulling out all the ideas mat naa to oe sneivea Be cause they displeased the powers abroad As a result Charles Chaplin won't have any trouble finding a distributer to handle his picture "The Dictators." The film will be finished in a few weeks and prom ises to be an excellent burlesque on two European gentlemen who rule their lands witn an iron nana. You've probably guessed that Chanlin will nlav the cart of A. Hitler, and Jack Oakie will play tne part or u. uussoum. The term 'Telegenic Girl' Is one which will be on everyone's lips in a few years. The term was ap plied to Judith Barrett, who, ac cording to engineers, stands for near perfection as a subject for television. If television is ever put on a plane that can be reached by the masses thousands of women will probably strive to become the Telegenic type.' All world's records for under water and underground swim mine were shattered a few months ago by Teter Hayes for a scene in "Million Dollar Legs." Hayes covered 31 miles, 285 yards, 2 feet, 6 inches. In one scene Hayes was thrown Into the 01Tnpic lagoon at Long Beach, California. Eight days later A Direct from Chicago's A Edgewater Beach Hotel X Fr4rick BroUtsr 1 II . ' ' f ' '. 1 THE vVVfl CHAMPAGNE ins accordion ami His ORCHESTRA With Advance tickrti 75s ea. at Daniel- X on Floral Co. Adm. at l..r 1 e. O Jerry Burke Walter Bloom ml Klrbjr Brooks eomlnf Friday O Oct. 20th O TUOKES I .4 . I I r 24m LJlsLLu X M 0OOvOOvO 1111 K' w -A..JBVii ' "ill i ilihiMrfi tfSlr : J The CttU It 'nKorod' la "Honeymoon In Bali" now showing at the Nrhranka wltb Fred MacMurray and MeUeJelne Carroll. the scene was finished when he came up right in the middle of a fountain on a studio lot. Sig Eps, Phi Delts clash today Two teams to meet for grid championship of intramural league 3 By Harl Hunt. The Sig Eps and Phi Delts, League 3 leaders, will fight it out tonight for the championship of their league. Led by Kricac, who scored two touchdowns, the Sig Eps blasted Beta Sigma Phi, 30 to 0, in their game yesterday. Eynon, Bors and Mastelier accounted for the others. The Phi Delts soundly walloped Chi Phi's, 33-6, in their semifinal battle. In the other league contest, Sigma Chi won over Delta Sigma Pi, 1-0, in an overtime tussle. The league 1 championship Is still very much undecided. While the Betas are thus far undefeated, they still have a tilt with the Phi Signs next Sunday. The Phi Sigs play SAE Saturday; If they emerge victorious from this en counter, the Sunday affair will be for the championship. The League 4 schedule will not be completed until Monday. To night the Farm House plays Kappa Sierma. the Phi Gams tangle with ATO, and Acacia is pitted against Delta Tau Delta. Murray tells of kicking PHILADELPHIA. Oct 18. "Control kicking" is football's newest touchdown trick and the most "revolutionary development in the game since the birth of the forward pass" according to Franny Murray, gridiron star, who gives the details of coffin corner kick ing today in an article in the Sat unlay Evening Post. Murray who was a star at the University of Pennsylvania and now is with the Philadelphia Eagles says "control kicking" Is as easy as rny other football job altho many coaches believe It is possible only in a standout kicker such as Eric Tipton proved to be in the Duke-Pittsburgh game last vcar. Improved average. And Murray should know be Fizz Powell's Orchestra r Saturday c October 21 9 to 12 per Person Student Union mm 10 RADIO . . . Johnny Green' salutes M. IT. tonightat8 "Johnny Presents" tonight... For his football medley Johnny Green salutes Massachusetts In stitute of Technology, New York university, and Oregon State dur ing his program tonight at 8:00 over KFAB. . .The medley is of "Take Me Back to Tech' The Pal isades" and Mighty Oregon"... To veer from the usual swing music announcements Helen Traubel, dramatic soprano, fresh from recent triumphs as "Ford Sunday Evening Hour" guest and in recital at New York's Town Hall, sings the Wagner scene with the New York Philharmonic Sym phony orchestra Sunday at 2 p.m. ...John Barblrolli directs and Deems Taylor is intermission com mentator for this all-Wagner con cert. . . Eugene List, 21 year old Amer ican pianist, Is soloist in the sec ond program of the new evening "Concert Hall" series featuring ac complished artists of the concert and opera stage, to be broadcast at 9:30 Monday evening. . . Gracie Allen, of Burns and Allen, is the envy of all comedians in the amusement world, for she plays a dramatic role with James Cagney as guest of Roger Pryor on "Screen Guild Theater" Sunday at 6:30 p. m.... President Henry Noble Mac Cracken of Vassar inaugurates celebration of the college's 75th anniversary with an address on Saturday at 9:45 entitled "Trus tees of Tomorrow" . . . In a lighter vein. . .Two veteran film comedians Leo Carrillo and Cliff Edwards appear in "sup porting" roles with the six Texas talent quest finalists selected by Jesse L. Lasky for his "Gateway to Hollywood show Sunday at 5:30 p. m.. . . cause he developed "my own sub par average of 32 yards to 56 yards for Pennsylvania's tradi tional closing game with Cornell in 1035" and adds that this phe nomenal 75 percent increase "stemmed from one three hour emergency session." That session, he reveals was with LeRoy Mills, a lawyer who was neither a career coach nor a former star, but the outstanding amateur kicking authority in the country, and a man who gave 20 years of his leisure to studying how to kick a football. In that session, Murray says, Mills cor rected his slice, taught him a fast getaway and added distance and precision to the effort. And in the Cornell game Murray made a 75 yard kick that was a turning point and averaged 56 yards for the day. Daily corrects error The Beta's have not won the title in League I of intramural football as was stated in the DAILY yesterday and in the sports broadcast Wednesday night by sports editor June Bier bower. Phi Sigma Kappa is tin defeated as are the Betas whom the face Sunday morning. That is the only game remaining for Beta Theta Pi, but the Pi Sigs must get by the one-beaten Sig Alpha Saturday morning In ad dition to the Beta's. ILIBERTYi NOW BHOWI NG I Bette DAVIS . Better than ertrt and I V . Miriam ! I H0PKIXS TiieOidMaid K. ... .,4 i MUt Hearth at the Or put "SWING STYLES" MA-le . Colnr Krixlrlrk'n Oirh. Caii'Min Movie Clock Nebraska "Honeymoon I n Bali," 1:00, 3:08, 5:16, 7:24, 9:32 Varsity "They Shall Have Music," 1:20, 3:20, 5:25, 7:25, 9:30. Stuart "Fast and Furious," 1:51, 3:54, 5:57, 8:00, 10:00. Lincoln "All Quiet on the Western Front," 1:00, 3:14, 5:28, 7:42, 9:56. Kiva "Love Affair," 1:00, 3:55, 6:45, 9:45. "Blockade," 2:25, 5:25, 8:15. Liberty "The Old Maid," 1:25, 3:25, 5:25, 7:25, 9:25. If S The Huskers meet Baylor to morrow afternoon, and if the Huskers can show the form they showed against Minnesota, there will be good feeling galore around this town, but things will be pretty low if they don't come out of the rut they were in at Iowa State. However, there's a good chance, we think, that the Husk- The University of Nebraska University Players Preen Thornton Wllder't "OUR TOWN" This Week Tues.-Frt Oct. 17-20 7:30 each eve. TEMPLE THEATRE 12th and R Th Pulitzer Prize Play 19s and "Ont of the Great Plan of Oar Day" Now! LINCOLN THEATnE-OOERS AC CLAIM THIS, THE SEASON 'Hi GREATEST ALL-ROIND FAMILV HIT1 Marreloaa . . . The Moirie Waa Superb ... A Fine Prod actios . . . One of the Moet Inspira tional Pictures Ever Ptlrued were all familiar phrases la The Vanity Labor yriterdarl Joel McCREA Andrea LEEDS Gene RAYNOLDS and Jascha HEIFLTZ World Beaownee: Violinist "THEY SUAIL DAVE MUSIC" Also! Color Cartoon "SIOUX ME" o a Latest NEWS IT'S COMIKfit ' 1 The Vi-ar's Rest Roniaa. xo I lie lmea I I Iavl4 lrtta !- I MVEN YOLNQ -J - "Eternally Tours' 1 'urn ' 1 n rarklaf I After I 141 T I 1 1 1 1 ers will be definitely on their game. They're playing at home again, and they have that one bad game after Minnesota out of their systems. Baylor, Char ley Blalack, Baylor publicity man fears, may slump after their good showing against Arkansas, but whether or not they do, we have a little hunch that Satur day will be the Huskers' day. It will be a hard game no mat ter how it goes. Baylor has a vet eran line, with six seniors and a swell center in Bob Nelson. The big Minnesota line held no terrors for the Huskers in that Oct. 6 tussle, altho it is true the Bears have a more experienced forward wall than the Gophers had. The postoffice department this winter will issue a special one-cent stamp honoring Harvard's famous president, Charles Eliot. DANCE KING'S BALLROOM Sat., Oct. 21 GEORGE Tl DONA and his NEW YORK CLUBMEN Direct from Cata Dell, Tulsa's Million Dollar Supper Club. Featuring Jane Churchill, Glamour Girl, formerly with Bunny Berrlgan. Adm. 40c 25c Before 9 o'clock (Beat the Clock) KING'S BALLROOM Presents Tonight in Person PINKY TOR0LIM AND HIS FAMOUS ORCHESTRA 16 Artists Direct from 6 Months at the Biltmore Bowl, Lot Angeles. 10 Months Coast to Coast Network with Eddie Cantor on the Texaco Radio Show Featured in 20 Motion Pictures Advance Sale 75c Door Sale 99c Tax Included Tickets on Sale at the Roeewell Floral Co., 124 So. 13th St. TODAY! 4 BIO STARS! (fount 'Km) On One Big Program ! Another Ull .... . t. Director of ty "Awfal Tr-'V f sm; B,OCkQd 'nia I -""eieln. FRl:E PABKINO AFTr.B r. M. 1441 r HI. Mat. IBs Evs. toe -sssssPJnaL III i i