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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1939)
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1939 DAILY NEBUASKAN THREE A V NU athletes win honors scholastically Simmons gets MVIAA medal; Will Reedy, Jay -Forrester honored Among Husker athletes honored at honors convocation yesterday was Bob Simmons, Bifr Six 440 champion, who received the MVI AA award given for scholastic and athletic efficiency. Simmons also ranked in the upper tenth of his class. Will Reedy, netster, and Jay Forrester, rifle team man, were among the senior students recog nized for superior scholarship. Other Huskers in the upper 10 percent of their classes were foot ball tackles, Bob Mills and Forrest Behm, Behm also being cited for winning a William Gold scholar ship key last spring. Theos Thompson, halfback, was the other varsity man on the roles. Frosh tackle George Abel was also honored. Houghton Furr and Fred Roden beck of the Husker varsity swim ming team, and Ralph Ludwick, former N. U. swimmer; pole vaul ter, Ed Huwaldt; B-team basket ef r Fred Hulman, and Roy Profitt. star of Nebraska's gymnastics team were also in the upper tenth of their respective classes. Honors entrain for the west coast Wednes day afternoon. He is scheduled (o address the Stanford university peace (lay program Thursday. Prof. L. B. Smith, chairman of the department of architecture, was chairman of the convocation com mittee. MrrU Honor I.lst. HrfiUim rmirnlrrd for brine In the mprr three percent nf the etas and on I hr Hon or l.isl lor four or Use ear .err: Har iri Krnn. rd: William Hers, Mrlla; l.i.n aJri HiKlHilt. Iirnnhi; I'alriria aln. I In n.ln; Mary liine, alrnlinr; lrrnr Kilin. I'.urr; Harrison r.prron, Min (II), U.: I.vaa Kviins, kmun : J- l-'orrester, .n mIiiio; 4 hark- Mankind, Oinalia: William llarri. Ijnroln: t.eorge tlirnton. Ourll; Kaymnnd Hrebsharh. Virginia; Pairiria l-alir, IJnroln; Murirl line, Krokrn U; f-,. l4ui l.ntMltmm, Trltaniah; Hubert l.tlr. tv r, Hra1ha ; Krrla rrteron. Lincoln: I'liillp tsoiith.irk. Krlind: Mrian Mal-, Lincoln, and Kobrrt tteasrr. IJnroln. Honored for brine rilhrr la the nff'r 3 percent of thr class or on lk Honor IJsl for tour or fie nn eir: fciimoiiil Keilej, (Xlar Bliifls; I'anl Hslandic. IJn roln; hrlyn arlson. l.inroin; l'lil!l hamberlain, Urn-uln: Wlnlnron DarlinK ton. .rlich: Vrl na kk.all, Lincoln; Alma t.ladr, Kirth: rJioer fiiran. Alda: Karl llt-ady, Imprria; I.riilse ltriilenriM h an.-: Itilrn llmitl. H!nc; atlirrlnr JlinsaMI. t.nrad Island: Rolieri Johnston Ooucla-. f.ordofl Jour, lllion; William Kline. Vermillion. Other mi honored were: Melm Kntlrl, York: John Ijh, Harvard: Uilllmi Mr- (onmll. Lincoln: I.0I11 Mrholaii. lrWitt llrlea lixur, rrnioiit ; lloruthjr IVniiun NOW AT THE HEW LOW PRICE OF A NEW POINT -,.s A NEW LEAD... AT THE TOUCH OF YOUR THUMB! TJERE'S the hsUdiest pencil ever made . . . the genuine Eversharp Repeating Pencil ... at the lowest price ever! Just press the top or a sharp, sew point! No constant refilling. Leads feed continuously and automatically. Holds enough lead to last the aver age person six months. Beautifully finished in red, blue, or black with Bilvery trim. G?t this amazing pencil bargain today! Harvard gridders take Vales, 13-6 Chi O's top Raymond hall Raymond hall downed the Chi Omega team in the girls intra mural archery match yesterday, by a score of 256 to 253. A game was played between Kappa Delt and Gamma Phi last Friday, re sulting in a tie which will soon be played off. fnn, Wynire; William Reedy, llrnvrr, Uo.; Inlin Kili'y, Lincoln; Josephine KiihnlU, Oniuhn; Mnruan-t Slnn. Omaha: Walter Scltmeder. Onmha: Irene Seller, luster, S. !.; Marj.irlc S.nllh, Lincoln; Marion Stork, Murdnrk: I .surlier. Omaha: r.vclWn Taylor, l.inroin: Marv Tmiev. Lin- ruin; IrKiiiia Tookry, l.inroin; Kobert WellH, Nebraska Illy; Kathryn Werner, .liicln; Marian-t Werner, Lincoln. I'rirr and award riven were- The Al pha A ln nirdul acricultiire. Mlln Trsnr. To bias; the Wrlwr-Lrnst award. botanv. Helen Hewitt. Itnstiiien; the Alpha Kappa I'M rltircnship rUr, hu-nd., to Krle Mavmiilton Constable, Wyninrr; the Helta Sicnia l' scholarship key, bus-ad.. I'aul Hstaiirilc. l.inroin: the I'lil Chi Theia kev. hus-iid, Irene Seller. Custer S. .: the I' hi -am nil a I psilon freshman award, rhrniia- try, Kay t'ranrrr, Lincoln; the (iruvr K. Karhrr prlie, rlair. Muriel Une, Itrokrn noy; the O. 4. h re award. rnKineerliiKt Raymond Kailry, Odar Klufl. Aln Included: the w. H. Sawvrr scholar ship, enciiierrini;, Willi Krarier, IJnroln; the ( hemiral Kntli eerint Society key, I'anl -inusieni, Mrr.nisnur: ; the Omirnn M freshman award, home economic. Helen Klira.eth lakuuEh. Lincoln; the ( lara !:. rrw C assidy, prirr, home eronomlr. Kmh Madsen. Nebraska fity; the Sluma Helta hi srholarsliin award, juurnalism Marjorie hiirchlll, Kairhury; litu Nich olas. Dew lit, Helen i'ascoe, Fremont, and Ltelyn Taylor, l.inroin; the Sigma Delia tin rup Harold .Nnnann. rbraka t ity Hie MKiiut Drlta ( hi feature story award, Hrurr 4'ampiirll, Lincoln, and Kilswnrth Sti-ele, l.inroin: thr I'i Mu Lpsiion prir, niathemalir, Trd elson, Omaha, and Kit land Krirke, Lincoln; tlie I'ershinc medal, hermit Hansen. Omaha; the Mu 1'hi Lpsi lon freshman scholarship award, music, Kosalie 1'iMikey, Lincoln. 1 he I'sl (hi award, psycholory, Frank Dndrk, t larkson: thr Vrrnnn II. Srabury scholarship, ralladiau. ( urtls Johnson, Mead; the French (iovernment prle. Ro mance tancuaue, France Reaty. Mc(,4Kik; the ( hi tmieca chid:irslilp award, ociol ocy, Deborah I'hiliip, Fremont: the Mi sotirl aley liilerrollcKialr Alhletir assori atiwn scholarship award, Kihrrt Simmon, IJnroln: OcorKe Korrnwnian rhnlarshlps, Ltan Fians, kenrsaw and Clement 1 bei bald. IJncoln; the Henry (. Ilosiwlrk M-hoi.trshlps, ( larenre kunr, ( rab ttrrhard. and irKinia liNikev, IJncoln; the Jefferson ftroady nrhidarshlp. tfrorce Wiehiisrh, Krnkrn Row; Hie William llyte ship, Donald Nrmrti, Blair: the Waller J. Nickel freshman prire. Kselyn r.llier, Kear ney; the Amerlran AssMaition of ( nivrr sity Women srhotarship. Milada Doli'ral, Kee; Mildred Kopar, IJnroln, and Monrtha Newman, lork; the fere ( lub srholarship, Fiiulrr Kercrren. St. I'aul; thr I acuity Women' ( lub M-holarships, June RierlMiw rr, Oiltner, and I elia sterner, Rradshsw ; the IJnroln I'anhrllenir Association awards. Mary Kline. Madison: Mary lowr, Mnl l.n; Li la Hillman, Otoe; Fllajo Marshall, Douglas; Fern strutesille and Mary sieute--i!le. South 4 it) : the Mortar Itoard scholarship award, Murirl l.inr, Hroken How: the Oct. . la Sal lord scholarship, Rita (tiiskrn, IJnroln: Hie I nlrrsily 4-M (lull M-hoalrshlp medal. Montee Haker, North l latte; Harold Itrrm. Ord : Helen Himln-th (labauch, Unnrfn; William .Newman, tork: tlie I niversliy Fanheilrnlr .Assoria titn awards. Hetty Ann Dnft, l.inroin; Mu-r'- l Line. Hroken H-.w ; Doris Keddlrk. IJn roln: Hetty Robinson, IJnrnln, and loulse Wilke, IJncoln; the Women' Athletic s cialHn Krhnlarst'ip awards, Lillian Hlai kovec, Omaha: Kliraheth ( allaway. Fair bury; lrrnr flrn, I'.urr, and Llinor Nrl mi, ( happ !l. $1100 1 A NEW GENUINE EVERSHARP REPEATING PENCIL Other Models $1 to $5 . . . Bob Kahler, Francis, Luther do scoring Harvard' took the measure of a outclassed but fighting Yale 13 to 6 to grab a 6 to 3 game lead m the spring series with only two scrim mages to go. Walt Luther and Vike Francis provided the scoring plays in the first and third quarters respective ly as Jack Vincent and Roy Petsch set the chances up. Luther s gal lop from the 17 yard line came after Vincent had returned a Yale punt from his own 40 yard marker to the 17. On the next play Luther ripped thru right tackle, cut back, and outran his pursuers to the goal. Vike Francis' kick was wide. Pass scores. Yale firsts cam einto the ball game in the second period and ran the Harvard second string all over the place to finally tally 6 points on a 30 yard pass from Hopp to Kahler on the goal line. At the end of the half the men of Eli were knocking on the Harvard goal line again after Bob Kahler plunged and whirled from the 22 yard line to the 4. In the third quarter Harvard clinched the game by scoring from the Yale 11 yard line on four straight plunges by Francis. Roy Petsch gave the Harvard boys their opportunity by intercepting a stray Yale pass on the Eli 30 and running it to the 11. Francis' kick was squarely thru the up rights and the score stood at 13-3. Yale tried vainly to score in the final period but Harvard was de termined to hold its own and that is how it ended. Yale cannot win or even tie the series now as there are only two scrimmages left, one Thursday and the final one Saturday which will be open to the public. Sparkling runs by Jack Vincent and Bob Kahler were the features of the afternoon. Kahler has taken a liking to his new backfield spot and will give the others a run for their money next fall if he contin ues to improve as he has. Starting lineups: Harvard Yale J. Pr'rnfi.k J"i-hwart7H'ipf Klum P.uiver . ... Irt.i.ifl Ixik Iud'Aitk T. Thu;nr""n i-miih Hlne Por'.er R. Piixhafka ., V-ihm Alfson Kanify K.S hv.artzk( pf Kahlrr Bjnkcr .1!. .. ,rt. .. .re. .. ..!... . h. .. . .b. .. ..!... Luthrr l-rtiuh Kranrm ...... Vincetit ASME to hear Jones, Anderson speak tonight Members of the student branch of the American Society of Me chanical Engineers will hear Lewis Anderson, engineering senior, and Huston Jones, engineering junior, read papers on Oil Oxidation" and "The Constant Spaced Gear Drive" tonight when they meet at 7:30 in room 206 of Mechanical Engi neering. Following the reading of the two papers the members of the group will elect the candidates for the American Society of Mechani cal Engineer's awards. t00s0ss t TURNPIKE $ X Presents V Sc.Er,icC0YS t World Famous Sugar Blues Orchestral Nationally Umoui Deceit Fte- Gorging inu popular vudpnoncsv Movie Start I ralurii.c 17. Artists Including Wayne Gregg 3 BonneH .lr.tcrs o o o 0 FRIDAY, APRIL 21 O O AtJvsnc Tit kelJ 83c Fnch t T D.inlrUon Floral Co., 13Ub N Mr. . O Adm. Mt ti dor 1.10 tach f J , ij - .' 'J i -- i ... ; Pedal your bikes says grid coach; autos outlawed ITHACA, N. Y. (ACP). If you want to be a varsity footballer at Cornell university, you'll have to give up automobile riding. That, in effect, is the result of a statement of Coach Carl G. Snavely, who has ruled that grid iron athletes must ride bicycles when they travel about the cam pus. Snavely believes that American youth has softened up physically "thru the modern tendency to ride around in automobiles instead of walking and running as preceding generations did." He believes bike riding will strengthen leg and back muscles and increase lung expansion. Ames-NU baseball games cancelled Nebraska's .doubleheader with Ames' baseball team was can celled yesterday afternoon be cause of the inclement weather. Coach Wilbur Knight of the Huskers said one of the games will be played when the teams meet at Ames May 8 and 9. Next games on the Husker schedule are against Missouri at Colum bia Friday and Saturday. SCHOOL SERVICE )) "A Good Teacher Af;eney" )) 1818 - 1939 rs Come In and See Us ("VJ ! ' . " '. i A JJwcdUi&A I : NEBRASKA I .Voir Shoiring! B TiVATaMA TiTIPP.TM I w m a a .w v 4mi y - ' "SCUADTriDIC Y0U ,"'ie JO,,r ' 3 SMART GIRLS L hats with 'nj-'rS GROW UP" rarc' and finJ "e" v c im le-lion easy in Mil- A FRIDAY NITE at 8:30 JST 5 A Vrrmirre I'rmrntalion jJ "Pygmalion" v j i l s i r' r ii m r m m i hi i vi ....... ...... If if yon poise and if f i-...I. v.: t I II "T.rr o n f i denre II nnn T ttt mpi ll ' ! "I'm From Missouri" j SlnrU Sal.! s-- "The Story of Alex- X. ander Graham Bell" o00N an impnfm Tf . . lanl i.inn will JiZ D.n AMEtllE-l.ored. ,e M.anniK the " VOl NCi-llenry FONDA J horiwill for YOU. i ( I IWIM kvl B mi i i Kir i M!S T lit KS.U Al I H l I 1 "SAY IT IN UtENCir 1 - I RAT MII.I.AND I OLVM1K IIHA1I.NA B ""'W1 flu I "FUGITIVE FOR 1 A NIGHT" I FRIDAY! I I I I H J- iii. i.;m lX 11 THIS MONSTER FROM I I Mt the hot phut. II HELL!! 1 . . . Mor Fiend. B lih Than The B i.rv, y Monter H r-t ! f X FRANKEN- Al4 irt i ten I -V t s. - f' X I wm I Ap. W 1 l. . XiVM l IT'S SPRING, A and the fellow are lalinK sSutly. in" a little less seriously, a n tl pirN ure gelling a lot nit-re alien-lion. rpiIAT i some girl are, and if you're a smart prl, and aren't, you're going to do something ubout it. YE wouldn't say CLOTHES make all the difference, but we'd nay they HELP. fSPECI ALLY if you lmr. ry io MIL LI'.K'S, where you ran gel help from girU ulio are well informed on what college girls wear, and what rollege men like MILLER'S ti r e et-non j no find a new gives be- fiitise a glanre in. the mirror chows jou look right. VTOU'LL lie i-cen it a n r inp as often a your lifart tli'sires. WO V, venture to n y, lou'll Innrli AU)NE, oiiij uj riiunci VO, clolhcH don't 'make nil the L diffrrem e. Hut rlolhe FROM MILLER'S iniikc n lot of diflrrrncc. mU.LER.C"PAinE h 4mw fcw i I I 7k-