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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1939)
TWO DAILY NEBRASKAN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1939 Fn(crKI Aft flrnd-rln matter at tlw PAtnflrr In I tnmln, Nchmkn, nnitrt art of roni;rr, March 8, IS" ft. nmi at rate of x-:iif piMvlilril for In "-tlnn 1 10!. art of October S. 1911. u(liorliri January 20. rit to his temperaments and abili ties, A great progressive stride was taken in education last week when the board of regents was given au thority to limit enrollment. This departure from precedent is des tined to allow the university to re tain and rebuild its prestige and instructional facilities. We still look to the state planning board, however, for many more improve ments, most important of which is probably none other than Mrs. Robneett's field of greater voca tional training. DISGRACEFUL ... Yesterday's honors convocation was truly an impressive affair. To the 645 high ranking students, the tiibute to their achievement will live long in their memories. To the interested underclassmen the great stage colored with the loose black gowns and the bright cowls cre ated a scene not soon forgotten. Even Dr. Villard must have been impressed. For such an audience would impress anv sneaker- an audience whose rudeness brought I NVork hi,s lxen appointed a mem Roosevelt selects Witte as conferee Director plans to attend meet on social problems Dr. Ernest F. Witte, director of the Graduate School of Social shame to the intellectual leaders Who invited him to this campus. It is truly pitiful that people whose personal ego alone could classify them as intelligent, dis play so uncompromisingly the utter baseness of their breeding and the lack of patience of their posteriors to extend the com monest courtesy that of allow ing a speaker to close his ad dress before rushing pellmetl to persona!, petty tasks. ber of President Roosevelt's new conference on children in democ racy. To discuss methods the United States may employ to give greater security to childhood and a larger measure of opportunity to youth, the conference will hold its first meeting at the white house April 26. Dr. Witte will attend. Membership in the conference i is confined to a limited number , of individuals whose experience ' prepares them for an active serv- ice in this field of social work. Acting as honorary chairman is President Roosevelt with Miss It is certainly a disgrace to the Fram es Perkins, secretary of la cultured people of this state and : Vx)r. active chairman, university, if even the medium of higher mental training cannot in-jPrOCter, Gamble Company ject the smallest of niceties into holds interviews April 29 the behaviors of those so closely associated with it. MAKE THE SUIT FIT Visit this week of Mrs. Florence Robnett of Northwestern univer sity shows again the increasing interest in a new angle and field of education, vocational guidance and training. That the conference was sponsored by the A. W. S. Board shows that the women too are cog nizant of the impoitance to "oe placed in the hard, practical side of life. No longer is reading knowl edge of Greek the prerequisite to every "complete" education. Instead of selecting the course and arbitrarily applying all stu dents to it, today we are learn ing to view our student and ap ply the course to him, according A member of the personnel staff of the Procter and Gamble comp any will be here April 29 to inter view engineering and chemistry juniors wishing summer employ ment with that company. All students selected will be eligible for fall recuitmcnt and later per lnenant employment with that company. Classified ADVERTISING 10 pER L,NE LOST P.larV ThtYrr fountain rn. HUk rl-k "Tfl. P.iv.Td. 11; rrv Karrjmer P.: 71 I SVMMSH vi'ik in Nl)ivV.a luti and t.ihT fi;1rv r.,n .rn S1!M in 7. d'i-. Wr:t J. N. c-o NYt'ia-kan. LOST-On .iniHJs Morrt.iy momu. liwii ShMiT fountain tn 'n-criU-1 Jdin WlVn. Kiwaid. LC4. I Nothing I CAN HURT US NOW- Wbl we've bad can never be dealroyed. Tbal'a our victory ur victory over Ox dark I And it's victory bnraute e'r tw.t afraid)" V-"... "V IIBelte I0)avis TV ... t 20c a, WffiSEi?Y zz?rrTrTT". J .x Prepare Now For A Glorious Spring And Step Gracefully Into A Warmer Season Chic and Crisp In Smart and Qliahmhify (psdniA, Choose your prints now when "First" fashions are the smartest. You'll find our prints veritable flower gardens ... in the soft pastels of spring blossoms, in the bolder more vivid colors of summer. Choose either or both as your fancy dictates . . . and be one jump ahead of warm weather. 109Sio 169S Choose They mean so much in your finished ensemble . . . They give such a filip to your costume. We've accessories for you in the season's smartest col ors. ... Or in black and white, of course. Uamlhagt 1.95 to 5.00 Clove 1.00 to 1.95 llosii ry 1.00 Jvtrvlry 1.00 and 1.95 Your Shoes Are Toull adore this open toe, open back mesh shoe in white trimmed with black or cyclamen ... or in wheat with brown. 595